The Experiment

If you could escape life to become part of a virtual legacy, would you do so?

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Jul 18, 2018
Have you ever seen "A Game of Thrones"? 99% of you will say, "Yea," in essence. Okay, so here's what I'm doing, and it's really exciting...

I'm hosting a big, interactive world-building experiment. But really, it's equally a wealth generation experiment. Each "player" controls a chunk of virtual real estate which is the embryo of a new form of Bitcoin I'm helping to pioneer. My projections for this experiment are enormous, so let's get on with it. Here's the summary of what we're doing.

I'm writing an interactive novel based on the daily yield of this experiment, somewhat in the fashion of "A Game of Thrones" (the book that preceded and inspired the television show). This book will lead to the next, the next to its next. The profits earned from the resale of this book series will be split between the participants in the experiment, but not equally. Those with greater power will gain more of an income from the books. Those eliminated from the books will not receive any part of the royalties from subsequent books. So it's like playing a high-stakes game for your own amusement, only you can't yet perceive the stakes that will be. At day one, Bitcoin was literally worthless. The only reason it has value is because people assign value to it. That's what we're doing here, but we're taking that wealth generation and putting it in the context of a grand contest spanning storytelling and mathematics. That beings said, the game is remarkably simple at the moment. The rules will complicate, but not until they're exploited. It's untested frontier territory at the moment and the opportunities for clever players are rife. Therefore, you really are forging your legacy by being clever. It's a simple game with simple rules. You can read all about it on server, if you're so inclined. And yes, I realize this is all highly unusual. Wasn't sure where to post the good news. I'm enormously grateful to have germinated the idea. Now who wants a piece of this? Who wants to be rich? Who wants to leave their mark on history? You see what I mean? The potential is enormous.

A little personal history, for those just meeting me. I'm a pornographer, artistically. I don't do RL porn stuff, but my art is erotic in nature most of the time. I host a growing community of people from this website and others, including PornHub and other game forum sites. It's no secret I'm making a porn game and have been for more than a year now. I bad-mouthed Fenoxo and got the boot, rightly. Now I'm back with a better attitude, frankly. Life has kicked my ass in the recent past.

About the game I'm making, it's set in a relm of sex not dissimilar to Corruption of Champions, but less familiar is the fact that there's a world in the fashion of medieval Earth, connected to and situated above the world of the videogame that's eventually going to be accessible in the game. The surface world, as it might rightly be called, will soon be conquered by its nether self, overrun with horny slave-making imps with cruel imaginations and other stereotypes -- unless something's done to prevent this cataclysm. That's where we start you in this experiment, as a king's equivalent armed with this knowledge, given you by wise sages and prognosticators. There are only a few dozen seats in this experiment for participants (and less are open at the moment, both from current participants and from the Western map being unreleased to the marketplace), so head on over to the Discord and check it out, if you're interested. Just start a conversation asking for the link and BAM, you've got it.

Nice see you all again. I'll be good this time. I love the moderation here for allowing me another chance. <3 Long live Fen-Fen the Fair!