Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
Juni is taken by surprise as he's forced into the demon. Being forced atop him, the anal-loving demon was rather disappointed as Juni pathetically fucked the slut. Instead, the demon rolled Juni over and bounced playfully atop the cock as he looked to Esril. His tail coiled watching her as she'd collect the guard's sword.

"Mmm~... his cock is nice... but I need yours!"

Rising up, his tail moved to stroke the salamander boy off as he lustfully grasped her pants by the hem. It didn't seem Juni was un-slurring yet...

"You owe me the entire night.... but I can help!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at the demon and nods "Ok fine, a full night of fucking, I promsie. Sow how can you help? Long story short, Juni is in butt slut mode and needs time to come back to his senses. Can you fight or anything?"


Jun 24, 2016
The demon grinned when she agreed, releasing Juni as he stood up straight. He was fairly tall despite his fuckable ass... it showed he really had been born as more than a fuckable bitch. Reaching out, he'd slip his hand to grab her cock and squeeze. She'd feel no lust... and find her strength cake easier.

"Deal made. In exchange for getting fucked all night, you can use my magic... I bet you could tear down any door for a few minutes. Or fuck my ass until it's shaped like your amazing cock~!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and feels new powers surge through her body. "Oh don't worry, I won't need magic to mold you to my shape. Look forward to it!" she walks over to the door and listens if they are right behind it or not.


Jun 24, 2016
The demon giggled, turning to Juni to move and have more fun. She'd hear him bouncing atop Juni's cock as she moved to the far door. The two seemed like they'd be safe back there, but it was likely her unnamed demon would empty her salamander's balls if they were left. As she'd reach the door, she'd hear a few guards on the other side. One spoke of the nude commander, but the others seemed confused. It was likely her virgin soldier was being carried away, the guards uncertain of how to progress. She could kick the door down with her new strength... but once she did it would prevent there being a place to lock her lover's up safely. If she used her hostage, she could likely get outside and on top of the defenders with the sword in one hand to hopefully forced a surrender or preserve the door. Either way, it was time to fight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grabs her hostage and uses him like a human shield with her left hand while the right grabs his sword. She uses her tail to pull the door open and glare at the others from over the mans shoulder "Alright fuck stains! Unless you want to see this guys head rolling across the floor you are going to bring your bitch of a commander back and hand her over! I am pissed off and in a baaaaaaaaad mood, so don't make this any harder than it has to be." She holds the blade against the mans neck, ready to make good on her promise.


Jun 24, 2016
"Like hell we give her back! If she's going to be anyone's bitch now, she'll be ours!"

While they didn't rush in, her caution had rewarded her. The door was still in-shape to protect her new cocksleeve and Juni, the knocked out man light in her hold. There were three guards in a fairly large room, stairs in the back clearly leading up out of the dungeon. Killing them was an option, one that seemed favorable as they inched closer. She could throw her hostage and rush past'd leave her sluts in a possibly bad situation, however. If she fought, she'd likely be able to win but she could already imagine what the whole garrison could do to her bitch if she took too long to catch up...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ugh! I don't have time for you idiots!" She grits her teeth and hurls her hostage at the nearest guard before rushing the second one in the confusion. She goes for a quick slash at the mans neck, hoping to take him down quickly and round on the last one, intent on killing him before the first one can recover from having his friend thrown at him.


Jun 24, 2016
The initial plan works, the second guard gagging on his blood as he stumbled down and to the ground. But she's not as lucky with the other man. She'd feel her hostage thrown back at her, the original guard turning and trying to run. Fortunately for her, a familiar blur passes her vision as her demon friend tackles the male. In a flash, she'd be watching him tug and jerk the terrified guard off.

"I'm going to milk this cock dry! You'll feel sooo good!"

Despite her brief bad luck, the smacking of hips secured her victory on the other guard. The other was hesitating as he slowly stepped back, his helm hiding his face.

"Y-You let Bazel out? Y-You... you just let loose a demon who was going to fuck everyone into... c-cock... sleeves?"

The smacking and the demon's moans dulled the edge... and the reluctant guard was even squeezing the demon's ass as he got his cock rode. Bazel sure had changed... but the erection made it clear she could toss the other guard to the cock-hungry slut and keep on going for now...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I did! Even better, I made a deal with him!" She grabs the guard with an unnaturally strong grip even for a mander dragon like her "So get in line, I have shit to do!" She throws the second guard to Bazel "Here you go! Another toy for you to fuck my friend! I need to get my bitch back!" She grabs her sword again and heads off, trying to catch up with the one who took her slave away.


Jun 24, 2016
While Bazel practically dragged the next victim down, she'd find her way relatively unhindered. The spear and sword jingling were the only noises... until she came to an open door. It led into a nice courtyard, the sky above captured in a high stone wall. The gatehouse Juni mentioned was opposite of her... while the guard carrying her torturer was scaling the left wall to what looked like a mountain-carved barracks. This place could likely house fifty people... probably more with work. There seemed to be no slaves, but she'd understand why it could be valuable. A place like this was perfect for a budding empire to start in with the state of the world as it was... not to mention the nice plots growing food for the place. The well in the center was just icing on the self-sustaining mountain fortress cake!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She glares at the man scaling the wall and hefts her spear again, taking proper aim this time and hurling it at his back while running forward to catch her slave should she hit and they both fall... or to start climbing up after him.


Jun 24, 2016
This time, her aim is true. She nails the male, the man cursing as he threw the naked woman from his shoulder and to a man who appeared from the gatehouse. Unlike the men she'd seen so far, this was a proper man... a male with blonde hair that ran down to his shoulders. Despite his body being masculine, he looked facially feminine thanks to slightly tipped elfin ears.

"Good work! I'll hide her!"

The wounded man hit the ground as the other carted off her prize. She had them cornered for sure... but she now had two choices as she'd be able to recover the spear. Keep chasing into a possible trap... or secure the gatehouse and signal for her big, rapist of a bull-kin to help her take the place.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grit her teeth in rage and moved over to the downed man, yanking the spear out and kicking his body to the side "You bastard! Really starting to piss me off!" As much as she wanted to get her bitch back... she had to raise the signal and gain the upper hand. She runs over to the gate house and looks around for a way to raise the signal... Breaker would get the job done... and she could slip out of the line of fire once she grabbed her bitch.


Jun 24, 2016
Atop the gatehouse, she be able to lock it Down. The ballista atop it was likely the weapon that deterred the ship... and the flag nearby with its plain, purple shade was perfect for firing. She could see just the top of a distant mast... and a slight glimmer. They were looking for any signal, so firing the flag could work. But once she brought her big bull, there was no reigning that rape-beast in based on what Juni said...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She ran over to the ballista and shoved the flag pole inside it. She aimed it straight up and fired it, the signal for them to move in. She then left the gatehouse and locked the door behind her so noone could get in. Running full boar she rushed tot he barracks, she had a timer now... and she was going to either beat it and claim her bitch, or run out of time and get the hell out of dodge. Either way works at this point.


Jun 24, 2016
She'd hear a horn as she ran, the ship coming into view in the distance. By the time she was entering the barracks, she could see the ship closely...

Inside, she's greeted to a large group of soldiers... but most were behind barricades. The massive mountain-cut chamber had natural lighting in the form of skylights and crystals. A few bedrooms were on the sides, the doors shut and helping funnel the area. Of the twenty soldiers who raised their spears defensively, she'd see a bedroom not far with her bitch facedown and ass up as the blonde male ate her unconscious form out. She had to think of a way to get through the barricades... or pray she'd be spared from Breaker in a few moments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at the soldiers and quickly thinks up a plan "Look, in the next two minutes a giant bull man is going to be rampaging through here, killing and raping everything in range. Do you want to waste your time with me, or get ready for him? If you let me go back there and deal with blondy, I won't stop you from trying to fortify this door. Sound fair?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Tch, yeah right! Nice try, but she's all of our property!"

One had spoke up, but the others seemed uncertain. The one who spoke looked around, cursing under his breath. They lowered their weapons... before rushing past her. She had a clear shot, the blonde male finished and rising up to angle a modest cock against the virgin cunt. If she threw the spear, it was possible she'd hit the girl she'd blindly been chasing... but could she afford to fight the male? She had enhanced strength but would it be enough?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She charged forward and grit her teeth before throwing the spear. She angled it so it would either hit the guy in the back, or miss completely and stab into the wall, thus giving him a weapon and leaving her with just a short sword.


Jun 24, 2016
The spear missed, the soldier cursing as he quickly rose up. His cock out, he didn't seem fearful of the armed herm. The door behind her was heard getting smashed open, the cries of the guards and a bestial tell marking Breaker's arrival. But getting out wasn't very apparently easy. She'd charged into a master bedroom without any windows save some skylights cut with drains below. This room could be amazing with a bed that was even bigger than the one for two. The male hopped down, his fingers crackling with lightning.

"You... I should thank you. Getting Auria out of her armor... you've saved me trouble. That bull won't beat me... so it's just conquering you that I need to worry about!"

She'd feel the electricity flow through her in a flash, thankfully passing well enough. The armor her torturer was wearing seemed to dissipate and hold some of the charge. But rushing closer might cause issues. Throwing her sword might hit him, trying to wait for the rape bill to catch up for help, but perhaps just running might be best. The elfin male was unlike other foes... and his eight inches of cock were proof of that.

"Submit, woman... you and Auria will ride my dick. I'd be willing to let you serve me since you're clearly this strong... become my first wife and we'll get revenge on this bitch together!"

Revenge? It seems she'd walked into something deeper than just subordinates that want to rape their boss. Maybe... this elf had been a slave or tortured by the ass-up and ready-to-get-fucked slut...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Already her mind was working and she lowered her blade, relaxing her stance to show her curiosity out weighed her hostility. "Woa... hold up there. What did you just say? Revenge on her? Are you telling me she had her way with you as well?" She wanted to ask more questions but the crunching of the door behind her made her jump "Maybe we can talk inside that room witht he door closed before the bull gets in?"


Jun 24, 2016
One guard hit the wall near the doorway, the elfin cursing under his breath. It seemed that they wouldn't have much time. He rushed forward, shocking her hand to force her to drop the sword. With a hand that grabbed the herm, he'd toss her inside and extend his free hand toward the doors. She'd see a huge bull-kin kick a man hard enough he cracked one of the stone walls just as the doors shut. The elfin set immediately to freezing and hardening the doorway, his eyes looking back as he grumbled.

"You lay on the bed and get comfy... don't touch that bitch, since I want to knock her up. Once I'm done freezing the door up, you can use her face... but I have no reason to trust you. You have all the reasons to trust me, since I'm the only thing keeping him from raping your ass into a big, gaping slut-hole..."

Well... he was direct!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ow! Sweet starts you could have just told me to drop it!" She said while rubbing her hand. "My goodness, you are a rather rude one aren't you. As much as I would like to get to fucking this bitch for nearly ruining my friend down below, you have not answered my question. Did she attack you as well?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Attack? More like scarred..."

He'd freeze the door up further, finally turning to face her. This close, she could see he had eight inches of cock to his human-like shaft, his balls smaller but definitely not bitch-sized. Frame-wise, his armored seemed to hide a thinner frame, likely meaning that he had the tell-tale androgynous-like body all elfin had. Unlike most kin, the elfin were more in line with magically touched humans... only they couldn't produce anything but elfin children.

"She jerked me off but never let me cum for a whole year... that was before she caged my cock, gave me this earring," he tapped one of his pointed ears to indicate the small gold ring, "And ended up making me her personal servant. So if anyone gets to fuck the slut and knock her up, it's me... and you don't deserve her armor. She forced me to enchant it or my sister would be killed. Instead she was sent away. Now either strip and you can use her face... or I'll freeze enough of you that you can't stop me from fucking the both of you. And that option won't be good for you, since you're a reptile-kin... damn scaly."

Wow, a racist elfin... she certainly had nice company while the bull banged the door and likely some unfortunate soul outside the room...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She folds her arms over her chest and frowns at the elf "so you are using her wrong doings to you to fuel racism and hatred for me? Now how in the fuck does that work? If anything we should be working together, not throwing threats back and forth! Geeze... what is it with people? Every time I meet someone they are so fucking standoffish or down right hostile!" She leans back against the wall and glares at him "It's like the whole fucking world is out to show me how shitty it is."


Jun 24, 2016
His eyes narrow at the comment, but finally curses as he moves over toward the bed and starts stripping. It reveals a pair of nipples with gold studs that matches his sole ring. It was a clear indicator of just how much she'd messed with him but definitely gave no excuse.

"I just don't trust anyone. You can only take watching your sister get mouth-fucked and have a knife held to her throat so many times before you stop caring..."

Crawling atop the bed, she'd get a nice view of him moving to the still out-cold woman's raised ass and smacking the cheek with a loud impact. His right hand moved to grab her hair, pulling it back and giving her a solid slap to one of her cheeks. He lets her go immediately, but this impact is enough to awake the woman... but he grabs her by both wrists to keep her from struggling as she tried to grasp the situation.

"Wha-... wh-where... d-damn it, let go of me... th-this... n-nghh!?" The cock showed itself between her cheeks, causing the woman to freeze up. It was clear he planned to ream her... so if Esril wanted to stop the guy she only had this chance... otherwise it was time to watch the bitch squirm and possibly join in as someone else took her virginity. But it was clear that fist-fighting the elf could go bad... the only wild-card would be the woman who he'd just woke up... and it wasn't likely she'd help Esril even if she knew the full story.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Look, I get you, this bitch fucked your life up. But letting that burn every bridge you walk on before you can even try to set something up is only going to lead you to oblivion!" She ditches the armor in the corner and promptly sits on Auria's face "As a show of trust, that we should really be on the same side... I am just going to let you take her virginity despite wanting to do that myself. Heck, I will hold her down so you don't have to." She says while grabbing the womans legs and forcing them open*


Jun 24, 2016
With the herm's cock out, the elf gives pause. Auria groans upward into the cunt, offering nothing more than something to grind on. The words seem to sink in, however... as the male finally hefts the human upward. Turning Auria to face the drake, he'd plop down and sit her in his lap. He held her by the wrists to keep her from slipping free... but as he hefted her up and then down, the virgin would scream at a different penetration. Auria's ass was spread wide around the two-inch cock, painfully being tugged down and thrusted into. It pushed inch by inch inside, her voice growing raspy and strained until it was only a meek ghostly whisper as he smacked his balls nice and deep into her ass.

"I'm -nnngh... t-tight - Levur. Take her cunt... and try not to cum on me or inside her. I want to make her suffer... my child deserves this bitch's high-class womb, but the time isn't now..."

With the cunt presented and the woman staring upward in pain and pleasure, she had room to grab her tits and fuck the slut... it seemed she made an impression with this Levur fellow!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles at him and leans forward to grab Auria's tits while her cock pushed teasingly against her cunt "Essril... a damn good pleasure to meet you. Now then.... lets break this bitch shall we?" She rams her hips forward, surging her cock into the womans pussy and the pointed tip of her dragon cock pushing into her womb all in one thrust "Holy shit... so tight! Don't worry, I don't want this whore to have my kids... I have someone else I want that joy with!"