"Well, that's why they're so damn valuable." He says, shrugging. "They know magic, too, so it's a bonus if you want to get a bodyguard or something and not pay for it."
"Except every demon and their grandma is against having female slaves fight so you better get a male elf.... I swear, if I ever take the throne I am making some big damn changes."
"So basically it a story about a empire in the futuer that rules the galaxy with an iorn fist and the rebels that fight them for freedom." He explains as the movie starts.
"Well, I think that's just the Lizans. Maybe. I have no idea." He says, shrugging. "I've seen people with female demons as bodyguards, but never a female slave. I have no idea if dark elves fall under this requirement." He says with a shrug.
"Oh. That... Sounds like your average plot or something..." Ragnar says, frowning.
"Well I personally think the older ones are better but the newer once give you more back story on how this empire came to be and why people want to fight them." He says with a shrug.
"Maybe... Maybe not. Who can say for real, hmm?" Jackal says in a wise old voice, a grin on his face. That reminds her... She had never asked him how old he was.
"Well... alright then, I won't force it out of you, none of my business really." She turns and looks at the woods "something tells me there is more than just elves to look out for."
"There is. A lot more than just the elves. Bunch of scary animals in there too. Should we wait for morning? Most of them will be asleep by then." He says, shrugging.
"Heh. Nobody does, obviously." He murmurs, frowning as he looks back into the forest, then turns his head from side to side. "If memory serves... There should be a cave around her. Come on." He says, getting up and walking to the right.
He leads her to a "cave" which is little more than a glorified hole in the wall.
"Uhh... Gonna be a bit of a tight squeeze..." He murmurs, peering into the cave to check if it's clear. "We'll be squished up a bit against each other. But you don't mind, right?" He asks, looking back at her with a slight smirk on his face.
He laughs and crawls into the cave first, to make sure there was nothing inside.
"Well, it's clear, so you can come in!" He calls out, his tail wagging at the edge of the hole to guide her in.
She scoots inside, having to shrink her breasts a few sized to get them in before growing them back out as she squeezes up against Jackal. "Ugh... tight in here."