The Clam Chowder mini dungion and Mark XXXIV Power armor project.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
 Hello, For thous of you not familiar with me I, over the last one and a half years, have been attempting to write a small bonus dungeon and accompanying power armor for Fenoxo's quite excellent game.  And while I am slow, and prone to extremely bad spelling like to think that I am quite stubborn. Any help, advice, criticism or editing is most appreciated. So without further aieu  here is my project's road map and google documents.

Special thanks to Tisaku Anyue, chydr5 and others for their help at editing my various documents.

Part 1: The Clam Chowder.

The Clam chowder is a U.G.C research and development frigate that had gone into quarantine nearly a century before the game begins. The U.G.C erased nearly all details of it's location until a corrupt member of an intelligence agency leaked the ship's flight path to the executive bord of Stelle Industrial. Salivating at the thought of getting their various, hands, paws, tentacles on the various black listed technologies on bord, they have hired you to explore and secure the craft in exchange for monetary compensation in the short term and political support within the company in the long.

Google docs: The dugeon's rooms, events, battles and bad ends here.

Ship map here.

Road map:

1. Finish writing events, codex entries and character description stuff. I am here.

2. Finish writing battles and win/loss sex scenes.

3. Finish writing 2 bad ends.

4. Proof read and edit.

5.See if I can hire one or more of the more prolific writers here to give it a review.

6. submit.

Part 2. The power armor!

Once the player has triumphed over the clam chowder they well be left of the ruined lump of experimental power armor. The player will then have the choice of either restoring it to an unstoppable brute of metal, or redesign it into a light weight armor that improves their agility. Or you can just ditch it for credits.  Oh did i forget to mention that the you control the suit though a techno organic parasite that is linked to your nervous system and is found of eating sexual fluids?

Google Docs: Introduction here

Restored version here

Remolded light weight version here

Onbord weapon systems here

Road map.

1. Finish writing do it yourself and mechanic construction of the light weight version of the suit.

2. Write calibration and initial equipment scenes for the light weight variant.

3. proof read everything and edit.

4. Ask or hire some reviews.

5. Submit

Part 3. The furture.

Provided that I am not sick to death of this project by this point there are a few more things I want to add.

1. Various onbord A.i that add buffs to the suit and merge consciousness with the pc. Think Cortana who shares every thing you feel wink wink.

2. A suit construction path that features Savin's character Anno. If you read all her dialog she states she has reverse engineered power armor before in her old job.

3. The ability to paint your armor various colors.

4. This one is a bit tentative but after finishing the armor I will try to approach Nonesuch, one of the creators behind Hand So, to see if he would be willing to do a bit of a cross over project. Quite a few people have told me they would be interested to see in what various way's Nonsuch's A.I would torment the PC once she/he was trapped inside a tin can full of goo.

Road map: None at the moment.

Once more I rise from the depths of melancholy and procrastination to terrorize the forms!
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Needs more sex. Is the calibration test and activation the only times we really get to "play with" get played with by the armor?

Provided that I am not sick to death of this project.

God I hope not, living (sort of, in this case) armor fetish is best fetish. It's why I liked Shouldra and Valeria so much in CoC.

1. Various onboard A.I that add buffs to the suit and merge consciousness with the PC. Think Cortana who shares everything you feel wink wink.

4. This one is a bit tentative but after finishing the armor I will try approach to approach Nonesuch, one of the creators behind Hand So, to see if he would be willing to do a bit of a crossover project. Quite a few people have told me they would be interested to see in what various ways Nonsuch's A.I would torment the PC once she/he was trapped inside a tin can full of goo.

Do it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i'm glad this project is alive still


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
True! It's also good for dicks, boobs and tail genitals of all variety!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hehe you forgot add asses Brotherthat ;)

On serious note it's good to see you still studborn refuse to let this project been covered in dust. Power armors is something that few people expressed wish to see ingame (well your armor isn't early game armor (well last time I seen it armor stats for both versions it looked like that but I now see you changed it to undetermined - for a moment thought you cut it completly those values) so at least you got still some time to work on it so it will debut around time players actual can get hands on such strong armors ingame - that accounting you not settle with relatively low armor rating that will bring it to the early game area where we got max...9 armor rating for current toughest armor in terms of raw ratings).


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Needs more sex. Is the calibration test and activation the only times we really get to "play with" get played with by the armor?

Let me get parts 1 and 2 done. Part of the A.I plan is another masturbation scene but I need to get all the ground work done first. That said if you are that eager for more armor sex please feel free to post some ideas or writing on the docs and I will make sure you get credit.

On serious note it's good to see you still studborn refuse to let this project been covered in dust. Power armors is something that few people expressed wish to see ingame (well your armor isn't early game armor (well last time I seen it armor stats for both versions it looked like that but I now see you changed it to undetermined - for a moment thought you cut it completly those values) so at least you got still some time to work on it so it will debut around time players actual can get hands on such strong armors ingame - that accounting you not settle with relatively low armor rating that will bring it to the early game area where we got max...9 armor rating for current toughest armor in terms of raw ratings).

Ya I'm leaving the actual stats a bit nebulous at the moment because I have no idea what team Fenoxo has planed for their endgame at the moment. Ideally the  player can get the ruined armor about halfway though the game and then slowly repair it from that point on. Unless they cheat of course to get near infinite credits.   


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
This looks kind of dauntingly big and complex. Are you going to be submitting this in small chunks or as one big thing?

Ya I realized that about half a year into the project. The Clam chowder was once a space station that was three times larger with multiple boss fights and random encounters planed. Now that i have semi learned from my mistake I'm splitting every thing up into smaller submissions.

1.The clam chowder. 2.the rebuilt vanilla armor. 3. redesigned vanilla armor. 4. Upgrades and built in weapon systems. 5. On board A.I and other various tiny add-ons that I may or may not do.

Also, as you have far more writing experience than me, I was wondering if it would be possible if i could hire you to review my first submission after I have finished the second draft? 

Either way thank you for taking an interest and I am very happy that Bess is now a part of my ships crew. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Damn... read the thing about the power armor and the first thing that comes to mind is the Space Marine armor and Chaos Space Marine armor from 40k. Especially the Chaos version cause we all know some of them are daemon infused and living and all that jazz :p


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Damn... read the thing about the power armor and the first thing that comes to mind is the Space Marine armor and Chaos Space Marine armor from 40k. Especially the Chaos version cause we all know some of them are daemon infused and living and all that jazz :p

Defiantly one of the inspirations, only not quite as blatantly excessive as the suits corrupted by Slaanesh. More biological less demonic.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Update: Welp I finished writing over 1400 words today. I know that's probably a drop in the pond compared to more prolific writers, but I'm fairly Chuffed with myself.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Holy Necromancy Batman!

besides that little point. At this point if the author doesn't toss in a word or say that the project is still going. Pretty much at this point, project is probably abandonware/dead.
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Sep 7, 2015
Holy Necromancy Batman!

besides that little point. At this point if the author doesn't toss in a word or say that the project is still going. Pretty much at this point, project is probably abandonware/dead.

If its abandoned I'l like to pick it up and work on it.  If it isn't I'd like to help work on it with the author's consent.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There will never be devious living armor.



If its abandoned I'l like to pick it up and work on it.  If it isn't I'd like to help work on it with the author's consent.

Try contacting them about it. The gmail account might be active. It looks like a big project though and it would be easy to get burned out on if you're not careful. 


Aug 26, 2015
Is this still getting updates or was it abandoned?

If you're ever thinking about asking "was this abandoned?", the answer is always yes.  Nobody has ever successfully returned to resurrect a project and nobody ever will.

If you try to pick it up, it will almost certainly be the end of you as well, if for no other reason than holy shit this is absurdly complex for a single piece of armor!  A piece of armor that, mind you, will be statistically obsolete by the end of the next planet after its introduction, because the author failed to use either the Nova method of Mega Man-style trait absorption or the Fantasia Foundry method of paying more cash to improve the swag.  There's not much, if anything, beyond putting the armor at the ass-end of the game sometime around 2030, that could be done to fix this with the armor as written.  You would have to start all over again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some of ideas in this armor was interesting. So you may hope that some other writer for some other armor will stumble here and pick something from them and after changes add it to their work. Otherwise this stuff is since long ago on graveyard of cool-but-never-finished-projects :/

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just slap some level-scaling stats on it and focus the rest of your time on sex scenes.

Wait, who am I even talking to?

EDIT: Fantasia Foundry?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wait, who am I even talking to? your imaginatory twin that is badass and S class world famous writer/coder/tester/etc.? xD

EDIT: Fantasia Foundry?

Yeah that some long ago writted project of Couch (and something thaat i wish to get into game sooner than later).
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Aug 26, 2015
Just slap some level-scaling stats on it and focus the rest of your time on sex scenes.

Wait, who am I even talking to?

EDIT: Fantasia Foundry?

One of my projects, a weapon and armor shop that lets you pay to keep upgrading the gear instead of buying new ones on every planet.  It has content through Uveto written, I've been laying out more over time but it's difficult to complete since Fen has no roadmap.


Aug 26, 2015
Good news, I finally talked Fen into making one. We're gonna be hammering it out starting this Monday's workmeeting. :V

Honestly all I want is "main quest will have ten planets, I wanna do a fire level and a water level and a giant tree level, Steele will cap at level 20 and they'll get the space magic on planet 6".  If he wants to build outward with more side planets and alternate routes from there, he can do that as much as he wants.  I don't need anything but the number of planets to finish the project.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly all I want is "main quest will have ten planets, I wanna do a fire level and a water level and a giant tree level, Steele will cap at level 20 and they'll get the space magic on planet 6".  If he wants to build outward with more side planets and alternate routes from there, he can do that as much as he wants.  I don't need anything but the number of planets to finish the project.

And I would like a pony and a unicorn and a rainbow!!!