

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I stumbled upon this hidden gem yesterday and was pretty impressed by the overall quality and theme of it.
If you're a fan of RPGs, otherworldy creatures, sex and a good story then this may be up your alley. The characters may look a little odd at first but if you're a xenophile (like me) then you'll be right at home with this one!


OVERVIEW: You are dozing off when suddendly a magical portal opens up and swallows you into another dimension. Turns out this was the result of a failed teleportation attempt and now you find yourself stranded in a world where all sorts of alien creatures exist. With little more than the clothes on your back, some currency and advice from the Witch, the culprit of your current situation, you set off to find a way back home...

PUBLISHER: Meandraco
GENRE: Bestiality, Xenophilia, Rape (O), Anal Sex, Gore (O), Vaginal Sex, Prostitution, Furry, Lesbianism, Male Protagonist, Female Protagonist

O = Optional






What do I like about this game?
For starters it's different. It's an RPG set in a world where aliens, despite being otherwordly, still manage to look attractive in their own way. Sex is present but it ain't forced on you like so many other games - you're given an option to play your way, be it a horn-dog or just a regular person trying to make heads or tails of their situation. The story is, so far, well-written despite the author not being a native english speaker. The art is amazing (drawn by the developer as well) and there is plenty of opportunities to learn the lore of the world. The game was released recently but so far I think it has received a lot of positive feedback... and with good reason IMO.

(You can find the download links either in his Tumblr or Patreon page, most versions are available for free.)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. I've seen a lot of porn games based around fetishizing nonhumans, but this is the first to be willing to make the NPCs look completely and genuinely alien and still make them attractive. Shyni is absolutely wonderful, but is still comparatively standard aside from her strange mouth, while Bykaas the insectile bartender/prostitute really pushes the limits of erotic xenofiction. Even CoC and TiTS at their most extreme seem tame when you're having sex with a chitinous, four-armed creature with a near-featureless triangular head and no visible sex organs beyond a cloaca. I met the snake-creature in the 3rd and 4th preview images (Naigad), although only briefly before she got embarrassed and rushed off, but the idea of forming a sexual relationship with a sentient so inhuman that they completely lack limbs is so intriguing that I can't wait to meet her again (EDIT: I went back and went through her story up to fucking her and it was interesting, but a bit brief). The sketchy art used in the sex scenes is unique and the writing is surprisingly good considering the creator is a non-natural English speaker- either they REALLY studied English hard in school, or they have a friend helping them with the translation, because it's no worse than a lot of games I've read written by ACTUAL English speakers- and in fact considerably BETTER than some.

The game is far from perfect, mind. There are no tutorials and almost no tooltips at all, which is a major flaw in a game running on an original engine with a lot of highly non-standard systems (the combat system seems to run on some sort of card system, and I had no idea what any of the stats did during character creation, and I don't even know if it's possible to level up at all). The content is spread rather thin- I don't know how integral combat is to the game overall, but I only managed to find a single, story-based combat encounter, meaning most of the squares (or circles, oddly) on the world map were basically empty space that served no purpose other than to make me spend time passing through them. I don't like the way you can't access any menus while you're in a location, particularly an expansive location like the town, which has to be navigated entirely through successions of dialogue trees without letting you check your stats or inventory or save or load your game without returning to the world map. And while I appreciate the range of choices you get in conversations, the subtleties of your choices can sometime be a bit hard to work out, making me wonder whether a lot of them actually make any difference at all. It seems like the game still has a lot of work to go on its core systems. Plus the content seems a bit short at the moment- I think I've already seen almost everything the game has to offer already in 2 sessions.

Still, I need to thank IvoryOwl for bringing this up, because this is a REAL hidden gem. A totally unique experience in an oversaturated marketplace, clearly made with a lot of love and dedication. Try it out, if serious xenofiction doesn't turn you off, and spread the word if you can.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
A word of advice - all stat checks I've seen so far require you to have 7-8 points invested into them in order to pass so if you spread them too wide you may find yourself locked out of certain situations and events. The game will have a leveling system but not as of yet because it just got released and it's still very much in it's early stages. The good news is the dev isn't a fan of grinding so there's a good chance he will reward players with xp, money and loot through quests, events and missions more so than killing mobs for it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
This is an interesting game from a mature and weird experience, I kind of want to see the development of the game, I truly share the feeling that this game is a hidden gem.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Version 2.0 was released the other day. I've been less than impressed with MeanDraco and his complete and utter failure to put even the most token efforts into supporting his Patreon, but at least he FINALLY got the next version out (after development spiraled somewhat out of his control). However be warned that it's buggier than fuck at the moment and you're extremely likely to hit a crash, even when playing through OLD content (you can't complete Naigad's quest any more because the game shits the bed when you try and dive for the chest). Still, you can extend your romance with the delightful Shyni now, so that's worth your time. Or you can just wait for a few bugfix versions.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Im just glad this isn't dead. Hopefully Draco gets his shit together.
Yeah, he completely shit the bed on development and bungled his Patreon so badly that some people were telling him he should just close it- he had to be SHAMED into even doing something as token as posting a link to his latest "I'm not dead" update post on his blog, which appears to be the only thing he cares about (he doesn't even bother making token posts on the Twitter feed he created solely to give people quick updates). He makes NO posts on his Patreon and produces NO content for the people who are giving him money to support his development (despite his Patreon page stating his supporters get access to exclusive posts and to vote on polls- totally false), but whenever called on it he gets defended by the usual "oh, take you're time, we're willing to wait, don't stress" brigade who seem to sincerely believe his Patrons are just giving him money out of the goodness of their hearts, not because they're expecting anything in return. I HAD been considering supporting Draco myself, but I'm very glad I didn't because, even though he has finally produced an updated version (it's up to 2.3 now to hopefully iron out some of the copious bugs) he's been COMPLETELY hopeless at managing the project. I wouldn't call him dishonest- just incompetent.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2018
Well, that took it for weirdest thing I've ever fapped to, and let me tell you, friends, I have had some really strange faps.


New Member
Oct 22, 2018

The V2 development was definitely not what I wanted it to be, a lot of the scheduling/release problems were caused by my inexperience in writing and game development in general, I am a amateur game dev. The patreon is mostly meant to support the development of Teraurge. When I created the Patreon, I gave 4$ tier ability to vote in polls I'd post on Patreon, but this voting thing has been very hard to do in practice, because my art and game development is very strongly driven by my internal motivation and I've never felt the need to make polls on the matter.

I will be doing blog post about what went wrong with V2 development and how I'm going to try and fix these deficiencies. The Patreon tiers will be restructured to an extend as well. In the near future, I will be try to catch up to my promised obligations regarding the patreon (monthly art) and keep bug fixing the current release.

I hope the game has been some fun for you, it's a passion project for me and It's free for everyone.


New Member
Aug 28, 2018
Holy shit V2 finally came out. I downloaded the game back in its early stages and stuck around forever. Because I'm am the textbook definition of broke college student (look up the definition and it'd probably give a picture of me) I couldn't support him on Patreon, but V2 is finally out!