SSTD's (Cast your votes)

Just a counter as to how large the SSTD seeker population is.

  • Want

    Votes: 64 48.5%
  • Don't want

    Votes: 32 24.2%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 36 27.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have to say I was bummed to hear that people dislike the idea of SSTDs (and I still am)

I get that people dont like to have stuff forced onto them while playing, but from what Jacques said above me I gather that the level of invasiveness is handled pretty well.

Maybe they should just change things up for the player instead of being some kind of negative status effect (so they are not viewed exclusively in a negative way)? Like straight up adding a penis or vag to the crotch or tail. Or lower one stat but raise another?

Sorry, but even after reading all these posts I still dont get whats so terrible about them. Dont feel obligated to keep explaining it though, maybe Im just dense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Jacques00 That post of yours made me think that PC can already suffer of "special" case of SSTD. Player not paying attention to read texts in game xD I not sure if PC can cure itself from it.

And yes I think msg for PC to let it know that something affected him/her shoudl be enough (as nuch it sound crue) since THIS IS TEXT GAME (and we should not forget to read even boring msg generated by game like getitng more drunk or sober).


Jul 11, 2016
Back to SSTD's as a mechanic: There's also the issue of transference to other sexual partners, which I could see being a very powerful "niche draw" of sexualized venereal diseases. "Anno pregnant when?" could easily turn into "Anno space syphilis when?" :ghost: I don't have this kink at all, so I could be off-base here, but I can't imagine someone getting off to the idea of a highly-sexualized infection not wanting to try and spread it around. It has some elements of corruption going on for it, as well as forced-TF'ing if SSTD's are done in a certain way (more on that later).

Yeah I was wondering how it would be handled with lovers/NPCs, unless it's written so the PC/NPC has the decency to throw on a S P A C E condom every scene.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
SSTD Idea:

Significantly increases skin sensitivity and Oxytocin release. Patients have been known to associate cuddling and massages with intense foreplay, and orgasming from scalp and ear scratching has also been observed.

Now you can inject the Gift of Love deep into your lover's womb (or Syri's prostate).


Aug 26, 2015
Yeah I was wondering how it would be handled with lovers/NPCs, unless it's written so the PC/NPC has the decency to throw on a S P A C E condom every scene.

I very specifically wrote Locofever to say that it cannot be spread from Steele to anybody else. All SSTDs should follow this pattern for the sake of not being insane, and because otherwise we will get a million posts of "y cant i gib siry locofever???".

I originally had a longer post here, but Misty covered all of the things I was going to talk about in much better detail.


Jul 11, 2016
I very specifically wrote Locofever to say that it cannot be spread from Steele to anybody else. All SSTDs should follow this pattern for the sake of not being insane, and because otherwise we will get a million posts of "y cant i gib siry locofever???".

I originally had a longer post here, but Misty covered all of the things I was going to talk about in much better detail.

Actually, it'd probably make sense to just have nanomachines prevent the spread of SSTDs to others like the good little robots they are.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh don't worry, it's not just you. I feel like everyone here has at least one thing they complain about way too much.

I mean, what even is a "birb" anyway?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You really think I'd do that? Just go on the forum and not read your entire post?

In all seriousness though all smut here has the core issue of being subjective. And any attempts to make it less subjective are also arguably subjective. But that's subjective, so.

For example, I like the Treatment. I like Dr. Badger. I'm weird.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Er, it's okay. If I have the right to shitpost you have the right to complain. Although I do think it's a bit silly that you don't think they should be called STDs at all, because of the negative connotations of the word. After all, I'm sure everyone here on the forum is smart enough to separate-oh my god.

...Well in any case it's a little silly to argue over a game feature that barely exists, when Fen himself isn't going to worry about it for another year at least.

With that said I always just assumed you'd get SSTDs from certain types of enemies, and that you wouldn't be able to infect other NPCs at all. Maybe at best an infected PC would be able to affect enemies in battle. Again, this is what I always thought ever since the offbeatr, but it's a moot point because it's very much subject to change. ...After it's actually created of course.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I feel like I've opened a can of worms that I really shouldn't have.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Please don't mistify the birb.


Aug 26, 2015
As far as balance and player agency, the step-by-step phase of contracting an SSTD may go as follows:
  1. You do not have any SSTDs.
  2. Encounter Female Raskvel.
  3. Female Raskvel is infected by an SSTD from a 1/20 chance.
  4. Raskvel is hostile so you fight her.
  5. You win. Do you fuck her?
  6. "Your codex beeps, SHE IS INFECTED, YO." Do you still wanna proceed?
  7. [Use Immunity Item!] [Yes, Fuck Her Now!] [No, Don't. Run Away!]
  8. Yes, Fuck Her Nao.
  9. Sex Menu options.
  10. Fuck her right in the pussy. Orgasm. End sex scene.
  11. You are infected with an SSTD from a 1/2 chance of catching it during sex.
  12. Don't worry, your nanomachines won't be able to spread it, but you should get it treated anyway.
  13. Day passes. Warning, you should get treatment for that or symptoms of the SSTD will show in a week.
  14. Week passes, first phase of SSTD occurs. During the week, symptoms will worsen. Get treated if you want off this wild ride.
  15. Next day, second phase of SSTD occurs. Some things change.
  16. Rest of week passes, other phases of SSTD allowed to induce more changes.
  17. Last day, the SSTD has naturally passed and your body's immune system has flushed it out of your system.
  18. Good job, you survived!
  19. Late game happens. A bajillion credits are optionally put into medical research advancement. Gain Immunity perk to block all infections just because.

In this way, the option to willingly subject the player character to gain an SSTD is there without forcing the player into anything that may be out of character or seem completely random and out of the blue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That 19 point of what would happen sounds like PC could try make huge cash from SSTD's ^^

I mean let just run around wild and get each of this SSTD, get throu them then gain immunity that due to nanobots in PC body shoudl make it easier to find how to get immune for other to those diseases. But wouldn't it make it too cheap and possible someone else before PC comming to the same conclusion? Unless it would be SSTD that was discovered in current rush so even if some npc in past do fortune of making cures this way there will be still way to get some credtis during current rush.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Adding genitalia, or indeed TF'ing the player in any way without direct player control, is pretty much the single most negative thing you can do in the context of TiTS aside from applying a potentially save-ruining thing like Bimbo perks. Look at Doc Badger for why forced/player-independent TF's are fucking awful. And yeah, everyone knows Badger's content "warns" you. It doesn't say "Hey, the damage done by this choice is irreversible, instantaneous, and will modify every single aspect of your character."

Somehow managing to lose to a cunt snake on accident and having them forcibly TF your PC would probably be very controversial as well if it could actually happen with any kind of regularity, because removing them still takes the PC's tails away, which can be a real pain in the ass to get. As it is, cunt snakes are the literal weakest enemy in the game, and even at level 1 you have to try to lose to them. And most generic mob encounters are like that as long as you're the appropriate level.

These kinds of TF's are exclusively for people that are interested in them and literally no one else (which is how most content is, realistically, and there's not an issue with that until it's suddenly injected into normal game flow as opposed to limited little niches). Yeah, there's some Badger fans out there that love her stuff, and I'm one of the weirdos that likes cunt snakes enough that I wrote a way to consistently and voluntarily have them glued to your butt, but unless SSTD's are limited to one little corner of a planet as a kind of "kink showcase," I see a lot of issues with them.

If we prop up the idea with a bunch of rules like "minimum duration" or "limitations of scope" to ensure that they're not annoying negatives that players encounter only on rare occasions, then what we're left with is, as I said in my last post, a minor annoyance at best. If people want to write something that forces the majority of PC's to run back to V-KO and spam their way through a menu every 50 or so generic mob fucks, fine, but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all. Especially on bigger planets where backtracking is going to be significantly more involved than little Mhen'ga.

Lowering one stat but raising another still has the possibility to be wholly negative based on context. "Oh, it lowered Intelligence but raised Physique? Good thing I'm a Tech so that's literally just a pure negative!" And I didn't think I even needed to address the idea of them being buffs. I mean, maybe Fen is okay with that idea, but it wouldn't line up with his current stance on TF buffs, and would lead to min/max situations along the lines of "Gonna go take on Lash. Better go fuck (x) of this generic mob to get that STD that buffs my stats before the fight!"

Also, though, if we're limiting SSTD's to only minor things like stat tweaks or cosmetic blurbs, where does the sexiness come in? Again, my understanding of SSTD's was that recklessly fucking mobs would give the PC diseases that TF'd them over time, which has a ton of appeal for its intended audience but is unavoidably invasive and irritating to players not interested in them.


I'm doing that thing again where I just rag on an idea and point out why I don't think it can work. Let's change lenses here. How can we make SSTD's work while keeping them as full-bodied bits of content that appeal to those that are interested in them and minimizing their impact on disinterested players?

My only real idea here is making them a planetary gimmick for a side planet, like Uveto's need for heat packs and whatnot. I could see the concept of SSTD's working if the PC goes down to a side planet where almost every bit of flora and fauna relies on infection or parasitism or whatever to reproduce. So like, when the PC lands, they have the option to pick up a UGC HAZMAT suit and explore the planet without worry, but losing in combat or taking it off to fuck the native species is an obviously terrible idea that holds an obvious risk of mutation and/or maybe even a Bad End if they go too far. Players could justify the actions of their PC by being too damn lusty for their own good. I know the "bad decisions prompted by a lust-addled mind" kink is a pretty big part of this kind of stuff.

The PC could also have the option to not take the suit at all, and be constantly exposed to the planet's mutagens if they just want to say "fuck it" and dive wholly into the content. Gating it would be pretty easy, as you could just have a New Texas style "gate check" if Steele tries to leave whilst infected with anything. You could be forced to get disinfected and cleaned up before being allowed to even get on your ship, easily and logically preventing the spread of the infections to any external NPC's without the need to "handwave" or flat-out ignore them, and you wouldn't even need to bring the Deus Ex (nano)Machina into the equation.

This would also have the advantage of allowing any NPC's written for that planet specifically to explore the implications of SSTD-style content in a controlled environment, so to speak. Maybe there's some adorable and naive UGC scientist girl on the planet that the PC can fuck, inadvertently infecting her and turning her into some sexual monstrosity when she doesn't cure herself. Or maybe the infections are more benign/goofy and she just grows bigger tits and a cock or something. You could gate it even more by only allowing the PC to access whatever settlement is on the planet if they're disinfected, limiting the NPC's that could engage with the infectious TF content to only the NPC's "out in the field" or whatever. A game environment built specifically around this kind of content gives everyone, coders, writers, and players, the most amount of control over how to handle such potentially controversial (but very appealing, for the right people) content.

The issue I see with this idea, though, is that it's not really "SSTD's" anymore. It's just a theme planet based around infectious TF's and statuses. I feel like they'd target the same audience more or less, but they are still distinctly different ideas. There's also the issue that this would be a whole planet devoted to this kind of thing, but this is all hypothetical. Maybe it could just be an area of an existing planet. Maybe a zone of Mhen'ga could be roped off for this kind of content and reserved for later levels. There's a lot of ways to approach it, but the persistent issue is that it's still not really "SSTD's."

SSTD's, to me, feel like something that needs to be a galactic constant, just like actual STD's are in IRL sexual encounters. You always need to be worried about STD's if you're having any amount of casual sex in the real world. Honestly, they're a really unsavory element of real sex, and that's one big reason why I don't understand the push to try and sexualize them. STD's are terrible and overtly disgusting things, especially when you get into the seriously fucked up territory of things like HIV. The entire notion of "Sexy Sexually Transmitted Diseases" seems like an oxymoron to me.

Honestly, I feel the kinks they would cater to don't really need to be tied to the notion of an "STD" at all, that doing so might turn off people otherwise interested in the content just based on principle, and that the idea of them being "STD's" adds needless complication to the premise. So the TL;DR of this is: There's definitely better ways to do what SSTD's would try to do. Ways that would make both the intended audience and those that are disinterested in the content much happier overall.

Let me just say that when I wrote "change things up" I thought about a minor TF or an addition that is temporary in nature and reverts itself after a day or so. I see that I failed to mention that part, my bad sorry. I, for one, would welcome a change of pace like that but thats just my personal standpoint. I get that.

I will say that I feel the comparison between a minor, reversible TF and Dr. Badgers bimbofication (you mentioned yourself that its pretty much irreversible) is a little harsh, but I suppose I understand where you're coming from.

And I still like the idea of SSTDs, sorry *shrugs*

I wholeheartedly accept that Im a minority though.

As far as balance and player agency, the step-by-step phase of contracting an SSTD may go as follows:
  1. You do not have any SSTDs.
  2. Encounter Female Raskvel.
  3. Female Raskvel is infected by an SSTD from a 1/20 chance.
  4. Raskvel is hostile so you fight her.
  5. You win. Do you fuck her?
  6. "Your codex beeps, SHE IS INFECTED, YO." Do you still wanna proceed?
  7. [Use Immunity Item!] [Yes, Fuck Her Now!] [No, Don't. Run Away!]
  8. Yes, Fuck Her Nao.
  9. Sex Menu options.
  10. Fuck her right in the pussy. Orgasm. End sex scene.
  11. You are infected with an SSTD from a 1/2 chance of catching it during sex.
  12. Don't worry, your nanomachines won't be able to spread it, but you should get it treated anyway.
  13. Day passes. Warning, you should get treatment for that or symptoms of the SSTD will show in a week.
  14. Week passes, first phase of SSTD occurs. During the week, symptoms will worsen. Get treated if you want off this wild ride.
  15. Next day, second phase of SSTD occurs. Some things change.
  16. Rest of week passes, other phases of SSTD allowed to induce more changes.
  17. Last day, the SSTD has naturally passed and your body's immune system has flushed it out of your system.
  18. Good job, you survived!
  19. Late game happens. A bajillion credits are optionally put into medical research advancement. Gain Immunity perk to block all infections just because.

In this way, the option to willingly subject the player character to gain an SSTD is there without forcing the player into anything that may be out of character or seem completely random and out of the blue.

That seems very reasonable, not to say "tame". But I respect the reasoning behind that.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You're not alone, there are dozens of us!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Supposedly. But no one really knows since nobody ever bothered to count.

Because, really, we are not that important anyway ; P

Including me... that's 5 so far. This includes flying_moustache, Ormael and noobsaleh, and Emerald.

I've added a poll, just for fun, I don't expect anything from it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A poll...jumps into it. (Nah it was dry joke) But we got 4 already so it's good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Okay, hear me out here. What if someone wrote biomes for the planets that would only unlock once you reach a high level and is a biohazard zone where "the taint" has been found. It'll tie in with misybirb's idea of a gated infected zone, has variable content per planet(what happens there is basically a more extreme and weird version of what's already on the planet), can be avoided if people want to, infects you with the taint(which has a strain for each planet which transforms you depending on the strain), gets cleaned from you once you leave, and gives some underlying meaning to "Trials in Tainted Space".

If no one jumps on this band wagon, and I get permission from the main devs to do so, and my own projects are done(it'll be a few months at least), I'll see if I could maybe write a biohazard biome for mhenga.

Tainted enemies thought of so far is a tentacle backed multiple headed hydra naleen, broodmother sydian(think phylla but with a tauric insect configuration, much larger, scarier and mean), Nyrean widow(one big ass sexy dominating arachnid nope), and since I haven't really explored uveto yet I'm going to take a long shot and say korgonne tentacle cult.



Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Fen is already planning a "Tainted Space" story arc for TiTS, so you'd have to call what you're planning something else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Fen is already planning a "Tainted Space" story arc for TiTS, so you'd have to call what you're planning something else.

Was just a shower thought, don't know if I'd still want to write a biohazard zone after my other projects are done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What does the "Tainted Space" story arc consist of? Is there a gdoc out there? Also, @Preacher, you should add more to the title to let people know that there is a poll now. Right now, it looks like the only people voting are the people who have been participating in this thread and, because of that, results will be pretty skewed because people who aren't interested in SSTDs are just going to pass on even checking the thread out.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It ain't done yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nobody beside Fen may have less than vague idea how it would looks like. There are some rumors what it may be exactly but I not sure if you want hear smth that may turn out to be just rumors when Fen finaly add this part of the game. Such like a rumor about wild out of control nanomachines in this part of space.

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
I don't really see what the issue here is, to be quite honest. Even after reading a majority of the complaints and gripes with this. Major things seems to be that it forces things on the player and even if it's preventable is still "annoying". The game technically already does this with all it items and some of the defeat scenarios. I'd rather gain a random transformation then get impregnated because I lost to a bothrioc as a basic example. Getting impregnated by those dog things on Uveto is easily the most obnoxious thing in the game because those things take like five months to get out unless you use the nursery, which is also annoying because you have to go out of your way to take care of it. It's no different than having to go get a vaccine or cure for a disease. It's literally the same thing, just one might give me something cool or interesting. Forced transformations happen all the time in the form of "Oh, I want to cum honey as a centaur." so either I save scum the shit out of a gold pill or I take and accept whatever other transformations I get and go back to the other item to get a taur body again(which is stupid hard to get, please give me more options than the leitha charm and the party, the former which also forces TFs on me to get rid of) or something. Juggling transformations for the right combination is already a thing and diseases would/could just be another avenue for it. So there's already "annoying" things in the game that are basically the same thing. If this game was purely just about giving the player what they want then there'd just be a machine that let's you pick every part and size out of everything ever available and it would lose a lot of what makes people come and play this. Like, worst case scenario on this shit is a player will be slightly annoyed and maybe end up playing longer to deal with it. And who really loses with that? Plus in late game, when I can easily plow through all enemies and mostly caught up on all content, dealing with a disease wouldn't be so bad. Enemies don't stand a chance but I could still be afflicted with something that makes me want to get butt fucked constantly and every time I am my ass gets bigger or something. For one, that'd be great. Two, it gives me something to do if I don't want it while scouring for the last few sidequests or something. Busywork is fine to have in games like this, even if it's sometimes annoying for some people.

And this is just my thing, but as both a game and roleplaying experience there should be consequences to actions to give something for people to learn and plan for. Dealing with and overcoming unforeseen consequences is a big part of roleplaying and often brings about the most interesting and entertaining points in a story or game. Like I love the Dr.Badger scene but it was kinda lame how the tooltips meta the shit out of the scene for you so it creates that conflict of meta and RP knowledge and takes you out of it. Her dialogue gives a good enough indication as to what will likely happen anyway and I think that should be enough, if anything I'd like it if she was a little more vague. I'd love to see more scenes like that and forced/unexpected transformations or perks. But whatever, I also enjoy dying 22 times to a Dark Souls boss.

But yeah, Jacquess gave a pretty good, like, middle ground alternative for everyone, so you can do that you're so concerned. Personally I'd want them to be full on consequences. We have impregnation already. Disease would largely be the same except they'd actually add something.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Getting impregnated by those dog things on Uveto is easily the most obnoxious thing in the game
*Coughs* Sorry to pull an irrelevant quote out of your rant but... Milodan are sabretoothed cats, they even LOOK like them in the busts. Idk why everyone keeps calling them dogs when they look nothing like one in the slightest. >.>


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Well obviously you're in the minority in thinking they actually look like cats.
I'm sorry but there's no way you people can look at this bust and think "Oh that's a dog!"
This screams sabretoothed cat. Rather it's you and the majority that think they're dogs are the ones that can't tell a sabretooth feline from a canine. Just because the majority thinks it does NOT mean it's correct. :/
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Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
It's literally the same thing if you take in Jacquess' suggestions. There's ways to prevent and get rid of them, or would be. While I like pregnancies, sometimes it's still a bother to deal with so the preventive measure isn't for me so the occasional trip to the nursery is going to be needed if I just want them when I want them. "Mainstream" kinks don't really apply too much to this game's demographic, there's probably more people playing it that are into the various transformations than pregnancy if not both. It's unlikely it's just pregnancy, that's for sure. So I can't say I agree with your arguments against it.

But yes, it's up to Fen. But seeing as he even considered to make it a backer reward it'd be silly not to. Not because he has an obligation but because why would he even put it as an incentive for people if he didn't wanna do it. Don't offer something you're not actually gonna do or want to. It just makes both the creator and fans frustrated.