So would you wanna live there or what?

Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
So you've played the game/wrote the scenes/gotten every conceivable bad end. Let's face it your a big fan of the game. Well what if you could have more what if you had the ability to be transported into the TITS universe, would you? Would you want to spend the rest of your days there? It wouldn't be for the faint of heart Tits can be a dangerous place and you wouldn't have a saved game to load up if you got into a pickle you couldn't get out of or just got literally pickled.
Oh and would you make yourself look like your Steele?

Why or why not?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
what if you had the ability to be transported into the TITS universe, would you?
Only if I had the means to go back home and travel to wherever I wanted/needed to get anything I wanted/needed. Keep in mind that, and I'll quote Savin here, "Credits are about as valuable and economically stable as Zimbabwe Bucks. Their worth happens to be whatever the fuck one of us pulls out our ass at any given time."

Would you want to spend the rest of your days there?
No, I wouldn't.

would you make yourself look like your Steele?
No, I wouldn't.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Would I wanna live in a semi-dystopian cyberpunk universe, that only looks peachy if you're rich enough to avoid getting into dept with your corporate masters who are legally authorized to enslave you to pay off your loans?

No, not unless I get to be rich too. But if I /did/ end up there, would I try to turn myself into my Steele? Maybe, depends on just how rich I am, since all the mods that went into turning my Steele into what it is were expensive (and required save scumming so I need even more mods).

Personally I think the safest place to live might even be with the Anatae, since at least they aren't corporate whores like the UGC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
All things considered at the moment, Sure.

I'd love to live on Tavros just waking up to space every morning would be enough!

It would be awesome just to fly around space, the fact you have a space ship alone is amazing, though some of those bad ends, but if I had a mech I'd do the damnedest to keep us alive, freaking reprogram some gray goo to repair it or something.

And I would at least as my generic 6'2 Ausar tech I don't think I could be gallivanting around the galaxy as my chubby ass...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'd make myself look like my Steele in a heartbeat. As to whether I'd live the rest of my days there, well that'd be preferable to suicide but I'd still be abandoning my mom, friends, and dog.

Even if I could just go there and leave at choice I'd still have to work here and thus would have to split my free time between the two worlds. If I could erase my existence from this world, retcon it so I was never born here and instead born in the TiTSverse looking like my Steele [a trappy half-ausar version of myself] it would be pretty tempting but otherwise I think it would just hurt to be able to have a perfect body only to have to leave it behind to be with my loved ones.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
the universe is big, i would simply go for a high tech planet with skyscrappers, or go to some tranquil paradise like planet like the ones you go along and find with Bess/Ben. So yeah i would go.
Now if i had to pick one of the official planets to live? i'd stay here.

having means to get in real life a pair of working wings to fly off would make me rethink this for sure


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2017
Interesting thread. Let me break this down.

Would I go to the world of TiTS?

Maybe, I would defininitely want a guarantee that I'd have a ride home. If I'm being honest with myself, I'd also not be as big of a playboy/girl as Steele is. But that's mostly because this is a porn game and people just don't work that way in real life. I would definitely be interested in browsing around and maybe getting a few mods. I would definitely try to map out my ideal at that point since if you start modding, you might as well do it right.

Would I want to spend the rest of my days there?

That really depends. If we're being honest here, most of us wouldn't fare well as a rusher. Those kind of people generally are out and doing the equivalent on Earth as it is, not behind a computer typing away on a porn game forum. That being said, it's clear that there are definitely other ways to make money. If I could find a nice paying job on a decent planet (where I don't need to fear for my life in my daily routine), then I wouldn't rule out the option. I would definitely be interested in checking out some of the locals. ;)

Would I make myself look like my Steele?

Oh hell no. There should be laws against modding to the point of such bimboism. I'm absolutely sure my Steele violates some sort of decency act or something on some planet.

Like I stated above, I would definitely be interested in modding. And assuming it's a real place, the economy would reflect a much more accurate version if we actually could go there. But I would definitely want to go to at the very least visit. I don't think I could pass up an opportunity like that. And who knows, maybe I decide to take the chance and make it a life-time thing.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
TiTS is blatantly and near-intentionally (sometimes definitely, sometimes leaning on it) one of those sexcapade games where the setting is absurd and would be unbearable to anyone who -wasn't- a genetically perfect designer pseudo-clone of an eccentric old tycoon given free reign to treat it as a rich kid's playground. There are plenty of traps for even that sort of unlikely blank slate to fall into but if you take a moment to consider that these dangers are just life as usual for most of the residents the weight of it might settle.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I mean I'd be happy enough to get a handful of tfs before being shunted back home, but I'm doubtful I'd end up anywhere particularly safe if I don't start out with some sort of starting pool of funds and some help. Or even if I do.

Maybe if I got to redo my life as my Steele, I'd take a permanent transfer...

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
Would I live in the world of TiTS? Sure. I would just avoid the planet rush like the plague. It's a lawless minefield where anything goes and your booty is booty. No thanks.

I wouldn't be Steele. I wouldn't need to subject myself to that. I'd snag a nice little job on a core world or somewhere else safe, live in future-airconditioned bliss until retirement, and probably mod myself into some as close to a tentacle monster as I can get without using illegal goods.

Actually, drop the tentacles. May be expensive. Don't wanna wind up like Reaha. Just follow the rules, play it safe, and lazily coast along.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i would use mods to not be ugly


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The only way I'd live in the TiTS verse would be with some guarantee of being wealthy or a quick escape route home. Otherwise I wouldn't ever take the risk of going there and potentially falling into a situation where I could be made into a debt slave. In game Steel is only so relatively safe cause they're rich and have powerful corporate backing.

Free ship, apparently infinite fuel, and given the lack of hunger mechanics I can only presume that Steel is regularly eating meals off screen that are paid on Steel Corps dime. If I were similarly provided with infinite free room&board, transportation, food, and other basic amenities/ utilities then maybe I'd consider it. Gene mods would be interesting to get if I could avoid driving myself into debt with them but honestly I'd be a lot more interested in pursuing cybernetic modification.

With infinite funds I'd probably invest in research to turn the grey goo microbots into some sort of Galomax analogue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
An utopic future were science is almost indistinguishable from magic, you can live almost 3 times as much time, you don't age and don't get ill thanks to modern medicine, you can be whoever you want and you can travel wherever you want? Hell yeah.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Let me think abou - no.

I wouldn't even be able to stand living in our own resident Hyper-capitalist corporate hellholes, let alone TiTS.
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Jun 17, 2016
Not a hope in Hell. TiTS is a universe where citizen rights are optional,and only enforced if it would get the corporate overlords some extra scratch. What little rights citizens seem to have can also be signed away in an instant,with contracts that seem to be designed to entrap you,and seem to be nonnegotiable. Then there's the fact that UCG core space suffered a recent war,with the Thraggen. The Asuar government seems like a military junta,with how Syri describes the experimentation into warp drives,the human government is just a formality,in complete thrall of corporate interests,New Texas is government-mandated mind-rape,and the Dazaan can enslave you with a single roll in the sheets,with their own evolution-granted fluids. And if Darnock's to be taken as a representative example,the entire UCG has a major case of White Man's Burden going on.

And that's not even getting into the fringe.

So,no thanks. I like being Canadian,with actual rights and freedoms.

All that said,TiTS is still a fun game to play,and a fun universe to look at from afar.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
No thank you. In a verse where it's considered a corporate dystopia, kinda the last place I'd want to be rn. It seems very easy to put yourself in dept with how shitty it's economy with mods are (That being they are expensive as all fuck and eat at your money when bought in large batches easily), and it seems super easy to sign your rights away without even knowing until it's too late, next thing you know you're working tooth and nail to get out of indentured servitude or slavery.

If anything, it's like you won't survive there unless you were already rich and wealthy in the first place. Which is discouraging to say the least. Steele is (Outside of badends) safe from most of that bullshit because Player Character and all that. And like Milkman said, powerful corporate backing and whatnot.

If that shit of issues wasn't present in the game's universe then hell yeah, I'd totes live there and mod myself until I'm a perfect representation of my main Steele (Ausar trap completely different to myself, I'd basically be starting a new life as someone else, so to speak). But as it stands, I myself atm can't even trust the world outside my own home. The last place I wanna be is within a corporate dystopia.

Though tbph, I wouldn't want to live anywhere in such a female-dominated galaxy, so even if that dystopia thing wasn't an issue, the super unfair gender ratio would still be present.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Asuar government seems like a military junta,with how Syri describes the experimentation into warp drives,the human government is just a formality,in complete thrall of corporate interests
I'm pretty sure that every government in the UGC is a corporate whore, though not complete thralls to it.
Then there's the fact that UCG core space suffered a recent war,with the Thraggen.
That wasn't recent at all since it is the whole reason why planet rushes work the way they do. The current planet rush is the fourteenth one and there's about 200 years between each, so you do the math.

As for answering the actual question of this thread, no. Nope, wouldn't want to be anywhere close in that setting. I'd probably meet an end worse than death within a few minutes after getting there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Would I want to live in the world of Tits?

I don't know, can I take TitsEdit with me? :catte:
I mean if we had the power of TitsEdit then aren't you just basically god at that point?

My question is, would we still be Steele Jr. regardless of us looking like them or are we just a random person with the freedom Steele Jr. has?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I already live in a corporate dystopia (USA), so why not? TiTs is just the more of the same.

The added bonus being that I can totally chrome myself out if I had the connections and wealth to do so.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
Would I want to live in the world of Tits?

I don't know, can I take TitsEdit with me? :catte:

Hold up. This changes everything. If this is an option, fuck living the normie life to coast by safely. I'm going to become the Freeza of TiTS-verse: taking things over and blowing up planets that annoy me. Make sure I destroy the Simii homeworld first, don't need any of those filthy monkeys becoming blondes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hold up. This changes everything. If this is an option, fuck living the normie life to coast by safely. I'm going to become the Freeza of TiTS-verse: taking things over and blowing up planets that annoy me. Make sure I destroy the Simii homeworld first, don't need any of those filthy monkeys becoming blondes.

TiTSEd would indeed be a game changer. You wouldn't quite be a god since TiTED does have limitations in what it can accomplish. But you would still be an incredibly powerful entity. With the infinite funds from TiTSEd I'd turn myself into a transhuman entity then join hands with Hand So to take over the galaxy...


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
The curious thing about this body mods and the indentured servitude (which is not accurate BTW, debt bondage is the right term, indentured servitude is a general term that means someone has no control over their contract) is that we might see something similar soon with the coming of 3D printed organs.

Has anyone seen the movie repo-men? It's about a future where artificial organs are commonplace and if people miss their payments, the repo-men come to take the organs back. Of course in real live we wouldn't allow that, we just make them pay upfront and if they can't, they die, but wouldn't it be better if they could become debt bonded instead of dead? Currently debt bonding is forbidden as it's considered a form of slavery, but well, it sure as hell beats dying from kidney failure because you're poor and can't pay for a new one.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Can you be legally enslaved and/or prostetuted in the US?

Judicial corruption scandal
In the kids for cash scandal, Mid-Atlantic Youth Services Corp, a private prison company which runs juvenile facilities, was found guilty of paying two judges, and Michael Conahan, $2.8 million to send 2,000 children to their prisons for such crimes as trespassing in vacant buildings and stealing DVDs from Wal-Mart.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
I want to believe that the current universe (planets under the "Rush") is the most dangerous frontier where all the scums and brutes gather. The "Core", as mentioned in the game a few times, would be much safer place.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Has anyone seen the movie repo-men? It's about a future where artificial organs are commonplace and if people miss their payments, the repo-men come to take the organs back. Of course in real live we wouldn't allow that, we just make them pay upfront and if they can't, they die, but wouldn't it be better if they could become debt bonded instead of dead? Currently debt bonding is forbidden as it's considered a form of slavery, but well, it sure as hell beats dying from kidney failure because you're poor and can't pay for a new one.

You know I also thought of "Repo! The Genetic Opera" (It's not called Repo-men) while thinking about living in the world of TiTs, but for a different reason. Remember the villains daughter played by Paris Hilton, Amber? The one addicted to surgery and drugs? Replace surgery with mods, and that starts to sound more familiar right?

I imagine that a lot of the rich in TiTs are like Amber, addicted to mods and drugs, constantly changing faces (Vic is a shining example of this). Some might be like Amber's brother Luigi, who goes around murdering people, or the other one Pavi the rapist. Since they're rich they can pay any fine thrown at them, while the poor peons squabble outside trapped in life-long depts that can drag them even further into hell if they stop paying.

While Repo! bordered on a satirical take on the dystopian cyberpunk future, it does provide a rather bleak example of what life is like in TiTs on some of the nastier worlds. What with the government being in the corporations pockets, utterly massive wealth inequality, the rich indulging in absurd levels of hedonism while the poor are barely able to scrap a living together, let's not forget the rich throwing charity balls in order to pretend to be "nice" or "good" people, and a whole host of other issues. Oh and now that I think of it, Blind Mag's status as entertainment slave is vaguely similar to Steph Irson being royally screwed by the network and wanting out.