Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mmm. Yeah. But first, I want to just snuggle up with my beautiful girls for now, okay?" He says, his arms tightening around them as their warmth and coziness lulls him to sleep. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A month flew by faster than any of them had hoped as they all practiced their craft and tried to strengthen themselves as best they could. 

Altra focused on her potions, day and night she was honing them down to a fine point. She is close to finishing her "special potions" as she calls them.

Frasia rapidly swelled up over two weeks, her stomach bulging out as a child rapidly grew inside her womb. In three weeks she was ready to deliver and with Jessy's healing magic a healthy young tiger shark herm was born. She has deep red hair like her mother, with piercing green. Her thick skin is orange and black striped in color, she has a fin on her back and big three toed feet. A long shark tail hangs from just above her rump. Much like Frasia's mom, she has a tentacle covered anemone dick with an average ball sack. One thing she took from her mother was her big toothy grin which she displayed the moment she looked at Dryvus. Kasira was her name and causing trouble is her game! Over the week she has been around she has crawled around, knocked things over and vanished the moment someone took their eyes of her! True to the warnings though, in just a week she has gone from infant to about ten years old, walking and talking all on her own and constantly bouncing around with energy!

Willow was actually ahead of Frasia in child birth, giving birth to her daughter a week before Frasia did. Catching everyone off guard was her beautiful Ivory skin that practically shines in the sunlight! Onyx black hair adorns her head, black horns stick out a few inches from her forehead and red eyes take in the world happily. Little black bat wings flap on her back and a black spaded tail juts out from above her rump. As both her parents are demons, she was born with her demon mark already visible, An upside down cross, wrapped in ivy with a demon wing on one side and an angel wing on the other shown right in the center of her stomach. The sign of freedom, Willow said, that she is not bound by the trappings of her demon blood. That she can be anything and everything should she desire. Sinarri is her name, and she is the opposite of Kasira, being very soft spoke and preferring to simply snuggle up against her parents day in and day out without so much as a peep. In the two weeks she has been around she is already a teenager, probably fifteen right now and has taken a liking to Magic and gardening with Zevra.

Kresh spent all her time training, making herself faster, stronger and harder to hit! Her style has been refined and when Frasia had rested from child birth, she went right back to teaching her as well.

Jessy was a harsh mistress and trainer. She pushed Dryvus to the edge every day they training until he could barely walk let alone cast spells. She taught him spell after spell, refining it over and over again. By the time they finished he was a skilled user of geomancy, not nearly as good as Jessy, but his grasp on the subject was firm.

Zevra...didn't really train. She took care of the garden, took care of the kids, cleaned up the house...but obviously does not plan to take part in the fight to come.

Chelsie proved to be a skilled weaver as she made spider silk master pieces. She took Dyrvus' chain mail shirt and wove spider silk through it, making it look like a breast plate, but at no extra weight. She used the rest of the silk to make gear for the others, as going in naked is probably the worst idea ever. Now all the combatants are equiped with spider silk armor pieces that soak up impact like you wouldn't believe! 

Gawd actually took an active role in the kids lives, showing them that she is a friendly giant. Eventually she took it upon herself to be their god mother...considering what the future could hold. She gave Dryvus a vow that no harm will ever come to them.

  Finally was Mildred, who became the super grandma. She came over every other day to dote on them and smother them with love. She taugt them both fighting moves and actually gave a very detailed sex ed class using her bimbo shark sluts as examples!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks around at his companions. He felt he should make a little speech, but that was hardly required. Maybe before they got to the castle... "Alright, girls. Let's head to the huntresses' den before we hit the castle. I need an answer." He says, starting the trek to the den. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Clad in spider silk armor and trained to the strongest they could get, the girls follow Dryvus away from home, leaving the kids with Zevra, Gawd and Mildred.

The group makes it easily through the plains, nothing daring to cross their path, and soon find themselves in front of the den. 

The guards know why he is here and with a nod, one goes down to get the chieftain who arrives in just a few minutes holding a long spear with a blunted tip.

"Dryvus....I assume you are here for your answer then?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm afraid to I will not march my armies on a mission that might put my entire den at risk." 

The air hangs heavy as her reply settles in, but just as despair starts to build, she smiles and slams her spears butt onto the floor a few times.

Twelve five fang huntresses come out in full combat armor made from leather and animal bones, all weilding staves and blunted spears, some with bows as well.

"However, My royal guard and I would be happy to lend you a hand." Her guards come over with more ornate versions of their gear and starts equipping their chieftain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus' face falls when she says no, but a look of confusion passes over his face when she starts banging her spear on the floor. When the royal guard cones out, a slow grin spreads across his face. Once she's fully armoured, he bows to her. "And so we march to war... My Chieftain." He says, grinning before standing up and marching to the swamp, his mind immersed in drawing up battle strategies. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With the huntresses marching behind their queen, Dryvus has a fair attack force with him. The group enters the swamp quickly and easily and starts marching to the west.

"Something tells me nothing will get in our it is simply reaching the castle without falling into the bog." Chieftain states as she moves along side Dryvus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah... Melina had mapped out a safe route for me. We'll get there quicker too, if we follow it." He says, walking slightly to the right while pulling out a map of the swamp on which was traced a route to the castle that avoided the bogs. "Here." He hands the map to the chieftain. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She takes the map and looks it over while nodding her head. "I had not even considered this path...your friend is very well informed. Let's take this path and get their quickly."

So the group used the map, weaving through the swamp and batting aside pissy frog morphs with no common sense, soon find themselves in front of an ancient decrepit castle that is falling apart in several places and looks like it hasn't seen use for hundreds of years.


" we are boss...eerie isn't it?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Very..." He murmurs, looking over the castle. "Well... I suppose we just march right in? No... That would get us killed... Jessy, it's a stone castle. Any way you can use geomancy to get a basic layout of the place?" He asks. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, I most certainly can." She slithers up and puts a hand on the wall, her eyes closing to focus. "inside is a long hall that leads to a big open room. Three ways from there....the side passages are much smaller so going straight is probably leading into the throne room. The top most floor is collapsed, no point trying to get there. Down below is a basement...really big and I can feel a lot of movement down there. The ground floor and second floor are mostly intact with some light movement about....I feel a fairly large group inside the large room...most likley our welcome party." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm. I guess we really don't have a choice save from walking in through the front door, huh?" He says, grinning, then takes out his sword and activates it. "Let's go tear them a new one, shall we?" He asks, turning and walking through the front door. 

[Let's finish this off tomorrow. I need to sleeeeep.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the group follows him in, everyone on their guard and looking out for any threats.

They find themselves in a large open hallway with tattered banners and rugs scattered about. Old tarnished lamps and chandeliers light up the hall as they move down the cracked and worn stone.

"Why would they just leave the door wide open and unguarded?"

"Maybe they want people to wander inside..."

"could be they caputre them and take them to the basement....lots of movement there so I wouldn't be surprised."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"It's highly probable. Keep an eye out for traps. Wires, pressure plates, anything that looks suspicious" He says, his eyes roving around the room, doing the same. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Despite all of them keeping their eyes seems there is nothing to find. The group soon finds itself at the entrance to the large greeting room that leads to the throne room. Inside is a large group of seven demons. Four succubi and three incubi all stand up and block their path forward.

Scu1: "Bout time you showed up. You even brought friends! More bodies for the machines!"

Inc1: "This is the guy she won't shut up about? He is just an incubus like me!"

Suc2: "Open your eyes dumb ass, look at his mark and how much it has spread!"

Inc1: Bah! Those marks don't mean shit these days!"

The demons block the path forward and obviously aren't going to just step aside.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus slowly gets his hilt out and twirls it in his hand. He flicks the hilt and activates it, calling out a sleeper blade. He takes two languid steps forward, then right on the third, darts to the nearest demon and unleashes a flurry of blows, summoning the rocks to revolve around him like projectile armour. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Inc3: Jumps backwards, evading the sleeper blade and rocks. With a flourish of his own he draws a blunt blade, not sharp enough to cut, but still just as fast. With a chant to his blade it glows a light orange and is able to deflect Dryvus' ethereal blade.

Suc4: She dives for Dryvus now that he is distracted but soon finds a large steel gauntlet in the side of her face, sending her sprawling across the room.

Frasia: "You are fighting me you cheap shot bitch!" She launches forward and lands another hit on her stomach, knocking the air from her lungs.

The rest of the room erupts into combat, with the demons being countered by one of his Dryvus' harem. Chieftain and her guard stay back, not willing to make the fights unfair, as is their way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus launches another flurry of attacks, casting blinding spells and fireballs every few seconds to distract him, his tentacles also slipping out and tangling around his legs. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Inc3: He keeps to his does, dancing through Dryvus' weapon and blocking when needed. He lashes back out against him, narrowly missing his strikes as the two clash over and over. "You are pretty good at this, as suspected of our ladies desires...but you can't fool me with your spells and tentacles! Fire balls, blind...all basic stuff!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus rolls his eyes and stomps the ground, shaking the ground under the Incubus' feet, making him stumble before leaping on him for the killing blow. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Inc3: He instantly stumbles and falls, completely unaware of geomancy. "Well that isn't fair at all..." was his last words before Dryvus' blade passed through his face, knocking him out cold for the fight.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus stands and turns, looking around the room to see how the rest of the fights are progressing. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The fights are very one sided, with Dryvus' girls easily having the advtange of the cocky demons. Frasia has already dropped hers and moves over to Dryvus with a grin. Kresh is next, landing a wicked round house kick straight to the jaw. Jessy...has been done since they began. She has the poor succubus wrapped up in stone and stuck to the floor as she pokes her face over and over again. Altra lands a potion right on the incubus' face, sending him to the floor as she begins viciously jerking himself. Finally is Willow who lands a perfectly timed counter spell, shutting down her opponent and promptly putting her to sleep.

The two remaining demons are quickly dispatched by the huntresses. The five fang guards proving to be way too much for them to handle.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Good job everyone. Jeez, why am I always the last one to finish...?" He mutters. "Do we bind them up or what? I don't want them interrupting the main fight." He says, chuckling as Jessy pokes the succubus' face over and over again. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Allow me Dryvus." With a snap of her fingers all the demons and bound to the stone floor by stone shackles. "there, easy peasy!"

"So, we just have to get into the throne room...something tells me the doors are locked though...cause this would be laughably easy other wise."

Altra walks up to the throne room doors and gives them a push. "Yea, locked up tight. What do you think big guy? Split up and search?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Nope. We're not splitting up. That's the best way to get killed or captured. Jessy, can you see another way in? Or better yet, should we work together to break down the doors?" He asks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"There is no other way in to the throne room, I already checked for that. WE could try to break it down...but that would draw every single fighter in the castle to us. If you want my opinion..the basement is likely where the machines that succubus spoke of are. If we are lucky, the foreman has a key or knows where we can get one."

So it comes down to this boss. Use the huntresses as defence while we fight the omnibus...or use them to assault the basement?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks at them. "I'm sure you girls are itching for a fight. A little incentive too... Every slave you find down there is yours, but if there's a human, leave that one to me. I do have a mission to complete..." He says, grinning. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the chieftain smiles back at him. "That is a deal we can't pass up! huntresses, let's go liberate these demons of their slaves!" They turn and take the lead, marking for the basement.

"That was generous of you Dryvus, I can feel many people down there...who knows what has happened to them."

"Hey big guy...I got something for you!" Altra hands him a potion that looks like liquid gold. "This took me all month to make...I think it will help you with omnibus bitch. Also, don't worry if the slaves are tainted, I can purge that stuff now thanks to Willow's help."