
Oct 16, 2015
I heard on one of the Youtube DnD videos that one of the Players has a MTG addiction so that inspired me to make a CoC magic set in the magic set editor and post it here for funzies. <3 

Any Ideas for cards are welcome, I have it in mind to have a corruption Key system that is fun to use and is balanced but needs a lot of work to implement 

NOTE this is a fan Project, I in no way own MTG or CoC all credit goes to the owners and makers of these fantastic games
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Oct 16, 2015
Hai sorry not posting in a while Irl things and whatnot but I'm gonna post some cards soon also with the Corruption system I plan to implement I may build two versions of the card set, one that's compatible with normal MTG and my own adventure game style anyways here is an Beta(may may not be balanced) of "Tamani Goblin Matriarch" card. I know theres no Tamani in the cardart but that might happen in a future 

Tamani Goblin Matriarch.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was thinking, could the game's sprites be used as a sort of placeholder card art? You could also look to the image pack for actual pics, though I have no idea what sort of image ratios would work best.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Hatternumber0 has some pretty good images in his image packs that you could use. May need some re sizing though to fit the card.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016


a CoC Card Game... I'd play that... 

Though I can just imagine someone coming up and asking what card game you are playing... 

I'd probably give them the same answer I do when people ask about what is the game like that I'm coding for. 

"It's called Champions its an text based adventure RPG." - Hey I'm not lying... (just not being entirely honest about the name)


Oct 16, 2015
I was thinking, could the game's sprites be used as a sort of placeholder card art? You could also look to the image pack for actual pics, though I have no idea what sort of image ratios would work best.

Hatternumber0 has some pretty good images in his image packs that you could use. May need some re sizing though to fit the card.

hmm I'll have to have to have a look at that but, I might commission some of the original artists to make safe artwork for the cards. Anyways here is another card for us to talk over I know the name might be stupid but yea :p

Taur-amorphic Expanse.jpg


Oct 16, 2015
Oki now time for a bit of CoC non canon introducing "Censcara of the llade" 

Bio: Censcara is a Centaur Demi-being  who holds domain over a hidden village in the deepest part of the deepwood using her power to keep the corruptive and maleviolent demons at bay offering a more natural way of cleansing corruption also providing homes those who seek refuge from the demons as well as the tendraleic overmind (more on that later). The Lladehomes as this faction is called, are mostly Green white in card colors, tactics are coming soon in a new update stay tuned

Censcara of the Llade.jpg

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Not tapping when you use dark indulgence (Tamani) might be a bit too OP, especially since it's for 2 turns...enough mana would let you control everything an opponent has for 2 turns all at once.  Tamani is a green critter, and green decks are great at fielding a ton of mana producers for in a fairly short time after all.


Oct 16, 2015
Not tapping when you use dark indulgence (Tamani) might be a bit too OP, especially since it's for 2 turns...enough mana would let you control everything an opponent has for 2 turns all at once.  Tamani is a green critter, and green decks are great at fielding a ton of mana producers for in a fairly short time after all.

I agree, but that gives me an idea for a different version of Tamani there are two other sub-sets I have in mind for this project 

the sub sets being a corruption side and a pure side

also the Imp cards I should get on those 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
yeah looking back she is tottally op. may make changes to her.


New Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hi !

Magic The Gathering and CoC are two of my passions. So, when I saw this topic, I wanted to give it a try. Tell me what you  think about it. Particulary this custom design I used. It's not mine but I believe it's great with the type of artwork done for CoC.

Just a reminder of the few rules I added: If you have 100 Lust, you lose the game. You can be as corrupted as you want but some card will need a certain value. You're "corrupted" above 50 and "Pure" below 20. Both Lust and Corruption begin to 0 at the start of the game.

I hope you like this.


Beautiful Minotaur.jpg


GoblinToken 2.jpg


Imp Swarm.jpg

Minotaur Cum Addiction.jpg

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Hi !

Magic The Gathering and CoC are two of my passions. So, when I saw this topic, I wanted to give it a try. Tell me what you  think about it. Particulary this custom design I used. It's not mine but I believe it's great with the type of artwork done for CoC.

Just a reminder of the few rules I added: If you have 100 Lust, you lose the game. You can be as corrupted as you want but some card will need a certain value. You're "corrupted" above 50 and "Pure" below 20. Both Lust and Corruption begin to 0 at the start of the game.

I hope you like this.

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Is that your own artwork?  Very nice if so.

The Imp Swarm seems a bit strong for token creatures with having sexy 10, even if it is a 1 use spell.  I would think Sexy 1 or 2 would be better for token creatures.


Oct 16, 2015
:3 those keywords are really good Ideas I've been stumped on how to apply the corruption and lust effects with balancing the cards and that mino cum addiction defiantly got me thinking on player enchantments 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Okay, just a thought, but could I try to make a planeswalker of my OC, would this be okay?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Love it! But damn you'd be a bitch to summon

Considering abilities... Word "chosen" is there for a reason - rules say that "Shroud" only protects from "target", and MtG rules are very sensitive to such things. It was intended as sort of ultimate combobreaker card - he can exile any overpowered permanent, he can exile himself to wipe whole battlefield clean, and only way to get rid of him without causing mass exile is to use something which returns all cards to hand or library. And it is for no means really balanced :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Considering abilities... Word "chosen" is there for a reason - rules say that "Shroud" only protects from "target", and MtG rules are very sensitive to such things. It was intended as sort of ultimate combobreaker card - he can exile any overpowered permanent, he can exile himself to wipe whole battlefield clean, and only way to get rid of him without causing mass exile is to use something which returns all cards to hand or library. And it is for no means really balanced :)

Fair enough. it's always tough to find proper balance for cards.