I usually develop using Linux too, so I have ran in to some of them as well, I think I noticed an issues on github from you mentioning it.
Currently I'm using Wine to run stuff... Though I think the biggest problem was the RAM, but after way to much troubleshouting already I haven't found the energy to try and setup the build without it..
Is it working for you now? If not I can give some pointers. Of course, they'll be a month or so out of date because they forgot to push the code for the public build again this month.
It is possible to compile it without wine, but you likely need wine to make mobile AIR builds.
To compile an SWF without wine, you need Flex. I use the last Adobe Flex version primarily because I vaguely remember having some strange issue with Apache's Flex. This was years ago, but "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" has stopped me from trying to use Apache Flex again. I took the lazy approach and just let FlashDevelop download it in wine, but you don't need to use wine/FD for this step.
You basically need to create an XML file that describes some basic properties of the SWF you're trying to build. There's an example from Adobe someone linked
here. You can 'cheat' by using FlashDevelop to build the game once and checking the CLI args it passes to 'mxmlc.jar' when it invokes it (mxmlc is the flex xml compiler thing). It will include a path to a temporary XML file that FlashDevelop generated.
You can just copy that file from its temporary location and modify it for your own purposes (i.e., changing the paths to unix style paths).
Then you can invoke mxmlc from native java using something like (borrowed from the command line that flashdevelop was using, and edited for unix/linux shells, using more RAM (I used 6GB because image packs take a ton of RAM to make, but you can probably get away with a lot less otherwise), and splitting into multiple lines of text):
java -Xmx6072M -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false \
-Duser.language=en \
-Duser.region=US \
-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true \
-jar "/path/to/flexairsdk/whatever/lib/mxmlc.jar" \
+flexlib="/path/to/flexairsdk/whatever/frameworks" \
-load-config+=yourbuildconfig.xml \
-debug=true \
-swf-version=22 \
-o "bin/TiTS.swf"
/path/to/flexairsdk is whatever path flashdevelop in wine had saved your SDK's to. You can move it around, you won't likely ever need to use flashdevelop again barring major changes to the build system (this has worked for about six years now for me).
Of course, you'll still need to fix about a bazillion filenames that use the wrong casing (upper vs. lower-case) in the source code, or symlink the files to their incorrectly-named versions that the code looks for, or you'll get errors while building.
Also, if anyone who can do it is listening, would you please consider pushing the latest public source code to the github?