Syri Dorna


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I have some questions about my favorite character and would be delighted if peeps could help me out by answering them!

Thanks in advance, even if not all can be answered because sekrits and spoilers.

So we know Syri used to be Soldier Girl and now she's Civil Engineer Girl. (Side questions: was her degree in civil engineering? Did she get it during her military stint? After? I assume not before because she "enlisted", but maybe that's wrong.) She says she got discharged but receives a "stipend" (pension?). I assume she works for a contractor filling infrastructure task orders for some UGC development bureau, or something similar. Is this, uh, what she sees herself doing in five years or does she have some other goal, with the Mhen'ga job as a temporary berth?

Related: we know streaming is still a thing because of Atha, and Syri obviously plays a shit ton of games and also enjoys performing in front of a crowd. Does streaming (games, that is) sound like something she'd do or would enjoy doing?

Still related: does the extranet allow one to play multiplayer games between distant planets or is one stuck with locals?

Do we know anything about how the long-awaited SyriQuest will work? If so, what?

Syri says her place is a mess. Where does she live on Mhen'ga? Is it really that bad or is she just super self-conscious?

As I understand it, she will not be de-dicked. (I fully and strongly support this, by the way. I would be sad if I were wrong.) Does that mean poor Commander Valden is gone forever? Related: is the spooge in her fuckstick her spooge or his?

Lastly and most importantly: how do you pronounce her name? sɪ.ri or saɪ.ri?
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Jul 11, 2016
Hey look, someone who loves Syri as much as I do. :3

Most of these questions are probably best answered by her majority share-holder creator, @Savin.

But anyways:

Still related: does the extranet allow one to play multiplayer games between distant planets or is one stuck with locals?
I'd assume so, and you just gave me a very good idea for a scene.

Do we know anything about how the long-awaited SyriQuest will work? If so, what?
It's something that's in the works, again, created by Savin, and I know it involves Uveto.

Syri says her place is a mess. Where does she live on Mhen'ga? Is it really that bad or is she just super self-conscious?
Judging by her somewhat lazy, less-driven attitude, I'd assume so. Though, I had planned a video-game snuggle night scene, and thought it'd be fun to see her hastily picking up dirty clothes from her couch.

Related: is the spooge in her fuckstick her spooge or his?
From a biological standpoint, I'd assume the dick is technically hers at this point, otherwise she's need a constant stream of immune-system-suppressing drugs to stop her body from rejecting the foreign organ. Of course, we could always just say "Nanomachines."

how do you pronounce her name?

I go with Sear-ee.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Wow, thanks for a quick response!

I didn't even think of si:ri. Maybe I pronounce everything in this game incorrectly. Like "Reaha". Completely lost there.
Hey look, someone who loves Syri as much as I do. :3
Best girl. <3
I'd assume so, and you just gave me a very good idea for a scene.
I hope it's as good as Shower Scene. Sploosh.


Mar 18, 2016
Like @HugsAlright stated, SyriQuest's next phase centers around Uveto, from what I remember @Savin stating that it won't be the last part of her recruitment quest. I hope we at least run into the guy who was involved in the failed experiment that led to Syri's predicament.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I didn't even think of si:ri. Maybe I pronounce everything in this game incorrectly. Like "Reaha". Completely lost there.
I've always thought of it as "Ree-a", with the H just barely there. I may be wrong though, I wasn't aware there were other ways to pronounce it until now.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There are other ways to pronounce their names?!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It's something that's in the works, again, created by Savin, and I know it involves Uveto.
Actually, last time I heard, it's supposed to take place on Mhen'ga and be related to Syri's engineering gig. Something about Zil Warlord as we.

Uveto is where she will end up after her Quest is finished.
I'd assume so, and you just gave me a very good idea for a scene.
Well, it won't have all the perks of a couch vidya session, but it'll be something nice to trigger while bumming around the void of space. Also, make the chat she'll have with PC during the scene super geeky, will ya?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
ISo we know Syri used to be Soldier Girl and now she's Civil Engineer Girl. (Side questions: was her degree in civil engineering? Did she get it during her military stint? After? I assume not before because she "enlisted", but maybe that's wrong.)

I don't even know if Syri has a degree per-se, but she got her training in the military, yes. She's never been to university.

She says she got discharged but receives a "stipend" (pension?). I assume she works for a contractor filling infrastructure task orders for some UGC development bureau, or something similar. Is this, uh, what she sees herself doing in five years or does she have some other goal, with the Mhen'ga job as a temporary berth?

Syri gets some money from the JAF government to cover her medical bills and stuff, but it's not really enough to live on. I don't really think Syri has a life plan of any kind. That's her sister's gig; Syri just kinda drifts with the wind.

That said, her next (... first?) expansion is gonna involve her trying out for the 5,000 AD equivalent of Major League Gaming. So if that works out for her, she'd probably do that for as long as she can.

Related: we know streaming is still a thing because of Atha, and Syri obviously plays a shit ton of games and also enjoys performing in front of a crowd. Does streaming (games, that is) sound like something she'd do or would enjoy doing? Still related: does the extranet allow one to play multiplayer games between distant planets or is one stuck with locals?

Probably! Especially if she does well in the MLG thing.

Also: yes.

Do we know anything about how the long-awaited SyriQuest will work? If so, what?

So, there was going to be a pulpy action adventure with Syri in the jungle, going on a treasure hunt to make you both some mad Gs. But I've had to triage that out of the plans due to how far behind I am on everything forever. So Syri's expansion is going to jump straight to the Uveto part of her content.

Basically the idea right now is: Syri comes there ostensibly to participate in an MLG-style event being held there. In reality, though, she went there because Anno forwarded her some intel that the guy from the transporter accident might be on the moon, too. So the PC can help her to both win a big tourney and to potentially find Valden.

Syri says her place is a mess. Where does she live on Mhen'ga? Is it really that bad or is she just super self-conscious?

In a little pre-fab apartment somewhere the player can't walk to. Probably wherever the rest of the construction crews live. I don't imagine its very nice.

Syri spends roughly zero time in her place outside of sleeping, and she's not the kind of person to clean unless she really has to, so yeah her apartment is probably a wreck. One of the reasons she insists you go back to your ship for boning.

As I understand it, she will not be de-dicked. (I fully and strongly support this, by the way. I would be sad if I were wrong.) Does that mean poor Commander Valden is gone forever? Related: is the spooge in her fuckstick her spooge or his?

Syri will never be de-dicked or re-vag'd.

Commander Valden may or may not be on Uveto in some capacity. He may or may not be a cuntboy now.

I imagine that Syri's spooge is Valden's right now -- that, or she's entirely sterile. She could probably fix that up, but as she says, she doesn't want to mess with it until she knows what happened to Valden. As Hugs mentioned, she probably does suffer from some organ reject syndrome -- that's one of the reasons she needs a bunch of medicine, hence her medical bills soaking up her government hush-money.

Lastly and most importantly: how do you pronounce her name? sɪ.ri or saɪ.ri?

Like Syria, without the a.

Like "Reaha". Completely lost there.

I pronounce it "ray-uh."


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I pronounce it "ray-uh."

And here I was pronouncing it "ray-ah", but yours sounds like it is easier to say quickly while still sounding right.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My pronunciations were correct and you were all trying to stray me from the right path.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I don't even know if Syri has a degree per-se, but she got her training in the military, yes. She's never been to university.
Someone like her?

“Not a ‘hot babe with a cock and a smart mouth’ if that’s what you’re thinking.... Hey, come on, seriously. I have a degree, honest!” Syri sighs and grabs her drink, knocking about half of it back in one swill.
In a little pre-fab apartment somewhere the player can't walk to. Probably wherever the rest of the construction crews live. I don't imagine its very nice.

Syri spends roughly zero time in her place outside of sleeping, and she's not the kind of person to clean unless she really has to, so yeah her apartment is probably a wreck. One of the reasons she insists you go back to your ship for boning.

Syri will never be de-dicked or re-vag'd.

Commander Valden may or may not be on Uveto in some capacity. He may or may not be a cuntboy now.

I imagine that Syri's spooge is Valden's right now -- that, or she's entirely sterile. She could probably fix that up, but as she says, she doesn't want to mess with it until she knows what happened to Valden. As Hugs mentioned, she probably does suffer from some organ reject syndrome -- that's one of the reasons she needs a bunch of medicine, hence her medical bills soaking up her government hush-money.
Well now I worry about her and simply must fork the cash to cure her.


Mar 18, 2016
Someone like her?

“Not a ‘hot babe with a cock and a smart mouth’ if that’s what you’re thinking.... Hey, come on, seriously. I have a degree, honest!” Syri sighs and grabs her drink, knocking about half of it back in one swill.

Well now I worry about her and simply must fork the cash to cure her.
We probably end up giving her better housing later.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
“Not a ‘hot babe with a cock and a smart mouth’ if that’s what you’re thinking.... Hey, come on, seriously. I have a degree, honest!” Syri sighs and grabs her drink, knocking about half of it back in one swill.

... I wrote Syri 4 years ago, don't judge me >_>

But yeah I guess she got her degree in the Spess Marines. Or she's lying through her teeth.


Mar 18, 2016
Doesn't Anno say Syri has a Degree, but tht she got it through the Military?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Thanks for the positive response, all! And a special thanks to Savin for giving a peek behind the curtain, and for writing my favorite character (and plenty else besides). You guys are awesome.

That said, her next (... first?) expansion is gonna involve her trying out for the 5,000 AD equivalent of Major League Gaming. So if that works out for her, she'd probably do that for as long as she can.


Basically the idea right now is: Syri comes there ostensibly to participate in an MLG-style event being held there. In reality, though, she went there because Anno forwarded her some intel that the guy from the transporter accident might be on the moon, too. So the PC can help her to both win a big tourney and to potentially find Valden.

This is actually a surprising answer. I'd have thought Syri was too old to be a professional gamer, which is why I was thinking Streamer Girl. Maybe people age out more slowly in TiTS. It also makes sense for the trip to be half cover story.

Syri will never be de-dicked or re-vag'd.

Savinmander more like heromander =D

Like Syria, without the a.

sɪ.ri it is!


Jul 11, 2016
Anno forwarded her some intel that the guy from the transporter accident might be on the moon, too. So the PC can help her to both win a big tourney and to potentially find Valden.

I'm so sorry you have to write a cuntboy.

She could probably fix that up, but as she says, she doesn't want to mess with it until she knows what happened to Valden.

So if we find Valden... then Syri's spooge will be Syri spooge perhaps? I like the implications.

Syri is a dork girlfriend type character.

She's a lovely dickgirl who's hard outer-shell needs to be PENETRATED by the love of Steele, and penetrate her sister.

Also, I don't know the distinctions of Nerd and Dork, but I'm assuming Anno's a fucking NEEEEEEEEERD girlfriend then?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I am 99% sure Savin wrote Syri and Anno the way he did just to spite us but then underestimated their popularity.

Also, fucking cuntbois.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
A lot of traditional Savicci-style Waifu can't happen fast enough.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I am 99% sure Savin wrote Syri and Anno the way he did just to spite us but then underestimated their popularity.
I don't understand the first part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't understand the first part.

Thatfirst part have root in times that CoC was still...well more alive than now and TiTS wasn't yet main source of income for Fen. Aka people pested savin about "certain" type of stuff to be written for CoC so he went postal and made later on Syri and Anno to make all those people....umm more unhappy or maybe actualy more happy since both sisters popularity blowed up into unbelivable in some cases nearing fanatism levels.


New Member
Jan 21, 2017
Mmm, I can't wait until her quest is finished. I like her even more than her sister.
I'm probably addicted to her meat, though. >_>
Also, I'd like to see that twin-sister-tit-job she's been teasing about happen sometime.