So, who are you guys irl?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Like, what I mean to say is, what do you all do in real life? I'm interested to see who mainly hangs out around here ^_^  It can be as vague as you want to be, if you guys feel too shy xD

I'm a researcher at a private firm, working in the field of microbiology and genetics. Mainly on retroviruses and genetic modification. Yeeaah, it's safe to say TiTS type gene mods won't be coming anytime soon. But it's an interesting concept, and we are looking into enhancement of human abilities in a "totally organic" non-cyber transhuman way. But mostly medicine and health related. Yeah, I know boring. Not growing a new set of tits or anything. Can't say much more, cause I'm bound by a confidentiality agreement. And the pay's good (can pay my bills along with rent, and afford a few luxuries, while getting to do what I want to do, so yay), so I don't want to be fired any time soon lol.

But yeah, to be serious though, genetic modification is an interesting avenue for the future. This, this could actually be possible in the future, even if perhaps not to an extent of suddenly sprouting bovine horns ahahaha.

So anyways, enough about me. What about you all?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not too terribly interesting. Fairly big guy (6'7 and 230 pounds. What do you mean that's not what you thought I was referring to? Perv...) who just so happens to be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Finishing up my last year in Secondary School before moving on to studying as a Civil Engineer. Not really a model student, but I think I'm doing alright... The equivalent in the US would be a straight-B student. Main hobbies would be gaming and... well, smut.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I'm not too terribly interesting. Fairly big guy (6'7 and 230 pounds. What do you mean that's not what you thought I was referring to? Perv...) who just so happens to be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Finishing up my last year in Secondary School before moving on to studying as a Civil Engineer. Not really a model student, but I think I'm doing alright... The equivalent in the US would be a straight-B student. Main hobbies would be gaming and... well, smut.

Gaming and smut are good hobbies to have. Which, thus, makes you alright in my book ;)  Ahahaha, but more importantly, about what you thought I was referring to (Hey what was I supposed to think when you say you're a 'big guy' on a forum for smutty text games lol). Hmm, does it also follow the general trend? Lol jk jk. Straight-B is doing alright, definitely. Civil Engineer? Nice. I know some, and dayum, they can work miracles with AutoCAD xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gaming and smut are good hobbies to have. Which, thus, makes you alright in my book ;)  Ahahaha, but more importantly, about what you thought I was referring to (Hey what was I supposed to think when you say you're a 'big guy' on a forum for smutty text games lol). Hmm, does it also follow the general trend? Lol jk jk. Straight-B is doing alright, definitely. Civil Engineer? Nice. I know some, and dayum, they can work miracles with AutoCAD xD

Oh, I'm nothing special on *that* front, though I don't know if height and build has any influence on that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Oh, I'm nothing special on *that* front, though I don't know if height and build has any influence on that.

On a biological standpoint, they may correlate, but no causation. Its mostly a combination of genetics, nutrition, etc. Also, confining/restricting clothing at a young age could stunt it. Like neck rings and foot binding practices show, the body is extremely adaptable at a young age.

Uh. Soz. Went into lecture mode there. xD


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Like, what I mean to say is, what do you all do in real life?

This is what I do in real life :|

I used to be a college student, working towards an English Literature degree which I was probably going to turn around into teaching High School English or something, but then Fen nabbed me and here I am. Other than that, I've done some pulp fantasy writing, I design roleplaying games as a hobby and hopefully a secondary career at some point. That's, uh, that's basically me in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
This is what I do in real life :|

And I think we can all agree that we are forever grateful for that, Savin-dono :3

I used to be a college student, working towards an English Literature degree which I was probably going to turn around into teaching High School English or something, but then Fen nabbed me and here I am. Other than that, I've done some pulp fantasy writing, I design roleplaying games as a hobby and hopefully a secondary career at some point. That's, uh, that's basically me in a nutshell.

That's pretty cool, as long as you enjoy what you do, right? I mean, writing smut has to be a lot more fun than becoming a highschool teacher right (correct me if I'm wrong xD )? I know an ex-classmate who's a bio teacher, and he's so depressed. 24/7 workload, having to mark papers and create worksheets at home (essentially extra hours for no pay), and a comparatively low salary too D:
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 Aspiring writer (Savin is living the dream) but also a full time custodian for my main job and into some other things for my side job.

so three jobs if you include commissions and, tbh, not a whole lot of free time these days. At the end of the year i'm getting rid of my part time gig and either using that time to write more or go back to school.

 Aspiring writer (Savin is living the dream) but also a full time custodian for my main job and into some other things for my side job.

so three jobs if you include commissions and, tbh, not a whole lot of free time these days. At the end of the year i'm getting rid of my part time gig and either using that time to write more or go back to school.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
 Aspiring writer (Savin is living the dream) but also a full time custodian for my main job and into some other things for my side job.

so three jobs if you include commissions and, tbh, not a whole lot of free time these days. At the end of the year i'm getting rid of my part time gig and either using that time to write more or go back to school.

Ah. Well, you could let go of the part time gig, and do more commissions, like, writing full time maybe? Idk. Pick whatever you enjoy more :D  I know some people don't do so many commissions at once because then they feel pressured to write underpar work to meet deadlines, so it could be something you may or may not enjoy doing as a full time gig


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And I think we can all agree that we are forever grateful for that, Savin-dono :3

That's pretty cool, as long as you enjoy what you do, right? I mean, writing smut has to be a lot more fun than becoming a highschool teacher right

 :3 Oh yeah, totally. Basically the best job ever.


Ah. Well, you could let go of the part time gig, and do more commissions, like, writing full time maybe? Idk. Pick whatever you enjoy more :D  I know some people don't do so many commissions at once because then they feel pressured to write underpar work to meet deadlines, so it could be something you may or may not enjoy doing as a full time gig

Well my popularity has increased but the problem with commissions is that you're never guaranteed to get them but you're always guarenteed to have bills


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Well my popularity has increased but the problem with commissions is that you're never guaranteed to get them but you're always guarenteed to have bills

Ah, true true. Whatcha currently working on?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What is it like being a custodian? Like is the pay marginally alright and is it worth it? I ask because it seems like a job I could deal with if the pay is better than retail, I've come to realize I'd like to have some sort of profession and a custodian is pretty much a handyman of gross stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What is it like being a custodian? Like is the pay marginally alright and is it worth it? I ask because it seems like a job I could deal with if the pay is better than retail, I've come to realize I'd like to have some sort of profession and a custodian is pretty much a handyman of gross stuff.

So what's the worst "crime against the olfactory senses" that you have come across?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So what's the worst "crime against the olfactory senses" that you have come across?

my sense of smell is nearly non-existent. I think I lost it as an infant when I landed face-first out of a high-chair [I read about someone in a similar situation who took a tumble as a baby]. 

To attempt to answer your question, I have chestnut hair that I dye part of platinum blonde, the first time I used L'oreal dye it was like a chlorine gas shell went off. my lungs and my dad's were burning, our eyes were so full of tears we could barely see, nostrils burning, dogs hid on a different level of the house. That was probably the worst nose issue I faced. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
my sense of smell is nearly non-existent. I think I lost it as an infant when I landed face-first out of a high-chair [I read about someone in a similar situation who took a tumble as a baby]. 

To attempt to answer your question, I have chestnut hair that I dye part of platinum blonde, the first time I used L'oreal dye it was like a chlorine gas shell went off. my lungs and my dad's were burning, our eyes were so full of tears we could barely see, nostrils burning, dogs hid on a different level of the house. That was probably the worst nose issue I faced. 

Hold on for a moment... are you telling me your hair is dyed like the character in your profile picture?

It sucks losing part of your senses... Know the feeling, uh, lack of feeling.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
yes, that is basically me. Hell, I don't even think the artist [who knows me IRL] embellished my physique that much since its a pretty loose dress.

Meh, I never got used to smelling stuff and for the most part don't miss it. Maybe if I could taste stuff with my nose too for a day I'd miss my sense of smell but I pretty much have never cared I can't smell [odd as that is for a canine >w< ]


Active Member
Oct 2, 2015
College student, currently doing my last year bachelor of Game Art & Design, aspiring to become a full-time 3D-Artist at some point, I love making characters. That's pretty much it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 when I graduate I'm probably going to have a hard time getting a job since I don't have the initiative to go do any volunteer work to get work experience..

Which is exactly the reason why I've been living the NEET dream since I finished my studies. I refuse to work for more than eight hours per day in exchange for little money, and "experience" in a string of shitty jobs alone doesn't pay bills or food. In exchange for standing for this, I feel like a social parasite. Yay.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Though my family supports and understands my stance, I'd like to earn the right to a good retirement pension one day. But, who knows... a world war might break and postapocalyse might leave very little for that :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm 5'5 Male and as my username shows my name is Shido. I am a retired neet that wastes time reading books and playing games. I also enjoy every kind of smut from Eroge's to Doujinshi and everything in between.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2015
6' 8" 310 lbs. male current occupation......prison guard. So yeah, be good. Not here of course you all be your smutty selves and I'll love ya for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mmm what i can say, i'm a male and i studied to become a graphic operator.

I like history and write (but I'm not very good), I am also a fan of strategy games and MMO Free2Play.

i'm 5'8" for 134 lbs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
If by the time I reach 50 I don't have amazing elf ears I am blaming you!  :p

That's fairly easy. Ear pointing plastic surgery is already possible and done :p . And to actually make your ears pointed might not be as difficult as many other more extreme mods, but modern society is too fixed about moral stances against it. Most religions would create an uproar too (because you're changing the 'creation of god' or some shit like that. They're already whining about implants. Imagine their reaction if your children would inherit your 'unnatural' appearance too.). Not to mention there are ethical issues, since your child may not necessarily want to look like that, especially if modding is not widespread and looking different might ostracize you from society (so the initial stages where modding is not widespread would be the worst). It's like giving your child a circumcision before he is even born xD . Of course, it can be argued that children already have no choice in looking like their parents, but then again, they still look relatively human, and may not exactly want a pair of elf ears (I would, but hey, not everyone is like us xD ). There is also the fact that genetic modification is a relatively new branch in science, so most people do not trust it much, and claims we do not fully understand the changes we make, which may end up having disastrous sideeffects/consequences later on. Who knows, they might be right, so rushing in without perfectly looking at all possibilities and testing it extensively over a long period as to fully observe the effects, might be a bit short-sighted. So not just in terms of technology and research (into consequences), there are also social barriers and moral/ethical issues we need to overcome as well. 10-20 years would be a very optimistic outlook for widespread radical inhuman genetic modification. Unless something unforeseen happens of course - such as discovering aliens or something, which would drastically change social ideas on what is acceptable. Who knows, maybe in another half a century?

As for bovine horns. Subdermal/horn implants? The real thing will prolly not be a possibility in the near future, because the skull structure simply isn't designed with horns in mind, and it'll need a lot of modification.


What is it like being a custodian? Like is the pay marginally alright and is it worth it? I ask because it seems like a job I could deal with if the pay is better than retail, I've come to realize I'd like to have some sort of profession and a custodian is pretty much a handyman of gross stuff.

pay is usually WAY better than retail (sorry for late response notifications suck) I had to take an ok paying job at an elementary school before I got the "I can pay my own bills, take care of myself and do things!" job I have now.

and the best thing about being a custodian is you don't need people skills. I have them from a life time of being raised right but I no longer need to depend on restraining myself from choking the life out of some idiot whose mom didnt' teach him to be polite. Don't get me started on those self important assholes who demand your full attention in an electronics section full of people who were all there before him.

So what's the worst "crime against the olfactory senses" that you have come across?

Bathrooms tend to be pretty gross but the worse thing i've ever smelled was in a cafeteria. Funky fish made more funky by the fact that the kid left his lunch box in the cafeteria. It was there the entire school day from breakfast till last lunch. When i got down there I saw it and opened it up, to check if there was a name inside, and gagged on the smell of hot nasty fish.

just thinking about it makes my stomach turn a little.

College student, currently doing my last year bachelor of Game Art & Design, aspiring to become a full-time 3D-Artist at some point, I love making characters. That's pretty much it.

That is fucking awesome. I always wanted to do that but instead discovered my passion for writing stories and character development


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
First year university student studying Computer Games Development. I'm loving it so far! Maths is so much more fun when you're actually shown a use for it! C++ is super fun as well :)

I hated learning to use C++.  Programming had nothing to do with my interests or major, and everything was so buggy.  Examples from the textbook never worked, I usually had to spend hours finding workarounds when something that should have worked didn't, and the lack of adjustable matrices turned what should have been a simple assignment into a weekend destroying hell.

yes, that is basically me. Hell, I don't even think the artist [who knows me IRL] embellished my physique that much since its a pretty loose dress.

If that's basically you, then you're way cuter than you led us to believe on the old forum.  I figured you looked more like me than the cute little trap you want to be.

 Most religions would create an uproar too (because you're changing the 'creation of god' or some shit like that. They're already whining about implants. Imagine their reaction if your children would inherit your 'unnatural' appearance too.). Not to mention there are ethical issues, since your child may not necessarily want to look like that, especially if modding is not widespread and looking different might ostracize you from society (so the initial stages where modding is not widespread would be the worst). It's like giving your child a circumcision before he is even born xD . Of course, it can be argued that children already have no choice in looking like their parents, but then again, they still look relatively human, and may not exactly want a pair of elf ears (I would, but hey, not everyone is like us xD ).
It should be highly unlikely that gene modding would actually affect gametes unless it's designed that way.  Like with any other lifetime mutation, sperm and eggs should remain completely untouched unless someone actually goes to the effort of making sure all parts of the body receive the mod.  And while I hate to sound like Jeff Goldblum, there is a morality to be considered when you mess with nature regardless of your religious preferences.  All that said, sign me up for some elf ears.

As for me, well I don't like to share much about myself but I'll join in.  I'm average in both height and weight (5' 9.5" aka dead average height for an American man) with a good pair of nerdy glasses to make it clear I'm in no way athletic.  Anxiety issues forced me out of college and it's unlikely I'll be heading back anytime soon.  In the meantime, I take work where I can get it and try to minimize expenses wherever possible.  I'm too stubborn to completely rely on my family, and they're too self-centered to actually give me the time I need to deal with my issues and go back to school so I'm stuck making do where I can.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
That's fairly easy. Ear pointing plastic surgery is already possible and done :p . And to actually make your ears pointed might not be as difficult as many other more extreme mods, but modern society is too fixed about moral stances against it. Most religions would create an uproar too (because you're changing the 'creation of god' or some shit like that. They're already whining about implants. Imagine their reaction if your children would inherit your 'unnatural' appearance too.).

But I want sensitive ears! ;n;

And it's okay, I trust you will supply a modification that makes ears human again for my heretic children.  :D