Superfreq's typos list for 0.7.12


Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
I'll be adding to this until the next public patch comes out, so please watch for more posts.

Nina's Vision Quest part 1

sex with Ma Siorc's son, page 1
sex with Ma Siorc's son, page 1.PNG
//The "with" should be an "of" and "helpless" should be "helplessly".
Gritting sharp teeth, Gran saws his cock back and forth inside of you — feeling him in your depths ironing out every last nook and cranny with your love-tunnel with that dense, heavy meat of his has you helpless savoring his boiling erection as it plunges over and over again into your burning heat.

//Missing the word "him".
Your body quails in response to the sudden jolt of pleasure-pain, and that sets him off in earnest; Gran starts full-on rutting with you, and you can't help but thrust yourself back against*___*, turning the firm kisses against your cervix into a full-on pounding that has you breathless and seeing stars.

//Extra "the".
He grunts and supports the both of you with his muscular arms, which you're grateful for; you're too consumed by sensation to even notice much more than the the pleasure bouncing back and forth between your bodies.

//Missing plural on "shudder".
Sensing that the shark man's about to finish up, your pale shaft shudder in one final great surge of pleasure and you blindly grope about under yourself for your prick.

sex with Ma Siorc's son, page 2
sex with Ma Siorc's son, page 2.PNG
//This could use a comma.
At long last, Gran stops, breathing hard through clenched teeth; after an indeterminate amount of time, his cock softens just enough for him to pull free from your stretched vice-like, pink gash a steady trickle of hot cum pouring out in its wake.

finding Nina's old stuff
finding Nina's old stuff.PNG
//Missing the letter "t".
Your body in the Ways is like a big middle finger to the laws of reality, and they don't like it one bit; fuckers are egoistical that way and they want to keep you down.

//These two words seem like they weren't supposed to be here.
She grabs your arm again, and this time you clearly see her tear a hole in the air, in the from which you can see the Ways — or what she calls the Dreamscape.

//Based on the fact that these repeated words are so close together, I don't think the first one was meant to be included.
But you don't actually enter, but rather skim off its surface like a pair of bugs dancing across the surface of a pond...
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Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Nina's vision quest part II

Quest intro page
part 2 of Nina's vision quest, intro page.PNG
//"get" should be "gets".
Nina swallows hard, but get ahold of herself and tries, clutching at the emptiness and pulling her hand back.

beginning warped wayfort exploration with Nina
part 2 of Nina's vision quest, beginning wayfort exploration.PNG
//Looks like there's an " a " missing here as a connective word.
That kinda killed any interest on my part to go and look for myself — if the lurelings say it's bad stuff, all the more reason small fry like me should stay away."

meeting Thalia the salamander in the warped wayfort mess hall
meeting Thalia the salamander.PNG
//Some missing text here, probably meant to be "sending is a".
Holding out her hands palms forward as she steps forward, the Astrida probably intends to mean you no harm, but what her hands are send a rather different message.

//This should be plural.
Heavy, clawed hand adorned with thick scales and hooked tips, not to mention the horns...

//The word "you" is missing here.
Nina shrinks back behind you, and give her a reassuring pat on the wing.

warped wayfort mess hall description
warped wayfort mess hall.PNG
//Missing words here, most likely something like "was torn apart" or "came apart".
The suddenness with which everything apart is startling, even if not surprising.

Thalia the salamander explains how she died
Thalia the salamander explains how she died.PNG
//Missing an "of".
They'd opened a portal, Alara — they'd torn open the sky, something that only happened as a result the confluence of great supernatural powers.

opening the chest in the warped wayfort watchtower
opening the chest in the warped wayfort watchtower.PNG
You're putting the find away when you hear a grunt front Nina.

//"her" should be "the".
The silly bird-brain has her hands on her lid and is trying to lift the wordlock chest out of its resting place, only to find that it's screwed down where it stands.

collapsed bookshelf in warped wayfort watchtower
collapsed bookshelf in warped wayfort watchtower.PNG
I won't put it in the southern courtyard — surely there's a dignified corner out of the way where I can hide it while plausibly show it respect or something.

//Missing a connecting "the".
I'll have to source all the mirrorwine I can somehow — given that it's only true luxury our lands produce that the imperials really want, I'm sure the wizards will take to it well.

cracked bookshelf in warped wayfort watchtower
cracked bookshelf in warped wayfort watchtower.PNG
//I asume that "gives" was supposed to be "aids" but it could also be "gives to".
Why these gods allowed things to come to this point and only intervene when the entire world lies in ruin is beyond me, but anything that gives the garrison is welcome.

She certainly sa it coming and was working some spell, but didn't manage to get it off.

entering warped wayfort sleeping quarters for the first time
entering warped wayfort sleeping quarters for the first time.PNG
//Missing word here, probably "may" or "could.
Know what? That does make sense, given that you're dealing with what very well be figments of your own nightmares, or at least your own that've been thrown into the mix.

asking Nina about the broken psyches
talking to Nina in the warped wayfort, ask about broken psyches.PNG
//Missing word here, I'm thinking likely "before".
"You don't have to feel bad about putting them down, they were never people and more are just going to keep on coming out the walls we get to wherever it is we're going.

Continued in next post
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Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Nina's vision quest part II [continued]

stairway room description after feathered fiend battle
stairway room after feathered fiend battle.PNG
//Extra "of".
The promise of of sanity and stability beckons...

sleeping in the warped wayfort
sleeping in the warped wayfort.PNG
//It should say "she wants".
She can join you if you want.

asking Nina how to free Thalia
asking Nina how to free Thalia.PNG
//"wasn't" should be "weren't" since "changes" is plural.
Throughout this conversation, you've had the feeling that... well, she certainly takes pride in being amongst the first to serve the goddess, and that the changes to her body wasn't an unfortunate deformity, but a mark of devotion to Nareva.

Nina's revelation, page 2
warped wayfort, Nina's revelation, page 2.png
Doesn't sound like a lot, but I think you can agree that in a tripply place like this, clarity's coming at a premium.

Nina finally gets her brazenberry ale
warped wayfort, Nina gets her brazenberry ale.PNG
//Unnecessary " a ".
I need to be a far more smashed than this to put everything in perspective."

examining the bodies in the morgue
examining the bodies in the warped wayfort morgue.PNG
//The word "tell" seems to be missing.
While the remains are discrete from each other — as haphazardly as the corpses were treated, at least they weren't jumbled into one big bone pile — age and the cramped conditions make it virtually impossible to what's what.

drinking Nina's "juice"
drinking Nina's juice.PNG
//Extra "and more".
Enough wizards have swallowed, smoked, snorted and more enough substances and more that the fact that you've yet to hear of anyone eating the recreational herb is surprising.

finding item stash
warped wayfort stash.PNG
//Unnecessary word.
You investigate the section of wall more closely, and as so it happens there's a small storeroom set in an alcove like the one you started off in, only smaller and still full, it seems.

return home
part 2 of Nina's vision quest, returning home.PNG
//The word "that" is missing.
Might want to return that to Tychris when you have the chance, pass her off to her goddess; it'll have been a long trip home for the first-generation Astrida, but all's well ends well.

//This should instead be "somewhere".
But when I felt that wrenching feeling while we were grabbed and tossed off someone in the Ways where we didn't belong, and from that point it was all one chaotic mess where anything could happen."


Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Svern's milking machine

Ask what the machine is
Svern's milking machine, ask what the machine is.PNG
//The word "be" is missing.
Sure, he's getting pretty defensive about it, but you get the feeling that needling poor Svern further isn't going to conducive to getting much more out of him.

//Two options I can see to fix this. 1. Remove the word "since". 2. Replace the word "so" with "I". What ever seems best.
"Well. Usually I'd charge, but since you let us do a pretty good business at your place, so guess you can consider it part of our toll.

Ask for more details
Svern's milking machine, ask for a detailed explanation.PNG
//"what's" should be "what".
So to condense all his blathering, what's he's saying is that his machine can make anyone chestier and milkier.

Svern sakes his head at that. "No can do, I'm afraid. With all respect, even if I wanted to make another, the machine draws its power from the caravan's engine.

Ask to try it out
Svern's milking machine, ask to try it.PNG
//The word "done" seems to be missing.
"I just got changing everything, so it should all be squeaky-clean and perfectly hygienic.

PC: getting set up
Svern's milking machine, PC, getting set up.PNG
//This stray "while" makes the sentense sound unfinished, since their is no comparitive until the next one. The easiest way to fix this would probably be to just remove it.
//Also, "titty" should be "titties", plural.
You lean upon the leather padding, keeping it snug in your armpits and securing yourself before fully committing your weight — while you can't help but get the distinct feeling that you're only able to half-grasp the milking bar with arms on one side and titty on the other, leaving you feeling unbalanced. You aren't uncomfortable, but nevertheless are thankful when the vibrations of the machine running up the hoses send a soothing tingle into your fluid-filled tits and help set your mind at ease.

PC: Milking only
Svern's milking machine, PC, milking only.PNG
The milker isn't giving up so easily, through.

//"it" and "is" should be replaced with "they" and "are", since "boobs" is plural.
The milking rhythm's turned your fluid-filled boobs into even more of an erogenous zone than it already is, stirring you up to two more quaking highs like your previous one.

//"nothing" should be "nothing else", and "feels" should instead be "feel" since "breasts" is plural.
The milker is thorough if nothing, and by the time it starts winding down your fluid-filled breasts feels hollowed-out, every last drop thoroughly extracted.

PC: Increase milk production
Svern's milking machine, PC, make milkier.PNG
//I think two phrases got mashed together here; this makes allot more sense if you replace "all the way" with "as far as".
Eventually, he settles on turning one of the dials all the way it'll go, dusting off his hands in satisfaction when he's done.

//"pulls" should be "pull" since "breasts" is plural.
You can't help but feel a twinge of pride as your lactating breasts pulls back against their slime-latex attachments, snapping into shape no matter how strongly they're handled; with each roll of your tits, the creamy glob of warm potential atop your ribs grows denser and tauter, being churned into thick hardness.

//Missing an "r" at the end of "shiver".
It's seeping into your milk ducts, embiggening them, making them more productive; the sensation of them being more capable sends a shive of primal excitement down your spine.

Gradually, the rest of the world falls away as you hot, glistening teats grow wet; the sheen that soon appears on each nipple and areola rapidly gathers into droplets, then spurts of heavy elf cream.

//"it's" should be "their" since "breasts" is plural.
The gradual emptying of your lactating breasts of its cargo merely makes space for the increased production that you're going to have, demand resulting in an increase in supply, as it were.

//This is confusing. "tendrals" is plural, but "source" is not, so the easiest way to fix this would probably be to change "root themselves" to "roots itself".
With a sudden clenching, the creamy warmth in your tight, fluid-filled udders peaks, and the spurts grow heavier, tendrils of warmth reaching deeper into your palmable, lactating mounds as the source of your rich cream root themselves ever more firmly in your body, plumping with potential.

//"feels" should be "feel" since "breasts" is plural.
You feel milkier, heavier despite having just been freshly drained of liquid cargo; your palmable, lactating breasts feels firmer, denser despite not actually having changed in size.

//I feel like a ; or — would be appropriate to separate these ideas.
When you palm your breasts, you're rewarded with a shuddering sigh that milkiness isn't just about being a source of food.

It's warm against the fresh tenderness of your palmable, lactating jugs, a small mercy your body's grateful for — overly stimulating your fluid-filled udders while it's still righting itself from being enmilkened so suddenly might send you in a spiral of pleasure so hot and heavy you wouldn't be able to escape for the rest of the day.

PC: Imbigginning
Svern's milking machine, PC, imbigginning.PNG
//There are two options I can think of to fix this. Either change "elicits" to "eliciting" and put a comma at the end of the word before it, or add an "and" before the word "elicits". What ever sounds better.
The throbbing sensations roiling warmth throws itself against the physical confines of your fluid-filled mounds elicits several desperate gasps from your lips as titflesh continues to expand in a maelstrom of ecstasy, taking on a lovely, round shapeliness that's as firm as it is bouncy.

It's warm against the fresh tenderness of your palmable, lactating jugs, a small mercy your body's grateful for — overly stimulating your fluid-filled udders while it's still righting itself from being enmilkened so suddenly might send you in a spiral of pleasure so hot and heavy you wouldn't be able to escape for the rest of the day.

Cait: All instances of scene, page 1
Svern's milking machine, Cait, all instances, page 1.PNG
//"as" not "to".
Svern makes a show of studying Cait's tits, going to far as to get out a measuring tape. On her part, your pink kitten plays along with the charade, proudly puffing up and thrusting out her kitty titties while he works.

//Probably should be "her head".
Cait gives you an encouraging wink and smile as she lays herself out atop the milking bar, bowing a head a little in a perfect position for pats.

Cait: first time using machine only, page 2
Note: Please ignore the milk noun error, that was my fault for messing with the save editor.
Svern's milking machine, Cait, first time only, page 2.PNG
//Game refers to the PC's nipples rather than Cait's, and even uses the PC's milk type. Again the error was my fault, but even when I fixed it, the swapping still happens.
Still, he waits several more moments for the flow of ERROR: NONVALID FLUID TYPE PASSED TO fluidNoun. Value: -1 from your teats to finally cease altogether, then steps forward to detach the milking cups from Cait's bust, now bigger and milkier than it was mere moments ago.

Nothing more satisfying that seeing another busty kitten walk out of the wagon, yeah?"

Cait: All visits after the first time, page 2
Note: Please ignore the milk noun error, that was my fault for messing with the save editor.
Svern's milking machine, Cait, all subsequent visits, page 2.PNG
So fill, so productive — with each tug on her nipples from the milking machine, Cait's kitty titties throb with exhilaration, getting milkier and milkier by degrees to match her freshly-expanded tits.

//Extra "your".
The hoses sputter momentarily from the sudden increase in production, but Svern turns a dial on the side of the milker and the wonderful suction returns with a vengeance, strong and steady as it pumps at your your pink kitten; she yowls and her whole body shivers in sweet surrender to the milkgasm as it swiftly defeats her, leaving her a whimpering, moaning mess.

//Game refers to the PC's nipples rather than Cait's, and even uses the PC's milk type. Again the error was my fault, but even when I fixed it, the swapping still happens.
Still, he waits several more moments for the flow of ERROR: NONVALID FLUID TYPE PASSED TO fluidNoun. Value: -1 from your teats to finally cease altogether, then steps forward to detach the milking cups from Cait's bust, now bigger and milkier than it was mere moments ago.
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Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Thalia's summoning content

summoned Thalia, ask her about herself
summoned Thalia, ask her about herself.PNG
//Should be " a ".
Thalia makes of show of going over the monstrous draconic claws that pass for her hands.

//The word "that" is missing.
Everything considered, I think I'm better off without those parts of me that went into the serpent, so all's well ends well."

sex with Thalia, tit sucking
sex with Thalia, tit sucking.PNG
All tender from her barely restrained arousal, tha gothmander's tits demand attention — and with your face directly under those firm, rounded mounds, you couldn’t be in a better position to appreciate them.

//Extra "then".
She greedily thrusts her chest forward, gagging you well and true as nubile titflesh spreads out over your cheeks, then then rolls her body in an undulating motion.

//"were" should be "weren't".
It would've gone well, too, if she were a bit too forceful on a downstroke; with your head buried in the mattress beneath such a dense gothmander, Thalia practically impales her titflesh on your teeth.

sex with Thalia, spanking, page 2
sex with Thalia, spanking, page 2.PNG
//Stray "and".
Ultimately, Thalia's attempts to distract you are fruitless and you and keep on smacking, each impact on her rock-hard rear landing perfectly in the imprint of the previous one and stoking her lusts that much more.

The gothmander rolls forward, and together you land in the mattress with Thalia atop you, her warm tail-tip ticking your feet.

sex with Thalia, regular tail ride, page 2
sex with Thalia, regular tail ride, page 2.PNG
//The word "by" is extraneous here.
With the strange, smooth sensation inside of you, one can only wonder if Thalia's lit her tail-flame in your slit... something that's not out of the question, but by far from the greatest attraction.

sex with Thalia, oral, intro
sex with Thalia, oral, intro.PNG
//Should be "onto".
Your gothmander paramour takes it all in stride, whipping her tail around like a pirouette and leaning her weight into you as you guide her to the edge of your bed; it takes her a second or two to realize what you're after, but when she does she's more than willing to get into her knees even as you sit down and spread your thighs wide.

sex with Thalia, oral, choose vaginal, page 1
sex with Thalia, oral, vag, page 1.PNG
//Accidental pluralization.
The gothmanders looses an exaggerated, lusty moan, and you follow seconds later when the torrid imprint of her lips upon your petals flares up with prurient warmth.

And of course, there's the every-present thrill of danger at having something so sharp and savage so close to your weak points...

sex with Thalia, oral, choose dick, page 1
sex with Thalia, oral, dick, page 1.PNG
//Extra "is".
"There is is. Much better."

sex with Thalia, oral, choose dick, page 2
sex with Thalia, oral, dick, page 2.PNG
//"some things" would make more sense here.
Given the circumstance, that's not a high bar for Thalia to clear; she may have been kind about your relative size, but there are still something she has to work around.

//Sounds like some missing words here; maybe "if they're" or "as long as they're", ETC.
The gothmander sucks her cheeks in as far as they'll go, but still can't get a snug fit about your cock; thankfully, salamanders of all stripes have tongues that're every bit as dexterous as their tails, willing to put it to good use.

She instinctively hollows her cheeks in a bid to swallow your cum, and with the way her long tongue's tugging at your dick once can only wonder if this is something Nareva put in her, or if she had a cocksucking champion as an ancestor; this kind of show isn't something that someone inexperienced is going to be putting on.

//Earlier in the passage it talked about her fucking you with her tail, so it should be "your" pussy, not "her" pussy.
You let go of her horns and she slides off your dick with a wet slurp and sigh, her tail ceasing to jill off her pussy as well.

sex with Thalia, missionary
sex with Thalia, missionary.PNG
//I think "pull" was supposed to be "pulling" but there should also be a comma after the word "rhythm".
Upper and lower bodies move in rhythm pull her down on you even as you shuffle your knees forward, your bodies drawing closer towards that inexorable outcome...

"Mmh, you're taking it slow on purpose, huh?" Thahia whispers. "Okay, I'll play along."

//"be" has mistakenly been swapped with "by".
You may by taking it slow, but your gothmander lover is under no such restraint — Thalia's gaze glazes over as her clawed hand moves in a blur, trying desperately to get you to break down even as she clearly fantasizes as to what she'd like to do to you for teasing her so.

//I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the word "up" was supposed to be in here.
You don't know exactly when it happened in the heat of passion, but sometime in all this you've grabbed Thalia by under her knees and pushed them all the way as high as you can, exposing the gothmander in as vulnerable a position as you can manage.

//Missing "as".
Moving on their own, your fingers lace themselves tightly with Thalia's even you continue bouncing your weight up and down atop her hips, possessed of a desperate fervor in matching Thalia's cold-hot flame.

sex with Thalia, facesitting
sex with Thalia, facesitting.PNG
//"grunt" should be "grind". Not gonna lie though, "grunt her cunt" is pretty hilarious.
She's just waiting for you to accept her invitation so she can just mash and grunt her cunt into your face...

/"both" should be "forth".
Eventually, it's all you can do — all you need to do — to hold on while Thalia makes you tonguefuck her while she rocks back and both on your face, pushing back against your well-rounded, lactating udders only so she can gain momentum for the next forward thrust.

//I'm guessing The Observer meant "claws" here, but not 100% on that.
Looking up at her, she's fully devoted to keeping steady atop your face — bosom heaving as she pants, Thalia's eyes are glassy, her claps splayed out to either side of your head while she's absorbed by the pleasure you're bestowing upon her.

//"does" should be "do".
The scent of Thalia's sex isn't strong, but by the gods does you feel its touch and presence as it hammers against your skull and makes you dizzy; the way she's holding onto your head with her clawed hands isn't helping, either.

Continued in next post
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Jul 19, 2020
Southwestern United States
Thalia's summoning content [continued]

sex with Thalia, dom ride and tail fuck, page 1
sex with Thalia, dom ride and tail fuck, page 1.PNG
With such stimulation, it’s not long before the first beads of pre appear on the tip, and Thalia gathers it in her palm before dripping it in the coils of her tail.

sex with Thalia, doggy style, page 3
sex with Thalia, doggy style, page 3.PNG
//Stray "the".
Joined in the throes of sexual bliss, the two of you grind against each other as each squeeze of your throbbing prick sends another shot of seed into poor Thalia and the contours of her burning pussy, lasting an agonizing eternity until the your balls gradually empty.

sex with Thalia, anal, page 1
sex with Thalia, anal, page 1.PNG
//extra word.
As Thalia makes a playful pass at in your direction, you swing yourself over to the bed's edge.

sex with Thalia, anal, page 2
sex with Thalia, anal, page 2.PNG
//"as" isn't needed here, and their should probably be a semicolon after the word "thoughts".
The hot tightness of Thalia's sphincter burns itself into your shaft, and with as a dizzy glee floods your thoughts you know that there's no going back from this.

The poor dear must truly have been pent-up to get off this easily — guess that's what sending an eternity as a ghost in the Ways does to you.

//Stray "the".
She's just as unwilling to let you go as she was in admitting you in the first place, anal muscles tightening with angry desperation at what they no doubt see as a betrayal of the highest order; you watch in no small satisfaction as the Thalia's clawed hands grab the sheets tightly, ripping them up between her fingers.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
Should be sorted, except for remaining:
  • "small fry" - stylistic, it's fine;
  • and more / and more - I think those ares supposed to be parallel;
  • as so it happens - idiom, it's fine;
  • titty is standing in for the idea of tit-flesh, it's fine;
  • "but by far from" - idiomatic, fine;
  • "in the coils" -- think it's fine, things can go inside coils;

- shaft shudder - pc.cocks, needs to be parsed for plural singular

Writer review:
  • "everything apart" - needs writer's review
  • Thalia switching her tail from herm pc's pussy to her own cunt - needs writer's review

Thank you!