So does anyone more or less somewhat mentally RP with their Steele?



You know, like when your playing and an event happens you still read the text and apply it but you think of something funnier or more fitting your steele would say or do. And do you RP during fights or when nothing is happening? My tech specialist steele was a mischevious unaltered human guy before becoming a Zil with person sized balls, so I like to imagine funny interactions that im sure the mods would die before they dared implement. When it comes to fights I always like to think when he uses the Thermal Disruptor he just whips it out and is like: "Surprise Motherfucka!" in a funny way before roasting everyone alive.

Also I imagined him screaming alot of curses in a hilarious way when he woke up to find the tentacle beast onboard, but thats probably just me.


Jan 8, 2016
I realised while writing that the less Steele actually says something specific, the better it probably is for the reader. The obvious downside is that it's actually really hard to make a conversation flow when you can only speak sparingly, but it's probably worth it given stuff like this. I do the same; even the specific actions said to be taken by Steele can be interpreted differently. THE POWER OF IMAGINATION


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I find it hard to do given how Steele directly speaks to characters and whatnot. But hey, I'm playing Steele, not a self insert or whichever I want to play as. I can't say I like it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think you kind of have to RP when it comes to what goes on in Steele's head (or what comes out of his/her mouth).

That's not too surprising, though. Truth is that the mind is many times more complex than the body, so it's much easier for the game to track, alter, and dictate Steele's physical appearance than for it to assume what kind of person he/she is. Someone's mental state can change on a dime and how they react, even verbally, to a scenario can be as random as the freaking weather.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's why I write direct dialogue for Steele, because they are a character with both a game-defined origin and a game-defined goal that the player can't change even if they want to.


Origin and goal, but not personality.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I consistently write Kind, Mischievous, and Hard variants into my dialogue based on my best understanding of how they might behave. Steele's personality falls within those three spheres without exception.

Those three alignments are simultaneously too broad and too narrow to encompass any particular Captain Steele without some important elements of their personality slipping through the cracks. On top of that nothing inside the game ensures that your character will follow their alignment and in most instances choices you actually make in-game do not fall neatly into any of those three categories and can be approached and rationalized from all three of those angles.

There is also the issue of those alignments not being consistent between different authors.

I get where you are coming from in your distaste towards generic dialogue and I like fleshed-out interaction as much as the next person. However I'm fine with the former as long as the circumstances of the conversation are explained and PC's general role within it is clear. The Imagination approach also has a bonus in preventing repeatable dialogue options from getting stale.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Sadly I tend to enter a heavy grinder state of mind when I start a new game.

So I think of nothing but the Loot, and Experience up until the newest content of the game.

I should try it though, since it could be a little fun...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Steele barely interacts with anyone in a way that even hints at her personality. So I take the chosen "personality type" as a baseline, and what she does with a hint of salt, fleshed out by head canon.

While doing this occasionally runs into dissonance with what I read, it still beats a cardboard cutout character with one of three emotes for a head.


Jun 17, 2016
I tend to RP my Steele quite often. She tend to be a nice person,with a dry,sarcastic wit,and overblown reactions. And a rampant,out-of-control exhibitionist nymphomaniac. She also tends towards pragmatic solutions,though she won't compromise her morals. In general,your average Noblebright character type,applied to the sex-overdosed world of TiTS. Also,hi.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Straight male here. I'm in the same boat as Harpy Princess; I just treat the PC as if I'm watching a movie. One that stars a herm that just fucks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I always picture my steele (who is a four foot dark fairy) being sassy as fuck. Even if I don't see her say the things I picture her saying, I still enjoy pretending.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I tend to RP my Steele quite often. She tend to be a nice person,with a dry,sarcastic wit,and overblown reactions. And a rampant,out-of-control exhibitionist nymphomaniac. She also tends towards pragmatic solutions,though she won't compromise her morals. In general,your average Noblebright character type,applied to the sex-overdosed world of TiTS. Also,hi.

Hello there and welcome to the forums. As for your character, will you eventually try to get further into the LG territory and make a chaste Captain Steele?

Straight male here. I'm in the same boat as Harpy Princess; I just treat the PC as if I'm watching a movie. One that stars a herm that just fucks everyone.

I assume that it's true for most people when it comes to sex scenes, but more what about normal dialogue and decisions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
My longest running character is a mercenary with an austere upbringing and a hard personality. Though she does not feel entitled to Victor's wealth there is s small chip on her shoulder that has always been in the background since her childhood due to her not having access to some luxuries despite being the heir apparent to a galactic trillionaire. It is especially annoying seeing her cousin getting ahead of her during the rush since he is essentially just using uncle Max's money to gain the advantage. Though it is not her primary driving factor there is a resentment there for her cousin and uncle Max which I use to justify a murder boner for. 

negative i cant RP because i cant control what comes out of steels mouth... i can control what goes in most of the time lol but not out

the game that made me role play the hardest was vampire bloodlines the masquerade as a malkavian holy shit bucket was that fun as hell to pretend to be a sexy crazy vampire lady with paranormal insight was awesome 

but one of the reasons why i could was because i had plenty of control over what she said i have options not one or 2 but more and sometimes i had options on how i wanted to solve problems or react to situations which provided leeway for me to so roleplay

if they want to make tits more roleplay friendly then they would have to give the player control over what steel says for example

"Please steel you must deal with those bandits!"

>"Don't worry i wont let them hurt anyone anymore"

>"As long as i get paid..."

>(unzip pants) "suck"

but being realistic they are waaaay to deep into the the game now to even consider such things maybe for the next game...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I do RP with my steel majority of the time, unfortunatly. I think of him as a me in that world. True i ould love to actually dictate how he responds to things more because he generally reacts in ways that i never would at times and some times in ways that i would. It's tough subject but i write my own fan fic about certain events that he would have acted in a more "me" fashion to get over the hump that the creators just slapped you with some random character to use the way they want you to use it. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
No matter what you do, Captain Steele is Victor Steele's offspring, tasked with going on their father's space scavenger hunt in order to take up his mantle. That's non-negotiable.

That's why I write direct dialogue for Steele, because they are a character with both a game-defined origin and a game-defined goal that the player can't change even if they want to.

Generic dialogue description makes me scrunch my face up real tight. It's awful.


YMMV, but the Personality Alignment system TiTS uses is and was directly inspired by the system used by Dragon Age II. Steele is like Hawke in a lot of respects, or for a more modern comparison, like Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher 3. You're playing a specific, defined character in the universe. You've got some leeway with how you resolve situations and interact with NPCs within the bounds of that character, but ultimately you are playing Captain Steele, not your fursona/self-insert/whatever.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Let's keep in mind that the Personality System is not the only tool we have here. We also have libido which is directly changed by character behavior, and as far as I know CANNOT go down. Sure this is a smut game but does anyone here really think that every single character in the game has a libido of 100? the other stats are farmable so they are in fact not very good resources. But we also have three professions each of which lends itself naturally to a certain mentality as well. If you can't find a way to define the character on it's way into your story and shunt it through the stories you want to tell you aren't looking hard enough. The problem is that it's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOT of effort. I do understand. But if we're gonna make excuses lets at least use the right one :p

Here I go being fun at parties again >.>


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I think it´s more accurate to say that I put a bit of myself into the character I´m roleplaying. Which is mr. Steele jr.

But that´s just my main Steele. I have a couple of others. They´re much like Misty said, characters. They´re all Steele jr. with that one very specific goal to accomplish, but for some of them I try to create a certain theme.

F. ex. Ranchia, the treated cow bimbo, who, along the path of becoming CEO, just wants to spread the joys of sex to the whole matter the consequences...

In those cases whenever I get the chance to do it, I make the choices which I believe fit that character. (Penny looks so much happier now after that ray gun)