Strive for Power (Slave Management, RPG)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
6 release (link in first post)

  • Redid main quest line to fit more with future plot direction
  • Added more starting character options
  • Added help sections on many screens explaining game mechanic
  • Added some dynamic text to generic sexual encounters
  • Added dick shapes to residents
  • Added toxicity effect to the residents. Toxicity builds up on potion and modification usage and may have detrimental effects
  • Added 'Mutate' spell as showcase of mechanic
  • Added descriptions for spells and potions
  • Added option to sell prisoners to the slaver's guild
  • Added option to show/hide resident's description on their personal page
  • Added an option to buy rare race high willpower girls at market's encounter
  • Brothel-related assignments build up stress
  • Highly stressed girls will complain by the end of the day
  • Library upgrades are saved and increase amount of XP received by girls assigned there
  • Doubled exp received from combat
  • Pregnancy cause drop in combat characteristics and additional stress build up
  • Coward trait also makes physical punishments more effective
  • Mindread will display mental traits and mental characteristics for non-captured girls
  • Reduced occurrence of virgins
  • Face beauty is now a dynamic stat instead of static, and can be improved or damaged
  • Fixed servants getting 'pliable' trait when they shouldn't have gotten any
  • Fixed slaves bought from auction not being branded to you
  • Fixed issue with racial traits reducing stats when it was too high
  • Fixed advanced branding not transferring on string load
  • Fixed Dream spell causing instant stress removal instead of lowering it and prevented certain abuse with it
  • Fixed child growing option not costing any gold
  • Fixed some bad logic on the 'end of the day' which ignored some pregnancies and failed with prisoners


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
+1 dude, this is some good shit. Like a less abusive version of Free Cities, in a fantasy enviroment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
best slave sim I have ever seen so far

first post in this thread is outdated, there is a newer version on the blog.

interestingly, whoring your girls out is not mandatory. Although training a few specific girls in a specific manner and then giving them away is required to advance plot.

Are there benefits/drawbacks to branding an already loyal slave?

Also, is it just me or is the seraph race the absolute best choice for combat slave (and thus your first slave)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
best slave sim I have ever seen so far

first post in this thread is outdated, there is a newer version on the blog.

interestingly, whoring your girls out is not mandatory. Although training a few specific girls in a specific manner and then giving them away is required to advance plot.

Are there benefits/drawbacks to branding an already loyal slave?

Also, is it just me or is the seraph race the absolute best choice for combat slave (and thus your first slave)

I was planning to post after few bug fixes are out... posting everywhere and changing links multiple times a day is kinda tiring. Oh well. 

Branding allows you to force them into specific rule sets, but otherwise it's not really necessary. 

Seraph race don't really have any direct combat benefits. I'd probably point at catgirls, as those get slight evasion bonus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Seraph race don't really have any direct combat benefits. I'd probably point at catgirls, as those get slight evasion bonus.

Point, to a point.

According to the combat help

In combat, your companion acts as your sword and shield, while you issue them commands and cast supporting spells as needed. Keep in mind, that both health and lust will cause you to lose the fight if they reach their maximum damage. The amount of damage your companion takes is reduced by her Combat skill, while the Body Control skill increases her chance to dodge attacks. Some races or traits may also give your companion advantages in combat. Stress won't cause you to lose by itself, but high stress will cause your companion to take more damage. Some opponents will use abilities with special effects which may affect, impair or even change your companion. Having your companion Defend is a good option in that case, although it will likely buy your opponent another turn. Lastly, when grabbed or restrained, your companion will lose all chance to dodge, suffer combat penalties, and will be unable to escape with you if you flee, causing her to be lost. The Daze spell provides good counter-measure against that, letting your companion break free of grabs or restraints.

furthermore as of 0.6.4

Capturing prisoners now is a chance and based on your companion's body control and willpower of capturee

The only 3 races to have any benefit in combat at all are

Catgirls = a small bonus to dodge. Potentially higher than any other if you can somehow max out body control on your catgirl combat slave

Seraphs = no prerequisites for upgrading body control. Since it is very difficult to get the prereqs for higher levels, you likely will end up having even more dodge than a catgirl at the end (but early on the catgirl will be higher). In addition to this, the bonus to enslaving enemies will help a lot.

Dragonkin = double chance to break free from grabs. Grabs are absolutely crippling, however there is a spell (daze) for that and I have no idea how common they are.

So, catgirls are are probably better in early game and late game. Mid game seraphs are better.

It is pretty weird though that orcs and taurus and wolves are no good in combat despite what their fluff description says
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
According to the combat help

The only 3 races to have any benefit in combat at all are

Catgirls = a small bonus to dodge. Potentially higher than any other if you can somehow max out body control on your catgirl combat slave

Seraphs = no prerequisites for upgrading body control. Since it is very difficult to get the prereqs for higher levels, you likely will end up having even more dodge than a catgirl at the end (but early on the catgirl will be higher). In addition to this, the bonus to enslaving enemies will help a lot.

Dragonkin = double chance to break free from grabs. Grabs are absolutely crippling, however there is a spell (daze) for that and I have no idea how common they are.

So, catgirls are are probably better in early game and late game. Mid game seraphs are better.

It is pretty weird though that orcs and taurus and wolves are no good in combat despite what their fluff description says

True that I suppose. The thing is that I decided to put a limit on racial traits (since I can't really make that many unique traits as they were previously), so every race gets pretty minor bonus. Can't really fit there much to make every race reflect on its lore. Maybe on a different engine. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Note, I think last I played was ver 6.3.3

Hmm, that's odd, what happened to Orcs w/ their defense boost, though it's marginal, it's actually pretty good, as you can win the bandit group fight w/o spells; and I thought it was elves w/ the Grace trait (No req for Body Control and gain confidence/courage from management jobs)

Anyways, if I remember correctly, Taurus has no req for combat, and Wolves is survival and gain Courage w/ refined brand; so they're alright, but combat doesn't have much of a req and you'd need courage anyways.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Note, I think last I played was ver 6.3.3

Hmm, that's odd, what happened to Orcs w/ their defense boost, though it's marginal, it's actually pretty good, as you can win the bandit group fight w/o spells; and I thought it was elves w/ the Grace trait (No req for Body Control and gain confidence/courage from management jobs)

Anyways, if I remember correctly, Taurus has no req for combat, and Wolves is survival and gain Courage w/ refined brand; so they're alright, but combat doesn't have much of a req and you'd need courage anyways.

That was before I nerfed overloaded traits. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
True that I suppose. The thing is that I decided to put a limit on racial traits (since I can't really make that many unique traits as they were previously), so every race gets pretty minor bonus. Can't really fit there much to make every race reflect on its lore. Maybe on a different engine. 

alright. limits of engine and all that.

Anyways, I noticed that the game does not draw a distinction between a girl who was branded by you, and a girl you bought pre-branded from the slave market. even though the lore in the library says there should be a difference.

Someone else's brand should not prevent the slave from harming you, will be recognized as yours (since each brand carries its creator's unique symbol which the guild keeps track of for identification purposes), doesn't fade away upon your death (if you are concerned for the wellbeing of your slaves after you), and can randomly fade away at any time from the death of the original brander (old age, disease, accident, whatever).

I can see several solutions for this btw

1. slaver's guild has exception allowing a registered on the spot branding with a witness by the new master despite the law against people performing branding without being a mage or a slaver. this would be a problem for masters who do not practice magic like the MC though

2. slaver's guild draws some of your blood and performs an on the spot branding using your blood instead of the blood of the caster/s. maybe via a potion? this would also be in line with most people not possessing the actual skill to perform a branding.

3. a method to reconfigure a brand to a new owner. Such as by drinking a special potion/magic ritual with the blood of the new owner and having it replace the old one. (of course the existence of such a thing would make slave poaching a big problem. as well as supply a backdoor means of getting rid of a brand by switching it over to someone on the cusp of dying, since supposedly the ritual to break brands is difficult and rare)

also there should probably be an exception to the rule about breaking (and reapplying) a branding for a legal slave sale.

EDIT: oops, ignore the above, I just noticed it does in fact says

You pay and qualified mage brands Shelba to you, after which she is sent to your mansion.

I was just not paying attention.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Anyways, I noticed that the game does not draw a distinction between a girl who was branded by you, and a girl you bought pre-branded from the slave market. even though the lore in the library says there should be a difference.

No, actually after you buy a slave from guild they brand them to you. Should say so right after you pay for them. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
No, actually after you buy a slave from guild they brand them to you. Should say so right after you pay for them. 

Oh oops, it does say that. I was not paying attention and/or just forgot and then made assumptions.

btw, is it possible to increase the number of personal rooms that are available in the mansion?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
ok, a suggestion. how about including a number when describing things instead of just colors

For example, the requirements of management

Journeyman — Confidence;
Expert — Confidence, Wit, Willpower Willful or higher;
Master — Confidence, Wit, Willpower Headstrong or higher.

would be nice if it innstead said

Journeyman — Confidence (3);

Expert — Confidence (4), Wit (2), Willpower Willful (3) or higher;

Master — Confidence (5), Wit (3), Willpower Headstrong (4) or higher.

Incidentally, willful and headstrong are the same color. I am also guessing on the numbers, I have no idea what the scales actually are
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
ok, a suggestion. how about including a number when describing things instead of just colors

For example, the requirements of management

would be nice if it innstead said

Actually good idea, will add to the next version


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Actually good idea, will add to the next version

cool, and i just finished fixing the exploded and broken quotes too. in case you want to check the edit. this is really annoying how broken quotes are with this new editor on this forum. for some reason it completely ignores quote close notation, just running a quote until the end of the post, and exploding the formatting on everything in between to boot

The one you setup from Sebastian. 

I don't think I ever met him. is he found through the mage guild plotline?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
cool, and i just finished fixing the exploded and broken quotes too. in case you want to check the edit. this is really annoying how broken quotes are with this new editor on this forum. for some reason it completely ignores quote close notation, just running a quote until the end of the post, and exploding the formatting on everything in between to boot

I don't think I ever met him. is he found through the mage guild plotline?

It's fine, I already got what you meant. 

Yes, you have to advance through main quest line. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
If I have already joined the mage guild, and I am looking at the rules section of an already branded servant. than it says

"Brand Servant — not enough mana"

It should be saying

"Brand Servant — already branded"

The unbrand button appears correctly underneath that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

so, I have a bit of a problem. I got a girl to be a hunter.

I got her to 100% loyalty + 100% obedience. I got her trained in survival. And she still refuses to hunt.

My best bet is that it might maybe have to do with her courage being at coward. Is that the cause? I expected it would mostly be setting traps for small animals, maybe some bow shooting, should be perfectly safe. it's hunting not fighting

She is also a survival novice. and here is her info block

Willpower: She's meek and barely fights back, even when hard-pressed. (ⅈ)

Courage: Coward
Confidence: Indecisive
Wit: Reasonable
Charm: Dull

On her neck you can recognize symbols of brand you left on her. She wears normal clothes.

She grasps your every word and gives you all of the attention that she can muster.

She looks calm and uninterested in sex. Overall Shelba acts content and lively. She looks reasonably healthy. She appears to be pregnant. Her advanced pregnancy is clearly evident by the moderate bulge in her belly 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016

so, I have a bit of a problem. I got a girl to be a hunter.

I got her to 100% loyalty + 100% obedience. I got her trained in survival. And she still refuses to hunt.

My best bet is that it might maybe have to do with her courage being at coward. Is that the cause? I expected it would mostly be setting traps for small animals, maybe some bow shooting, should be perfectly safe. it's hunting not fighting

She is also a survival novice. and here is her info block

Yes. Requires courage over 30. Fights can boost courage a bit though, I believe. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Yes. Requires courage over 30. Fights can boost courage a bit though, I believe. 

I didn't realize it was possible to boost courage. I guess i should give her some combat training then, and then leverage that to make her fight things for courage. thank you

Incidentally, is there a way to use up your daily energy quicker? most days i have nothing to spend MC's energy on other than sex for the purpose of gaining mana, which requires a lot of clicks to do.

I also noticed vaginal gives the best mana returns, and different girls produce different amounts. so its really just repeating the vaginal with the same girl 5 times per in game day.

Also, pregnancy seems to last only 1 month or so. is that on purpose?


feature request. it would be great if the save slots would indicate the time in which you saved. or at least the in game day. as it is it is hard to tell which save is the newest once they are all filled and i have to start overwriting them
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

in regards to my earlier statement about fast spending of daily stamina for gaining mana. I had an idea. at the moment the sex window has 2 buttons, "return to personal screen" and "return to population screen". What if it also had the option "do it again". this will massively improve the rate at which you convert daily stamina into magic power

incidentally, the "action with companion" option, oral, and caress choices all only have "return" which is "return to personal screen". it needs to have "return to pop screen" added, and the again button as well.


also, a question. where can i actually get essences? I need to brew a youth potion for melissa and have no clue where to find the essences i need


I finally discovered how to get corruption. it comes from threesomes. as long as it is 1 on 1 sex you don't get any, but once you have threesome with companion and another girl then they both gain corruption.

Just to clarify, corruption sounds sinister, but from how it's actually described in game it seems like a purely positive thing. Is there a drawback to it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

I encountered a bunny girl in the wild. but bunny girls are not available as an optional choice for your first starting girl. considering how complete that char creation is I think that is an oversight rather than intentional exclusion so i am mentioning it here


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015

"Residents" page is a bit too spartan, the need to inspect each girl to get more than the absolute basic info is quite tedious and slows down play a lot.

It currently just says their name, race, willpower, and HP. it could very well benefit from mentioning their rough estimated stress which you get from the inspection page. pregnancy condition and other info would be nice as well, but not as critical as the rough estimation of stress.


the library really really needs a topic about essences. what they are, where you can get them.


defeating an elf, dryad, human or a fairy in the mystic grove, elf forest, or shaliq village outskirts and choosing rape causes the game to freeze on a blank page (I was testing to see if maybe this is how you get essences)


encountered a dryad in the mystic grove. mind read her.

special skills - entangle undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
From what I remember, you get essence mainly by having sex with one of the following: Dryad=nature (Can also get it for beating the plant), Fairy=Magic, Demon=Corrupt(or w/e it's called), they need to be at a certain devotion/loyalty -- There should have been an explanation when you do the fairy quest, though I wouldn't know, since I glossed over it :p  (Though I also would like a book on essence.)

In his blog post, Mal said the save engine is built in, so doubt he can change it -- Same with bunny girls, seems he added some new 'wild' races, where you have to hunt for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
From what I remember, you get essence mainly by having sex with one of the following: Dryad=nature (Can also get it for beating the plant), Fairy=Magic, Demon=Corrupt(or w/e it's called), they need to be at a certain devotion/loyalty -- There should have been an explanation when you do the fairy quest, though I wouldn't know, since I glossed over it :p  (Though I also would like a book on essence.)

In his blog post, Mal said the save engine is built in, so doubt he can change it -- Same with bunny girls, seems he added some new 'wild' races, where you have to hunt for them.

Thanks for explaining essence, the fairy quest did not actually explain that you need to have sex with them to get it, much less obedience and loyalty.

As for bunny girls, I wasn't talking about saving, I was talking about how you get a girl of your choice when you start a new game.


anal scenes all say "using your hand to keep her tail shoved up onto her back..."

even when having sex with a girl that does not actually have a tail


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
I also noticed vaginal gives the best mana returns, and different girls produce different amounts. so its really just repeating the vaginal with the same girl 5 times per in game day.

I have my fair share of doubts about giving an option to milk mana with sex through energy when you have nothing else to do (and honestly I should make some adjustments to mana management. Like unlimited maximum mana looks pretty broken right now). 

I encountered a bunny girl in the wild. but bunny girls are not available as an optional choice for your first starting girl. considering how complete that char creation is I think that is an oversight rather than intentional exclusion so i am mentioning it here

Yes and no. After I added more 'monstergirl-ish' races, I decided they should be restricted from starting game. Maybe bunnies and tanuki could make it there though. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
As for bunny girls, I wasn't talking about saving, I was talking about how you get a girl of your choice when you start a new game.

Probably worded it poorly, what I meant was it was also in his blog. Like Mav said, they are one of the newly added races, which are 'wild' (think savages or barbarians I guess), so you can't choose them at the start, just discover and capture them.
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