SSTD's (Cast your votes)

Just a counter as to how large the SSTD seeker population is.

  • Want

    Votes: 64 48.5%
  • Don't want

    Votes: 32 24.2%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 36 27.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
mistakes were made.png
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
SSTD could be a removable feature, not unlike "Easy Mode" and "Silly Toggle", something like "SSTD on/of" mode.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
SSTD could be a removable feature, not unlike "Easy Mode" and "Silly Toggle", something like "SSTD on/of" mode.
If blocking out fetishes ever becomes a thing then that could probably open up opportunities for people to ask about blocking other fetishes they don't like.
In my eyes, best people can do is learn to take the time to actually READ the text within a TEXT game so that they don't 'accidentally' get into/stuck with something they don't like in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The problem is that SSTD are more than a fetish, they're a game feature, like space travel, combat, etc, only that in a minor scale. Blocking fetishes is a bit more tricky since I'll require checking all the sex scenes to see if their match with the blocked fetish or not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
back to the other item to get a taur body again(which is stupid hard to get, please give me more options than the leitha charm and the party, the former which also forces TFs on me to get rid of
Catnip overdrive legs, instantly 4 cat legs, no other baggage.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

SSTDs are so low on the priority list it's not even funny. Which is good because ship stuff is so much more important anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
SSTD most like will not show up for next year or two too.

@Candycane I think Fen cold say abut few other minor (customization) options ingame the same :D

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
English plz?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2016
Hmm... there needs to be a "Don't care" or "No opinion" option on this ballot... I really have no strong feelings one way or the other for SSTDs. It'd be interesting to see them, but I'm not going to miss them if they're not there.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
Hmm... there needs to be a "Don't care" or "No opinion" option on this ballot... I really have no strong feelings one way or the other for SSTDs. It'd be interesting to see them, but I'm not going to miss them if they're not there.



Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
He said my post gave him space syphilis. Weirdo, everyone knows space syphilis is spread through emails and not forums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If we're getting rid of consequences because people don't read, then we should get rid of the button press on myrellion. That way we won't have to worry about any more threads regarding it (is that still a thing?).

Oh, that's what I was gonna say, we already have temporary buffs in the game. If I recall correctly, most consumables that don't TF you, provide you some kind of boon. We already have healing items and energy-restoring items that are considered "must-haves" for difficult bosses already. And then there's that one guy on the space station that gives you dance lessons to give a tease bonus or evasion bonus; that's another must-have. Therefore I think having SSTDs which give temporary buffs are not going to be a problem, not unless we need to get rid of everything else in the game that doesn't TF you. There's always going to be an optimal build path in a game like this. The only way to prevent that is to make it so there is only one path (every weapon in the game deals 1 damage, every armor blocks 1 damage, every stat does literally nothing to improve you); the only way to prevent an "optimal" build is to make everything superfluous. Get rid of leveling too because that can be optimized. Heck even a person's appearance can be "optimized" so might as well get rid of TFs while we're at it. Make this game a linear story with no choices and then we can have an unoptimizable game. You know what? The speed at which you read the story can be "optimized". Better just delete the entire thing. You can't optimize what doesn't exist. Bah!

I think I caught Birb fever what with all that ranting. I apologize.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Hmm... there needs to be a "Don't care" or "No opinion" option on this ballot... I really have no strong feelings one way or the other for SSTDs. It'd be interesting to see them, but I'm not going to miss them if they're not there.

There you go you damn neutrals.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sometimes those that want be undecided are too loud to ignore and say them: Either pick one of two options or not vote.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
First and foremost, you have to decide what an SSTD is. At its core, the idea boils down to a presumably negative status effect with a timed duration acquired by fucking infected or otherwise biologically hazardous alien critters.

Personally, way back when I read the Offbeatr campaign, I thought SSTDs were going to be like the Pokerus from Pokemon - it's called a disease, but the effects are purely positive. That's what would make them Sexy STDs, and not regular STDs.

They would be sexually-transmitted buffs. Things like "You made love to an infected rock creature. Your skin has become more resistant to damage. (+2 Defense, though no cosmetic changes)". Or "After being intimate with <species>, your body can now output compatible pheromones. +5 tease damage to lust attacks against <species>". Or maybe even "You spend a night with a native. They get infected by some of your medical nanomachines and become cured/immune to <local disease>".

I'll admit I don't think I read any descriptions about how they were going to work on the Offbeatr campaign, but I imagined them as something fun and not as a penalty. I think I'd like seeing something like this in a game, but not "You slept with an infected person. Please report to a discreet medical droid before you change species/genitals."


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to sound stupid or anything but what is the SSTD that is already in the game that @Couch created? I've heard people talk about it and I know it is called LocoFever and that it can be found on Tarkus, I did a search for it but I couldn't find anything about it just mentions of it. What do you have to do to get it and just what effects does it have?​

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
It's literally the same thing if you take in Jacquess' suggestions. There's ways to prevent and get rid of them, or would be. While I like pregnancies, sometimes it's still a bother to deal with so the preventive measure isn't for me so the occasional trip to the nursery is going to be needed if I just want them when I want them. "Mainstream" kinks don't really apply too much to this game's demographic, there's probably more people playing it that are into the various transformations than pregnancy if not both. It's unlikely it's just pregnancy, that's for sure. So I can't say I agree with your arguments against it.
Aside from those practically-minded "any implementation of these would be annoying at best" criticisms what she was also driving at without saying it outright is that the community is well-established to love pregnancy content so even if there are some similar issues to deal with ultimately enough players want pregnancy content of some form in the game that, even if TiTS in general isn't a breed-heavy game, there's still a dedication to it that alleviates some of the annoyances while preserving the flavor.

With SSTDs we step into who-is-this-even-for-anyway territory and the answer seems to be bug chasers. That's not nearly as popular with the community for this game and none of the writers are into it, either, so they gave the idea some obligation chocolates and don't want to talk about it anymore beyond that. Even if it -could- be implemented, annoyances and all, there's just not enough of a demand for anyone to bother.


Aug 26, 2015
I don't know if it's actually in, but other people have claimed it is. If it's in the game and working as intended, you should be able to get it at random by having sex with raskvel. All it does is put you in heat and/or rut after the incubation period depending on your genitals, then passes after a few days.

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
With SSTDs we step into who-is-this-even-for-anyway territory and the answer seems to be bug chasers. That's not nearly as popular with the community for this game and none of the writers are into it, either, so they gave the idea some obligation chocolates and don't want to talk about it anymore beyond that. Even if it -could- be implemented, annoyances and all, there's just not enough of a demand for anyone to bother.
If they give transformations and perks and shit then clearly it's for people wanting new ones of those, which a lot of people play this game for. I'm sorry, but a lot of what you just said seems like excuses to be lazy. Clearly there is a demand and the evidence of it is right here in front of you. Again; if no one on the team was actually interested in doing this then they should never have made it an incentive. Don't offer things you won't do.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Less laziness and more a near-total lack of interest on both the audience and development side. No one's hankering to have transformations work this way (and even games that do it this way, like Flexible Survival, run into problems where persistent characters can ((literally)) screw up a transformation the player spent time getting and so have to make a bunch of exceptions out of necessity) and no one's particularly excited to use it any other way, either.

Yeah, in retrospect it was entirely a half-assed idea and shouldn't have been put on the table way back when and that's why it was implemented in such a half-assed way - but now that everyone acknowledges that it was a bad idea no one wants to be tethered to it.