The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Ashar will be spending part of her night on watch but not until after her late night companionship had come to an end, after all she has a lovely serpentine lady to keep company. She'll likely head off to her tent with them in tow before it got too late. Though even after Ashar and their late night companion were finished, Ashar was a very light sleeper, and would likely take up a middle of the night watch.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"You can never be too sure when it comes to wounds. Plus, I don't want it getting worse due to infection." Diavolo placed his hand on Ansil's rat bites, and divine energy pulsed through him. It felt rather strange, to say the least. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel completely pleasant either. It was like being next to a campfire on a cold night, the exposed side feeling warm, but the other feeling quite cold. There was a strange, lingering familiarity that Ansil could feel to it as well. Then, just as it began, it ended. Diavolo took his hand off of Ansil. "Alright, that should do it. Now, where is that kobold."

(Diavolo has expended 5 charges of Lay on Hands to remove one disease or poison from Ansil. If Taco doesn't feel like taking up more post space doing this, then I'm good with just saying he did the same thing to her and spending 5 more charges.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tali joins the monk for the nigh, spending the night eating you out.

As the dawn rises banishing the night those of you awake catch the faint smell of wood smoke. You brush this off as someone cooking breakfast however the smell grows stronger and then you hear people screaming. When you rush out side you see the ruins are on fire with people screaming and running around, Berwyn is leading an effort to put out the flames. Looking up you can see the cause of this woe. You see 14 small figures, IMPS! Though they are different than normal imps, smaller and thinner then normal imps, they have orange red skin, two horns that grow from their head and curve upward, they have 3" cocks that are currently rock hard. Their wings are their most standout feature, instead of the normal skin they have flames instead. They cackle with mad glee as they rain fire down on the ruins.

(The fire imps have come to play!
Imps: 15
Tali: 14)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
It took her a while to wake up and rejoin the morning world once the sun rose, her body having been initially tangled in the thicc snakes coils. However, once the moment of rest had turned to the scent of acrid smoke, she untagled herself briskly and rolled out of the tent, leaning on her staff as her still half-nude form entered a low stance. "Fucking hells... Imps? NEW Imps?! Gonna rip whoever sent these things a fucking new one!"
(Init 14)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil was to busy doing what he said he would do and watch everyone sleep, making sure to take notes on how much they toss and turn as well as snore. He planed on sharing his findings with them win they woke up. He though that the screams and shouting was all in his head but when he looked to see what Ashar was doing he frantically tried to get ready.

(Init... 4... I rolled a nat 1)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana was quickly awoken by her owl who told her of the situation going on outside in the ruins. She then got up and rushed outside. “My my...theres a lot of you little ones...”

(7 initiative)


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo did something that he normally never did, sleep in. It appeared as though it had some rather drastic precautions this time though. He struggled to get his armor on, thankful that he slept with the bottom half still on his body. Grabbing his sword, he rushed outside. "Good grief. I planned on making a nice breakfast too."

(Initiative: 1. Thank you 7 dexterity.)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Climbing out of the rubble from where she slept, Tarykrym was already armoured and prepared as she struggled to take note of the scene with the sun in her nocturnal eyes.

(Initiative: 24, nat 20.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Battle order is Bard, Imps, Monk, snake, wizzard, Lock, Pally.) The imps are some what spread out on one side of the town, the side nearest the mountains. They're flying at roof level so swinging swords wont hit unless you can bring them down

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Pulling her horn from her hip, Tarykrym would focus her energy into a drawn out blast, focusing magic through the horn and right on the imp in the middle of the group, (casting Enemies abound. Save DC 13.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(20 on the saving throw) The imp you am at shrugs off the spell and sees you "Oi there they are! Roast them!" He laughs as around half of them peel off to deal with you, the rest go on to attack the town. They reach back and throw balls of fire at you all

(At bard: To hit: 14 if hits: 2 fire damage. At Lock: To hit: 23 if hits: 7 fire damage, At Monk: To hit: 6 if hits: 4 fire damage, At Witch To hit: 7 if hits: 7 fire damage, At Pally To hit: 7 if hits: 4 fire damage, At Snake To hit: 1. These are spell attacks by the way if that matters)
One imp's ball goes off in his face making him fall to the ground. Tali takes am at an imp with her bow. (You to have the same number so I feel okay doing this)

(At imp: To hit: 6) The shot goes wide.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Ashar lunged to the side as she noticed the fireball, and used the momentum from her leap to flow into a pouncing onto the side of a building. A burst of ki flows along her tattoos and sends her at double speed, a gust of wind blasting her onto the roof of a house lightly, staff held in two hands as she tried to smack a near by imp upside the head and delivered a second, lancing kick.
QStaff: To Hit: 25 Damage: 9
Fist Attack: To Hit: 22 Damage: 7


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
As the small ball of fire completely missed Sindiana, she then turned to the imp that shot it at her and used Chill touch.(27 to hit 8 necrotic dmg) After that she turned to two others and as her bonus action cast Magic missile at 2nd lvl. (2 and 3 dmg to two other imps.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil quickly tried to pat himself out "Ow ow ow ow!" He then glared at the imps in the air. He pointed at them and spoke in a mad langue. The air around him started to get cold and then a horrible tearing sound could be heard. The imps were covered in the darkness of the void, having feeling Slimy tentacles all around them.
(Spell Casted: Hunger of Hadar. Damage when they start their turn in the darkness: 9 cold damage. If they end their turn still in darkness make a DEX save DC 15 or take: 10 acid damage. They can't see, it's difficult terrain and it's a 20-foot-radius sphere)


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo matched as the blast of fire came hurtling at him, only to hit his armor with a satisfying *plink* sound not hurting him at all. "Weak. Like you." Diavolo grabbed two javelins from his pack and hurled them both at the imp that tried to roast him. "Oh Maerith, in thine infinite mercy and kindness, empower me with the ability to send these fiends back to Hell!" Diavolo snapped his fingers, and a giant red fist appeared near the imp that tried to strike Tarykym. The fist tries to pummel said imp.

(First Javelin Attack: 11 Damage: 9. Second Javelin Attack: 10 Damage: 6. Spiritual Weapon Attack: 10 Damage: 4. Wow, my rolls suck this campaign.)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Ducking behind the wall, Tarykrym would snicker before poking her head back up, jeering at whatever imp she saw first.

“That aim was terrible! What, too many cocks up your asses?”

(It has to make a saving throw, or take five damage from vicious mockery.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The three imps shudder from your magic but stay standing strong.

The imps move out of the way of Diavolo's attacks laughing

"Hey! I have not!" The imp holds his head in pain (Got a 11 on the save) The imp that was holding its head in pain and the one that got the chilled touch get tentacle raped thanks to Ansil. The rest move slightly out of the sphere.
(11 imps remain) Imps are drawn back from destroying the town to keep up the pressure.
(At Bold: Attack: 22 Damage 5 fire, at Monk: Attack: 20 Damage 2 fire, At Warlock: Attack: 12 Damage 5 fire, At witch: Attack: 11 Damage 7 fire, At Tali: Attack: 13 Damage 3 fire.) One imp smirks at the palidain. "Ohh I heard of you~ Red King or something right? You don't look red, don't worry I'll help make you red. Lobster Red!"
(Fire imp casts Heat Metal!. Your armor grows red hot with lust. You take 7 fire damage and must beat a DC 12 Con save.)

Tali hisses in pain as she gets slightly burned and fires an arrow. (Attack: 15 Damage: 5 piercing) She shoots one of the imps out of the sky


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Ashar saw the lancing ball of fire heading towards her, and knew it was going to hit no matter what she did to dodge it. And thus she crossed her arms before her chest and let it hit, burning away not at her flesh, but at a gathered mass of necrotic energy that lingered on her arms. "Gonna have to do better than that ya bunch of limp-dicked fucks!" A feral sneer loomed over her expression as she kicked off the house she stood on and landed near another clump of imps, unleashing a flurry of blows onto the imps near her.
Attack: 14 Damage: 6
Attack: 20 Damage: 10
Attack: 24 Damage: 11
Attack: 9 Damage: 9


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana looked at the imp that cast a spell at Diavolo and unleashed a acid arrow at him. "Now now that wasn't very fair was it." (This is the bonus action.12 to hit/ 9 dmg if miss half dmg). Then she unleashed a chill touch at another imp. (19 to hit 7 dmg)


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo winces as his armor magically heats up and begins burning his skin. He was ashamed of his performance in this fight so far. His pride hurt and his ego lowered, he decides to get a lot more serious. He looked at Ashar as she jumped off of the ground to hit the imps in melee and thought for a second. He was a lot heavier than she was, but he was arguably stronger. He decides to risk it, jumps in the air, and tries to strike the imp that made his armor hot with his upward momentum. Then, as he came down, he used gravity to his advantage and struck the imp once more. Finally, his spiritual hand flicked one of the imps that Ashar had hit.

(Save: 8. First Attack: 25 Damage: 9. Second Attack: 15 Damage: 13 Spiritual Weapon: 8 Damage: 6)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
(Shoot, Sorry about that.)

Yelping as she was struck with flame, the kobold would dart up again, hurling another insult before once again ducking behind cover.

“I’ve fought rats with more bite than that!”

(7 damage this time, if they fail.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil, with his eyes that can see through the magical darkness of Hunger of Hadar, sees that a few imps are stuck in there so he keeps up concentration on the spell. He then fires off 2 Eldritch Blasts at any imp who seems to be the most hurt.
(First Eldritch Blast- Attack:22 Damage:7 Second Eldritch Blast- Attack:18 Damage:11)
(Hunger of Hadar- At beginning of turn:12 Cold damage, If failed DC 15 dex save: 11 acid)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Three of the imps fall from the monks onslaught. The one imp doges your arrow while another gets chilled from your touch. Another imp falls under the paladin's attack. The warlock takes out another imp, while another falls to the ground holding its head from the pain of the bards words.

See six of their comrades fall in short order the remaining four imps look at each other, gulp and retreat to the mountains. Due to your quick action only a quarter of the town has been burned. Tali sighs and slumps "Knew it..." She mutters


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Damn it! They're getting away!" Diavolo, much like his armor a few seconds ago, was seething. "Cowardly flying bastards. They'll end up coming back if we don't go after them." Diavolo seemed to calm down a bit, but the tenseness in his voice remained. "Sindiana, you said that you heard a scream from the mountains the other night, right? And Tali, you seem to know something about the mountains those imps fled to. We're going to have to head over there, preferably today, if possible."

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Oh please, you think we’re just going to go rush off to their den? Fight on the defensive for now, paladin!”

Climbing down and making her way to the group, the bard crossed her arms and smirked up at the armoured man.

“We keep holding them off for a day or two, as more and more come. Cull the herd, drop their numbers. Until a few days have passed, or they stop coming after us. Then we can walk in there so much easier.”
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil snapped his fingers and the rip in space he caused disappear. He shivered a little bit muttering "I will never understand the appeal of tentacles..." He then looked over at the others as they were talking about the imps "I mean... You saw their numbers... that's not something that happens in a day so they've been gathering up for while... or something else happened and perhaps called them..." He looks over at Tali with a raised eyebrow, as if asking if he was right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She blinks "w-well it makes sense right? An attack on a minion so a retaliation was coming right?" She blushes as everyone looks at her.