The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Why were these bastards always so determined? He barely had any meat on him!

Dirk weaved between denser foliage to maintain the lead, all the while searching for a way to lose his pursuer. It was in this frantic state, as he vaulted over a large mass of bark and stone, that he discovered that the ground below him was suddenly much lower than he'd anticipated.

An unexpected ledge.

He fell, flat on his face. It wasn't enough to injure him, but all of his momentum was lost. Dirk scrambled to hide himself under the overhanging roots, hoping that the ogre would think he was still running away.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira let out a most undignified eek of surprise as Daisy began to carry her, the were rabbit moving too suddenly for her to protest or refuse. She didn't even get to say goodbye and good luck to Akalfa and Sune. She appreciated the lift, and it was true that they would get there faster this way, but Valira would have at least liked to have a choice in the matter. Besides, she had her pride and being carried like a piece of meat as Daisy bounded forward wasn't doing wonders for her self image. That being said, Valira did not resent the witch turned were rabbit for this, it was all in aid of helping Dirk and her plan was a sound one. The quicker they reached their friend the better and it wasn't as if she was the only one being carried. Akalfa was going to be too, although the manner in which the demoness carried her lover would be decidedly less embarrassing. Speaking of Akalfa, though she was a bit far away at this point Valira could make out an amused and lewd look on her face. Chuckling inwardly, she saw the humour of the situation and didn't blame her lover for finding it, after all if you couldn't laugh at yourself who could you laugh at? Nor could she blame her paramour for staring at her jiggling backside as Daisy ran. She would have done the same thing in Akalfa's position, or indeed if the Dark Elf had been in hers. Blushing slightly, Daisy's question broke Valira out of her reverie.

''Just a bit. If it is alright with you I think a piggie back would be more comfortable and more efficient. Please allow me down for a moment. Oh and next time, I would appreciate you asking that question before you sling me over your shoulder. Indeed, I would appreciate you asking if I want to be carried in the first place. I'm not angry or upset with you, I just want to make that clear for the future.''

Once she was back on solid ground, Valira hoisted herself on top of Daisy's back, wrapping her arms firmly around her friends shoulders. It was still a bit awkward, but probably the best position they could do given the circumstances. Clearing her throat slightly, Valira turned towards the direction where Akalfa and Sune were, wishing she could say something but knowing that to do so she would need to shout to be heard. Raised voices could alert any potential enemies that they were coming, after all they had no idea what they would find on the other side of the lake. Besides, they would all be reunited soon enough, it was a short trip. For the moment, Valira settled for a solemn nod in her friends direction, hoping that both pairs brief sojourns went well.

''Well Daisy, let us be off! Run fast but do not exhaust your energy! You will need it for what comes next! I will be fine so do not worry about me!''

Valira braced herself as Daisy got ready to run, hoping that she wouldn't regret her words in a few moments. Valira was used to riding in carriages and on horseback, not on energetic rabbit shifters with her grip the only thing keeping her attached. Valira wasn't so much worried about falling off, she was holding on pretty tight, arms and legs firmly wrapped around Daisy, Motion sickness was more of a concern, it wouldn't do for the High Elf to start feeling queasy in this position. Forget being hoisted like a log, if Valira vomited on Daisy or in the middle of rescuing Dirk she would never live it down. She tried to put such horrible possibilities out of her head as their little journey began in earnest. Looking towards the other side of the lake, a single thought rang loud and with determination through her mind.

We're coming Dirk, just hang on a bit longer!

She just hoped that they weren't too late.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy set Valira down and crouched, allowing the elf to get on her back. As she climbed on she could feel the were rabbit's hands move back to support her bottom. Clawed hands held her butt, giving it a few exploratory gropes as they grabbed at the elf's cheeks. The fur covering Daisy's arms were soft to the touch, densely packed fur tickling any bare skin that it touched. And as Valira wrapped her arms around her friend's shoulders, she found that Daisy's hair smelled lightly of flowers. Once she was certain that her passenger was secured, Daisy set off.

"Right, sorry about the rough treatment. It's hard to think when really pent up, you know? Next time I'll start with a bridal carry rather than slinging you over my shoulder. And don't worry, I've got lots of energy!"

Daisy spoke calmly and clearly as she moved, surprisingly not out of breath despite her earlier exertions. Truth be told, she felt amazing. It'd been far too long since her last transformation, and the energy coiled throughout her body was a testament to how much she needed to jump and run around. The feeling of someone resting on her back and embracing her from behind sent a shiver through her body, especially not that she was moving. Valira didn't even feel motion sickness this time, due to the far more secured position that didn't result in her bouncing up and down with a shoulder lodged in her stomach. It still wasn't a very smooth ride though, due to the speed at which the were rabbit moved and the bounciness of her gait.

Daisy's ears perked up at the sound of something or someone howling in pain and anger. It was distant, and not particularly loud, but those long ears weren't just for show as they picked it up. It sounded far too gruff to be Dirk, so he probably wasn't hurt. It had to be something else. Regardless of what it was, it probably knew the directions to their lost friend. With this in mind, Daisy sped up further, going to the source of the sound.

"I just heard something scream! It didn't sound like Dirk though, he's too quiet to hear most of the time. Tell me if you see him, I want to reward him for killing that dragon!"

Daisy excitedly spoke as she made it to the edge of the forest on the other side of the lake, scanning the tree line for the source of the smoke they saw.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira suppressed a both moan as she felt Daisy grope her ass, and a giggle as she felt the tickle of Daisy's fur. She smelt wonderful, not that Daisy didn't always smell great in human form too, but this was different. The barest odor of flowers hinting at this forms connection to nature, making Valira sigh in nostalgic contentment as it reminded her of the scent of her homeland Ashara. Valira shook her head to clear it of all of those distractions, doing her best to focus on the situation at hand. Daisy's words made her blush a bit, the thought of being carried bridal style by the were rabbit sounding both more dignified than a shoulder carry, and more enjoyable to boot. After all, Valira may have been a knight but being treated like a damsel was nice every once in a while.

''Its quite alright Daisy, I understand. I imagine that you don't let this side of yourself out often, its only natural that your arousal would build up greatly in an animalistic state like this. When this is all over we'll help you in whatever way we can... At any rate, perhaps this run will help burn some of that excess energy off and make things a bit more bearable for you until then.''

Valira swallowed at that, imagining just what the were rabbit would do when given the opportunity to indulge her carnal needs. As pent up as she was, Valira had no doubt that sex with Daisy in such a state would be both hard and rough, her immense stamina allowing her to keep going long after her partner was spent. Images of her and Daisy fucking like animals, like rabbits, filled her mind, Akalfa and Dirk joining in to make the picture even sweeter. Once again, Valira had to remove such thoughts from her head and remind herself to stay on track. Speaking of on track, the ride was proving to be a lot smoother than she thought it would be. She felt no motion sickness whatsoever, and she soon became used to the sensations. While not perfect, it did give Valira a sort of childish exhilaration, each bounce making her stomach flutter with excitement. She resisted the urge to yell out a whoop, although the temptation was fairly strong. Valira's ears pricked up as Daisy spoke, unable to hear the scream herself but trusting her friends superior hearing completely. Valira sighed in relief at the fact that it wasn't Dirk, although that mingled confused anxiety as she wondered just who it belonged to.

''Whoever they are, let us hope that its a sign that Dirk is alive and kicking ass! And believe me Daisy, we all want to reward Dirk for that, in as thorough and in depth a manner as possible.''

Valira let that suggestive statement hang in the air, leaving no doubt as to what form that reward would take. Yet another reason to hope that Dirk was uninjured, after all he would need quite a bit of strength and endurance if he hoped to claim his accolades. Such deliciously lewd thoughts followed Valira until they finally reached their destination, the High Elf's eyes joining the were rabbits in searching the tree line. Finally, she found where the smoke was coming from, a dirty series of puffs emanating from a spot further into the forest. Valira pointed in the direction of what she saw, getting off Daisy's back with a slight huff.

''I suggest we move as stealthily and silently as possible. Though this is usually more Dirk's forte, we don't know what we're going to be walking into and I'd rather err on the side of caution. Besides, the element of surprise is always useful. I know you are quite excited Daisy, but please do your best to follow my lead and remain quiet. Now, let us move. Silent as the wind, and just as deadly.''

Valira gave a serious and determined look at her comrade, before they began to make their way past the trees. It was only late afternoon so at least they would not have to navigate the area in darkness, although that also made the likelihood of them being spotted that much higher. As the came closer and closer to the source of the smoke, Valira could smell it in the air, mingled with another foul and greasy scent that nearly made her wretch. Whoever was the owner of that fire smelled terrible and Valira could tell by the muffled voices she heard that became clearer by the minute that they were as savage and bestial as their odour. Clearly there was some sort of commotion going on as well as the guttural and harsh tones were filled with surprised rage and amused laughter. Valira swallowed, wondering just who those voices belonged to and what else they would find. Finding a bush big enough to obscure them both they crouched down, hiding as best as possible as they peeked their heads through the underbrush and finally saw a most horrific sight.

Ogres! An entire camp of them, the fire only serving to add to the sweat and stink of their unwashed bodies. Valira breathed through her mouth, as she scanned the area. The beasts had them outnumbered and had a size advantage but they were large and cumbersome, Valira and Daisy had them beat in both speed, agility and intelligence. Valira's tactical considerations were interrupted as she saw a most horrific sight, the body of Zira splayed out and ready to be devoured. It was soaking wet and drying by the fire, no doubt she and Dirk must have crashed into the lake and been fished out. Valira felt pity for the half dragon, as much as she hated her and as deserving as her death was, becoming an ogres lunch was a most undignified funeral indeed. Finally, Valira's eyes alighted on a long wooden stake, a pile of ropes unceremoniously pooled around it. She smiled, immediately realizing that Dirk must have escaped and had clearly given one of his captors a bloody nose as he did so. That was obviously the source of the scream, Valira feeling both pride and respect for her friend fill her heart. She knew however that he was not out of the woods yet, literally.

Dirk was alive, at least for the moment but he still needed their assistance. Taking down an ogre alone was no easy task, especially cornered and exhausted. They couldn't afford to get bogged down in fighting the main group, better that they help Dirk and then all three of them could sweep back around and kill the rest. Hopefully by that point Akalfa and Sune would join them and they could truly make this a group effort. Valira felt a twinge of worry, hoping that they had just arrived quicker than the pair and that nothing untoward had happened. Pushing such pessimistic thoughts from her mind, Valira motioned Daisy to follow her, shuffling through the undergrowth as they made their way towards where she thought Dirk might be. It wasn't hard, she just needed to follow the path of crushed grass and bent trees, doing her best not to make a sound. The last thing they needed was to get caught right when they were on the cusp of saving their friend.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy, and Valira would push through the underbrush, and find an ogre looking around, as if it had lost something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
(Completely spaced on them, sorry.)

Sune could fly almost as fast as Daisy could run, but they still had a bit of catching up to do. Still, from their higher vantage point, Akalfa could see a group of... somethings milling about on the waters edge, not too far off from where they were.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's ears twitched a bit as Valira agreed with her on rewarding Dirk, images of what she hoped would come floating through her mind. She couldn't help but let out a giggle in excitement for it, her need growing even greater as she continued bounding towards their destination. As Valira pointed the spot out, looking in the direction of the smoke. She sensed her passenger motioning to get off, and stopped to let her do so. Daisy returned Valira's serious look, though her eyes still very clearly showed that she was still excited. The were rabbit listened as the high elf spoke, trying to keep an ear out for any more strange noises.

"Sounds good to me. I can be pretty sneaky, though I have to concede that Dirk does beat me in that regard. I've only ever known he's near me when I see him, so finding him could be difficult."

Crouching down to lower her profile, Daisy followed after Valira whilst trying to remain as silent as possible. Her face scrunched up as they went, the foul smell of the campfire reaching her nose. Both the fire and whatever creature was tending to it smelled awful. It wasn't the musk or scent of an animal though, or at least not one that Daisy recognized. Her ears picked up the sounds of a commotion, leading her to believe that the awful odor belonged to something at least slightly sentient. That was both good and bad. Sentient things could be reasoned with, but they also tended to be far more sadistic than a simple beast. Moving next to Valira behind the bush, she peered through the branches and leaves to try and see what was going on.

Ugly human things? Daisy had no clue what those were, but they didn't look particularly friendly. If they were the ones who got Dirk, they'd probably have to fight them for it. Daisy liked that idea. Rescuing Dirk meant she could get a reward from him, which meant more time spent entwined in ecstasy. The only reason she didn't lick her lips at the though was the terrible smell assaulting her nose. These creatures smelled awful, like a rotting corpse. As Daisy's eyes drifted around the camp she caught glimpse of another possible source of that smell, Zira's body. Well, if they're fishing bodies out of the water, that meant they almost certainly had Dirk! And more looking brought her eyes to some kind of wooden pole sticking out of the ground, and some ropes limply coiled around it and the ground. Why would they have something like that? Did they tie someone up? Was it Dirk? Why would they let him lose? Or did he manage to break out on his own? It's both a relief and a shame. He was freed and not going to be eaten by anything, but she also wanted to play with his helpless body a bit.

The good outweighed the bad though. Daisy could always try and get him tied up later, but couldn't if he was eaten. She was shaken from her thoughts of ropes by Valira, who motioned for her to follow her. Glad to be moving away from the stink, Daisy happily obliged in following Valira to where she estimated the scream to have originated from. The trampled foliage was a dead giveaway for where the trail lead. Spotting the lone creature looking lost and confused made Daisy confused as well. If it wasn't trying to hit Dirk, what was it trying to do? She tapped Valira on the shoulder to get her attention, and balled up her fist before gently putting it in her palm, as if asking if they should take out the straggler.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa peered down at the creatures with a squint, trying to get a good look at what exactly they were. Humanoid, yet far too large to be an average person. From her height their acrid scent did not reach the sorceresses nose, but even from her vantage point she could tell they were a brutish sort, hunkering and slow in their trek around the water. Perhaps giants? It did cross her mind to engage them civilly and attempt to discuss, but as Sune began to lower Akalfa's face scrunched up seeing the beasts at a closer glance. The smell was atrocious, horrible lumbering beasts that looked almost human, but not quite, the scent enough to make the Dark Elf gag. Seeing Zira's body laid about the shore and the fire they set it was clear what they intended to do, the realization making the sorceresses stomach turn. Even she didn't think the half-dragon deserved such a wretched fate. The pole with the cut ropes laid limply to the side painted a rather obvious picture as well. They weren't adverse to the idea of eating anything, and that meant Dirk was in grave danger judging by what seemed to be a missing captive. They needed to find him, and fast.

It made Akalfa livid to watch, balling her fists in anger at her inability to do anything. From her guess these were the ogres Sune had mentioned earlier. Even with her upper-hand, blowing their cover just yet seemed like a horrid idea before finding Dirk, especially to avenge a half-dragon who nearly turned her to ash a mere hour ago. But boy oh boy did Akalfa hope they would return and teach these...things, a lesson, for their wanton cruelty.

Crouching low the Dark Elf made her way behind Daisy and Valira, motioning Sunelarra forward to join in their stealth. She sneakily crept up, near soundless thanks to her lack of proper footwear and light attire. Akalfa looked towards both Daisy, Sune, and Valira, motioning at her palm and pointing back towards the ogre, seemingly in agreement with Daisy to take the creature out silently.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk held his breath, pressing his back flush against the overhanging ledge and gripping his short blades tightly. He could hear the ogre stomping around somewhere close by. His racing heartbeat seemed like thunder in his own ears, so loud to him that he worried even the ogre would notice. Sweat beaded on his brow while he waited, expecting the brute to drop down any second and grab him before he could react. He'd have to make a break for it sooner or later, but the ogre still sounded too close, and he couldn't keep pushing his luck like this...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes narrowed at the sight of the lone ogre, studying him closely. Obviously he was searching for Dirk, their roguish friend somewhere nearby. Try as she might Valira could find no sight of him, whether that was a testament to Dirk's stealth or because he was too far away, she couldn't say. Regardless, Dirk couldn't stay hidden forever, there was only a finite number of hiding spots in the area and even a dumb brute like the ogre would find him sooner or later with enough searching. Valira was delighted that the thing was alone and distracted, that would make it so much easier to take down. They would have to do it as stealthily as possible, there was no guarantee some or all of the beasts friends would come bearing down at them if they heard more screaming, but Valira didn't want to take that chance. Better they fought the group on terms of their choosing after all. They would kill the ogre, rescue Dirk and then wipe out the rest of them. While they technically could just leave them be, Valira thought it prudent to kill them all. Justice for Dirk, the necessity of removing a threat to the party's safety and a desire that no one else should be subjected to this horror, all motivated that decision.

Valira nodded solemnly at Daisy, returning her signal with gusto. Valira smiled warmly as she noticed Akalfa and Sune sneaking up, nearly caught off guard by the silence of their approach. Valira was impressed by her lovers stealth, clearly dressing light had its advantages. Valira was both delighted and relieved that the pair had made it there safely, feeling some of the tension leave her muscles. Now that the gang was all there, their chances of success became that much more likely. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, now was the time to act. Returning Akalfa's signal as she had Daisy's, Valira formulated a simple plan with her hands that she imparted to the entire group. It wasn't anything too complex, a group assault to take the beast down as hard and as fast as possible. Once she was sure that they were all ready, Valira gave the signal to attack with a raised fist. Unsheathing her sword, Valira then ran into the clearing as their assault began in earnest.

Valira focused her efforts on the things legs, slashing through their flesh in an effort to hobble the beast and prevent its escape. Given the fact that they had caught it completely unawares and that it was slow and cumbersome to begin with, that seemed unlikely but Valira wasn't taking any chances. Valira gagged at the stench of the ogres blood that fell to the ground in massive drops. It somehow smelled just as bad as the rest of him, making Valira's calming sword washing routine a necessity when their current mission was all over. Being cut by a cursed sword probably wasn't doing anything to improve the odour, but in the end it wasn't important. All that mattered was rescuing Dirk. Valira and the others would face any threat to see that happen, no matter how ugly and smelly. That being said, Valira still did her best to breathe through her mouth as she continued to slash and stab. She made an effort to avoid the flying blood, thanking the gods of hygiene (if such beings existed) that she succeeded in doing so. Forget her sword, if any of that stuff got on her she'd need at least twenty consecutive baths to wash out the smell! Such thoughts provided even further motivation to get this done as quickly and as cleanly as possible.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The ogre yelled, as it fell to its knees, and made a wide swipe at Valira, forcing her back. Even on its knees, it was still taller than her, and much stronger, its flailing arms keeping her wild slashes at bay.

Dirk heard the ogre cry out, and smelled something that reminded him of rotting fish, mixed with the oder of a skunk. It sounded like the creature was under attack.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira grit her teeth as the ogre defended itself, its attacks wild and uncoordinated but still succeeding in keeping her slashes from landing home. One hit from those massive fists would do a lot of damage and Valira wasn't about to let that happen, especially when she was still recovering from Zira's tail strike. Valira knew that if she remained in this position sooner or later the ogre would get a good hit in, so she decided to change tactics. It couldn't hit her if it didn't have any arms! To that end, Valira feinted as if she was going to aim for the ogre's legs again, only to change targets at the last moment and aim for the beasts gesticulating right arm. Slicing through the flesh with a determined growl, she hacked at it with all the strength and ferocity she could muster. Miraculously, she still managed to avoid the spray of blood that emanated from the wound, although it was becoming harder and harder to do so due to the sheer volume produced.

Finally, with one last slash she brought the disgusting creatures right arm clean off its shoulder, the scabrous piece of flesh dropping to the ground with a sickening plop. The sight and smell was so grotesque that Valira almost got hit by the beasts other arm, barely getting out of the way in time with a well placed jump. Breathing heavily from exertion and adrenaline, Valira grinned in satisfaction. She had done a lot of damage to the ogre, and it was clearly in ever worsening shape. But Valira knew that even in this state the creature still posed a threat, few things were more dangerous than a wounded foe, especially one as large and powerful as the one they faced. Valira wouldn't allow herself to become overconfident, even as she moved into take the monsters other arm.

Valira didn't bother with any tricks this time, she knew that even a being as stupid and distracted by pain as the ogre wouldn't fall for the same tactic twice in a row. Instead she simply used a combination of jumping, footwork and slashes to cut at the beasts left arm. It would take longer to dismember than the previous one but sooner or later it would happen. Slowly but surely she whittled away at its flesh, impressed by the ogres resilience in spite of herself. The thing had lost a large amount of blood not to mention one of its limbs, yet not only was it alive it was also still fighting. Such tenacity was admirable, although Valira had to wonder if that was due to the ogres biology or if the injuries it had sustained had been so sudden its body hadn't had the time to register them. In all likelihood it was probably both.

Still, the creature was neither invulnerable nor invincible. Sooner or later it would fall, Valira and her comrades would see to that. Dangerous and powerful the ogre may have been, but if it actually thought it had a chance of winning it was even more foolish than it looked. The thing was outnumbered, outgunned and outmatched. That wasn't arrogance, it was just simple facts. Valira knew that the monster was just delaying the inevitable, survival instinct and rage could only take the beast so far. It was only a matter of time and Valira wagered that that time would be very short indeed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Soon, the beast would collapse as it finally bled out. The smell was overpowering, but Valira had managed to slay the creature before her friends could even lend a hand. Unfortunately, the sound of crashing foliage, and bellowing voices drawing rapidly closer, meant that any idea if doing this stealthily had also been killed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk stayed hidden as the sound of the struggle intensified, and then abruptly ended. It sounded like the ogre had lost. That wasn't a comforting thought; Dirk wasn't sure he wanted to see what manner of monster could so easily bring down one of those giants.

Timidly, he crept out and very carefully peered over the ledge. The fallen ogre was nearly right on top of him, but that sight wasn't nearly as shocking as that of the familiar elven swordswoman right next to it.

"Valira!" Dirk climbed back over the rise and excitedly ran up to her, resisting the urge to tackle her into a hug. "You're alright! That is - I mean... after Zira I thought..." He shook his head and took a deep breath, no longer noticing the godawful stench from the deceased. A quick glance around revealed the rest of the group crouching not far away, and his eyes lit up in relief. "How did you all find me so quickly? Is everyone okay? What happened while I was out of it?"
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was surprised by how relatively quickly and easily the creature had been bested, delighted by the ogre's death but also a bit guilty that she had hogged all the fun for herself. Still, the fact that the monster was dead was what mattered most, not the manner in which that death had been achieved. Besides, they still had an entire camp of the things to take out, so there would be plenty of action to go around. Valira scrunched her nose as the scent of the corpse filled her nostrils. Victory may have tasted sweet, but it certainly didn't smell that way. Valira hoped that the stench wouldn't linger on their clothes, they didn't exactly have a lot of replacement outfits handy and she had a feeling that it would take quite a while to wash out. Doing her best to ignore the horrible odor, Valira turned to her friends with a smile.

''Well that went quite smoothly all things considered. I am sorry that you did not have an opportunity to assist in the ogres death, I truly believed it could withstand more than what I dished out. Rest assured that we will all get a chance to fight before this day is out. I wager that the next bout will not be as easy as this one.''

That was putting it mildly considering that both numbers and the element of surprise were no longer on their side. Valira knew that they would have to find Dirk as soon as possible if they hoped to get out of there without being cornered by a group of very angry, not to mention ravenous, enemies. The only thing those ogres would taste would be steel and magic, a last meal that would leave them in an agony worse than any indigestion. Valira wished that she hadn't thought of that metaphor, as it brought images to her mind of ogre flatulence, and she shook her head violently to clear it of such disgusting visions. Stepping forward, she scanned the area, desperately searching for any sign of Dirk. Suddenly, her search bore fruit as Dirk came running up to her. She gave him a brilliant smile, eyes sparkling and her heart filled with joy and relief to see him alright.

''Do not worry Dirk, I am indeed fine. A simple healing potion was enough to heal my injuries, although it will probably take some time yet for me to fully recover. The speed of our arrival you can chalk up to the fact that our good friend Daisy was hiding a rather fluffy secret from us, one that is probably apparent from looking at her. Everyone is fine, all of our efforts up until now have been in aid of your rescue. We followed the general direction you went down, discovered the ogre camp, followed this beasts trail and the rest is history.''

At that, Valira couldn't contain herself any longer and gave Dirk a massive hug. Overwhelmed by emotion she held her friend close, rubbing his back lovingly. She then spoke in a voice that was filled with warmth and tenderness, the words coming out as almost a whisper.

''Thank you for worrying about me Dirk, and thank you for being alive. We were all so concerned for your safety and are so damn relieved that you are alright. If anything happened to you we would be beside ourselves, indeed I don't know what we would do. Never doubt that you are a man that we are proud to call our friend and comrade.''

Valira's voice choked up a bit at that, the High Elf blinking back tears as she did so. This may have seemed like an inappropriate moment for such a thing, but Valira's recent brush with death made her realize that you needed to tell the ones you cared about how much they meant to you while you still had the chance. She couldn't just keep her emotions bottled up, that would both be unhealthy and would send Dirk the wrong message. Besides, she wanted to tell him as bad she needed to. So for the moment ogres be damned, they had time for at least one intimate embrace and some heartfelt words.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk flinched from surprise at Valira's embrace, but soon wrapped his arms around her in turn, holding his first friend tightly while she said her peace. He trembled as her voice washed over him.

"Haha, everything you're saying..." Dirk's voice cracked as he fought back tears of joy and relief, "'s like you're mirroring my own thoughts back at me. I'm sorry for making you worry. I know it was reckless, but seeing Zira strike you like that - seeing the way you crumpled - I.. I don't know what came over me. I had to stop her; couldn't let her take you away from us..."

He raised his head, meeting her brilliant eyes with his own. "I knew you'd find me. And now that you have, we'll face what comes next together - as a team. As friends."

He nodded to Valira, and then to the others watching nearby, when he froze, having finally noticed the strange, rabbit-eared woman standing among them.

...Who the fu-?

But there wasn't time to speculate. A distant roar snapped Dirk out of his reverie. "Oh. I think you drew their attention." He reluctantly let go of Valira and reached for his weapons. "So what's the plan? Run, or fight?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy smiled as Valira returned her gesture and as Akalfa and Sune joined them. She watched and nodded as Valira made a plan through gestures, understanding what it was that she had to do. Primed and ready, Daisy waited as Akalfa ran out and cut the beasts legs out from under it. All according to the plan that Valira laid out, in which she singlehandedly defeated the ogre while the rest more or less just watched. So she did just that, keeping her head down and breathing through her mouth as the foul stench of the creature's blood hit her nose. She was thankful that she at least didn't taste it.

Daisy watched on as Valira lead the monstrous creature to death by exsanguination. Wow that thing sure could bleed a lot, and wow did all of that blood smell awful. She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't join in and do something to it, but it ultimately didn't matter. The thing was dead and now they could look for Dirk. That search was cut short as he found them, running up to Valira to greet her. Daisy's ears twitched as Valira spoke about her potion. Immediately, she shot up out of cover, standing to her full height apparently having taken great offense to the statement.

"Simple potion?! That was one of the most powerful brew's I'd ever made! I intended to save it for if someone was on the brink of death! The mere children's medicine I've given out thus far pales in comparison to it! Your broken body would have remained as such if not for it, even had you received some other 'simple potion'!"

Though Daisy's anger faded just as quickly as it had come, apparently satisfied simply by stating her mind. A warm smile slowly spreading across her face as she stepped towards the two and wrapped her arms around them in a hug as well. Her tone went from an angry yell to a soft whisper.

"Ah, forget it. I'd give you one again if we were in the same circumstances, and if I had another. We're glad to see you're alive Dirk. Are you hurt anywhere? I still have a few potions remaining, though my stock is growing a bit low."

Perhaps it was due to the comfort of knowing that her friend was alright, or perhaps it was the rancid stink of the ogre carcass, but Daisy's need seemed to quell slightly. For a brief moment, she wasn't thinking of the myriad ways to bring them pleasure, and instead thinking on the joy and comfort she felt from knowing that her friends were safe. The confused look on Dirk's face broke her out of that stupor, and she immediately looked him in the eyes.

"Oh, yeah. It's me, Daisy. I didn't plan on telling any of you, but I'm a therianthrope, a rabbit one to be specific. I can tell you more when I turn back, because it's really hard to think about anything other than slamming my hips against something right now. As for what we do with the rest of the things over there, I say we beat them up. They have the body of that dragon, which I think we all want to retrieve."

Daisy spoke in a matter of fact tone, not stopping or hesitating as she said a single word.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was impressed by Valira's quick swordsmanship, making short work of the ogre before she could so much as fling a proper spell. Disgusting as the scent of blood and gore was the Dark Elf couldn't help but break into a slight grin, seeing Valira unharmed, peerless, and admirable, in her actions. The High Elf always carrying a sort of dignity with her wherever she went. Now that the horrid creature was dead they could continue their search fo-

Her ears perked up hearing a familiar voice and seeing a very recognizable figure run up to Valira. There's their man of the hour! Seeing Dirk safe really did bring Akalfa a great sense of relief she so badly needed. Afraid, nay, terrified to lose someone she so closely bonded and related to. She didn't want to admit it, pushing thoughts to the back of her mind as she often did, but there was a deep gnawing dread of the worst weighing down her mind. But now those thoughts could be put to rest. Watching the High Elf and Rogue tenderly embrace with a smile. At this rate with all her complicated feelings muddling together a polycule started to seem less and less farfetched.

Daisy's outburst caught the poor Dark Elf off guard, starling her with a jump as she went on her tirade. Perhaps with a changed body her emotions were altered as well. Her words seemed a slight harsh, but Akalfa doubted any real intended insult. Seeing the three of them begin to embrace only made the sorceress shake her head and step forward as well, squeezing in to share in their little group hug. Daisy's soft fur only bringing more comfort after such a miserable trek. Fighting to hold back her anxious tears Akalfa failed miserably, far too relieved to act mild.

"We were so worried about you. All of us. If anything had happened I don't think...I don't think we would have kept going on. Not to be dramatic, but...nothing would be the same without you. We're all comrades after all, and I don't want to ever think about loosing one ever again. I'm just so happy you're still here..."

Great, and now she was crying twice in a row in one day.

Daisy's words broke the Dark Elf out of her slightly sappy unload of emotion, face darkening at the mention of hips slamming as she sharply coughed. It seemed many interesting things came with her transformation. Many things Akalfa wouldn't mind discussing at all.

"They were foolish enough to attack not just one of my comrades, but two? I'm going to agree with our friend Daisy. I vote we raze the camp to the ground and show these brutes a lesson in humility."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Alright! We can decide who gets to fuck him, first, later. Right now we have company!" Sune declared, as the other ogres came bounding through the trees, clubs swinging, and teeth gnashing. There were four of the creatures left, and they each wanted a meal for themselves. One charged Sune, who easily sidestepped it's clumsy swing. Another barreled towards Akalfa, head lowered in a charge. The third hung back, throwing a net over Daisy, and the last one plowed into Valira, bearing her to the ground under its weight.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's heart melted at Dirk's words, overjoyed to know that he felt the same way about her as she did about him. The fact that those feelings had compelled him to risk his life in such a way, to throw his usual caution to the wind and assault Zira in pure fury, touched her deeply. He had been so worried for her, so distraught at the thought of losing her, that he had risked his life in such a brave and fierce manner. It warmed Valira to her core, a warm flush coming to her cheeks to complement the beautiful smile that graced her face. She returned his gaze with equal passion and intensity, in full agreement with everything he was saying. She never got a good look at them but Dirk really did have lovely eyes, so much so that Valira felt that she could get lost in them if she wasn't careful. Valira's reverie was interrupted by Daisy's angry protest and she jumped slightly in surprise.

She had forgotten that the potion was that important to Daisy, that the witch had put so much time and effort into its creation. With everything that had transpired it had completely slipped her mind and Valira suddenly felt very guilty indeed. That feeling deflated somewhat as Daisy joined the hug, soft fur adding to the feeling of comfortable and loving intimacy. Her words showed that she wasn't really angry, despite her initial outburst. That being said Valira still felt bad, she hadn't meant to offend the witch nor belittle her work. Intentional or not, she needed to apologize.

''I appreciate you saying that Daisy, although I am truly sorry for referring to it as a ''simple potion.'' I was careless and I misspoke. Not only was it a brilliant concoction, it saved my life so even if it had been of a more mundane sort it would never be ''simple'' to me. I will be forever grateful to you for using it on me. You are a brilliant potion maker, a shining pillar of your trade in fact. We are truly lucky and honoured to have you as a comrade and even more so as a friend.''

Valira's voice was still shaky and filled with emotion, sounding more contrite than the group had heard in a long time. Prideful though the High Elf may have been, Valira was humble enough to admit when she was wrong and apologize for it. Especially when it involved someone she cared about. Despite this, Valira couldn't help but giggle at the confused look on Dirk's face, the humour of the situation compounded by the matter of fact tone that Daisy used, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. For her, she supposed it was. Valira blushed at the rather blunt way Daisy spoke about her thoughts, that and their close quarters bringing decidedly lewd images into her mind. She banished them as best she could, although some still lingered.

Akalfa's joining of the group hug made the tableau even more touching and beautiful, the tone of her lovers voice, the tears in her eyes and the words she used were as lovely and sweet as the woman who bore them. She resisted the urge to wipe her eyes, knowing that these were tears of joy and not of sadness. They all were experiencing the same thing and it was better to let them out. Valira chuckled as Akalfa suddenly stopped and coughed nervously, knowing just what had caused her to do so. Clearly she wasn't the only one who found Daisy's words distracting.

As Dirk and the others pulled away Valira felt disappointed, but she consoled herself with the fact that they would be reunited in each others embrace when all of this was over. After all, they would need to let out all of these pent up feelings and destress, and Valira swallowed at what that would entail. No doubt a repeat of Sune's dream, this time for real and with all of them enjoying each others bodies. Valira shivered in excitement, before shaking her head to regain focus on the task at hand. The roar that pierced the air left no doubt as to who was coming, and Valira was in complete agreement with her friends on how to proceed. Retreat was out of the question, not only would they fight the ogres they would annihilate them! They would get justice for Dirk, retrieve Zira's body and remove a quite sizeable threat. Valira felt her blood run hot in anticipation.

''Then we are all in accord, we stand and fight! We shall make these foul beasts rue the day they decided to trifle with us! No retreat, no mercy, no quarter given!''

Valira narrowed her eyes at Sune's words, a bit miffed that she would boil their joyous reunion down to something as crass as that but not taking real offence to it. Not that she had the time or inclination to as the came rushing towards them. Valira was a bit surprised that there were only four of them, clearly she had miscounted their number, which was a welcome surprise. What was most decidedly unwelcome was the ogre lying on top of her, the smell this up close making her want to vomit and the breath being driven from her lungs and her innards straining as it bore down. Valira felt the beasts hot, disgusting breath hit her in the face as she struggled, grabbing her sword and managing to stab the beast right through the stomach. As its blood and viscera hit her body, Valira let out a stuttering cry of rage and disgust as the thing flailed and spasmed on top of her. As it finally expired, Valira pushed the corpse of of her with a grunt. Slowly standing up, she looked down at herself and gagged, nose wrinkled in pure disgust. She reeked worse than manure! Suddenly there was another reason to kill these filthy beasts, revenge for daring to befoul her in such a manner! When this was all said and done Valira would need many long, long baths. Shouting in a mix of indignation and revulsion, Valira wiped herself off as best she could before rushing back into the fray.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was getting flustered from it all: the whole group coming together in a warm embrace, their words of comfort and encouragement to each other, Daisy’s transformation into a tall, muscular amazon… It took the reappearance of ravenous ogres to snap him out of it, though a flush remained on his cheeks even as he readied his daggers. They could do this. Together, they could do anything!

With a valiant shout, he threw himself at the ogre charging toward Akalfa, driving each of his knives into its side and knocking it off-course from her. He twisted the blades in an effort to turn the monster, creating an opening for the sorceress to cast.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa flinched at the sudden arrival of the foul creatures bursting forward. Terrified, watching Valira be barreled down. Though, as anxious as she was for the others safety, it was hard to focus on anything else with the charging ogre heading her way. Dirk's intervention was a welcome one, considering her inability at physical combat. Throwing the rogue a grateful nod, Akalfa focused and charged forward a careful blast of thunder toward the fallen beast. If they were intimidated by magic, then certainly the furiously loud bolts would send a good message. That they were terribly mistaken in taking her and her companions as an easy kill.

These monsters would rue the day they chose to be a nuisance!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled broadly as she witnessed the tail end of Akalfa and Dirk's teamwork, both relieved that they were safe and proud of their performance. Seeing that they had the situation well in hand, Valira turned towards the ogre who had thrown the net on top of Daisy. The net was the seemed durable but by no means indestructible. While Valira had little doubt that with enough of a struggle and the use of her claws Daisy could free herself on her own, the time it took her to do so could prove fatal. Valira decided to lend her friend a helping hand or in this case blade, rushing forward to slash the thing to pieces. Helping Daisy slough off what remained, the High Elf gave her a relieved grin before turning towards the ogre who had tried and failed to capture her comrade.

''Shall we take care of this one together, fair Daisy?''

Valira gave a smirk before she and her were rabbit companion charged towards the beast, Valira slashing her sword across the monsters exposed belly. The thing had left itself completely defenceless, apparently assuming a simple net would be enough to keep one of them contained and that its comrades would be able to handle the group without it needing to interfere. Ogres were truly simple creatures, no surprise that they had never created a civilization of their own. They hadn't even mastered basic hygiene, let alone high culture. The only thing that they were good for was fighting, and even then they weren't exactly experts. Strength wasn't enough to be a true warrior, it also took skill, speed and cunning, qualities that those filthy monsters sorely lacked.

Speaking of filthy, Valira knew that with her heightened sense of smell Daisy would be suffering worse than the rest of them due to the ogres stench. What made it even worse was that she smelled just as bad as they did, and Valira felt both embarrassment and guilt at that realization. Perhaps the witch could whip up a special soap or perfume to help remove the stench? Valira decided to ask her about that later. For now, they still had a battle to win and as the ogres guts hit the ground Valira knew that victory was soon at hand. The thing wasn't dead yet however, Valira leaving the finishing blow for Daisy. She had said they would take care of this together and she was nothing if not a woman of her word.

I just hope she doesn't get any blood on her, we don't need both of us smelling like rotting meat and it would be a damn shame to stain that beautiful fur of hers.

Valira grimaced at the thought, knowing full well what a hell that would be for the were rabbit. Daisy may not have been as averse to dirt as Valira was, but that didn't mean she wanted ogre stink on her anymore than the High Elf did. Valira apologized mentally to every aged cheese she had ever eaten, every pile of horse manure that she had seen in her families stables, every piece of rancid refuse that the commoners used as a midden heap. Those odours had all been glorious and divine compared to the miasma that now clouded around her head and threatened to make her spew with each passing moment. In that moment, Valira would have traded anything for a long, luxurious soak in her bathtub back home. No doubt she would have to settle for a dip in the lake, but that would still feel like pure heaven compared to the disgusting purgatory she now found herself in.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's grip on the hug grew tighter as Akalfa joined in and Valira praised her, very clearly happy with how things were at the moment despite the rancid smell of the ogre's dead bodies. She let go as everyone seemed to be content with the hug, and at the behest of Sune making them aware that they had company. The other four ogres lumbering forward, each with malicious intent and weapons of varying types. Well, it didn't seem all that hard. Valira dispatched of one on her own, and now the entire group was working together. Her smile refused to fade even in the face of such adversity.

"That's right! I'm a powerful witch, and don't you forget it! Also, dibs on first turn with Dirk."

The net fell on top of Daisy as she spoke, too distracted to dodge out of the way. It was a mild nuisance. The ropes were sturdy and had a good weight to them, but it would take something far thicker to actually incapacitate her. She went to rip it off, only for Valira's blade to cut it off of her. With the new hole in the net, Daisy simply shrugged and stepped out of it, returning Valira's smirk with her own and giving her a nod.

"Of course! I like when we work together."

Daisy ran forth, jumping up in the air to deliver a powerful kick to the ogre's midsection, toppling the brute like a woodsman cutting down an oak. A distinct feeling of bone cracking reverberated in the clearing briefly upon the kick connecting, signaling that the ogre's ribs had almost certainly broken from the impact. The stench of blood everywhere made her gag slightly, especially as it it grew the more they fought. She jumped away from the creature, hoping that no blood made its way onto her. She'd be bathing for weeks without stop if that were the case. She decided she didn't want to sully herself with it's insides, and waited for Valira do deliver a more fatal blow.

As she waited, Daisy turned to look at the last ogre, staring it in the eyes. She didn't know how intelligent these things were, but id likely wanted to continue living more than it wanted to avenge its friends. So she simply kept looking it in the eyes, as though daring it to fuck around and find out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira grinned at Daisy, impressed both by her attack and their coordination as a team. Daisy was obviously as used to fighting in this form as she was in her human one, indeed it seemed to bring several advantages. Her strength and speed were all enhanced, not to mention those kicks of hers which were clearly strong enough to crack bone. Valira almost felt sorry for the ogre, it had died quickly but definitely not painlessly. Valira was also glad that Daisy had managed to avoid getting any of the things blood on her fur, although admittedly a little jealous all the same. Still she did not begrudge her friend in the slightest, grateful for her assistance and delighted that she was standing by her side.

Valira had almost forgotten about the last ogre, the ignorant beast forced to watch as Valira and her comrades massacred its friends. Not that she believed it truly mourned them, something told Valira the ogre would just as soon eat the bodies of the fallen than shed tears for them. Valira saw the stare down Daisy was giving the monster and did the same. While she had said no mercy or quarter would be given, she was not a sadist and was willing to avoid more bloodshed if at all possible. A single ogre was still a threat, but a significantly less dangerous one than an entire group. Valira could justify letting him go, although she would certainly lose no sleep if they needed to end his life.

What happened next depended on the ogre, whether he was smart enough to value self preservation over revenge and hunger, or whether he would become food for the worms and crows. He probably wouldn't smell any better as a rotting corpse than he did now, but at least in death he would support life rather than take it. Valira's face remained as impassive as Daisy's, not making any threatening moves as she didn't want to sway the beasts decision one way or another. Still, she was ready to move at a moments notice should the ogre decide to try his luck.

Valira wondered idly whether there would be any parts worth harvesting from their foes, perhaps Daisy could find some useful ingredients for her potions? Valira doubted that that would be the case, even more so that Daisy would want to touch any part of the filthy brutes, but anything was possible. If they could get some bonus loot out of this along with Zira's corpse then so much the better. It was the least these disgusting creatures could do for them after what they did to Dirk, not to mention all the stress and worry they caused the group in general.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The ogres dropped one by one, all but the last, who threw down his weapon, and bolted, heading into the hills as fast as his stubby legs could carry him. By the time it was over, Valira smelled like a dung heap, but otherwise, everyone was fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was relieved and more than a little surprised that the ogre had decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Clearly he wasn't as stupid as she thought, although that retreat only brought him up from smart as a rock to about as smart as a squirrel in Valira's estimation. While she wouldn't have felt any remorse or hesitation in striking him down, Valira was glad that he had decided to run. A small part of her hoped that he would learn from this experience, that he would examine his wicked ways and change for the better. She knew that was highly unlikely but stranger things had happened. Mostly she was just happy to have a moments rest, basking in the warm glow of victory with her friends.

The feeling of satisfaction was marred by the rancid odour that came off of her in waves, but that was a small price to pay for their triumph. Valira tried to view it as a mark of honour, a sacrifice that she had made for the sake of her friends, and that did make her feel better. But that didn't mean she was happy about the situation, far from it. The sooner she washed that horrible smell off the better, hell it was so sharp that she almost didn't need her sword with it around. Enemies would likely pass out from the first whiff. Still, she couldn't dwell on that. Her well deserved bathing experience would arrive soon enough. Turning to the others, Valira gave them a warm and proud smile.

''Well that went very swimmingly indeed! You all did an excellent job not that there was any doubt! It is truly an honour to fight beside you as always! Now, let us gather up Zira's remains and anything else worth salvaging and then get back to the mission at hand! After a well deserved break and wash that is.''

Valira chuckled at that, her smile turning sheepish as she kept a respectful distance from her friends. She didn't want any of her stink to rub off on them, it was bad enough that she would have to delay her involvement in Dirk's ''reward'' until she was fully clean. The thought of all of them smelling like manure mixed with vomit that had sat out in the hot sun was simply too disgusting to allow become reality. Valira wondered how in the hell those ogres could stand smelling like that 24.7. Perhaps they had a reduced sense of smell, perhaps they were just used to it and no longer cared or noticed. The latter was a possibility that unsettled Valira to her core. Swearing that she would rather die than get to a point where that was the case, the High Elf kept her sword unsheathed and in hand just in case it was still required.

''Daisy, do the corpses of these brutes have any value at all? Or should we just move on and gather up Zira?''

Though Valira doubted that Daisy would have any use for any part of the ogres bodies, hell that she would even want to sully her hands by touching them, it was worth asking. Daisy was far more knowledgeable than her after all and if anyone would know about this sort of thing it would be the witch. For all Valira knew they were standing around veritable gold mines, although with her limited knowledge she found such a prospect laughable to say the least. Still, she would be more than happy to eat her words if she was proven wrong. Not literally she hoped. If ogres smelled that bad, imagine how terrible they would taste. That thought made Valira suppress a gag, hoping that she would never have the opportunity to find out.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That lake was probably the closest thing to a bath Valira was likely to find, anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
That's right: run, ya big lump!

A summary glance around confirmed that everyone was still present and intact. Dirk breathed easy, wiping the blood from his daggers before he put them away. After two battles and a near-death experience each, they all needed a break. Come to that: after such a magnificent display of martial prowess, they deserved one!

"Well, I definitely won't be going off on my own for a while, after the morning I've had," he said lightheartedly, as he stood upwind of Valira. "So, I'm ready to go whenever you all decide to."

A sharp pain in Dirk's midsection reminded him that he hadn't eaten anything since they woke up. Not even the stench coming off the fallen monsters could deter it anymore. "Although admittedly, I would prefer if we did so sooner rather than later..."