Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
And so, Esril would dick them. The fort was awash in sex for the day, ass smacking and cunt fucking galore. She even accidentally came on the elf and he shrugged it off!


It had been a few days, the morning starting off as Levur tugged on the hoop rings of Auria. She'd been resisting so far, but her training was showing with sweet moans as her bare chest was tugged. She was the only naked person at all time, her cunt sealed with some magic paper once the elfin was certain she was pregnant. Juni was in his new clothes still, always up before Esril to start working the plants the fortress had. His semen nightly had been collected and added to the crops and it was certainly working! The green shimmered in the morning sun. Her harpy had taken clothes that Auria had been denied, preparing to head out as she tugged and adjusted a tight pair of orange makeshift panties while wearing a purple shirt around her tits for a top. Rather than a bow, she had a bag of throwing darts on one ankle to hurl at foes below... and based on supplementing their meals with a rabbit daily, she was exceptional at her new role! Bazel had dressed in, surprisingly, a pair of blue shorts. Even though he rode or let anyone fuck him when asked, he'd still been around whenever needed. He was a dedicated onahole of a male, even if he looked more like a cute boy than a girl like Juni might...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Esril has spent her time mapping out their new home and getting a feel for everything it had to offer. When she wasn't doing that, she was cleaning up the mess that Breaker had made and trying to get the place feel more like home than a base. Of course, every night and often times during the day she had her cock buried in Bazel or her Brood mother harpy. At times she would use Juni's throat, but she left his ass alone so the kids would be safe.

She had just finished her breakfast and let out a final yawn before getting up and walking over to Levur "So... I think we have settled down enough... now we need to make something of this place. I am thinking soldiers, servants, slaves and maybe even a beast or two for supplements."


Jun 24, 2016
Rather than immediately answer, Levur tugged the hoops and forced his bitch into a sloppy kiss. Only once Auria parted with both disgust and relief would he cuckle and turn to face her. Of course, it didn't change him from gripping and tugging at her breasts.

"Well, I'd agree... but my advice is more specific. We have enough food to probably support twenty and let everyone eat as they wish. But, I think we need a cook. Preparing food for a quick meal is simple... but we have a storeroom that's empty of anything but tools to tend the plants and harvest seeds. Getting preserved meats would make the extra meat that your harpy could hunt actually used and worth it. There's no towns within a day's reach... but there's a tribe of nomad horse-kin that settle near where you found that golem. My slut thought you and Juni were them... so maybe you can find them and either enslave a cook or bargain for one. Just... don't startle them."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Right... so we need a cook. Horse kin are also rather hardy are they not? Could we maybe try and get a guard or two while I am at it? Or would that be pushing too hard?"


Jun 24, 2016
"I doubt you, or both of us, could wrangle down more than one. They only cause trouble if you're against more than one, thanks to how big they are."

He'd tug Auria to her knees in the courtyard, letting his cock out to smack against her lips. A moment to hesitate was all she had, however, before training kicked in and she hefted his cock up onto her tongue and began sucking him off.

"Ngh... I'd recommend trying to find something big in a hunt. Taking the harpy would help the hunt, but I doubt she'd be helpful in negotiating... so either hunt alone or take her and probably have to repay them for some slip of her slut tongue. Fuck... this slut of mine sure has a slippery tongue, if going off sluts matters."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, she looks to be learning rather nicely... I also appreciate you having her strut around naked, makes my mornings just a bit brighter to see her walk around like that. I think I will hunt alone... it will be harder to find them but easier to talk to themw hen I do. First... I should go tell Juni so he doesn't panic."


Jun 24, 2016
"Yeah, go on then. This slut will make a good mother and wife, then I'll breed her cunt until I got a whole village of elf-kin to replace mine."

She'd hear Auria gagged, the blonde getting facefucked as she'd move. Not too far, she'd come up on Juni as he finished plucking at a plant. His pants hid his ass, but she'd learned it enough whenever Juni stripped and sucked her off or let her cum using his asscheeks. His gaze turned, a small smile coming to his face.

"Hey Esril... I don't guess you want to tell me the garden is going great? Or, you know... tell me tonight I can use my cock?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Actually, the garden is going great, you do good work Juni. As for your cock.. well, I think you have heard a tit job" She says with a wink "But I am really here to tell you that I am going out to find us a cook from the horse kin tribe that should be near by. Hopefully a willing one... or I will just take one some how."


Jun 24, 2016
"Oh... a tit job? Better than nothing... for the father of your children."

He'd smile and move to a nearby tomato plant, looking back as he teasingly pushed his concealed rump back toward her.

"Just stay away from their hind legs. If they're native horse-kin, they're going to be... mostly horse. A male if you're not careful could bend you and fuck you into a cocksleeve... but they're not naturally aggressive people. I sucked one or two off back when Breaker needed some supplies..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I.. see." She gives his ass a squeeze and a grope, feeling up her lover before stepping back "i will return when I can Juni. Until then, take care of things for me." She then heads out to grab supplies before hitting the road.


Jun 24, 2016
She's able to get her dented armor and Auria's spear, the swords sadly gone thanks to Breaker taking the guards. She was easily able to get a harvest, reminded of the vegetable's origins as she'd hear Juni moan and cum on the plant. He'd become a quick shot recently, trying to fertilize everything.

Outside the walls, she'd find markers that went out the gate down a cliff side road. Around the bend, she'd find the spot where the golem was defeated at. But she could always head down the nearby stone staircase. It seemed to lead down... a path she'd not seen while memorizing her new abode.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Well... she was already going out and about right? Why not explore a bit more at the same time? She takes teh stone stairs down, hoping to find something interesting on her way to find a cook.


Jun 24, 2016
Down the stairs, she'd find the fort was definitely on a cliff. The short walk led her to a new cliff, but a cave that cut into the mountain. Just as before, she'd recall things likely lived in these tunnels... but maybe she could brace the darkness with a torch of some kind now that she had armor. A familiar cry cut the air, a blur of ass flying past her as her harpy swooped down beyond her toward the deserts below...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She was not far from her base and quickly heads back up to grab a torch before coming back down and slowly stepping into the cave, wondering just what could be in here... hopefully nothing lethal.


Jun 24, 2016
The initial entrance seems clear. Rough walls, stable pathing, and a cut way let Esril walk in. She'd see the cave was shallow... but had an altar. The demonic runes were clear even for someone not able to understand them. This cave had been where Bazel was summoned... it was an altar that could be likely changed to praise some gods or goddesses... or fed and expanded to let her dabble in more dark arts. It was a discovery for far later... one that could certainly be useful if she found a men and women of faith or summoners of darker knowledge!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She couldn't stop the grin that spread across her face "Mmm, I will be back for you in the future." She turns and leaves the cave, her mind buzzing with ideas on how to use it. More demons? A god? Something else completely? so many options!


Jun 24, 2016
As she'd come up the stairs, she'd find herself feeling watched yet again. It was the familiar sensation from when she encountered the golem. But unlike before, there was no stone... only her getting knocked to her hands and knees by a big weight. The spear was stomped to the ground, a fat cock resting along her back. It was easily two feet long, the prick pushing against her unarmed back as a young voice spoke out with a gruff feminine edge.

"So, I did smell a reptilian slut... stay still and tell me what happened to the vile men who held that castle... or I'll make you bear a foal and become my wife."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grunts as she lands on her hands and knees "What happened to them? Well, I killed a few of the, left a few more to a sex crazed demon and the rest were either killed or raped by a giant bull man and taken away to serve as his bitched and crew men. I took the castle as my home. Now a question for you... why did you think this was a good idea?" Her tail shoots up and wraps around their balls, giving them a threatening squeeze as she looks over her shoulder at her attacker. "You flopped your cock on me which let me know where you are standing... and now I am the one holding something precious."


Jun 24, 2016
As she'd look over her shoulder, she'd see a horse? The woman grunted, large tits just visible above Esril, and simply pushed a good down on her back so the herm felt just how strong this herm was.

"Wring my balls, I break your spine. I like my odds of surviving more than yours. You aren't in control here, scale slut."

The cock pulses visibly despite her strangle on the cock... and then Esril would feel arousing warmth.

"Release me and I won't break your cunt when I make you unable to walk. I am an envoy... one come to give the new lord... or lady, in your slutty case, an offer. If you bear our herd a child, we will work with you. There is no more sacred a bond. The last ruler refused us... so we watched you take their home."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"then you have a horrible way of talking politics. If you come with an offer and want to work together, you should really do so without rape threats and blatant offence. Two, I am wearing armor and I sure as hell bet your balls will pop before my spine. Three.... GET THE FUCK OFF AND I WILL LET GO YOU FUCK!"


Jun 24, 2016
The horsekin pushed down, about to put the challenge into effect, but she'd feel a hand on her tail that pulled it loose. It was a large hand that freed the horsekin, a look back revealing a normal human. He was roughly her height, his form bare beyond a loincloth that couldn't hide a massive cock. Paint adorned his form, a sign he was tribal as well... only looking to Esril as he'd release her tail and give the huge cock a pat.

"Just release your spear and she'll move. She's mad because she reached maturity and has yet to find a mate to bear her children. I am Ous... the one putting her dick on your back and hoping you will mate with her is my daughter Ostia. We are envoys sent to make contact... she to establish dominance and myself to negotiate."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I see... well, I am rather fond of this spear... saved my life more than once so far. I am willing to negotiate but dominance will not be so willingly given" She says with a still irritated voice "Seriously, get off of me or I will simply walk away and you guys can wait for someone else to try and knock up."


Jun 24, 2016
"To try and knock up?! It's an honor to-"

The large gal was pushed, stumbling off of Esril. She'd be able to get up, the dusky skinned male holding the sheathed blade at his side as she rose. The black-furred horse half of the herm was a quick spot not long after, both of them sharing black hair that was pulled into ponytails. Ostia's tits were easily F cups, her nipples exposed boldly and paint covering them. She was a beautiful woman, her green eyes narrowing in contrast to her dark brown skin. Her hand moved to point at Esril, fur adorning her arms from wrist to shoulder.

"My father is too kind.., the custom is to suck our cocks. The bitch from before refused all of this..."

"But she was foolish in more ways. Stranger, ignore my daughter. It is custom to make strangers suck us off... but we wish to make things... better."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gets up and brushes off her gear. "There are better ways to try and introduce yourself. Making people suck you off is certainly not going to help you here either. However, as I am in the market for allies... I can at least do you one kindness." She takes her spear and rams it point down into the ground before stepping away from it. "There, I willingly disarmed myself. Now enough with the hostility and dominant tactics... what exactly do you want?"


Jun 24, 2016
The male moved closer, grasping the spear defensively as he smiled.

"My daughter was partially true. You leave our tribe be so we can com and go, in return we can trade with you weekly. However, if you bear a chi-"

"Bear my child and I'll serve you, scale-slut. A bond by family means we will protect you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She glares at her and jabs her finger at the aggressive horse girl "My name... is Esril. If you keep calling me Scale slut, I will deny even your most basic of requests." She turns to face the far more reasonable father. "I get it, you are trying to expand your peoples interests into my new land, and for the most part I am fine with your deal so long as I don't find you setting up camp right out side of my walls. But suddenly demanding a child with a woman who has not made any sort of good impression is asking a bit much don't you think?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Not at all. In fact, most of the men and women who have become part of our tribe or work with us accepted it as total strangers."

The male would shoot his daughter a look, the girl grumbling and turning to trot a short distance away. The male set his gaze on Esril, slowly removing the spear from the ground before extending it toward her. Now that they were alone and the area was calm, she'd spot a shimmer around his finger.

"My home village offered the tribe my services to produce a child for them. Ever since, they've grown. They might be across the desert, but the amount of trade and protection they have has let them grow significantly. My wife also isn't terrible... though she didn't let me be stern with our daughter. I wouldn't ask you to carry a child directly in the manner of my daughter, but I do advise you to consider the benefits. While she is not... elegant... earning the favor of the tribe could be useful. We can give you a horn that, when blown, can be heard for miles. If you can hold out, we could be here within a day with our tribe's full might ready to protect you. Such a thing would have very likely saved the fortress from its conquering... and it is why we feel no guilt that you bested its previous owners. Please... don't let Ostia cloud your judgment. I will not push you to decide now... but we will be setting up near the cave entrances for two days. My daughter is, sadly, the only one our village can offer currently... but I assure you she would grow on you if you gave her the chance and she was to finally get... relief."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She reaches for her spear but stops as she sees the shimmer around his finger and pulls her hand back "I can see the benefits Ous, but carrying a child would certainly be a big ask... especially when I have three people at my side who are always eager for a round in the bed. I will grant you the first request though, you may pass through the lands unhindered by my fortress."

"Though I would ask what that shimmer is I see around your hand. Is that magic or well concealed ring? Secondly... I don't suppose your daughter can cook?"


Jun 24, 2016
"My daughter can," he'd offer the spear with a sigh, "And it's a ring. I understand you might have wives and husbands already... but her kind does have fast pregnancies. Her tribe has inherited many gifts... one being rituals for children to be born in a matter of a week. I have a lot more than simply one daughter because of it."

Carefully looking back to his daughter, he'd speak in an odd tongue. The herm simply scoffed, grumbling before calling out. And just as sudden as she had been ambushed, Esril would see many horsekin like Ostia come over a steep hill. Human partners and occasionally other types of kin could be seen, but the tribe was easily hundreds in size. Ous wasn't joking about the dominance show!

"I am glad you are willing to work with us at least on this. The nearby caves are ancestral homes. Had you refused, you would likely have been bent and bred along with your camp..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and takes her spear back "Ah... that wouldn't work out very well in your favor. One of my partners is... very special. I think you would find him... impossible to satisfy. One by one he would ride you all dry and then continue even after you beg him to stop... I have seen him do it before."

She looks over the group of horse people "Hmm, interesting enough. Look... I can't give you an answer right now... I would have to talk it over with my own first. But I would at least like to leave here on good terms."