The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He kisses her lips softly before pulling out of her and slowly flipping her over so she's facedown on the bed, with her ass in the air. He gets on his knees behind her and lines up his dicks with her holes before pushing in, leaning over her body to get in deeper as his hands reach around to grope her cocks and breasts. He slams into her with slow, hard thrusts, getting in nice and deep, the knots squelching in and out of her tight holes as he moans in pleasure. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She limply flops onto her belly and moans as her holes are stuffed once again, her cocks and breasts once more being the victim of his teasing. All things considered, she is basically just a fuck toy for Alex now, her body too weak to resist and her mind too blissed out to even try. 
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He increases the pace of his thrusting, driving into her hard and fast, panting and moaning loudly as he nears his own orgasm. He pulls her up by her breasts so her back is pressed against his chest, and continues to rut her like an animal as he buries his face in the crook of her neck, his mouth parting to sink his teeth into her skin. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives yet another low moan and several large jets of cum squirt from her cocks as he nibbles on her neck. At this point she is pretty out of it to the point that even her orgasms are rather tired looking... yet her massive libido keeps the pleasure flowing through her body. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
With a few loud grunts, Alex finally hilts himself and cums hard, rope after rope of cum blasting into her pussy and bowels, packing her so full that she looks nearly six months pregnant. With a satisfied groan, he collapses forward, curling up on the bed and pulling the insensate Olivia into the fold of his arms, his body forming a sort of protective shell around her. 

[Time to sleep!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She groans in bliss and her body manages to squeeze out a sixth orgasm before she passes out in his embrace, her arms moving up to embrace him subconsciously. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She awakes the next day to find Alex smiling down at her. "Sleep well?" He asks, stroking her hair softly. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She yawns and blinks her eyes open while looking up at Alex. "Yes! Thank you for asking." She stretches out her limbs and sits up "Geeze, you really threw me through some hoops last night."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He chuckles. "Well you did tell me once that it had been a long time since you'd passed out from sex. So I decided to do it for you." He winks at her, patting her ass. "Of course, I enjoyed it immensely too. I just love it when you're- Huh? Oof!" He's interrupted by Pyro barging into the room and tossing pillows at their faces! One hits Alex square in the face, and he quickly rolls off the bed, throwing the pillow back at Pyro. "Oi! Tender moment here, you cockblock!" He yells. "I know!" She says with an impish grin, before jumping onto Olivia and sitting on her. "So what did you guys do last night? I heard moans for hours!" She says, wiggling a bit on Olivia's stomach. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her hands came up and quickly grabbed on to Pyro's perfect ass. "Well, Alex over there decided he wanted to fuck me till I passed out and used every trick her knew to do it! he fucked me to orgasm after orgasm until I lost the strength move.... then he fucked me even more! I think his tongue was in one of my cocks for at least an hour straight! It was fantastic! I should show you some time Pyro." She gives her a coy wink. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh my!" She looks over at Alex. "Well! Aren't you just the perfect stud. You should definitely show me sometime!" She says, wiggling her ass at him. He grins, walks over, and spanks her ass. "Oh with an ass like this? I'd love to!" He says, winking at Olivia. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No way! If anyone is fucking Pyro into oblivion it is going to be me!" She squeezes her ass nice and tight before layinga slap across one cheek. "My perfect booty! mine!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Alex crawls on top of Pyro, his body weight pinning her down between him and Olivia. "Or how about both of us, hmm? She'd probably scream even louder then! Wouldn't you, you little buttslut?" He murmurs into Pyro's ear. She shivers and let's out a tiny moan just from the mental image. "Oh god yes I would..." She murmurs huskily before wrapping her arms around Olivia's neck. "But I think my perfect booty has enchanted this little slut under me!" She says, giggling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
she laughs and kisses Pyro. "I wouldn't say enchanted, I just know perfect quality when I see it AND I can be rather greedy when it is presented to me and someone else wants some. But if it is Alex... I think I can make an exception this time. Would you like that Pyro? For us to double stuff your holes while you suck down some tentacles?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mmm yes I would!" She looks back over her shoulder at Alex before leaning closer to Olivia and whispering loud enough for Alex to hear quite clearly. "Plus he's just so hoooot! Those dicks are just so perfect..." She turns back to Olivia. "And yours... That venom... So arousing! A combination of your venom and his knots... Ohhh! I just might lose my mind!" She says, a lewd grin on her face. Over her shoulder, Olivia can see Alex flexing and showing off after the compliments with a smile on his face. He winks at her when he notices that she noticed, and she knows he's just goofing around as usual. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"that is fine, go ahead and lose your mind then, we will put you back together once we are finished.... but easy on the compliments... his ego is big enough as it is!" She throws her head back and laughs while hugging onto Pyro. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Alex laughs too, before he spanks her ass hard. "Yeaaaah, so? My big ego wasn't the thing you were screaming about last night!" He says with a grin. Pyro laughs too, her arms squeezing Olivia tighter. Alex bends down and hugs them both, squeezing them all together in one big bear hug. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia laughs happily, returning the hug to both of them and relishing the tender moment as much as she can. Sadly, the idea that they would be deployed soon kind of ruined the mood for her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Alex, almost as if he just read her mind, checks the time. "It's 7:00... I suppose we'd best start getting ready..." He murmurs, reluctantly pulling away from them before standing up. "You guys should probably get ready too. General Valentine likes being overly punctual. Alright... Everyone meet at the ship in around fifty minutes, okay?" He says, walking out of the room. 

[Gtg. School.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Uhh, you mean this ship? My ship? that is pretty easy to do since we are already here." She rolls Pyro off of her and gets up to clean herself off and get ready for war. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah I know. I meant the others." He taps his ear. "There's a comlink built into my ear." He says before leaving. Pyro rolls off the bed before walking up behind Olivia and hugging her around the waist, pulling her nice and close before kissing her neck and cheek. "I'll see you later..." She murmurs before leaving too, her tail giving her a parting brush on the thigh. 

An hour later, five figures walk to her ship. One is Alex in his Hellfire battle suit with the helm down; the two female figures on his right must be Brynn and Pyro, judging by the curves. However, they have their helms up and she can't really tell who is who. The figures on Alex's left, a male and a female, she can easily tell are the twins Zaren and Shekar. 

Brynn is wearing a suit of armour that is thick enough to block small arms fire, but wouldn't do much against a high powered gun. It looked light enough to let her love around easily, while at the same time being protective enough. imageproxy.jpg

Pyro too seemed to be wearing a suit of medium armour, but it was different from Brynn's in the fact that the armor looked heavier, but Pyro being quite strong, made up for it easily. This armour offered more protection than Brynn's did, and could easily deflect direct small arms fire and glancing shots from larger weapons. female_battle_suit_consept_valkyrie_by_avitus12-d4evo9d.jpg

The twins were wearing an identical set of armour, which was completely black and appeared to be very light. It was definitely stealth armour, good for sneaking around, but wouldn't do much in a firefight. It could easily deflect a metal knife and take the blows off punches, but bullets would pierce it easily. 5c24198cedb544871d206b0192b774e4.jpg

They reach her ship, and the others wait as Alex walks up the ramp and bangs on her door before walking back down to join the others. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The ramp slowly lowers down to reveal the cargo bay with Olivia standing just inside. She is only wearing her black reinforced body suit and her eyes roam over the five figures in front of her. She sighs and shakes her head "God damn fancy armor suits with your big military budget. worked my ass off just to get this thing custom made and then this nonsense shows up on my door step. Makes me look like the special kid on halloween at school."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"If you want, we could get a special suit made for you too!" Brynn says, blowing a raspberry. Alex chuckles. "Nah, Liv. It's okay. As long as it can stop a bullet or so, it's good." He says, smiling. "Plus you look sexy in it too!" Pyro chimes in. The twins just look her over, and say nothing. In a few minutes, at exactly 8, General Valentine walks into the hangar and up to their ship. He gives each of them a long look. "You all know what you have to do. I'm not going to give a big speech or whatever because that would imply that these are my last words to you. They are not. I expect each and every one of you to come back alive." He says. As if on cue, a whole platoon of Lanius soldiers walks in. The commander, a Lanius in armour that was black rather than the normal red, walks up to them. "Name's Byrne. Pleased to be working with you." He says, his helmet making his voice sound tinny. He shakes their hands before stepping back. "My men are yours to do with as you command, leader." He says, nodding to Brynn, who nods back. "Well what are you standing around waiting for!? Get moving!" General Valentine barks. "Sir yes sir!" The soldiers yell, before they start moving into the ship next to Olivia's, filling it to the brim with heavily armoured Lanii soldiers armed to the teeth. Brynn looks at Olivia. "Ready to go?" She asks sombrely. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes ma'am. Welcome aboard the Titan Kaiser once again. Everyone get inside and take a seat wherever you want. Alex, close the door after everyone is in." She turns and heads into the cock pit, firing up the engines and getting the systems primed. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The others walk in and take a seat, glancing at Rina and Rasha, who sit quietly in a corner, perhaps unnerved by the armor and weapons. Alex shuts the door when they're all in, and sits next to Pyro. Brynn walks up behind Olivia, then sets her gun down and leans forward to type the coordinates in. The navicomp beeps, confirming the location, and then Brynn leaves to sit next to Alex, her breathing slow and measured, as if she's trying to calm herself. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia sits in the captains chair and waits for the ship to be ready. Once she has green across the board she pulls on the levers and Titan Kaiser lifts off the floor, it's landing feet folding up as she slowly moves across the hangar. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are approaching the exit now... so hold onto you butts."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She hears Alex chuckling and saying something, before the ship exits the hangar and enters the biome of Castellani. It isn't long before they hit space and the hyperdrive kicks in, sending them to their destination and mission. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia reaches over and pushes the intercom "Attention crew, could Alex please report to the cock pit? Thank you" She stands up and waits for him to show up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grabs him in a hug so she can whisper in her ear "Those two twins... the ones that never talk. I don't trust them. Please keep an eye on them for me as much as you can."