The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Herm-Prostate


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Time... I have that. If in the year 3000+ we have a fully functional "Herm" Homo-sapiens I will be right. You can only flip a coin so many times before it come up head 500 times in a row, with time its inevitable.

that's how the theory goes, but practice is another matter.

I think we've gone wayyy off-topic from the original post wondering about a Herm's prostate :D

Yes! Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
it's usually one set of genitals that's fertile, while the other is infertile/underdeveloped.

What part of ovotestis don't you understand, the part were they are neither ovaries or testis or a combination of both?

Intersex only have one genitalia.

Sorry lets get back on topic.
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What part of ovotestis don't you understand, the part were they are neither ovaries or testis or a combination of both?

Intersex only have one genitalia.

Intersex is a group of conditions where there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries). The older term for this condition, hermaphroditism, came from joining the names of a Greek god and goddess, Hermes and Aphrodite.

People with ovoteststis are in-fertile and look female.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What part of ovotestis don't you understand, the part were there neither ovaries or testis or a combination of both?

Intersex only have one genitalia.

Maybe because we weren't talking about intersex before you brought that up, but hermaphrodites. Intersex however have the problem with their genitals being stuck in a "not quite one way or the other" state. Hence the presence of one gender of tissue preventing the other from properly functioning

And can you please stop derailing the thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes and no. And science isn't one homogeneous entity, but a method 

Semantics. Science is a method then, but those who practice it often don't abide by the grand moral code most of us have been so lovingly brought up with. If a scientist becomes curious about something, chances are they aren't the only one to share that curiosity. Best to assume at least one of them will pursue it.

And that last word thing is childish. The original reason for this thread has long met its conclusion; this shift is the only reason there was any continued interest. I'll oblige you though, seeing as this is your thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Intersex is a group of conditions where there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries). The older term for this condition, hermaphroditism, came from joining the names of a Greek god and goddess, Hermes and Aphrodite.

On a tangent: 

Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite who got tricked by an obsessed nymph into fusing with her into one being.

Semantics. Science is a method then, but those who practice it often don't abide by the grand moral code most of us have been so lovingly brought up with. If a scientist becomes curious about something, chances are they aren't the only one to share that curiosity. Best to assume at least one of them will pursue it.

A few have and some of them regretted it (example: Oppenheimer), but most don't go out of the way to go against ethics.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe because we weren't talking about intersex before you brought that up, but hermaphrodites. Intersex however have the problem with their genitals being stuck in a "not quite one way or the other" state. Hence the presence of one gender of tissue preventing the other from properly functioning

and can you stop derailing the thread.

Intersex is just the PC way of saying it. You don't actually know a an intersex person do you?

My friend has a for inch clit and she wont let me suck...shes into men and only men. <cries>

The thread still derailed so this is my last post on the subject.


On point.

Perhaps in the Kiro scene its just not mentioned. Much like my Steels cunt tail in about every scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Time... I have that. If in the year 3000+ we have a fully functional "Herm" Homo-sapiens I will be right. You can only flip a coin so many times before it come up head 500 times in a row, with time its inevitable.

In order for that to be achievable we would have to enforce somekind of eugenics program to purposely provoke such change in our species.

There's also the fact that not all intersex are actually mutants, as in their DNA is normal, but they had a development issue, like Chimeras.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On point.


Perhaps in the Kiro scene its just not mentioned. Much like my Steels cunt tail in about every scene.

Perhaps... Though, I wish there was mention of a herm's prostate being sandwiched between both of my dongs...

Intersex is just the PC way of saying it. You don't actually know a an intersex person do you?

let me make one last thing straight. Your friend and whether I know any biologically intersex people have nothing to do with that topic we concluded.

Also Hermaphrodite = person with both sets of genitalia; Intersex = person with one set of genitalia that "doesn't quite go one way or another"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Somehow I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu...

It's not me, people just want to argue with the princess.


If you want to milk Kiro prostate, with double penetration write one, it does sound kinda hot. Otherwise: Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. her prostate just not mentioned but its there.

I want more cunt tail action and I probably will write some latter. For now I'm busy with my cum cafe. By that i mean "being Lazy." Damn it my tail wants some of Syri's, Kiro's, Dane,'s, and Brynn's dick.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's not me, people just want to argue with the princess.


If you want to milk Kiro prostate, with double penetration write one, it does sound kinda hot. Otherwise: Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. her prostate just not mentioned but its there.

I want more cunt tail action and I probably will write some latter. For now I'm busy with my cum cafe. By that i mean being Lazy. Damn it my tail wants some of Syri's, Kiro's, Dane,'s, and Brynn's dick.

I'm quite certain Kiro's pony-pecker is too massive for an itty-bitty cunt-snake.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

I never claimed that it was.

It's not me, people just want to argue with the princess.

"I'm not insane; everyone else is!"

If you want to milk Kiro prostate, with double penetration write one, it does sound kinda hot. Otherwise: Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. her prostate just not mentioned but its there.

I was just curious if I'm the only one who finds this a bit weird. (it's not just about Kiro though there are other herms with the "issue")
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I was just curious if I'm the only one who finds this a bit weird. (it's not just about Kiro though there are other herms with the "issue")

A prostate is never only anal, nor is it only vaginal. It is precisely where it means to be.


Jan 6, 2016
As a med student, I'd have to agree that this is very odd. When you touch someone's prostate, it feels very soft, as if you were touching a sponge through a sheet.

In other words, I guess you would not be able to feel a prostate when penetrating with a dick unless your cock was very sensitive on the "body" (as opposed to the "head"), which people tell me is not the case.

If you did had this oversensitive dick, you really be able to feel the prostate in both the vagina as in the rectum, because the wall that separates them is very thin, based in the regular female anatomy. If anybody want precision, take a look in this anatomically correct image from one of my books:

Since we can only speculate how a futanari-herm anatomy would be, I'd say that volume saving would be a priority on a creature with so many organs in such a small space (either that or futas would have to lose some of her bones/muscles/blood vessels in the hip region to accomodate all), so I'd say that it would be even more easy to feel a futa prostate through her vagina and her rectum.

Yes, anal lovers, you read right: a futa would probably have more accesible (and, why not, more sensitive) prostate than a man would. More anal pleasure? Maybe (Probably?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As a med student, I'd have to agree that this is very odd. When you touch someone's prostate, it feels very soft, as if you were touching a sponge through a sheet.

In other words, I guess you would not be able to feel a prostate when penetrating with a dick unless your cock was very sensitive on the "body" (as opposed to the "head"), which people tell me is not the case.

If you did had this oversensitive dick, you really be able to feel the prostate in both the vagina as in the rectum, because the wall that separates them is very thin, based in the regular female anatomy. If anybody want precision, take a look in this anatomically correct image from one of my books:

Since we can only speculate how a futanari-herm anatomy would be, I'd say that volume saving would be a priority on a creature with so many organs in such a small space (either that or futas would have to lose some of her bones/muscles/blood vessels in the hip region to accomodate all), so I'd say that it would be even more easy to feel a futa prostate through her vagina and her rectum.

Yes, anal lovers, you read right: a futa would probably have more accesible (and, why not, more sensitive) prostate than a man would. More anal pleasure? Maybe (Probably?)

Now this the most valid point that has been brought in this whole thread. 

Though I wasn't much of a question of "where does the person penetrating the futanari feel the prostate?" but more of a question of "where does the futanari feel her prostate stimulated through? the vagina or the anus?" and "What in case of double penetration?"

Any speculations?


I'd say with DP it'd be via the Vagina, maybe the same with anal? 
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Jan 6, 2016
Now this the most valid point that has been brought in this whole thread. 

Though I wasn't much of a question of "where does the person penetrating the futanari feel the prostate?" but more of a question of "where does the futanari feel her prostate stimulated through? the vagina or the anus?" and "What in case of double penetration?"

Any speculations?

Considering my post above, I'd say that a futanari would feel her prostate being stimulated from both anal and vaginal penetration.

In the case of DP, she'd feel the prostate being stimulated from two different ends: the upper part of the prostate would be touched by the dick in the vagina and the bottom by the cock in the rectum. (I'm using the anatomical convention that when talking about genitalia, "top" and "bottom" are as if seen the woman laying down, belly up, open legs with the clitoris facing you; a.k.a. Lithomy Position)

And that's what I'd call a hard time holding an orgasm.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I guess this all explains why futa dicks shoot off even without being touched.

I approve.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Preface, this is partly speculation due in part of not being a long distance mind-reader and amateur writing analysis. What follows is based on the "accepted" biology we know and is not meant to be disrespectful:

To answer, the mysterious disappearing prostate is because writers are thinking anus-only with it's association because prostates appear in people with fully functional male genitalia and the only penetrative sex they recieve is anal. When it comes to vaginal sex the writers don't think about the prostate because people with fully functional female genitalia don't have a prostate. When the two genitalia combine, writers fall on what they know of prostate stimulation from anal and no stimulation of vaginal. They write as if for a male when writing anal and as if for a female when vaginal. To be remedied the writers have to consciously make an effort to change their understanding and place vaginal stimulation in their work.

Opinion: As shown by NEET-Hime's diagram, and partly because prostate stimulation isn't my kink, I find scenes where prostate stimulation in a herm occurs via anal sex take me out of the mood. Again, as said in the last line of the other paragraph, this would have to be consciously be changed by the writers however I don't hold out hope for this as the kink is intricately linked with anal sex. I've brought up the topic before, the answer was and will probably always be along the lines of "it's porn, don't think too hard and don't try to ruin my kink". I'm of the opinion that kinks don't have to be ruined by thinking about them and can be transformed into something more and possibly better.
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