The Syncharion Ascendance OOC [Closed, you poor bastards.]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Okay, now that I have the title out of the way, I'm gonna start off with the playable and non playable kinds of demons, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of choosing one of the playable types, along with how the whole system works.

Non Playable types:

Ravener: Hideous, twisted demons. These are used by the sentient demons as beasts of burden, like a horse, camel, or donkey.

Ultima: A race of large demons, they can be either male, female, or both. The average size is around 12-15 feet tall, and they are generally very powerful, but physically and magically. They are humanoid in appearance. They generally stay out of the politics of the demon kingdom.

Imps: Generally viewed as the fucktoys and punching bags of the demon kingdom, these little creatures are treated like living property, given to prize slaves as pets, or even kept by some demons as pets. Having one is viewed as a status symbol.

Gatewatchers: They guard the gates between realms, and record the actions of every demon that goes through a gate into a different realm. They are huge guardians of animated metal, over 20 feet tall in size. They are treated with respect, and command near infinite power when it comes to the three schools of magic. Even the ruler of the demon kingdom has no authority over them.

Playable Types:

Succubi and Incubi: The demons usually loved by everyone and everything due to their completely sexualised nature, they are not very strong physically, and have a medium proficiency with destructive magic. However, they are very good and illusory and lust magics, also the most likely to be summoned by a human.

Advantages: Starting boost to reputation, can break slaves easily, more likely to be summoned by humans.

Disadvantages: Will be targeted more by backstabbers, vulnerable to physical attacks.

Djinns: Generally formless wisps of black smoke, they can take any shape they like, be it animal, human, or even something created from their own imagination. They are viewed as tricksters and cheats. They are very powerful with illusory and destructive magics, but very weak with lust magics.

Advantages: Powerful spellcaster, can go through walls, floors, and other objects, can turn invisible, can cast Scrying spells.

Disadvantages: Slightly lowered starting reputation, unlikely to be summoned by humans.

Eidolons: They look like human spirits, but can change parts of their body at will. They can increase or decrease the size of a part, or change it to something else entirely. Their true form is that of a yellow eyed skeleton. They are good at all three schools of magic. They are neither liked nor disliked, and are generally viewed as a wild card.

Advantages: Can transform into anything, even other people.

Disadvantages: Can only maintain their non human parts for a while before needing to revert to their human forms.

Rules of Play:

1) Reputation is important. Reputation can be increased by the number of slaves you own, deeds, or participating in and winning events.

2) You will occasionally be called up to the human world to perform a task. This results in the payment of the human's soul, which you can take as a slave, thereby increasing reputation.

3) You can travel between worlds, to capture more slaves or even perform deeds. The Gatewatchers see all.

4) Killing or consuming other demons is forbidden, and punishable by death, even if the power gained by consumption of another is great.

5) Wings are your status symbol. They grow with your reputation, and may change shape as well.

Now that that's done with, go ahead and make your character. You have stats here, but not the normal ones.

Character Sheet:


Demon Type: [This affects the spells you start out with.]

Appearance: [What form do you prefer, aside from your basic one. Also include preferred clothes.]



STR: 10 [Physical strength, how much physical damage you can deal.]

PWR: 10 [Magical power, affects the damage of spells cast.]

RES: 10 [Your resistance to the spells cast by other casters, especially illusions.]

REP: 100 [Get to 3-4000 to challenge the Ruler and possibly win. Or get turned into a slave. Or die. This stat is non moddable. Djinns start out with 50 rep, and Succubi/Incubi start out with 200.]

XP Table:
Raveners: 10 XP
Lizans: 10 XP
Naga: 15 XP
Merfolk: 20 XP
Dark Elf: 15 XP
Elf: 15 XP
Orc: 10 XP
Human: 5 XP
Imp: 2 XP
Harpy: 10 XP
Canine: 10 XP
  • Leveling up is achieved by either killing/defeating/enslaving a creature.
  • Once you level up, you get to pick ONE spell to rank up.
  • You also get three stat points to assign where you please.

  • New spells can be purchased at a shop. Prices vary according to type and power.
  • Ranking up a spell increases its damage, and may give it special abilities.

You have 20 stat points to distribute as you wish. You may also have a basic starting weapon of your choice. Spells will be given based on the kind of demon you start out as.

For those of you who have reached 666 Rep and are now eligible for summons:
You must now send a trusted slave into the world with a means of summoning you. Get creative. The method of summoning can be notes written in blood, cum, whatever. You, however, must create a way to link that method of summoning to yourself. That way, when someone carries out the ritual, you should know when they're doing so, and that it's a ritual specifically for you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Name: Phorsaal Ul'garn (Phorcide)

Demon Type: Eidolon

Apperance: A 7 foot tall amazon build. With a goddess level of feminine charm, she has a thick body build that accentuates her curves. She has plush lips, a button nose, striking gold eyes and flawless chocolate skin. Her hair is rich purple and styled in dreadlocks that are pulled back into a pony tail. On her chest sits some natural E cup breasts, with slender shoulders on the sides and long smooth arms that end in delicate looking fingers. Her stomach is smooth and flat, and leads to wide hips and a nice full ass. Between her thick thighs is a huge sixteen inch long horse cock above coconut sized balls hanging in a big smooth sack. Her legs are long and end is smooth, soft feet. Growing from her back are two large wings that she keeps in a unique appearance. The tops are skeletal and end in black talons while the membrane is a shiny red latex. She wraps them around her body to form a rather risque dress and matched it with red heels on her feet.

When not in this form, they are a large hunched over human skeleton with glowing yellow eyes.

Level: 5

EXP: 5/240


STR: 38

PWR: 52

RES: 45

Reputation: 5,640

Spells: Illusion Mastery, Dream watcher, Possession, Fire Mastery, Lightning Mastery, Lust aura 3, Lust bomb 3, Fantasizer, Paralyze vines Mastery, Ethereal tentacle rape, Summon Insects, Lusty drink spike, Cleanse, Heal 5, Shield Mastery, Energy Replenish (Passive)

Weapon: Staff of Wither, Temporarily drain strength on touch.

Chips: 7,000

Slaves: Ash the female imp (B), Felicia the female human (B), Jolen the herm orc(B), Khorvis the male human (B), Namira the female succubus (B), Syresh the herm dark elf, Janie the herm wood elf, Goren the male dark elf (B), Kamia the female mermaid, Riona the female lizan (B), Mary and Sophie the female harpies (White feathers), Gila the shemale Orc, Merri the Succubus
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Oh, and this is an example of an Ultima. Except they're like 12-15 feet tall and that succubus would probably have its dick popping out of her mouth if it was to scale. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Oh dear... avoid them at all costs it seems xD  

Does my character check out?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Fine, except for one thing... 

You really wanna walk around in Demon Kingdom with a bathrobe on? Reputation matters! xD

Also, no. Ultima aren't that bad. You don't HAVE to avoid them. They're considered the... Oddballs. They act as they desire, basically, and don't really give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Oh... right. Umm, crap, need something else. Will work on this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
I figured as much... but that would build reputation as a slut to be fucked. Not exactly their drive ya know?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yea... but these are demons man! They will take every chance they can get! Heck, we are going to be gathering slaves for status man! you want fetish wear? Stick your slaves in it! xD  


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ooh yeah. That's a good idea. Slaves in fetishwear! xD

I'm going to be enjoying this a lot. xD


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
This would be an example of a Gatewatcher. Yes, I know that thing is from Thor. Except it's over 20 feet tall and pretty much OP. 



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Character Sheet:

Name: Melkor Rhomus

Demon Type: Djinn

Appearance: Melkor used to look as human as possible for the sake of not being berated for his race, but ever since he was experimented on by Dr. Harken he has changed. He appears to be a very large sized male about 9 foot 3 inches in height with dark skin with yellow streaks along his body where his veins would be instead. Despite his gender however Melkor's facial features fit well for both male and female generally alternating to fit the needs of his partner. He wears a summer shirt with all of the buttons undone to show off his fit mid section, on his head sits a long black braid that goes down to his ass the braid also having those yellow streaks his eyes though are what potentially stand out most in his human form with glowing yellow eyes with semi long eyelashes but if looked closely you came see the black plumes of smoke that spill out every now and then. He generally tends to wear less and loose as possible so when it comes to bottoms he would wear some shorts with zero undergarments. Overall he generally went for the summer beach guy with an androgynous look thinking that would make him more...approachable. When it comes to down stairs Melkor has an impressive duo of cocks the hang nicely at his crotch he keeps both of them at a nice 12 inches flaccid and 15 inches full mast, further back sits a tight yet trained asshole well used to most insertions. His outline appears blurred as well upon closer inspection his particles are vibrating at an amazing speed causing them to become visible.

Gender: Male

Level: 1
XP: 22/30


STR: 28

PWR: 24

RES: 15

REP: 110

Weapon: Dirk of Hallucination: Upon striking the victim becomes more prone to illusory effects

Chips: 6650

Spell Use:

Illusion: Used 5 time(s) Rank 0
Dreamweaver:Used 0 time(s) Rank 0
Possession: Used 5 time(s) Rank 1
Fireball: Used 2 time(s) Rank 0
Lightning Bolt: Used 0 time(s) Rank 0
Flamefan: Used 1 time(s) Rank 0
Tremor: Used 4 time(s) Rank 0
Lust Aura: Used 1 time(s) Rank 0
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Both of you forgot a starting weapon. :3

Also, with your starting weapon, I'll let you have ONE enhancement. It could be a spell, could be something that does... Whatever. You'll get more powerful weapons as you progress. 

And as for your spells... Working on that. 
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
  1. Illusion: Cast a regular illusion. Could be anything or anyone, lasts for ten minutes.
  2. Dreamweaver: Enter the dream of a dreamer and change its contents. Will be broken if person realises they are dreaming.
  3. Possession: Possess a living being. Be warned, you will be in a constant battle of wills. Djinn have a bonus to suppression.
  4. Fireball: Cast a ball of bright flame.
  5. Lightning bolt: Cast a bolt of deadly lightning, possibility to arc between close opponents.
  6. Flamefan: Casts a wave of searing flames in a circle.
  7. Tremor: Shakes the ground underfoot, knocks enemies off balance, leaving them open to a different attack.
  8. Lust aura: Wraps the user in an aura of lust, making others more prone to having sex with them or being influenced by them. Succubi/Incubi have a strong aura, and Djinn have a weak aura.
  1. Illusion: Cast any illusion, can be anything or anyone, lasts for five minutes.
  2. Dreamwatcher: Can view the dream of a living creature, but not make any changes to it.
  3. Possession: Possess a living being.
  4. Fireball: Casts a ball of fire at your enemies.
  5. Lightning ball: Cast a ball of lightning at your enemies. (Yours is not powerful enough to go for arcs.)
  6. Lust aura: Surrounds the caster in an aura that makes people nearby horny.
  7. Lust bomb: Ratchets the libido of people in a small radius to a high extent.
  8. Fantasiser: Makes a particular person experience flashbacks of their sexual fantasies. Also allows you to see them.
Alright. Apart from these spells, you both have your basics, which don't really need a spell word to cast. Eidolons and Djinn can change their shapes, become invisible, and Djinns can travel very fast in their smoke forms. Eidolons have to slog it on foot. Note for Djinns, your shapes are illusions, and a person with a powerful spiritual sensitivity can see right through it. Be careful! Eidolons can maintain their shapes because they aren't illusions.

Also, Keelat, please describe your genitals.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Updated my sheet! Also just to confirm if I'm reading this correctly whenever I want to change shape or what not it'll be an illusion due to my race?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Yes, any shape you take it just an illusion, you have no real physical form.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Okay. I'm letting Slem join, and there's space for ONE more person! Hurry up and create a character if you wanna join!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
This RP looks sweet! Let's see if I can get everything up and in order over here:

Name: Klaus Sabine Langaha

Demon Type: Incubus

Appearance: Klaus is a fair 5'10'' tall, with a striding gait and confident posture. Shining magenta scales coat the length of his arms and legs, almost like ballroom gloves and thigh-high boots respectively, while stockings and garters cover his lower half from beneath his high-waisted, tight green cargo pants. The rest of his body has smooth lavender skin, with patterns of swirling orange traced like the sun's rays across his wings, structured like those of a seagull, and just as large. He has a flat chest with pleasant pecs, sheltered by the tight fabric of his grey and yellow henley tee, and curvy thighs, as well as a few soft handfuls of plump derriere. His slick cunt is accommodating from many a use, but still delectably tight, and the very same could be said for his ass. A ten-inch long, three-inch thick human cock sits comfortably between his legs. All in all, Klaus is pretty handsome, with faint traces of stubble, colored the same honey brown as his tousled hair, and crafty orange eyes, naturally narrowed. A sharp silver snake's tongue spills out from his thin lips, lashing with impatient mischief. His right arm is curiously insectoid, with three fingers, lined with golden chitin from wrist to forearm, and with two forward-facing spikes.

Gender: Male (Herm)


STR: 21

PWR: 18

RES: 20

REP: 220

Other Information to Remember:

Chips: 700

Level 4

32/120 EXP to reach Level 5

Spells: Fireball 2, Possession 2, Lust Aura 2, Illusion, Perfection, Dreamwatcher, Lust Bomb, Lust Ball, and Fantasiser

Weapon: A deft rapier, tipped to a fine point, and imbued with an aphrodisiac.

Slave/Pet Count: 5
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Alright. Perfect. Just remember your wings are about the size of an actual seagull's wings right now. :p
Normally, you would get your first wings at 200 rep, and the size increases every 200 rep.
Wait. Floozer put wings too, right? Eehhhh... Okay he doesn't really have them till he hits 200 rep.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ohhh damn. Forgot about those...
Alright. Your spells are...
  1. Illusion: Cast a normal illusion, can be slightly stronger if it is lust related.
  2. Dreamwatcher: Can see the dreams of others.
  3. Perfection: Makes you look like what the other person considers to be perfect, i.e, related to body sizes.
  4. Fireball: Throw a bolt of searing fire at your enemies.
  5. Lust aura: Makes people around you hornier. You get a little boost, being an incubus.
  6. Lust bomb: Ratchets the lust of all people within a short radius.
  7. Lust ball: Cast a ball of lust at the enemy, high lust damage to a single target.
  8. Fantasiser: Make fantasies of the person flash before his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Okay let me explain the process of getting a soul slave.

A creature has to WILLINGLY give their soul to you, after which they remain under your control, unless given express permission to obey someone else. Now, the soul slaves in Syncharion, the city, don't have real bodies. Hence you can literally do whatever you want to them, and nothing happens. You could slice their head off, burn them to death, spitroast them, chop them up into itty bitty little pieces, and they would still come back. But if you bring a body down into the world, it can still be affected. But, if you bring a soul slave with a body into Syncharion and kill it or get it killed somehow, the soul will separate from the body and remain, meaning you have a slave forever.

Also, Floozer, that means if someone somehow kills one of the imps you turned over to the brothel dude, the soul is going to appear next to you. And then the guy in blue will probably come running to yell at you.

Soul slaves can be a pain sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Hmm.... On second thought, just for the sake of convenience, I'm going to make the soul slave contracts transferrable. You can now transfer a soul slave contract after a rather complicated ritual. And you have to do it separately for each slave. Also, they have to agree to the change in ownership as well. Basically, the whole thing relies on their agreement. If the soul says no, then it's no longer transferrable.