Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grabs the key from Altra and runs for the throne room, inserting the key into the lock and unlocking the door, bursting inside with his sword raised. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girls follow him there and the group soon finds themselves in a large ornate, though run down, throne room. Sitting on a massive throne of obsidian is Telana Skarl herself. With a smile on her face she stands up and walks toward them. She must stand six feet six inches tall, light lavender skin covers her body, with black bat wings, glossy black hair, a spaded black tail, and a full body tattoo of what looks like spreading icy veins from her neck down to her ankles. Her breasts must be E cups, her ass plush and distracting, her pussy slightly puffy and very noticeable, a huge fourteen inch long, 3 inch thick demon cock hangs flaccid above two grapefruit sized balls. She doesn't wear a single scrap of clothing or armor.

"Well well well! Dryvus! About time you found your way here. How many months did you make me wait? That is very rude." The room is heavy with her influence as it pushes down at the group, mentally taxing them to resist the urge to throw themselves at her feet and submit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Telana. Didn't know you were waiting for me for that long. How have you been?" He asks, voice dripping with sarcasm. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh I have been marvelous darling! While you toyed about making a house and popping out a few kids, I have been getting stronger by the day! Pretty soon I will be able to start my plans of invasion since no one here could possibly match me." Her voice is not sarcastic, she is toying with him right now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Right. And the only one standing between you and your plans of invasion is... Me." He takes out the potion from his bag and downs the whole thing in one go. "You ready to rumble, bitch? I'm gonna smack you down and rape your ass, and then make you my bitch!" He yells, dancing around on the balls of his feet. 

[Don't forget to tell me what white magic abilities I got access to!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Once Dryvus drinks the potion he feels a surge of power flood his body and his mind is clear as a still lake. Everything makes sense now, nothing could possibly confuse him at this point. he can feel it in his mind, white fire that burns the corrupt and punishes their wrong doings. Brilliant light that can deflect the darkest of shadows. Soothing warmth that banishes pain and soothes lust. Three spells he had never heard of before suddenly dance at his finger tips.

Telana smiles and raises her right hand. "So, you think white magic will save you? No no no, Dryvus, whent his is done you will be my personal breeding bitch, while all your little harem sluts are thrown into the machines and used to pump out more demons for my rule." She snaps her fingers and an inky black shadow blade appears in her hand. With a single wave of the blade she summons clones of herself that all engage the girls with him. "Those are only a fraction of my power, but that is more than enough for them. Now it is just you and me what you have learned!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He smiles serenely. "Of course, my dear Telana..." He murmurs, putting on a sudden burst of speed and going straight for her, launching a flurry of blows with ease and precision he had never known before, blasting her with the cleansing fire and throwing rocks at her from all directions, using her very castle against her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With bursts of power on every impact she deflects his sword swing for swing with her own, a smile on her face as she drinks in his fighting form. Every burst of white fire is block with her own shadow flames, each rock deflected by a powerful burst of force. "Good! Good! you have gotten so much stronger than the welp in the forest blushing at pussy flowers! But is it enough? Is it?!" After the next parry she twirls and slaps her tail into his chest, sending him flying backwards. "Physically you are perfect...but what of your magic? Enough with the petty spells, show me what you can really do!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus stands and gathers all his energy, gathering his strength and combining the cleansing fire and the cleansing light spell, fusing it into a giant ball, which he launches at her. However, rather than standing there, he's right behind the ball, waiting to get a blow in even if the spell fails. His tentacles try to wrap around her arms and legs as he makes the ground underneath her tremble, knocking her off balance. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She spins her blade and it grows into a much larger sword. With a battle cry she thrusts it forward, piercing the ball with a grin and tossing it aside where it explodes against the wall uselessly. She expected him to be there, expected him to try the tentacles. Waht she didn't expect was his grasp on geomancy to be strong enough to cause tremors. She staggers backwards which gives Dryvus time to tackle into her and grab her limbs with his tentacles.

"Oh seems you caught me."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her wings suddenly shoot out and wrap around Dryvus before rolling them both over the floor several times. She bites down on the blade and rips it from his hands, tossing the hilt to the side.

"Oh cut that out dear, such a petty toy serves you no good." She is now on top of Dryvus, grinding her crotch against him. "Isn't all this fighting just too much bother? Think of the pleasure I could give you. A life free of worry where all you have to do is fuck and be fucked." her words a thick and sweet like honey, muddling Dryvus' mind with every word.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Is that so?" He casts the soothing spell before rolling over and biting her neck, his dicks already out and pressing at her holes. "Let's see who's got the stronger influence..." He says, immediately ramming his dicks into both holes, stuffing in three more tentacles for each, two more going for her mouth. "Come on. You were just waiting to see if I was strong enough so you wouldn't feel bad about being my bottom bitch, weren't you!?" He says, murmuring huskily into her ears. After all his training with Jessy, his hypnotism powers had also gotten a boost, and were definitely a lot stronger than before. "Come on. Submit. Give yourself over to me." He says, a tentacle worming itself into her womb as three more come out to stimulate her nipples and clit, all the tentacles in and on her vibrating like crazy. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
her body easily takes every cock and tentacle...but she doesn't even groan. She locks her eyes with Dryvus as she speaks directly into his mind. "Did you think such simple acts would win me over so easily? You fool. i wanted you to be strong so I could be sure our children would be even stronger. Why resist? You have seen what I am capable of, what I can do for you. Why hide from your true desires Dryvus? The body of a woman with the endowments of a man...absolute bliss can be yours, all you have to do is give up. I won't hurt you or your girls...quite the opposite in fact. You will all be cared for a treated just fine."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hah. Like hell. I know you and your kind. You think I'm that easy to win over? Hah! Oh by the way, I kinda forgot your cock. Gimme a second..." He mentally replies, wrapping his tongue around her cock and starting to jerk her off. He subtly casts the white fire spell, one hand on her heart and the other squeezing breast hard. He adds two more cocks to her ass and pussy, stretching her out painfully wide. "Now. I believe we were discussing my terms of surrender. How about you surrender instead? Why do you want to conquer and destroy and enslave everything? Why can't you just be satisfied with what you have? You're the one who should give up. Even if I fall here, which is highly unlikely given the situation, someone else will come. And another. And another. They won't stop coming till you fall. So why not give up now and save yourself an eternity of pain down the line?" He violently starts fucking her. "You should just give up and learn. Learn to love. Learn to create, learn to give... Why can't you do that? You speak of enslaving others. But to enslave, you need to be free yourself, yes? Yet you are a slave to your own blood. Your own desires. Never caring about anything or anyone else. See now, the mistakes you have made? It isn't too late. You can redeem yourself. Right now, you're nothing but a glorified slave taking out her anger on others." He murmurs, kissing her neck.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The white flames send burning pain into her chest and the added tentacles stretching her out only adds to the discomfort. She glares at Dryvus and activates her own shadow flames the lick and burn at his body and tentacles around her limbs. The attention to her cock does not go unnoticed as it quickly gets hard and throbs happily in his tongues embrace. "Because I deserve to rule! Demons were cast out and shunned because of our influence! These hypocrites talk of working together and trying to survive the lands, but happily ignore those they outcast! What I have is a ruined castle at the far end of a horrible swamp and a bunch of followers who have all been thrown out of their homes because of what they are. I will never give up! Not until I get revenge for what happened to us! Love, creature and give...PAH! Petty words for weak minded fools! I am no slave....I am in control!" Another pulse of energy radiates from her form, making it very difficult for Dryvus to think, even with his spells.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"It's never too late to make amends. You all were thrown out because you were too... Violent. Domineering. Look at Willow. Do you see in her what I see in you? She's gentle. She's loving. She knows what it means to be human. Do you know what I see in you? The polar opposite. You're cruel. You hate. You destroy. And look where that got both of you. She, work in a brothel and a loving man by her side. You, power, but... Nothing else. Nobody else. You push people away, enslave them. Break their minds... And what does it get you? A ruined castle, slaves in the basement... Do you even know what love is? To have someone who would willingly die for you? To have someone just to talk to? To open up to? No! A wise man said... It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Truly he was right. I see that now. And yeah sure, I could just kill you off and call it quits." He grabs her head in his hands. "One twist, and it would all be over. But... I've changed. This land itself has changed me for the better." He pulls the tentacles out of her mouth and kisses her gently, a loving kiss, then looks into her eyes. He pulls out all his tentacles and even his dicks, ceasing all sexual activity. "Can you, honestly, look me in the eyes, and tell me that you have never wanted someone to love? And you want revenge. You know what they say about revenge? You have to dig two graves. Sometimes, it's better just to let go. You'll get your revenge. And then what? More vengeance. More pain. More death. You think people will ever accept you like that?" He says, looking deep into her eyes, his hands still on her face. 

[I write awesome speeches like this, but I get stage fright IRL. Why brain why!?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(Because you are not in front of a massive crowd of people trying to talk.)

She stares at him as a sneer crosses her face. "Like you would know about revenge wouldn't you? You cast your frightened needing lover aside just to get blood, brutal revenge that she didn't even want. You have killed when no one in this world ever tried to kill you. So get off your fucking high horse you miserable little man. No one would love me when I needed it, so now I force people to desire me when I feel like it. Your words are just as hollow as your mind is! So more will come, so revenge only earns more revenge. I don't care, i will start that cycle and ride it to an early grave if I must. But I will make them feel the pain and loneliness I suffered for generations! Speaking of loneliness...let's see how you like it!"

She draws her hands back and rams it clean through Dryvus' chest as speaks demonic words that Dryvus can hope to comprehend. A massive purple and black rune forms around them and she stands up with Dryvus impaled on her hand, holding him on his knees. She starts pulling her hand back out and Dryvus can feel the worlds worst tugging sensation as his very soul is being pulled and ripped from something else.

"Kestral Skaath, deal maker, trickster and defiler of lives. Long have you been sealed in mortal bodies...but no longer shall that be the truth. I break your seals....and end your life!" The rune sparks and flashes as she slowly begins to pull Kestral from Dryvu's chest. "Older does not always mean relevant! you have sat idle for hundreds of years while I have grown strong." Kestral is half way out of Dryvus at this point. "now I will send you back to the dark real where the other primal demons rot away." She now holds Kestral completely out of Dryvus. "Begon foul monster....for your time has long since been over."

A massive black spike shoots from the hand that holds Kestral and impales him through the face. Starting from his gnarled feet and hands he begins to fizzle away into dust. he doesn't even get to mutter a curse as the last of his body fades away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus is shocked for a moment. He felt nothing. Was it really that easy...?

And then the pain hit.

He opened his mouth in a silent scream, his eyes wide. It hurt so much... He throws his head back and screams. He screams as long and loud as he can, before collapsing forward, on his hands and knees, almost unconscious. 'drip-drip-drip' Alerts him to the sound of falling liquid. He looks down at the rents in his chest. How did those get there...? That's when he notices his bloody hands. Shit. He had clawed at himself. Sure, the pain was agonising... Yet... He felt...

Peaceful. No more white noise in his head... No more silent desires to rape and kill and torture... But there was an emptiness... A part of his soul was gone... 

But he was at peace. He looks up at the succubus...

And laughs. The laugh of a schoolboy coming out of school. The laugh of a man without worry. The laugh of a free man. 

He staggers upwards and grabs onto her shoulders, pulling her close into a hug. "Thank you!" He laughs and rains kisses down on her. "Thank you so much!" He laughs again. "All my life, he was there, both a curse and a blessing. But you finally removed him... Thank you so much! We're both... We're both at peace now. Finally... Good bye, Kestral... Hail and Farewell..." He falls to his knees, looking up at the Telana. "You will find love one day. Mark my words..." He says, before his eyes roll back into his head and he collapses from blood loss. 

Looks like this is it... This is where your story ends, Dryvus Maxin... Goodbye... Frasia. Willow. Jessy. Altra. Kresh. Zevra. Chelsie. Melina. Gawd... Kasira, Sinarrie... Looks like daddy won't be coming home... I'm sorry... I'm sorry everyone... 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dryvus suddenly wakes up with a start still in the throne room. The fight has stopped and an unknown amount of time has passed. Dryvus rests on Jessy's coiled up tail. All around him are his girls, fast asleep while leaning up against Jessy. His wounds have been healed but three claw shaped scars now adorn the middle of his chest. The blood has been cleaned up as well. Sitting up on her throne is Telana, watching the group with eyes in deep thought.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm...? Wuh- wuh happun...?" He looks around, noticing he was still in the throne room. As soon as he spots Telana, a wide grin breaks out over his face. He gets up carefully, not disturbing the others, and walks to Telana, sitting down with his legs crossed in front of her. "Penny for your thoughts?" He says, raising an eyebrow. "And what happened after I... Died? I don't recall." He says, his head tilted, the smile still on his face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She just stares at him for a minute. "You went into shock and were dieing very rapidly. Your reaction caught me off guard so my clones stopped fighting. your naga came over and started healing you while the others sobbed and called your name. She could heal your body, but your soul was in tatters." Another pause. "For some reason, I felt compelled to help you. So I mended your frayed soul, making it whole again. That was six hours ago...I can't figure out why I did that. I should have let you die....yet every part of my body screamed at me to help you."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He crawls closer, setting his arms on her knees. "That couldn't possibly have been because I'm just so lovable, right?" He tilts his head, still smiling at her. "Or maybe something inside you changed. For the better?" He stands and kisses her cheek. "Whatever it was... I love you. I love you for saving me. You did what nobody else could. You saved my soul. Twice." He kisses the other side. "And as an added bonus, you didn't enslave me or my girls." He kisses her lips. A long, deep kiss.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Ever so slowly she starts to return the kiss, opening her mouth to slides her tongue out into his mouth while she pulls him into her lap and wraps her arms around his body. Her large cock is already erect and sits between her legs at about his knees as she pushes into the kiss even more. After a few minutes, she breaks away again. "Why? Why does this feel right? Why do I feel like I should have done this sooner? What have you done to me DRyvus?!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I guess my irrestible charm really works..." He smiles and kisses her again, then pulls away. "Jokes aside... I have no idea. I really don't. Maybe it was something you did. Maybe it was something I did... We'll never know." He bends his forehead to touch hers. "Did anyone ever tell you you smell like vanilla? Because it smells amazing." He wraps his arms around her shoulders. "As for why it feels right... That's because it is... It's good." He kisses her again. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her mind is still confused but her body knows what it wants. Her arms reach out again and hold him against her soft chest while her lips find his again. A light moan escapes her lips as her hands slide down and begin stroking his cocks back to full mast while her own throbs happily in the air.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"If you want... You can stick it in... I'd be giving you my anal virginity." He chuckles. "Who better to take it than the person who saved my life? Least I can do is offer something in return..." He says, straightening a bit so his asshole is right above her cock. "I don't really think it counts as gay if it's a girl..." He mumbles, chuckling and kissing her again. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her hands slide up and grip his shoulders, slowly pulling him down on her cock. Just like his it is already lubed up on it's own and despite it's large size it slides inside of his ass with surprising easy. Where Dryvus expected pain, he only finds blissful minds shaking pleasure as he slides down her bumpy tool. She pushes her tongue back into his mouth to twirl around his tongue, her breasts pressed up against his body. With a deep sigh she breaks the kiss and watches him slide down her cock. "Amazing! you are so tight! It feel different than every other time feels so much better!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Gah. This feels so odd... And obviously it feels better. Fresh virgin ass for the takiiiing! Oh god it feels amazing..." He groans, starting to slide up and down her dick. "And maybe it feels better because it's– Oooh!– Consensual?" He asks, his hands going to her breasts to play with her nipples. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"that must be it, gah, a fresh willing virgin ass all for me!" She helps him move up and down her bumpy tool, the bumps grinding against his ass and bringing him great pleasures the like he has never felt before. "I feel bad though....your cocks are just out in the open. Let me help you." She lets her tongue slide out and wrap around his twin members several times before it starts jerking them off while squeezing them together. "Mmmm! Sho gooood!"