The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor continues to make muffled cries when he is spanked with the crop, geez why hadn't he done this stuff more often Melkor definitely needed to get himself some bondage gear this stuff was simply exciting. His cock continued to jump only managing to get his cock to droll a bit of pre as she continues to fuck the ass of the elf showing no signs of slowing down, he looks back curiously giving the succubus a look that clearly says to keep going.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She grunts as she starts ramming into him even faster. "You like that, you dirty little bitch? Completely submit to me, and I'm going to let you fuck me one day. But only if you become my submissive little bitch and obey every word that comes out of my mouth!" She says, spanking him again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor let out another shriek looking at her for a moment, he wandered if she was speaking to the body or Melkor himself! He didn't have much time to consider it but he wasn't gonna stop her from wailing on this body's ass as Melkor constantly edged himself closer to orgasm only to be denied by the cock ring. He let out a moan quite surprised how thick this body's cock was getting from the stopped orgasms, yet Melkor was beginning to grow irritated with the constant teasing he was wanting to get off athe this point but this damn ring was in the way. He gritted his teeth and neared with it all he needed to do was play along and he'd get paid nothing to it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Aw... What you wouldn't give to cum right now... I can see it, you know. Your poor, lonely dick just throbbing and jerking as every single orgasm is denied... I imagine your balls must be quite painful now, no?" She reaches down to caress his balls before squeezing them hard. "Shame you can't get off.... Unless I say so..." She murmurs, her pace slowing down to a crawl. "Wouldn't you love that? To use mistress's ass? Or pussy? Or mouth? Or any part of her beautiful body, really?" She whispers in his ear.

[Gotta head out. Don't want to. Got such a boner!]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Pre drooled consistently and her teasing wasn't exactly helping with the situation though he supposed that was the point, Melkor made a audible moan when she squeezed on the elf's balls causing his cock to jump and jerk rapidly yet no orgasm streams out only the clear fluid of pre-cum spills causing Melkor to groan. He wasn't sure if he could keep taking these halted orgasms it felt like he was ready to explode at any moment but was being held on that very edge before the tipping point the teasing was agonizing. Melkor began to nod his head at the succubus' whispers, he didn't really care which hole he had to use if he could shoot his load into something right about now he'd be in complete bliss for a good while. The thought of cumming some much in her made Melkor orgasm again yet the cock ring halted the process again causing Melkor's head to reel back as he moaned aloud.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh... so grumpy." She says in a jovial voice "Come on Khorvis, we have another fight to win and then I have work to do. So pull out of my ass and lets squirm out of here."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ooh... You're so close... I can feel it..." She murmurs, before suddenly pulling out of his ass, and leaving it feeling cold and empty. She then walks to the door, her hips swaying the whole way, and bends over, exposing her dark little pucker and dripping wet pussy before unlocking the door and calling out a name. A few seconds later, a female orc runs in and drops to her knees at the succubus' feet, looking up at her with adoring eyes. "Yes mistres?"
"Come. I want you to do something for me." She says, her hand trailing behind her as she walks back behind Melkor. "My dear, please bend over in front of this slave and spread your asshole for him." She says, positioning her monster dildo at his asshole once more. The orc hurries to comply, bending over and spreading her asscheeks before digging her fingers into her asshole and pulling it apart, revealing her interior to Melkor.
With that out of the way, the succubus yanks off his cock ring with a hard tug before slamming hard into his ass with a snarl, which by proxy buries his dick deep inside the orc's cushy ass.
"Now cum, slave!" The succubus yells.

"Mmhmm." He says, wriggling the knot out of her ass with a squelch before wriggling out from under the dogpile, planting a kiss on Ash's forehead as he goes, which makes her smile in her sleep and cuddle up with Jolen, who just snores on as usual.
With that out of the way, he stands and offers his hand to Phorsaal. "Coming, mistress?" He asks, with a glint in his eye.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She takes his hand and rises up from the pile of sexy women "Yes, thank you very much dear. Now lets hit up the arena." She folds her wings over her body again and moves over to the door.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He nods and opens the door for her before following her out and walking down the stairs as she locks the door. He waits till she comes down, and they walk off to the arena.

When they get there, they see that Namira has been replaced by a very bored looking male Eidolon who looks up at them as they approach.
"Morning. Khorvis, right?" He leans forward and peers at the paper. "Ooh. Special match for you today. Dark elf, Orc, merfolk, aaaaand a Lizan. Free for all!" He says, grinning evilly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"They have already moved to a free for all? That... is a tad bit disturbing. Very well, when is his match? Last again?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Nope. First and last match for today, followed by two more matches, after which he faces the champ!" The Eidolon says, grinning.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"i see. Well then Khorvis, better go and get your gear... it seems a free for all is in order." She takes his hand and starts walking inside "Listen dear, Orcs and Lizans are dumb but strong, use your brain not your brawn on them, it should save your some energy. Merfolks are a mystery to me, so be ready for anything. Lastly is the dark elf... try to avoid fighting them first, the more they have to work before you the better, understand?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He nods as she speaks. "Right. Take out the Orc and Lizan first, observe the mermaid or merman, and leave the elf for last. Got it." He says, nodding and breaking off from her side as he heads deeper into the bowels of the arena while she heads to the viewer's stand. There, she finds Jackal and Karline sitting next to each other, Karline with Squeaky in her lap as usual.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She walks over and sits next to Jackal "Hello again Jackal, Karline and of course, Squeaky."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hi." They all say as one before realising what they just did and laughing.
"So uh... Free for all, huh?" Jackal murmurs after a while, sinking a little lower in his seat. "Usually means an orgy." He says, smirking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, I just hope Khorvis is on top of that orgy. I gave him what advice I could about the fight... the only wild card is the merfolk."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"And that depends on whether it's a soldier or priestess. Soldiers can cast combat spells, whereas priestesses can cast hypnosis spells." He murmurs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh.... bother. Please be a soldier... I don't think Khorvis can cope well with hypnosis spells...."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"In that case, he wouldn't even have been Khorvis at this point. He'd be the meatbag of some demon who decided to possess him. Trust me. The guy's got it in him." Jackal says confidently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Very well... I am just nervous is all. Free for alls can get messy really fast..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Indeed..." He murmurs.

Suddenly, the gates at all four corners of the arena open, and the combatants walk in. Khorvis, dressed in his salvaged armor, and carrying a double edged sword staff with blunted, rounded blades, a dark elf female, wearing only leather armor and carrying two whips, an orc male with large hammers, and a mermaid guard with a trident that had blunted tips.
"Aaaand there they are..." Jackal murmurs.

[Long post coming up here too. :p]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Uh... Oh. There she- Ouch." Jackal mutters as a female Lizan stumbles in before falling flat on her face. She's wearing armor, and is carrying a spear with a blunted tip.

"And now, we have a special match today, folks! A free for all! Khorvis, the human, Daria, the dark elf, Lamina, the mermaid, Kulragh the orc, and Troggle the Lizan! All of the races now come together to prove who, apart from us, of course, is superior!" The announcer says cheerily. "Now... Let the match begin!" He says, and a bell sounds.

Immediately, all four combatants turn to Khorvis, who groans and starts backing up to get out of reach as the dark elf cracks her whips at him. The others start to circle around him, trying to cut off his escape. His eyes dart between them, and he immediately picks out the weak link in the chain.
He immediately darts towards the Lizan, who yelps and stumbles back, falling on her squishy butt. His way, however, is immediately blocked by the orc and the mermaid, who hisses at him as she stabs with the trident. Khorvis leaps backwards, right into range of the elf's whips. She immediately swings both of them, and manages to get both around his legs, pulling him down to the floor!
He falls with a grunt, and snarls as he tries to wriggle free.
Then the orc, of course, makes a typical, colossally stupid mistake. With a loud war cry, he runs towards Khorvis, swinging both hammers down at his head.
Khorvis, having more range with the sword staff, deflects one hammer and stabs the end of the staff right into the orc's throat, which makes him fall forward, grabbing at his throat and wheezing. Just as Khorvis raises his staff for the finishing blow, the mermaid hisses and leaps forward, stabbing at his chest. He yelps and flops backwards, and the mermaid sails over him to land right in the sand before rolling and coming to a stop next to the dark elf, who loosens one of the whips and immediately slashes it right across Khorvis' face, making him scream in pain as a profusely bleeding wound opens up on his cheek. The scream turns into a feral growl, and he grabs the whip, yanking it so hard that the dark elf flies into the air before crashing into the dirt, skidding towards him. With a growl, he leaps at her for the finishing blow, but the orc smashes him aside with a full body rush, sending him flying a few feet away!
With a grunt, he rolls to his feet, now free of the whips. Phorsaal notices that the cut on his face has already closed.
The others circle him once more, trying to get within his blind side. But now he knows their tactic, as they haven't bothered to modify it. This time, he goes right for the elf, moving much faster than any human has a right to, and slams the staff into her shin before swinging upwards, which makes her comically flip twice into the air before falling into the sand. The orc and mermaid rush to her aid, but it's too late, as with a vicious swing, Khorvis takes the elf out of action with a blow to the skull.

Suddenly, the dick of a minister decides to interfere. "HALT! Cheats! No human can move that fast!" He screams.
The combatants stop and frown at each other, before looking at Khorvis, who rolls his eyes.

"And I suppose that human woman slave of yours mysteriously winning that fight against all odds was not cheating at all, was it?" He says loudly, which earns a loud "Ooooooh buuuuurn!" From the arena, followed by the sounds of laughter.

"She was lucky! You are not! How can you move so fast and heal so quickly!? You are just a human!" He raves.

Khorvis gives him a long look before glancing at Phorsaal and tapping the staff to his shoulder as if to ask whether he should show them or not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal stands up and moves over to the edge of the arena "My dear minister! Surely you know that luck flip flops around between people. Your lucky human used all of her luck to magically move faster and hit harder than anyoen of her build should be able to do. I, however, have been working with my dear Khorvis to make him stronger, faster, more durable than any human has ever lived. And the best part?" She pauses for dramatic affect "It was inside him all along! Ladies and gentleman of this arena, I give you the one... the only, bearer of the feral wolf kings soul... Khorvis the Direwolf!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Fragment, actually. The Alpha King's soul would make a mortal body explode. And he's not the only bearer. There are more. You won't be meeting them though.]

With a wolfish grin, Khorvis unbuckles his breastplate, letting it fall to the ground. The whole arena gasps when they see the tattoo on his shoulder, and the whole stadium erupts with muttering, even the Queen's eyebrows going up in surprise.

But of course, the minister refuses to be persuaded. "Lies! Anyone can feed someone a wolfsbane potion, give them magical enhancers, and call it a power manifestation!" He yells, and the Queen rolls her eyes.

[Rep +100]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[I know, but I am trying to play it up. People love it when special things are there! Come on man, crowd appeal!]

"Oh please minister, I have far more important things to do than try to play up a lie. while that might be your avenue of entertainment... as evidence stands that it is... I prefer to back up my words with facts... and that tattoo is genuine! Or are you too big to admit that Khorvis is just more than you ever expected him to be?" She smiles, obviously challenging his pride. "All the same, the final call goes to the queen." She looks at the queen and bows her head "My lady, what is your call?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The minister opens his mouth to say something, then shuts it as the Queen glares at him.
"Is... Is there anyone who can verify this statement?" She asks in a voice that rings around the arena. In a corner, the Djinn sisters stand. "Yes we can, your majesty. We were the ones who unlocked his power!" They say in sync, smiling.

"Aaaand I'm sure she must have just paid them to say that!" The minister drawls.

"With what money? Khorvis ate all of it." Jackal mutters, sniggering, which earns a snigger from Karline as well, followed by an elbow to shut him up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs heavily "that... is very true. Caring for Khorvis has been a heavy drain on my limited funds. In fact, the bulk of what I had went to paying those sisters to awaken his powers. All I have left must be saved for food so... how could I pay off anyone?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Paying them to awaken his powers or to support your lies!?" He yells.
The Queen gives him a sour look, as if she really wants to push him off the balcony into the arena.

But of course, Khorvis being the showoff he is, takes things to an entirely different level.
"Oh really? Can potions do... This?" He asks, grinning.

Thick, silky black hair begins to sprout all over his body as he grows bigger and bigger, mostly in height. When he reaches about eight feet in height, he falls forward on lengthened forelimbs. His face shifts and changes, his jaw elongating to form a large muzzle full of sharp, strong teeth. A large, bushy black tail pops out over his butt, and his eyes turn a crimson red as his ears lengthen and sharpen, becoming more wolf like.

Finally, there's a massive direwolf standing in the middle of the arena, nearly six feet tall in height, healthy, muscular, and with Khorvis' typical grin on its face, covered in silky black fur all over, his red eyes glinting with mischief.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She holds one hand out to point at Khorvis with a look on her face that says "See this shit? You gonna doubt it now? Cause that was pretty fucking cool"