Slave Maker - Custom Cheat Menu


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Finally bothered re-making this post, I was waiting for a dedicated Slave Maker forum again, but whatever. I decided I should since version 3 is now available.

First I want to clarify that this is an in-game menu, not a separate program.

I present to you a convenient menu. This menu is mostly for the purposes of testing new slaves and as a accompaniment to the built in Debug mode. It doesn't limit gameplay features like Debug mode does, so it works very well on its own also. It does, of course, work quite well for cheating.

What is it exactly? It is a menu that can be opened from any slave globally, it can be used for editing the current Slave, Assistant, Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave. It's very hidden until you explicitly want it.

It is designed to be powerful and easy to use, and has the following features:

  • Edit stats on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit skills on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit current trainings on Slaves, Assistants, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit sex trainings on Slaves, Assistants, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit love on Slaves, Assistants, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit sexual preferences on Slaves, Assistants, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit genders on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Edit full body on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave.
  • Force pregnancies on Slaves, Assistants, the Slave Maker, and any owned Minor Slave. (If appropriate).
  • Check current pregnancy, and edit the pregnancy.
  • Check and Edit a Slave's, Assistant's, the Slave Maker's, and any owned Minor Slave's Fertility rates.
  • Remove Assistant.
  • Edit Slave Training Times
  • Edit Training Skills on the Slave Maker.
  • Edit Weapon Skills on the Slave Maker.
  • Edit Slave Maker's Origins.
  • Edit Slave Maker's Special Event.
  • Edit Slave Maker's Advantages.
  • Edit Slave Maker's Faith.
  • Edit Bitflags on all slaves, the slave maker, and various custom events.
  • Edit Time (Forward and Reverse).
  • Edit Gold (Receive and Lose).
  • Switch Houses.
  • Spawn items, potions and dresses. 


Cheat Menu - 3.1.0
Alternate Download - 3.1.0

Source Files:
Cheat Menu - Source - 3.1.0
Alternate Download - Source - 3.1.0

Instructions are very simple. 


Extract the contents of the Events folder to your SlaveMaker 3 directory. (You can simply merge the folders.) (This uses Events29.txt)

In game, change your Slave Maker's name to "Cheater" (Capital C!) (This can be done at the Seer's, found on the map after she visits once.)

Pass a day or two. You should get a message saying the cheat menu has been enabled.

Feel free to post any comments, suggestions, or bugs and typos. Also if a bug arises on any slave after using this, tell me first, there's a good chance this did it.

REMEMBER: This breaks gameplay rules, thus it may cause quirks, especially on custom slaves.  

The Cheat Menu is now fully translatable. If someone has interest in translating the Cheat Menu, (Yes it will be a ton of work!) just speak up! It is almost exactly the same process as translating the main game. Instructions are included in the Cheat Menu Help folder. If you need assistance, feel free to ask!

A note on my source files. I decided to provide them because I just don't like closed source. They are here for the curious. If they can help someone, then great! I also provide them in case of future events causing me to disappear, and I would hate CCM to go with me.
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New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Almost happy second birthday CCM!
Have 3.1.0 to celebrate!

It's come a very long way in the past 2 years, and received 24 updates! Some have been minor, some have been huge! 2 complete over hauls, about 15 new features, and a ton of bug fixes!

Blah Blah update notes!

  • Fixed a bug with the Slave's Custom Stats not updating.
  • Fixed some typos in the Slave Maker's Skills menu.
  • Added a Potions Menu in the Items Menu.
  • Added a Slut Training option to all slaves Trainings menu.
  • Added a Breast Expert option in the Slave Maker's Skill menu.
  • Reworked several menus to be far more efficient with less redundant coding.
  • The rework enabled Auto Translations, pulled from the base game, of menu options on Items, Houses, Slave Trainings, Slave Sex Trainings, Slave Skills, Slave Stats, Slave Maker Advantages, Slave Maker Origin, Slave Maker Special Event, Slave Maker Skills, and Slave Maker Stats.
  • Added an option to toggle the Auto Translations.

Cheat Menu - 3.1.0
Alternate Download - 3.1.0

Source Files:
Cheat Menu - Source - 3.1.0
Alternate Download - Source - 3.1.0

If you edited the xml file, remember to backup your copy and reapply changes to the new one!

The Auto Translations pull text straight from the base game and use them to populate the above menus. This way if you play anything besides English, the major menus will match whatever translation you are using. So now you will see stuff like Stats shown exactly as you see them in the status window in game. It will just flow better and be a little easier to find what you want.

Until someone creates a translation, the majority of the Cheat Menu will still be in English.

This process can be a bit resource intensive, and as such you may notice some slow loads when you enter certain menus. For this reason, I included the option to toggle this feature off in the Cheat Settings. Of course, you may disable this anyway for whatever reason.


New Member
Feb 3, 2016
I am slightly confused, when you say to extract the files to the slavemaker 3 directory, you mean to just move them there right? I'm asking as I don't seem to have an extract button for the files. Also, just to the file that has the .swf and the html file version if the games, or somewhere else? Sorry about the probably really dumb questions, I'm not the best with computers.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
I am slightly confused, when you say to extract the files to the slavemaker 3 directory, you mean to just move them there right? I'm asking as I don't seem to have an extract button for the files. Also, just to the file that has the .swf and the html file version if the games, or somewhere else? Sorry about the probably really dumb questions, I'm not the best with computers.

Don't worry about it.

So, when you open the Cheat Menu file you'll see 2 folders inside, 'Events' and 'Custom Cheat Menu Help'. Move or copy the folder named 'Events' into the directory for Slave Maker 3. The directory is the folder where you go to launch the game, where the .exe, .swf, and .html files are. You should see an 'Events' folder in this directory already. When you copy or move the files here, it should ask if you want to merge or overwrite. Just accept and you should be ready to use it in game.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
How do you open the cheat menu in the game after the first time?

The same way you opened it the first time. Just go to the Seer and change your name to 'Cheater' again.

If you want it to open every day without changing your name constantly, you can go to the 'Cheat Menu Settings' from the Main Cheat Menu, then select 'Stay In Cheat Mode' and toggle it so it says it is ON


New Member
May 23, 2016
It is most likely very stupid question but how do I access menu FIRST time? I do get notification (big white screen with The custom cheatt menu version 3 on it) and Next button below but.. that is it... where is menu itself? besides, this notification does not allow me to progress, do the planning throw me back at the notif screen...


New Member
May 3, 2017
Will the cheat menu work in new version 3.5 too?
I tried and when i change the name to Cheater the game jumps to the start screen, where you can set your Masters name, skills, etc.
thanx in advance for your help


New Member
May 3, 2017
guess then its layer 8 problem (between user and keyboard) :D :D

ok thanx for reply


New Member
May 24, 2017
Any idea what's happening with my game? Right now i'm trying to train Chun-Li and any attempt to use the cheat menu causes her stats to reset


Nov 7, 2018
works fine in SM 3.5.02, but for some reason even though the slave is a futa, and the fuck another option isn't locked, the game won't let me use the fuck another training. Just wondering if the CCM could be the cause of this or if my game is bugged


Nov 7, 2018
figured it out for some bloody reason if you slave maker is a futa (maybe a male as well haven't tested that) your futa slave can't do the fuck another night action.