SSTD's (Cast your votes)

Just a counter as to how large the SSTD seeker population is.

  • Want

    Votes: 64 48.5%
  • Don't want

    Votes: 32 24.2%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 36 27.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ah shoot. I was the one that did it (she even quoted me, so that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that I'm the culprit :p). Is there a V-Ko on every planet? I would think making it an injection (I remember a place that offered free condoms where I was from) you could get for free or cheap from a V-Ko would make the prevention very unobtrusive. She(?)'s probably something people would or should visit when going to a planet anyway, either for healing items, or just to explore everything and know where everything is. On Tarkus (that's the second planet, right?) they could give it to Colenso to sell because of how paranoid he is.

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
Well I'm not reading another novel of ill-thoughtout gripes with systems and yada-yada. All I know is there's multiple solutions and ideas for them to work for everyone and I wanna see them in the game. Plain and simple. People just need to stop being lazy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Actually I'm siding with misty on this one. The (current) authors have very little interest in SSTDs, so them "getting off their ass" to write some diseases is gonna feel more like a chore for them and probably sap them of their creative juices for a while. If you were talking about new authors, then disregard me. If new authors want to see it in the game, then they should stop being lazy.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh Sweet Mother of Hell, this is still going on :eek:

I chose to not weigh in on this subject cause I dont really care about it, but damn this crap is getting ridiculous.

The major thing with this whole subject, is the matter of player choice. Imagine if when you first walked onto New Texas, you were Treated simply for going there. That would cause a HUGE uproar. The whole SSTD thing works in a 60% similar vein. You went into the Mhegna jungle and lost to a infected Naleen. But being an average player you didnt read the warnings, or the scene in general, and continue on your way. But then suddenly you become a 4 dicked furry dragon with giraffe horns and a tail that look like a mushroom (Me jumping to the extreme) (Also where did that come from?). Not a lot of player choice in that. Im mean sure there may be people who want that...."experience" but most players are gonna be upset about something that wasnt in their control, which this game tends to give a lot.

I get the appeal, but I also dont understand it. I DO understand the system of how the game works and its playerbase. Players want control SSTD's dont give that.
Sure, you can take a Immune booster but those cost money and you dont always have that money. Also carrying the damn things around is a hassle.

We here on the forums are not in the majority of the playerbase. Thats something we got to understand here. Me? I would LOVE a new interesting mechanic in the game, but I also know what will cause problems and backlash for the game. Misty gets that better than most people here, @Moo Cow you should really listen to what she says, her words are not "Ill-thoughtout gripes" but something that comes from someone who understands how this game, and its playerbase, works.

If you really want this though, get Fen, Savin, or Geddy to make a poll on the front page of if they should do it or not. Here on the forums a poll doesnt get you anywhere past continuing an idea.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeesh, guys.

I'm pretty sure Misty solved this entire argument a page ago with "I dunno, it's up to Fen." As it stands (as far as I know) there's not even a rough design outline for SSTDs, and Fen's really the only person who can make that sort of thing. We don't even know what they'd look like or how they'd work, outside of the general "u get disease that gibs u deek, lol" pitch which took up like a whole line in the TiTS Design Docs.

That said,
People just need to stop being lazy.

You're right, they do. Get off your ass and write some SSTDs if you want 'em.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

This is one of the most galling posts I've ever had the displeasure to read on these forums. I rarely say things like this, but cut back the attitude, friend. If it's so damned easy, do it yourself. I don't care if you're a backer, or someone that's commissioned something, or whatever, your level of shameless entitlement actually leaves me aghast.

A lot of people want a lot of things. The answer to most of them is "too fucking bad."

This, SO THIS.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The basic idea for SSTDs is as follows:
  • Rarely get them as a consequence of fucking hostile aliens. And I mean pretty rarely. Like 1/50 or 1/100. This will need some work as hooks for infection as a male fucking a female aren't in place, but anything that dumps a load in the PC should be easy to wire up.
  • Get a small warning blurb (Hey, you got the sniffles).
  • Get a bigger warning (Codex going all, "Hey bro, you're down with the thiccness disease.")
  • Status Effect becomes visible with tooltip describing symptoms.
  • At any point, visit a V-Ko to get it removed.
  • If you don't, TFs over time happen.
  • DIsease clears itself out of your system if it isn't some kind of forever virus.
Since this thread looks to have blown up, I'm gonna go ahead and jam one out with a couple variants instead of chipping at the submission backlog. Prepare yourselves for Furpies Simplex H, D, and C.


Fuck any typos that might be lurking in there. You get the idea.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
That actually sounds really neat.

From a storytelling perspective, it would be a interesting way to open up Steele to the wonders of modding.

Would the legs be plantigrade or digitigrade?

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
Post bad, win points.

This is one of the most galling posts I've ever had the displeasure to read on these forums. I rarely say things like this, but cut back the attitude, friend. If it's so damned easy, do it yourself. I don't care if you're a backer, or someone that's commissioned something, or whatever, your level of shameless entitlement actually leaves me aghast.

A lot of people want a lot of things. The answer to most of them is "too fucking bad."
Yeah, so, too fucking bad. People wanted them and it looks like there's gonna be some anyway.
You're one too talk about entitlement going on and on and using your status as a means to push your opinions and acting like your word is law. The bandwagon crew sure does nothing to help your image either and just makes everyone come off as some exclusive group of more entitlement than I could ever dream of having myself. The most galling thing I've seen is the reactions I've been seeing towards a feature some people just thought would be cool to have and you come in constantly typing up wiki articles as to how what they want isn't conducive no matter how many solutions and compromises are thrown out to try and appease you and find at least some middle ground. I don't know how you guys can both say they wouldn't work in the game despite all the solutions while simultaneously telling people to go write it out if they want it, basically; "Go do something pointless, so we can shit on it there too after you put in work as well." Real nice.

Regardless I'm done with this topic, so you guys can talk shit about me all you want, acting like you're in the moral right the whole while. I get it, I'm the new guy. Fuck me.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This is a patented bad post. Not because it pings me, I don't care about that, but because it's hostile white noise.
@Magic Ted: Oh god, please just delete this thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Actually, @Moo Cow raises a good point. He (or she) is supposed to be a well known member with only 75 posts (at the time of writing this)? That would maybe be true if a person had 500 posts. By then, you would have been able to establish a presence and persona on the forum so you will truly be well known. Take me for example: I'd consider myself an active(ish) member. I post relatively often but nobody would recognize me. I just don't have enough forum presence yet; I'm not well known. This is just me spitballing here but I'd say make new member be 0-25(or 50) posts, member up to 250, active member up to 500 or 1000, and well known after that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
@Magic Ted: Oh god, please just delete this thread.


Actually, @Moo Cow raises a good point. He (or she) is supposed to be a well known member with only 75 posts (at the time of writing this)? That would maybe be true if a person had 500 posts. By then, you would have been able to establish a presence and persona on the forum so you will truly be well known. Take me for example: I'd consider myself an active(ish) member. I post relatively often but nobody would recognize me. I just don't have enough forum presence yet; I'm not well known. This is just me spitballing here but I'd say make new member be 0-25(or 50) posts, member up to 250, active member up to 500 or 1000, and well known after that.

Though Misty never mentioned or even hinted at anything about using their creator statuses to really influence what they were trying to say, only their understanding of what the other staff's mindsets are, so it comes off as a condescending and really unnecessary attack in my eye. Post counts in my eyes are pretty meaningless anyways, and only serve a somewhat arbitrary number of how "popular" someone, or how active one is. Case in point, some of the RPers on the forum have some ridiculous post counts, but I never heard a lick about em' so... yeah.

Sorry for the derailment of the thread further, but this was bugging me too much not to say anything...
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Yeah, so, too fucking bad. People wanted them and it looks like there's gonna be some anyway.
You're one too talk about entitlement going on and on and using your status as a means to push your opinions and acting like your word is law. The bandwagon crew sure does nothing to help your image either and just makes everyone come off as some exclusive group of more entitlement than I could ever dream of having myself. The most galling thing I've seen is the reactions I've been seeing towards a feature some people just thought would be cool to have and you come in constantly typing up wiki articles as to how what they want isn't conducive no matter how many solutions and compromises are thrown out to try and appease you and find at least some middle ground. I don't know how you guys can both say they wouldn't work in the game despite all the solutions while simultaneously telling people to go write it out if they want it, basically; "Go do something pointless, so we can shit on it there too after you put in work as well." Real nice.
The shitty attitude was coming from inside the house.

Pointing out execution difficulties may rain on the "this could possibly be cool" parade but that's more than a bit necessary when it comes to setting realistic expectations and actually hashing out whether an idea is worthwhile or even desirable. Calling anyone who doesn't want to try lazy and insisting that people like you with some casual interest in it deserve to be catered to when you're not even willing to step up and do it yourself is far more negative than anything that's been posted. Why would anyone want to cater to your whims with an attitude like that?

Someone put this topic out of its misery.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
Ooooookay, going to pretend certain parts of this never happened. I can see both sides of wanting and not wanting SSTDs. Some people want more randomness and excitement, and don't really care much about a consistent character. SSTDs would probably be ambrosia to those people, since there's really not much that involuntarily changes you in this game. For people who like more consistency, yeah, the idea itself is probably pretty off-putting.

"So I can just be doing my thing, and suddenly I'm a 4 foot scaley with 10 dicks, because I missed one text box? Fuck that."

I really don't see it being something that can satisfy everyone, and I'm not just talking about those people who never seem happy with anything. Even if you give it an easy way to turn off, the people who want it on are going to be expecting different things. Some people might want it more extreme; big changes, bad ends, etc. Some people are going to want just more simple things, like that sneezing tits thing; and unless you want to make some overcomplicated system where players can specify "Oh I want this fetish, and this one, but not these ones" I can see a lot of people complaining in the future. Of course that's going to happen no matter what you do, so *shrugs* Just my two cents to try and salvage something out of this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The implementation Fen described sounds fairly decent but I do hope the lash/lessau upgrade for complete immunity comes out in the same patch or at the very least immediately after SSTDs are added.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Seeing how progress for SSTD going on Fen end it seems we may have immunity option form SSTD's slight delayed compared to first SSTD itself. But in the end it will be probably only for backers and people that waits public builds will get both at same time.

On Sneezing Titts if they got lipples maybe PC not need nose to sneeze? But we not have any TF that can make PC loose nose? (I hope none of future SSTD's would incude loosing by PC some of body parts...)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The fuck happened in this thread? Man this got more out of hand than the arguments over the penis parasites from CoC. Since I'm in the 'meh' category on whether there should or shouldn't be any SSTDs, all I can say is that it doesn't matter much to me much, especially since I can simply avoid it if I don't like it like I do anything I don't like in the game.

Actually, @Moo Cow raises a good point. He (or she) is supposed to be a well known member with only 75 posts (at the time of writing this)? That would maybe be true if a person had 500 posts. By then, you would have been able to establish a presence and persona on the forum so you will truly be well known. Take me for example: I'd consider myself an active(ish) member. I post relatively often but nobody would recognize me. I just don't have enough forum presence yet; I'm not well known. This is just me spitballing here but I'd say make new member be 0-25(or 50) posts, member up to 250, active member up to 500 or 1000, and well known after that.

I would say that after 200 posts you become well known on the forums to most members, I mean I recognize you Galgano and I've been slacking off on posting in recent months. Though I do agree that just 50-75 posts should make you well known, you shouldn't be able to hit the cap in just 1 day's worth of shitposting. The ranks are just too close together for them to be anything other than a meaningless achievement, not that it should really matter how much you post as opposed to the quality of your posts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Gedan Umm can we now (since you so generously fixed the other issue) have this more noticable indicator that some accounts are banned aside going to check their profile or trying to see invisible for many people discreet strike throu over they nicks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The basic idea for SSTDs is as follows:
  • Rarely get them as a consequence of fucking hostile aliens. And I mean pretty rarely. Like 1/50 or 1/100. This will need some work as hooks for infection as a male fucking a female aren't in place, but anything that dumps a load in the PC should be easy to wire up.
  • Get a small warning blurb (Hey, you got the sniffles).
  • Get a bigger warning (Codex going all, "Hey bro, you're down with the thiccness disease.")
  • Status Effect becomes visible with tooltip describing symptoms.
  • At any point, visit a V-Ko to get it removed.
  • If you don't, TFs over time happen.
  • DIsease clears itself out of your system if it isn't some kind of forever virus.
Since this thread looks to have blown up, I'm gonna go ahead and jam one out with a couple variants instead of chipping at the submission backlog. Prepare yourselves for Furpies Simplex H, D, and C.


Fuck any typos that might be lurking in there. You get the idea.
Would it be possible to for you to post this gdoc? Mostly because having an example really helps with writting this kind of stuff.