Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow's moans are now a mix of frustration and pleasure, being teased and toyed with over her entire body, but her ass is where she wants it the most. Her soft, squishy ass is like a pillow in Dryvus' hands and molds in whatever way he moves it. Her now empty ass hole twitches with desire, knowing he is just inches away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He slams into her again, this time thrusting in and out of her very slowly. He nudges Frasia. "Start playing with her breasts and nipples rougher. I want to hear my fucktoy scream louder!" He says, looking at Willow's helpless face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia grins a toothy grin and mashes Willow's breasts in her hands, roughly squishing and groping them while her fingers pinch and tug on her nipples. As an added bonus she starts slamming her tail in and out of Willow's sopping pussy. The result is very satisfying, Willow screams out in pleasure and pain, her ass immediately squeezing down on his cocks with a near painful amount of force. Altra had lifted her hips to let the scream radiate through the room but quickly drops back down, grinding her pussy against Willows face once again.

"Altra and I should get cocks as well, then we can triple fuck this amazing fuck toy! One of us to each hole!"

"Or Dryvus could get tentacle dicks, so he could reach every hole himself!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I second that second idea. It seems even two cocks aren't enough anymore!" He says, grunting and picking up the pace, fucking Willow at a more normal pace. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow almost sobs in joy as her ass in finally be fucked like the good toy she is. She makes sure to stay nice and tight when he pulls out and loosen up when he pushes in. Frasia gets her tail moving a bit faster, small splashes of girl cum squirting out each time she pushes it all the way in. Meanwhile, Altra being the sensitive goblin she is, crashes into orgasm, soaking Willow's face with girlcum as she squirms and moans. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus at this point is panting, his body covered in a sheen of sweat. Fucking succubi was hard work. He looks at Willow again and decides that the poor girl has has enough teasing for now. He suddenly ramps up the pace, going from normal to hard and fast in the span of a few seconds. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow's body quickly reacts, getting tighter and wetter by the second. It doesn't take long before she cries out again and starts shaking in place. Her pussy clamps down on Frasia's tail and begins squirting out her cum at impressive force. Altra also finds herself forced into a second orgasm, shuddering and shivering as she once again feeds Willow her cum. Frasia, tired of being left out, moves Altra off and promptly sits on Willow's face for her own round of tongue action, which she gets quickly. 

Dryvus can feel her orgasm rippling through her ass, causing blissful milking motions to stroke and tug his cocks, urging them to cum inside his fuck toys ass. Willow's now empty pussy sits gaping in front of him, a tantalizing site sure to help him along the road to orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
His breathing is heavy now, and his balls boiling, aching to fill this wanton slut up with his seed. Almost... Almost there... Dryvus bucks and twitches against her ass, the sudden milking forcing the cum out of his balls. He lets out a loud growl and cums hard, filling up Willow's asshole with his cum. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow squeals in bliss as her slutty ass is finally stuffed to the brim with boiling hot seed. Over and over it pumps into her, filling up her ass and stomach nicely till she looks a little pregnant. The blissful sensation of being claimed by her master makes her hit a second orgasm, shaking and shivering as her body convulses in pleasure. Frasia is able to get off with just her tongue, giving Willow a fresh coating of girl cum on her face before she falls off and lays next to Altra on the bed.

Three exhausted sluts lay in front of Dryvus...he does good work.

Frasia lazily looks down at him. "Hey....let's leave her all trussed up like that till we have to leave. She is a fuck toy after all." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus, still hilted in her ass, only groans in reply, collapsing on top of Willow. Then, he pulls her to him, still bound up, pulls Frasia and Altra closer, and falls asleep with his head on someone's breasts, too tired to care whose. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
They all sleep peacefully that night in each others embraces. The morning finds Dryvus well rested and alone in bed, however he can hear everyone is still in the room before he opens his eyes. Sitting up reveals Frasia having fun with the fuck toy... what and interesting sight that is. Willow's bonds have been expanded, completely covering the sucubus from head to toe in latex and bound so tightly there is no hope of her getting out alone. Her arms and legs are behind her back again, a mask covers her head and only leaves a hole for her mouth which has big cock sucking latex lips around it. The latex has parted to let her breasts hang out and her pussy and ass are also exposed as Frasia plays with her.

to the side is Altra working away diligently on potions, a large green one sits to her side cooling down while many small ones are boiling away on her portable brewing lab.

Finally his eyes fall to himself..and boy what a shocker that is! His normally rugged skin has softened considerably but maintains its masculine toned muscles. his scars have faded away as well. Not only that but it has taken on a slight red hue, much like Willow's dark red skin but not as deep of a shade. His ball have swelled up a fair amount and feel full to bursting with cum and completely lacking in the normal soreness that comes after an orgy. Next would be his cocks, they are now jet black in appearance and covered in lewd bumps that would bring great pleasure to anyone they were stuck in. Even more so he has filled out to a foot long each at three inches thick. A quick brush of his hair reveals that it is much more lush and very soft, almost sensual to the touch and has faded to a very dark purple, almost black color. 
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Huh? The HELL!?" Dryvus yells out, startling the other three. He throws the covers off of himself, revealing the changes. 

[Check your PM]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia and Altra both turn to look at him while the trapped Willow just moans at the sudden lack of attention.

"Woa! Boss?! What happened to you! you look like an incubus!"

"Surprising as the sudden changes are...I guess this is to be expected. He did just double ass fuck Willow for nearly two hours."

Willow moans, unable to make out what they are saying through her full head mask.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus reaches over and releases Willow's bindings. "I'm changing." Is all he says, before getting up and twirling, showing off his new body to them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow flops out spread eagle onto the floor, her sore limbs finally free. When she sees Dryvus though she springs to her feet and smiles happily. "Oh my! Master, you look amazing! One or two more rounds suffing my ass and you will be a full on incubus!" She slowly runs her hand down his smooth skin. 

"Hmm, I gotta admit boss, i kind of liked your more rugged apperance before. nothing wrong with being a smooth operator, but I liked the scars."

"I find it funny that you two are looking at that and not his FOOT LONG THROBBING DEMON COCKS! I think those would break my mind...."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus laughs. "Don't tempt me to get knots!" He says, smiling. "And yeah, size increase is always good. Heh." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Actually, on that note, I have been working on that tentacle cock idea. I just need to know, how many do you want? I mean, if you really wanted to claim all of us at once that would mean six at the last, nine if you wanted to get some oral as well."

Willow noticeably shudders at the though of that much cock from her master.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Nine, then. Could we disguise them as regular tails? I don't want a bunch of dicks following behind me." Dryvus says, grinning at his horrible joke. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, yea I think I could get something like that. Give me a few minutes." She heads back to her little potion station and starts messing around with the ingredients. A few minutes later she comes back with a dark green potion. "Here you are big guy. Word of warning though...this is a huge temporary boost to lust and sensitivity. So if you can, try to hold yourself back...if not, well, we have all been raped by you before!" She smiles at him. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Temporary. Right." He takes the vial and lifts it up to his nose. God it smells disgusting. It smells like someone put raw sewage in the vial and let it bake for a whole week in the hot sun while small animals died in it. But, Altra made it, and he trusted her. He pinches his nose shut and downs the potion...

Well, it tasted a hell of a lot better than it looked. Like a stale oatmeal cookie. He'd had plenty before.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
...nothing. nothing happens for a few minutes. It is just as Dryvus is about to speak up that he feels a sudden burning in his stomach. Stars flash in his vision as he crashes to his knees and Frasia rushes over to hold him up. He can feel a presses in his back, right at the small of his back. That burning turns into a flaming heat of lust as a wet slit slowly opens up where a tail could be. Slowly a long demon cock emerges from it, pushing his pants down and out of the way. It grows and grows before stopping at an amazing four feet long and three inches thick! Another one soon joins it..and another...and another. More and more of these jet black demon tentacle cocks grow from his tail slit until nine of them sit in the open air of the room. Once more his balls churn as their production kicks up nine times to fuel the new members on his body. Finally the changes stop, leaving Dryvus with nine new tentacle dicks, two foot long members and a burning desire to rape everything that moves!

"Huh...his original cocks were suppose to vanish. then again, I should have known his body would adjust itself to his liking."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grunts in pain when the burning pain hits him in the gut like a fiery punch of lead. He lets out a choked groan when he feels the odd yet pleasurable sensations emanating from his back. When the lust hits, he growls, his eyes gleaming with lust, almost like a feral wolf. His hands dig into the floor, trying to contain his lust; the strength of his grip ripping grooves in the floor. "G-get away!" He manages to gasp out, pushing Frasia away from him. Just the closeness of her body was too much to bear!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Rape...rape....RAPE! His body screams for sweet pleasures of the flesh and the girls are not helping. willows latex wrapped form, Altra and Frasia still naked from the night before. He is suddenly very aware of their scent, femanine and fertile. Oh how his body longs to plug every hole in their bodies and stuff them full of his seed!

"How long is he going to sufer like that?! I thought you were good at this stuff!"

"I am good at this! But he just added nine cocks to his body! That much fresh lust is like a boulder on his mind! The fact that we aren't getting plugged right now is amazing! A minute more and it should burn off....or he submits to it and we take it in every hole."

"I don't like seeing master like this...."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He growls louder and grits his teeth, fighting the boiling lust. He won't give in! He won't–! His mind snaps and he roars, the tentacle cocks lashing out and grabbing all of them around the ankles and pulling them to him. He immediately pounces on the closest one. He doesn't care who it is. His needs something to bury his dicks in! He slams his dicks into their holes, snarling and rutting them like a beast. He can feel the rest of his tentacle cocks following his motions, slamming into more holes. He doesn't care whether it's a mouth, ass, or a pussy. He just needs to fuck! He feels holes spasming around his cocks and snarls again, this time in pleasure. He just fucks and fucks and fucks some more, wanting to fill every hole his cocks are in with his seed. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girls give started gasps as they are seized and dragged to the floor. Poor Frasia was closest and she quickly gets his foot long demon dicks in each hole while a tentacle slides down her throat. Willow and Altra are in roughly the same position as his demon tentacles plug their asses, pussies and mouths. Two of his tentacles are left in the air, but that simply won't do, so they one goes to Willow's ass and the other to Altra, giving them both double anal penetration! The sensations flooding Dryvus' mind are incredible! He has perfect feeling in each tentacle cock and having three girls speared on his mighty lengths at once is nothing like anyting he has ever felt. Each tightly gripping anus, every sloppy wet pussy and silky smooth throat is paradise for his lust filled body.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He's going to lose his mind... So much pleasure, all rolled into one... All he wanted to do was fuck and fuck for the rest of his–

"GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF, YOU FOOLISH MORTAL!!" Kestral's voice rings through Dryvus' head like a gong, warhorn, and banshee screech all rolled into one. Dryvus clutches at his head and screams, like he can actually hear the sounds, and collapses backwards in pain, the tentacle cocks retracting into his body in terror. He curls up in a foetal position on the floor, moaning and cursing. "I think I'll stop the corruption there. You're inclined enough to rape every opponent you see now. Just remember that your body will continue to change the more times you have sex with that succubus." He says, his voice breaking off as he shuts down the connection. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girls gasp as they are suddenly freed from his grasp. Despite what just happened, they all run over and pick him up to a sitting position, worried expressions on their faces as they held him against their warm and soft bodies.

"That wasn't supposed to happen! Dryvus, what is wrong!?"

"nine cocks..what were we thinking?! That was way too much for anyone to handle!"

"Master! Please be alright! your toy needs you!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ugh. Guys, shut up. Ow my head... Kestral saved my ass." He sticks his fingers into his ears and wiggles them around. "Yeesh. I'm surprised my eardrums didn't burst..." He says, groaning and shaking his head. He stretches his legs before standing up, a little dizzy. Then, he carefully brings out his tentacle cocks, making them slither to his line of sight. "Well, looks like it worked. Success!" He slaps Altra's butt with one of the tentacle cocks. "Plus, now I have extra sets of hands! This could be useful!" He chuckles, apparently back to normal. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra squeaks and smiles at him. "True, they may be cocks, but they are very dexterous and could easily function as grabbing limbs. Also, they should be rather elastic, so you can go beyond four feet long should you really need to."

"So boss, what is our next move now? More exploring of the grass lands or do you want to go somewhere else?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm... Let's see... Where did Gawd say there were weaker enemies?" He asks, stretching and popping the bones in his back.