The Foxx Den


I am Foxx and this is the shit I've done for Fen's games. Enjoy

I am currently not doing any work for CoC and do not plan on doing any more at this time.
Gangs and Whores -Abandoned Project // characters will be edited for use in TiTs
Trials in Tainted Space


To Do List: Listed by comm, not by order needing to be done
  • Angus of NT: Treated mechanic follower (twink, bara and amazon versions)
  • Lyon: DILF taur

  • Luke Richards: Full human male pilot follower

  • Tuc the Vulkrim: Thief on myr homeworld

  • Liriel Expansion: Fem boy son play

  • Anastasia (done) and Abbas: Ship travel interrupts
  • Merc Bros: Twin Dominant male followers

  • Blaze the Ausar Masseur
  • Bulls in the Bath scene
  • Bara work out smex with bulls for NT
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You know the Black Cock? It's going to be in version 1.3 of the CoC Revamp Mod, along with the TFs and Satyr Gang.

Male pregnancies will probably come later.

I'm grateful the document is formatted to be easy to code.
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ok so worklog for last week

HHC work (mostly editing, revising)

Angus Twink version lover New Texas content started (got the outlines), 1k words so far

Martian Butt Smex Babe started, 1k words done in total

Anastasia combat stuffs sussed out and finished

Plus I worked on the Vulkrim and Taufedi gdocs

*** i've been all over the place this week, didn't get as much done as i wanted to but still got plenty of work done.

*** I usually don't stay doing these types of logs but i'm trying to track my own weekly progress so hopefully this'll help


10/20/2015 Progress Report

  • Got the bj scenes from pre-follower Angus ported over to NT Twink Angus and edited a bit, am now working on expanding themExpansion includes more lover content as well as more meat if you will and also more cum play
[*]Angus's gdoc went from 1k to 5k and still counting
[*]Vulkrim Codex editing with Lash
[*]Taufedi Codex editing with Lash
[*]G&W characters port over started kinda/sorta. No real heavy work has been done just some editing and conceptualizing, again with Lash (thanks buddy). They will all get name changes so as to remain viable for use by G&W should the project be revived.
  • Sparde is currently slated to go to the crime planet. He will be a sci-fi drugs vendor. Drugs will give temp stat boosts during battle and the worst ones (or the best ones if you're into that) will have an addiction mechanic attached to them similar to marble's milk and mino cum in CoC.
  • The Lube Warrior is slated to go to the crime planet. He is going to need a lil rewrite because he'll have alien race variation (meaning the lube warrior you see will be one of two different, but similar, races). My thought is that this warrior class member of this gang will be either a bulky male Ausar or male Thraggen but i'm open to suggestions. The Thraggen
    Also things like lore and backstory need to be worked on.
  • Gavril is going to be edited and his race changed but... idk where he'll end up. I may find someone and attach him to a dungeon... who knows?
I do believe that is it. Lots of work got done and big shout out to Lash because that dude rocks


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
10/20/2015 Progress Report

  • Got the bj scenes from pre-follower Angus ported over to NT Twink Angus and edited a bit, am now working on expanding themExpansion includes more lover content as well as more meat if you will and also more cum play
[*]Angus's gdoc went from 1k to 5k and still counting
[*]Vulkrim Codex editing with Lash
[*]Taufedi Codex editing with Lash
[*]G&W characters port over started kinda/sorta. No real heavy work has been done just some editing and conceptualizing, again with Lash (thanks buddy). They will all get name changes so as to remain viable for use by G&W should the project be revived.
  • Sparde is currently slated to go to the crime planet. He will be a sci-fi drugs vendor. Drugs will give temp stat boosts during battle and the worst ones (or the best ones if you're into that) will have an addiction mechanic attached to them similar to marble's milk and mino cum in CoC.
  • The Lube Warrior is slated to go to the crime planet. He is going to need a lil rewrite because he'll have alien race variation (meaning the lube warrior you see will be one of two different, but similar, races). My thought is that this warrior class member of this gang will be either a bulky male Ausar or male Thraggen but i'm open to suggestions. The Thraggen
    Also things like lore and backstory need to be worked on.
  • Gavril is going to be edited and his race changed but... idk where he'll end up. I may find someone and attach him to a dungeon... who knows?
I do believe that is it. Lots of work got done and big shout out to Lash because that dude rocks

Jesus Christ I love you, if I wasn't in a relationship and in another country you would be the one I would chase after, heheh.


Ok so I'm currently working on Angus and Liriel, both projects for TiTs which i plan to have done by the end of november (in Angus's case I'm talking about NT content not full follower content)

A lot of words on both gdocs. 3 sex scenes done in total which 2 more started.

was a little burned out on Angus but now i'm craving some faux cow/bull twink so good times


Didn't get as much done as i would have liked

Sure Liriel has the beginnings of her last sex scene and several talk options

and burn out from Angus has been mitigated so i'll start back on him soon

but between OT at work and personal family events as well as working on my house not much time to sit down and really focus on writing the way i want to. That being said for those of who know about my housing situation I'm happy to say we've just repaired the last window so we'll be moving in as soon as I get paid so i can put the utilities in my name. That and internet because otherwise no google drive and no writing.

If it wasn't for commissions I would probably still be trying to get into the house so I want to thank all my patient commissioners from the bottom of my heart and soon I'll hit the ground running. I won't have repairs to do anymore so a huge chunk of my time will be made available for both writing and sleep... glorious sleep...



New Member
Nov 12, 2015
how do i get the satyr gang patron scene? i cant access it even though i have the right version (1.3 ?) 


sorry blue i literally jsut saw your message

how do i get the satyr gang patron scene? i cant access it even though i have the right version (1.3 ?) 

The original idea was for the satyr gang patron to be there 24/7 because, with Andy's presence, there are always a table full of horny, rowdy satyrs. I think instead kitteh gave them a set time to be there like the patrons of The Wet Bitch so its a simple matter of timing.


Also I haven't gotten as much done as i would have liked but Liriel will be done soonish and hopefully I can get Angus NT twink sorted out before black friday. A lot of writing planned for this weekend along with a mtg tournament I'm gonna go to sat night.


While waiting to confirm my next step with BT for Angus I'm going ahead and getting Anastasia (Ship Threat #1) out the way. Second lady in rapid succession I know but its all good. Commissioner wants Abbas done next and that one will be way more straight forward and, of course, male.

Anastasia - The Fem Fatal

What I had done

  • Encounter Notes
  • Encounter Intro/Repeatable Variation
  • Raw Data + Appearance + Stats
  • Combat Data (Attacks + AI)
  • PC Loss
What I just did

What needs to be done

  • PC win scenes for gals and guys
  • Play first scene (consensual sex should you be smart enough to convince her)
  • Edit/Revision
Because I had been kinda/sorta doing it before this (off and on) this will probably be a really short project. Concerning the sex scenes instead of giving me an outline commissioner gave me a list of fetishes and said to "Make it Good" so i'm gonna do that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
What's gotta be done/redone for Rauk to be finished? Besides Bara Angus he's the one I'm looking forward to the most.


What's gotta be done/redone for Rauk to be finished? Besides Bara Angus he's the one I'm looking forward to the most.

Well first i'd have to reformat the gdoc to gedan's liking but after that it is simple edit/revision. Cum to think of it i could probably get that done tonight if i wanted to... but i'm already balls deep in Anastasia so it'll have to wait but tbh it shouldn't take that long. And i could do some stuff so that he is in the residential area as well... but i got commissions so my stuff has to wait.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Understandable. I hope he makes it into the same update as the residential area if you decide to put him there.


Dec 6, 2015
Not to be a buzzkill, but anything with Helspawn you NEED to talk to Savin about. Savin directly said in the past Helspawn content is not to be put into any remake or mods for CoC without their permission.  The same thing goes with every unique character in CoC with their own creators.

Show some respect for the makers.

Err.. unless I am misunderstanding who you are.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm pretty sure you got the wrong guy... If you mean the one scene he wrote for Helspawn, it was a commission he was payed into doing. Doesn't mean he expects it in game. If you mean the Revamp mod, that's Kitteh. And even THEN he said he won't add anything related to Helia or Helspawn or any of Savin's work because he asked him not to.


Dec 6, 2015
Hm? If you say so.

I spoke to Savin pretty recently during one of his streams. He actually is pretty upset with the revamp mod and feels like his work has been disrespected. Not that I researched in depth what is in the mod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
That's strange... Like I said, Kitteh promised to stay away from messing with his stuff. Either he's still upset about it for some reason, or you might have read some older posts.


Not to be a buzzkill, but anything with Helspawn you NEED to talk to Savin about. Savin directly said in the past Helspawn content is not to be put into any remake or mods for CoC without their permission.  The same thing goes with every unique character in CoC with their own creators.

Show some respect for the makers.

Err.. unless I am misunderstanding who you are.


The truth is my helspawn scene was approved by both Savin and Fen before I charged the commissioner and started writing it (which was before the TiTs was even a thing for real if i recall correctly). If i had the old forum messages I would show them to you but I spoke to Fen who told me to speak to Savin who told me he didn't have a problem with Hellspawn incest being written, he just didn't want to write it himself because reasons. So I told the commissioner that we were green lighted on the project and finished that awesome scene PDQ.

Now it is a known fact that I support the mod but I am not a writer for the mod or CoC. I am an individual whose writing is an entirely separate entity from both CoC and the mod. That being said everything i wrote for CoC, especially the commissioned projects, were pre-approved by Fen and/or their original authors (but i don't think i did a lot of expansions, just jojo and hp... unless you count the mpreg stuff which i don't).

I also support Savin's decision to not allow his character's to be modded by the mod community because what happens to his creations are up to him regardless of who it upsets. He maintains the integrity of his characters and I respect that, have always respected that and will always respect that.

so you're not misunderstanding who I am as much as you're misunderstanding the circumstances that lead to the creation of the hp scene i wrote. but, then again, you probably know what they say about people who assume.


Progress Report

  • Waiting on BT/Oxy to approve some stuff so i can finish NT Angus. Otherwise next week if I'm not out of town I'll be getting on top of what I can for NT Angus Bara version and cowmazon version. Same goes for follower (which I'll start with cowmazon btw)
  • Did another edit run on Liriel Armstrong. My first uber dominant dick girl YAY.
  • Am simultaneously writing Anastasia and Abbas in the mean time since I've realized neither one of them will take up the 10k words alone.

    Anastasia - Female kaithrit ship threat

    Started consensual sex scene where you trick her into fucking you. She finds out in the end of course.
  • Created (and finished) scene where you tell her the truth.

[*]Abbas - Male Bruchandus ship threat

  • Started Rape scene due to being inspirted by a convo with my new buddy luke and my old buddy lash
  • Did Raw Data descriptions
  • Adding Bruchandian adjectives to stuff since this will be the first bruchandus in game and I don't want Gedan to work too too hard.

[*]Got a new Commission: Luke Richards. More information to cum.

[*]Possibility of Geoff expansion in the future.

Gonna try to remember to do these weekly but, again, I make no promises.


Once again this was a lack luster week in the getting stuff done department but... I still managed to get it in

  • Angus - The NT Boy/Bull/Babe

    Received new outlines - yay
  • Date interaction approved, hopefully others will follow suit.
  • Did a light edit of NT Twink stuff, needs a heavy edit but that's after the new sex scenes are done so i can do it all at once.

[*]Anastasia - Female kaithrit hafling ship threat

  • Consensual sex scene has been extended to include several variations for pc personality. Not 100% done yet but getting there.
  • Fleshed out and edited all non sexual interaction.

[*]Abbas - Male Bruchandus ship threat

  • OMG I just wanna say I love working on this big burly vengeful asshole
  • Intro and battle stats done
  • Have a lot of work to do describing bruchandian physiology because there are none in game as far as I know. So far i have possible parser descriptors for Abbas that can be used for other bruchandi so we'll seoe how this goes.
  • Rape scene isn't done because I keep adding stuff to it. I need to condense it honestly but I'm having fun so fuck it.

Right now the plan is to finish up at least Anastasia before the week's end. Meaning I have to do the bondage rape scenes for males and females and finish up the consensual sex scene (that last one is getting done now). Gonna try to crank her out since she has more stuff than Abbas.


We recently had a break in at my home. No one was there, everyone is safe but the thieves took a bunch of our stuff including the TV and my niece's tablet. I've been dealing with that most of the weekend with putting the house back together, dealing with the police, cataloging the stuff we know is missing, fixing the way they broke in and looking into getting additional security aside from my gun, pittbull and german shepard. I'm not looking to replace anything right now just going to concentrate on getting internet and now additional security.

Long story short dealing with this has gotten in the way of my weekend writing plans. I am just now getting some free time to write this Sunday. Since dealing with this took some time away from Anastasia and Abbas I'll be making that time up in the next 4 or 5 days so I can finish Anastasia up and get a good start on Abbas before resuming work on Angus. 

But like I said when I will make Anastasia public I'll make Abbas public just bear with me. 


Ok so this is what I have done for these two. Its not much imo but its time to really really get back on top of Angus cause I want his base content 100% done b4 spring. 

Ship Threats - Anastasia [wip]

i'm being extremely lazy about writing her sex scenes. Well maybe lazy isn't the word, I've written two pc wins scenes and they were both high tier level crap and got super scrapped. I will get them done eventually but atm i'm kind of having a mental block with her sex content which is why everything else got done first. 

She has several planned story expansions and is going to be a catwoman type villain for anyone who likes her enough to pursue the additional content. These will be based on which new planets the commissioner likes and seeing her always results in her being up to something and you can help/hinder her with various results. At least that's what the commissioner wants at this time and this is, of course, subject to change. 

Ship Threats - Abbas [wip]

*With the announcement that Savin&Geddy might be working on ship/ship combat and that the group fight system is available Abbas's encounter is getting a ship/ship expansion. The commissioner has left it up to me how this is handled as an event.

  • I may have two separate versions of the Abbas encounter: One where he sneaks onto the player's ship and another where ship to ship combat results in autorape boarding action for the winner.
  • However I'm leaning towards having the whole event be one thing where you have a ship to ship fight followed by a second fight after a potential boarding action. If you win the ship to ship fight you have the option to continue through boarding action or fly off. I plan for certain npc's with group combat capability *read:anno* to be able to accompany you if the smutty trinity approves. Winning the ship to ship battle would also result in Abbas having a debuff that makes the second fight easier. If the pc loses the player's ship is boarded and the player gets the debuff during combat. Crew members set to guard would fight along side the player in this case instead of having their guard options. Other crew members who aren't set as your primary guard end up disabled.
    Before anyone asks the reasoning behind non-guards being disabled... 
    Gameplay: Since the player lost the ship fight only the npc(s) set to guard are available defensively. Basically it'd be another debuff to make the fight harder and another punishment to make the player take the ship battle more seriously. These are the types of things you think about when developing a game. I'm thinking Anno should still be available as a guard (her creator wiling) for this once the ship threats and guard system are implemented. All she would need is a generic victory/loss scene written that can be used for all ship threats.
    Story: The rest of the crew aren't trained and when the final blow was struck against your ship they were temporarily knocked out or their door malfunctions, they get disabled for various reasons that may or may not be mentioned. Non-combative npcs aren't available for back up for obvious reasons. 

This is subject to change depending on how ship combat is handled.

community feedback is very helpful btw


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
I don't know that you have a thread dedicated to the Bruchandus at the bar, I've been looking and can't find it. However, I'll just ask here anyway, do you plan on making it possible to make him(it) into a breeder/matron? Ala, ever that is.


Progress Report - Apparently not a weekly one tho

  • Angus - (NT: 11k words)

    Lots of scenes done have doubled the document size and put a bunch of features in.
  • Scenes done

    NT Talk - Will have more options but since this is post-recruitment content talk won't be as heavy or as important.
  • Blow Him - Needs second edit
  • Get Blown - Needs second edit
  • Fuck Angus - Needs first edit

[*]Currently Working on

  • Getting Fucked by Angus
  • New Texas Date 

    The NT date includes a branching choice to take him to either the bbq place or the gym. Both will have special public sex scenes that will help raise your exhib score and also language that takes into account your exhib score.

[*]To Do

  • Annabelle Introduction and edits
  • Bara Angus Introduction and edits
  • Twnk/Bara/Annabelle versions for other planets.
  • completion of Follower Content
  • Pregnancy Content

[*]Alexandria Heroes story

  • All planning done
  • Character Profiles for all heroes done
  • Episode 1 of Year One story arc has been started


  • Began editing his content but haven't actually done much with him tbh.

[*]Luke Richards

  • New commission that will be another male follower, this one based in Tavros.

[*]Taufedi Codex has been completed with the help of Lash

I don't know that you have a thread dedicated to the Bruchandus at the bar, I've been looking and can't find it. However, I'll just ask here anyway, do you plan on making it possible to make him(it) into a breeder/matron? Ala, ever that is.

sorry i'm just now seeing this. So there are no plans for Rauk to be able to go into the matron stage. This is due to the fact that he is taking medication to become infertile and becoming a matron is caused by hosting multiple pregnancies. 

Rauk is meant to be a fun guy to interact with and the only expansion I've considered is a route where he falls in love with you and wants the player to move to Al-Quitar with him. If the player does it'd be a bad end where your cousin gets the fortune and comes to find you only to find you happily raising a family of bruchandi. 

that's not saying i'm not open to other expansions but all would have to come after my commission que is gone.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Yay so much progress!

sorry i'm just now seeing this. So there are no plans for Rauk to be able to go into the matron stage. This is due to the fact that he is taking medication to become infertile and becoming a matron is caused by hosting multiple pregnancies. 

Rauk is meant to be a fun guy to interact with and the only expansion I've considered is a route where he falls in love with you and wants the player to move to Al-Quitar with him. If the player does it'd be a bad end where your cousin gets the fortune and comes to find you only to find you happily raising a family of bruchandi. 

that's not saying i'm not open to other expansions but all would have to come after my commission que is gone.

Would there be a kind of halfway point where you don't get the bad end but maybe have a couple of his kids? :3

Or is that something that would have to be considered as another expansion for a later date?
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