Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
The woman smiled, but Esril got no answer. One of the men had put a rag to the herm's mouth, the smell of the drugs causing her vision to dim...

And when she awoke, she'd see Juni ass-up with the same woman behind him. She was fingering him, stroking his cock gently with a smile. The salamander was bound and atop a table... just like Esril was not far away. They were in a cell, no doubt at the fort.

"Ooo~, you tightened up a bit ago? Maybe I'll buy you and keep you as a fun toy... mmm? Ah, your friend is awake... that tightening speaks miles to the kind of slut you are, salamander! Stupid monsters and your polluted blood... you really aren't anything more than sex toys to humans at the bottom of things."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blinks her eyes open and snarls as the woman fingers Juni's ass... that ass was meant for her and her alone! "Oi! Leave him alone!" She yells, trying to use her strength to break free from any binds she might be in. "Cheap... rotten... dirty tricks!"


Jun 24, 2016
The bindings strain, her efforts making it clear she could break them... but the best part was that she'd strained ONLY enough to figure out it was possible. Her kidnappers couldn't have known she was a dragon-kin... which meant she had the ability to be stealthy and patient if she'd like. Of course, that meant she'd have to keep watching Juni get molested, the woman laughing and hefting up a dildo despite Esril.

"Hear that? She says I should stuff your ass!"

Juni moans as she smacks his ass, withdrawing her fingers and moving the thick dildo to push into him before resuming her jerking off.

"Once he cums, he'll never be able to go back to being a proper guy... just a submissive bitch. Maybe I'll get a potion so I can cum inside both of you... two slut-slaves of my own... haha~!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A big part of her wanted that to happen... to have juni be a submissive little bitch. But an even bigger part wanted to be the one who finally broke him down! "No! Please! don't do that! If you have to fuck one of us... take it out on me!" She cried out, trying to save what was left of Juni's masculinity. He was very likely in butt slut mode, but as long as some shred of him was still in there, she could bring him back.


Jun 24, 2016
With Juni moaning, the woman stopped at the offer to take Esril instead. She'd withdraw the dildo, a hoppy mess of lube coating it. Just how close was Juni to becoming a girl to have an ass so wet?! She'd slowly approach while his hole gaped a fine two inches wide, the woman holding the dildo down near Esril's mouth.

"Clean this, then. I'm going to use it on both of your holes back there... maybe the sight will have your cute friend finally wagging his ass for fat cocks. I'd let the whole garrison take turns on him at that point. A good way to raise morale, once you break them into butt sluts..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She winced at the drooling dildo in front of her but nodded her head and slowly let her tongue slide from her mouth. It relectantly starts licking at the dildo, cleaning Juni's pussy juice off one small lick at a time.


Jun 24, 2016
"Gooood girl..."

She'd taste all of Juni, the guard turning the dildo to ensure a proper cleaning. Juni was panting, trying to recover and watching her with spaced out eyes. Esril had likely saved him just in time, his cock even stiffening at the sight of her licking the dildo. Was it possible he'd become stuck between a girl and boy?! Once the dildo was cleaned, the armored woman slipped out of sight behind her, the shuffling out of Esril's view only brief before she'd feel two hands on her back as a pressure formed on her own backdoor.

"Alright girl... now I'm going to fuck you with this strap-on until your ass is a pussy!"

It was time to submit or fight... no one else seemed to be in the chamber but their trainer of a woman... she was in full armor, but the element of surprise and Esril's strength could be enough to take down the woman. If she failed, however... then it was likely she'd get fucked into a much more submissive dragon hybrid than she came in as!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Wait!" She cries out, stopping the woman before she brakes down her ass "I... I have something I can tell you! Something very important! I'm not lieing, I swear... it could change everything if you act fast enough! Just... just stop that and come around here and I will tell you, that is all I ask, get away from my ass and I will tell you!"


Jun 24, 2016
Right above her, the strap-on gave small presses... but the woman didn't move. She seemed to be thinking, her decision clear as she finally leaned in and whispered.

"You'll tell me now... slaves don't get to make the rules. If I enjoy what I hear, I'll consider sparing your cute pucker... if not? I'll fuck you and then your bitch of a friend until you both have gaping holes for the rest of your days."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"But... you won't believe me if you aren't looking at my face will you?" She swallows thickly "There is a group... that are planning an attack on your base."


Jun 24, 2016

She'd feel the dildo press, Juni dazily looking over in a mix of fear and sexed out bliss, but her dominating rapist wasn't fucking zestful yet.

"Go on... and wag your nice ass a bit. Such a tasty girl, with some intriguing ideas."

She'd feel the woman rest the cold play atop her back, biting and kissing at Esril's neck as she lressured the backdoor. Was she really going to betray the group, just to possibly avoid getting reamed? It might not be too late to fight back... but once she betrayed her new friends, it likely wouldn't be possible to fix all of this...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea... but the most important part about this all is." She jerks her hands up, breaking the chains that hold her and grabbing the woman by the head "I'm half dragon you bitch!" Using her surprise she snaps her legs free and rolls over, still holding on to the womans head so she goes rolling with her. The moment they hit the floor she flips herself over and throws a punch at the woman's jaw.


Jun 24, 2016
The sudden move worked wonders, the woman cursing as they rolled. Being forced into her back, the woman's left side of the jaw gained a scratch unintentionally, running a short distance. It'd be a nice scar, the woman spitting up at Esril before reaching out to her neck and grasping her firmly. She seemed ready to fight back now, choking the dragon-kin with a yell.

"I'm going to let the hounds fuck you, you dragon bitch!"

She'd feel one hand leave her throats, a powerful punching hitting Esril on her left tit. It sure as hell stung, but it was clear this human lacked the strength to deal a ton of damage from such a position. She had her chance... and this woman was both a nice potential bitch as much as she was well-armored. Esril had a good shot of improving her place in life if she fought smartly!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grit her teeth and lunged her hands down to the womans neck, gripping it tightly as she snarled at her. After being made to choke on dick time and time again she was certain she had a better lung capacity than this bitch. however, she had an ace that this woman did not... and that involves a thick powerful tail! She brought it up before slamming it down on the woman's stomach, forcing her to lose breathe as she held on tight.


Jun 24, 2016
The impact of the tail on her armor rewarded Esril with a satisfying gasp from the woman. Her hand loosened, both moving to try and pry her prisoner's grip off. Esril was in control! She'd feel the domination and thoughts on cock reward her with the tools to carry out immediate revenge... her cock and balls practically flopping down onto the cool armor.

"M... mon... s-ster... f-fuck you!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A grin goes across her face as looks down at the woman "I may be a monster... but it will be me fucking you!" She keeps her hands around her neck, holding them there until the armored woman just about passes out. "How much longer can you last? That fancy armor doesn't mean shit when I have my hands around your neck!" Again she slams her tail down, likely denting the armor but she doesn't care at this point.


Jun 24, 2016
The armor did indeed deny, the blonde's face turning red as she kicked and tried to slip free. Her eyes water, her hands shaking and weakening. Those blue orbs began to flutter shut, hissing through her lips.

"W-won't... break..."

She'd feel the woman shiver and weakening, Juni weakly calling out as he watched his friend choke the bitch.

"S-she's not worth it, n-nghh~... E-Esril... p-please..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks over to Juni... how could he be begging for her life when she nearly broke him? With a resigned sigh... she lets go of the womans neck, letting her breath once more. "Fine... but you better thank your lucky stars that Juni was here to save your ass!" not letting the woman get her bearings, she flips her over onto her front and starts stripping her... everything. The armor, her clothes, everything is quickly removed from her previous rapist.


Jun 24, 2016
The woman is left a gasping, weak mess as Esril sets to work. The removal of her gear, a nice fit for her more than likely, left her finally able to appreciate the woman. Without the armor, she seemed just shorter than six feet tall, her rather small B-cups pushed against the ground as she panted for air. Her back was hella sexy thanks to her light musclature, her skin tastefully matching what her face had in peachy goodness. The blonde's hips were wide enough to suggest she'd make a good mother, her exposed ass a bit hairy and tight in a testament that she'd likely never been interested with her backdoor. A nice, hand-filling ass had been hidden under all that, though, and likely meant she'd be quite the fuck if not for her poor grooming. But the real prize was her pussy, a slightly damp slit that had the perfect color. Her clit was small, but the shape made it clear this soldier was a virgin.

"P-please... d-don't touch me... anything but your sick touch..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm... not bad. Your breasts are small for my liking and your personal grooming is sad to say the least... but that pretty pink pussy of yours is a real gem." She reaches her hands out to glide down the sides of her body before groping her ass and ending it with a slap to make it jiggle. Finally she moved her hands down to her slit, rubbing it briefly before spreading it open with her thighs. "I am going to do so much more than touch you... I am going to break you into a cock loving whore" Her long tongue slithers out and wiggles inside her pussy, teasing and squirming about.


Jun 24, 2016
The soldier winces, her tight pussy resisting the tongue but her inexperience showing as she gasped and squeezed the floor.

"S-stop... th-this... y-you have no right!"

Ass out and stuck, she simply tensed and tried to resist. Pounding the virgin might be hard on her time schedule... not to mention Juni was still bound. But it was clear if she kept rubbing and licking that the small-chested girl would eventually fold to her cock... it was simply a matter of if she wanted to push her luck!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She mentally curses and pulls her tongue out "Oh you have no reason to speak of rights or wrongs here lady! Or did you forget the fact that you just wanted to rape my friend and I into oblivion? So fuck you and shut up. Actually... I need you to sleep soooo" She bonks the woman on the head just enough to make her pass out.

Now free of the current problem, she scoots over to Juni "Juni! ARe you ok?! Are you still with me or am I dealing with the butt slut? Cause I don't want the butt slut right now!"


Jun 24, 2016
While the guard lay ass-up and face down, Juni seemed to be half in bliss as he smiled weakly to her.

"I-it's me... b-but my butt feels... weird."

He'd wiggle in his bindings, his ass practically winking in the efforts and his arousal. It looked like it was a pussy... but his cock was still working? It was as if he'd been worked into some weird cuntless herm...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ok good... umm... wow." She breaks his bindings and gently helps him down "So... don't panic... but I think your body is confused from all the attention. Your ass looks like it is in pussy mode but your cock is still working and your mind is still together.... you might be stuck between butt slut and girly boy mode."


Jun 24, 2016
"S-stuck?" She'd feel him hold her tight, looking to the knocked out woman before mumbling. "She r-really did it... I-I can't be stuck... th-that...

Silence filled the room, Juni looking down to his cock before finally looking up at Esril with a blush. Both naked, he'd reach to the larger woman's breasts with his mouth and one hand, the other moving to her cock. His mouth suckled, both hands trying to kill her suddenly and expertly. It seemed to initially be him giving in to lust, but he'd pop off her to watch her cock with some shame.

"Y-you can't be hard... s-so try to cum to keep a clear head... o-okay?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She moans softly at his touch. She would love to just take him here and now... but someone would come looking soon enough so she pushes him back. "there is no time Juni. We can get all of.. this... sorted out later."

she moves over to the womans gear and starts putting it on "Hmm, she is a bit big but I can still fit well enough. with soem armor i should be able to fight off some basic gaurds. With weapons we can hold our own!"


Jun 24, 2016
Juni is shocked at being turned down, flustered and quiet as she redressed. He'd take his own skirt back as the armor snugly fit onto Esril. The dented breastplate was tight to her chest, keeping it contained without issue. It was the sole armor her victim had, however, supplying no more protection. She did, however, get a nice pair of pants that fit loose enough to not need any panties or underwear, with a shirt that barely fit her but would be better than any rags. Both the bra and panties couldn't fit her thanks to her knocked out future slave's wider hips and smaller chest... but she had greatly upgraded.

Fully dressed and with Juni moving to secure their captive with leather bindings, the final touch was to open the door out. No telling where they were... but there was one good thing. A broadheaded spear was beside the door... a weapon that was very basic but could be swung to use the tip like a sword. It had belonged to the woman... but now it was Esril's weapon!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Excellent!" She picks up the spear and feels it weight with a smile "Now Juni... where and when are the others coming to get us? I have no idea how long we can hold out with just me being geared to fight. I am strong... but numbers are numbers."


Jun 24, 2016
As she grabbed the spear, she'd hear a smack. Juni had spanked their captive, the large woman almost comically over his shoulder. Just how strong was the salamander?! His right hand sat on her ass, his face still red as the other secured her by the thigh.

"L-Looks are deceiving... if they didn't figure out we were taken, w-we could be on our own for hours. If they did, w-we just need to reach the walls and lock them out of the gatehouse. Th-their siege weapons are atop it... w-without it they can't keep our ship away. A-And if Breaker can reach them... w-well, it won't matter how many of these people there are. Though... he uh... might... try to fuck you if he gets too worked up... or me... or my brother. Anyone who isn't dead, he'll likely try to b-break..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ugh, he sounds like a bomb waiting to go off!" She grumbles while walking over to the door "Alright.... now stay behind me and keeps your eyes and ears open. If we get them one at a time I should be able to take them down." She pulls the door open and peaks outside.