So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis



I dont know what I would do yet but im debating between giving him(i picked Jack)some power or making him my steele's personal slave. *Rubs hands together evilly*
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Why would you give that backstabbing bastard any power at all?

Obviously I would give him power after Ive broken him. That or because my steele has a kindness of like 1, aka pure niceness, and is a pretty forgiving person. Besides while Jack may be a douche he never tried to kill us...yet anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Obviously I would give him power after Ive broken him. That or because my steele has a kindness of like 1, aka pure niceness, and is a pretty forgiving person. Besides while Jack may be a douche he never tried to kill us...yet anyway.


After getting Victor's inheritance (or making my own), I plan on dressing him in skimpy outfits and making him my personal slave *winkwinknudgenudge* (and helping him take over his father's company. If he asks. Nicely). Won't break him tho. I'd rather him be a bit tsundere.

That or we have a nice family reconciliation and work together to take both Victor's and Max's fortune. Possibly with a cousin-with-benefits kind of relationship ?yeah taking over Max's empire is definitely a thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
bury my head between her thighs and keep licking until she's a drooling unresponsive mess. let her talk big after that.


I meant as in reconciliation.

"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us." - Captain Steele to Jack/Jill

But in all seriousness I agree with that. I was jk of course.
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Nov 24, 2015
I would spank the shit out of that brat, and then give his/her ass a ride he/she won't forget for a looooong time. Or maybe share him/her with my crew and start a nice gangbang event on the ship, and everyone gets a turn or two..


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In all honesty, for me I would either beat the shit out of Jack/Jill, exile them, make it so that they never have a chance at claiming the company, or all of the above.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd chain Jack up and stuff his ass full of cum and invite Dane over so when I'm finally spent, he will stuff Jack with Ausar-flavoured tentacle cock and fuck him like a brute.

Give Jack the Bad End he deserves!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Make him/her join my polyamorous harem. All Jack needs is a little love, and he'll be a nice guy. And my Steele has plenty of love to give. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm with Woider on this. After the whole inheritance race is over, and the inevitable trophy fuck is had, I'd probably offer her a job. She obviously has some skill; it'd be a waste of talent to enslave her or whatever, and she hasn't done anything really deserving of such treatment (at least thus far). I'd keep an eye on her though.

I know everything I said above could easily have sexual implications (hurr hurr I'd give her a job suitable for her talents *wink wink*), but I don't mean it that way.


i'd keep him locked up on the ship and take good care of him until my adventures are over. I'd go pick up Anno just so i can make sure someone is there who is loyal helping me keep an eye on him.

I have no animosity towards him or his father but Jack is putting himself in my way for no good reason so i'm going to remove him... simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well I'd have to see what happens at the end before making a decision. In my headcanon, after you claim the final probe uncle Max berates your cousin harshly, cuts him/her off from his wealth, and steals his/her ship, leaving your cousin dispirited and stranded, not only at your mercy, but you're his/her only way off-world. In a scenario like that, I would be nice, if not... well, it would at least be an alternative to incestuous slavery.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Try to get along unless he/she does something irredeemable. If that happens, I can't guarantee his/her safety in the end *shrugs shoulders*


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
I'm with Woider on this. After the whole inheritance race is over, and the inevitable trophy fuck is had, I'd probably offer her a job. She obviously has some skill; it'd be a waste of talent to enslave her or whatever, and she hasn't done anything really deserving of such treatment (at least thus far). I'd keep an eye on her though.

I know everything I said above could easily have sexual implications (hurr hurr I'd give her a job suitable for her talents *wink wink*), but I don't mean it that way.

Try to get along unless he/she does something irredeemable. If that happens, I can't guarantee his/her safety in the end *shrugs shoulders*

Hmmm  these sound about right it's not her fault her father is an @$$ x(


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Obviously I would give him power after Ive broken him. That or because my steele has a kindness of like 1, aka pure niceness, and is a pretty forgiving person. Besides while Jack may be a douche he never tried to kill us...yet anyway.

That would be quite naive of you, since they are supposed to be backstabbing and all.

Then again you didn't elaborate that you'd give them a position of power only only after you humbled/broken them in. 

I myself would settle on having them as a normal household servent for a month or so in a french maid outfit, regardless of what sex I chose the to be at the beginning of the game.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Use Jill to get my dad's money back from Max, after that I'd let her have her own share of the pie if she proved she deserves it. While I do like the idea of turning Jill into my personal fuck-puppet, I'd also like the chance to reform her for the better, and if possible do both!

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I'd probably offer her a job. She obviously has some skill; it'd be a waste of talent to enslave her or whatever, and she hasn't done anything really deserving of such treatment (at least thus far). I'd keep an eye on her though.

The cousin hasn't really offered a dazzling display of competence, or much real talent. [He] gets to the Mhen'ga probe first because [he] has a dropship (and gives you the coordinates out of sheer arrogance), doesn't find the second probe despite [his] headstart (but then, neither do you), and gets caught trying to sneak to the third one with just one lackey, then fails to talk [his] way out of it.

To be fair, most of the incompetence is plot-induced, and [he] also lacks real malice. Still, not exactly a top hire. Uncle Max's money ought to keep [him] comfortable enough without a pity-position.

Now, I was to get a hold of [him] before the race is ended, most of my PCs would be tempted to dump [him] on a deserted (but habitable) island planet until I can secure my inheritance. Maybe not the nice ones, though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Treat her.