Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
The mutt didn't hesitate as he tapped his face.

"Mouth... free. You... suck. Chest... fine. You... pick. Or... wait. Ass... later."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and shrugs her shoulders "Well... I guess a tit job wouldn't be so bad. Just take it easy alright? I don't need you tearing my nipples off."


Jun 24, 2016
The male seemed pleased at that, getting up and moving to her at the confirmation. His hands grabbed her shoulders, pushing her to her knees in the water and putting her level with the fat cock. Fully erect, it was ten inches long and two thick, the knot a staggering three inches thick. Getting buttfucked would definitely leave a normal girl gaping! But thankfully, he only pushed the cock between her cleavage and moved to pet her cheek.

"Thank... you. Cum... on?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea sure... you can cum on my face if you want... no harm in that." She says with a smile, using her hands to squish her breasts around his cock.


Jun 24, 2016
With her tits locked around the cock, the dog-kin moved to grab her hair gently in one hand, the other reaching to grasp one of her double-D breasts as he thrusted downward. She'd see full balls beneath the fat cock as it dived into her cleavage, his eyes focused on her as the cock's head brushed her chest, smearing between the flesh orbs with a healthy dose of pre-cum. It was clear her body's warmth made the titfuck pleasing, his ears lowered gently as he grunted with the thrusts.

"Good... chest. You... warm. Breed... good. Bigger... better!"

A thrust accented the last word, the cock being withdrawn from the tight but soft tits, oozing pre as it throbbed. It was clear he was looking to her and contemplating spinning her around... but capturing his cock with her mouth or chest could ensure that stopped. Unlike the other men she'd met who were either doms or anal-sluts, he seemed to be more vanilla and inexperienced... despite the age he spoke with, it was like he was still quite inexperienced with a woman like her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woa their big guy" She slides down again and pushes his cock between her breasts and pops the tip into her mouth which she swirls her tongue around for a moment before letting go "Lets tak it easy for the first time ok?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Take... easy?"

The brief oral rewards her with a lewd dose of his scent, his hips pushing the prick down into the valley again. Light thwaps filled the oasis, his cock throbbing and oozing as the man grunted. Her large tits were being lubed with each pass, releasing her hair as both hands moved to gently grasp her wrists. She'd be pulled away from the lovely set of tits, both of her nipples gently pinched and tugged as he hefted the jugs up slightly to better thrust between them. The thud of the head between them was a firm reminder that she could be more active... until the cock was hefted up and out, once more pushed up along her face. This time, though, the cock pumped a thick string of cum out and up her cheek before he pulled back further and hosed her chest. All the while, he squeezed and hefted her chest by her nipples, grunting the entire time. Thankfully he was a quick shot!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shivers from his scent and takes his load to the cehst and face without so much as a whimper. Her nipples being tugged was a small pleasure but this entire session was obviously just for him.

"Wow... you sure were pent up weren't you?" She says with a chuckle, wiping her face clean.


Jun 24, 2016
"Haaa... yes. Been... long."

She'd feel him tug and sink back into the valley. The water shifted around them, his thrusts smacking into her large tits with each pull of her nipples. The cum-slicked valley was enticing, the male seeming ready to ride to a mini-orgasm one more time.

But before he could bust the nut and likely bukakke her, the tug of the water pulled her back to the other side. And as she came up, she was greeted to the dog clinging to her and whining. It seemed he couldn't thrust or cum on her on this side, trying to keep out the water!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shakes her head and wipes herself off before stepping out of the spring "Alright, you had your fun. So now I have to go and get this ring for you right?" She asks, slightly annoyed.


Jun 24, 2016
The mutt groans, clinging to her out of fear of falling into the spring, but thankfully flops off her into shallow enough water to walk out. A quick shake covers her, but the dog doesn't respond as it instead moved to her clothing pile and flops onto them. The worst part of it was as he rolled, using the clothing to dry himself off.

She was going to have to smell like wet dog. Unless she dragged him off as is and never brought the ring. Keeping him as a dog would let her likely break him with simpler methods... but he was certainly tough. With his brains and a bit of speech therapy, she could make quite the capable soldier and stud for her harem. A long investment or a short and simple breaking... both had pros and cons for the salamander/dragon-kin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey hey hey!" She runs over and shoos him off, saving her clothes from the worst of it "Now listen here bucko, you are not the big man with the big plan here, that is my spot! You follow me, not the other way around! Not stop ruining my clothes!"


Jun 24, 2016
As she'd shoo him off, the dog moving away a bit before comically lowering and hiding in some of the oasis grass, she'd get rewarded with at least her clothes not being ruined in the grassy sands. But, she did notice one thing as she came out of the oasis. The nearby smoke from before was gone... a likely sign someone had been in the other direction when she was brought down by the harpy. Or, at least, that a fire had been put out... but was she going to test her luck or try to hope her loyal harpy had returned by now?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shakes her head and puts her clothes and armor back on, grimacing at the sorry state he gear is in due to the rut with Konni and this dogs wet fur. "Hey fuzzy butt, is it dangerous to go in that direction? One bark for yes, two barks for no."


Jun 24, 2016
The dog watches her get dressed, tilting his head at her question and then looking to where she pointed. It seemed to be thinking, but finally looked back and gave a single, uncertain growl-bark? It was clear that her yes-no system was flawed... and that he likely didn't know. But he did lower to sit, patiently watching her for the moment and seeming to tilt his head in question. Communicating was going to be very hard with him in this state.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh screw it, it isn't worth it until I have you able to talk rather than bark." She pulls on the last of her gear and nods "Alright, can we finally get moving now?"


Jun 24, 2016
The dog seems uncertain, looking between her and the oasis... and then finally gets up and moves to follow her. It seemed he wasn't willing to go anywhere... which meant it was quite possible that the oasis was the only way to get him the ring. She'd have to return here with the ring to deliver it to him, so it was easy to understand her dog's distrust and unease at running off to the mountain. Or, perhaps, he was hiding something... but there was no chance of getting to ask in his current state.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and rolls her eyes "Fine, I will go and get it... not sure how quickly I can be back though, so just sit tight." She starts to walk off to look for her harpy, hoping she was back down already.


Jun 24, 2016
The dog went right back to sitting, watching her go as he even lowered to lay down. By the time she got back, Konni was fluttering down with a huff, her eyes a bit glazed still from the brutal fucking they'd had. It didn't stop her from looking to Esril and smiling as she seemed to immediately take notice.

"Mate bumped rumps? Smell like cum... maybe got rump-bumped? Ready to head back... but Konni wants you to fuck tonight, too! Salamander boy wants to share... but you're going to give me eggs, right Essy?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I met someone new, yes, and they need a bit of help. PArt of that help was a tit fuck but the rest is yet to come. Lets head back up to the fort Konni... I will need your help for this bit as well. I need to find a ring hidden somewhere in the fort. So... if you help me find it, we will fuck again tonight."


Jun 24, 2016
"Find a ring, get you in my ring-a-ding~."

The rhyme was casual, the harpy-kin lustfully lifting up and grasping her shoulders as she heft the herm up and away. The dripping cunt was a constant reminder the whole flight that her once-smart bird had really been given a proper fucking and wanted more. Back at the fort, she was greeted to a nicer surprise as the sun was low in the sky. For once, her elf-kin companion wasn't fucking their human torturer in the square... but the grunts and moans coming from the sleeping rooms was evidence that he was really fucking the shit out of her. Her horse-kin mate had a few vials of what she could only assume were for speeding up the pregnancy without issue, preparing what appeared to be some mix of the rabbit meat and some potatoes. Likely the only thing she could grow or that the fort had in stock... a clear sign that the salamander-kin's gardens were needed. And, speak of the devil, Juni could be seen gently biting one finger while jerking off his fertilizer semen onto the plants, not even bothering to wear clothes as he likely made his final "watering" for the day. But among the ruins, she had searched many parts already. The bedrooms had been clear of everything but basic furniture, most of it torn up to repair and "large-creature-friendly" the place for their new centaur, judging by the ramp of stone and wooden planks that led up to the sleeping area now. The lower levels had been emptied of its equipment, barring the torture cell's toys and binding equipment, but was equally well-searched. The only possible place it could be was either in the well or gatehouse, both places not visited once by anyone in the place. The gates had been open when they took the fort, after all... but maybe it was time to check it out. Or find a nice chain to go down the well.

"Well, lovey-dove," Konni sat her down before plopping to the stone court beside her with a lustful size-up look, "Where do we start?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I guess... we should start with the gate house. It is easier than going down the well and hopefully it will just be in there. I doubt it but it won't take much work to give it a look over." She makes her way on over, waving to Juni as she goes.


Jun 24, 2016
Juni blushes as he's seen jerking off, but awkwardly waves back with the hand not jerking off his cock. As she makes her way up the stairs to the gatehouse, she's rewarded with some nice things inside. There was no ring, but there was three plain, white flags. If she gave them to Ostia, the cook could likely cook up some dyes and design a flag for Esril and her new fort. With three, she could hang two up on the gatehouse to go with all that beautiful artwork... and the third could likely be cut into a type of tabard to be worn with her armor. The gate and its lever system was also there, the gate in fine repair as the harpy-kin pushed her chest against the herm's back to peer past her.

"Nothing, nothing... but pretty cloth. Reminds Konni that Konni needs new slutty clothes! Essy would like harpy-kin bump rug-clothes... nice and fluffy, made from young harpy-down. Warm, too... really good for living in the mountains!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and takes the cloth, tucking it into a bag for later. "Or you could just be naked... that works for me as well, not really that picky. Regardless... we need to go down the well now."


Jun 24, 2016
Konni grumbles at that, seeming not too happy to get the slight hint to knock her up rejected. As they neared the well, she'd be able to look directly in and spot a shimmering below. Konni moved to the edge to gaze down, her tightly-clinging top doing little to hide her hard nipples thanks to her arousal.

"Mmm~... I can't fly down there, hun-bum... not strong enough to lower you, either... gonna need horse-slut for this~."

She'd hear a moan fill the air, Baz facedown on the surface near the pregnancy potions with the horse-kin shoving three fingers into his ass. Her confident smirk was enough to make it clear she was retraining the demon into a much more tolerable buttslut, punishing any eager thrust back with a fisting. If she kept it up, Baz might be a proper cumdump who didn't try to milk her balls absolutely dry before relenting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and walks over to her "Hey Ostia! Could I kindly request your help real quick? I need you to lower me down the well and then pull me back up... you are the only one strong enough to do so."


Jun 24, 2016
Ostia looks over, one hand handling the food while the other briefly vanished into the demon's ass.

"The well? Sure... just don't jerk off in it or anything while you're down there. Let me juuust..."

She'd heft a good bit of now-prepared food off the stove top, pushing wrist deep into Baz's butt before pulling out and smacking his ass.

"Go anywhere and I'll break you, got it?!"
"Y-Yes! Please spare this cocksleeve!"​
"Heh... good girl."

A much harder spank caused him to moan, keeping facedown as the horse-kin led the way to a somewhat jealous Konni and the well.

"You know, Esril... when I break him, maybe I can fuck that elf. More cocksleeves for you means more people who you can hold while I claim your cunt. Just imagine if Baz is properly trained to milk your cock and cum while I plow you... sound tempting?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles as they walk over to the well "Trust me.. it does sound really tempting.. but the elf is off limits. not only is he a good fighter but he has magic on his side as well. I honestly think that he is more useful the way he is now than as a broken sleeve. Just keep working on Baz for now. Konni, can you get us some chain or rope?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Pity... you just know knife-ears can take a fat cock when they enjoy raping sluts like his. I hope we find one like him that isn't so important."

A sqwuak and bickering was heard as Konni took rope that helped cordon off Juni's plants, but the salamander-kin didn't chase. She quickly came to wrap and secure Esril, finally smiling as Ostia grasped it firmly.

"Alright, I'll have the bird-slut handle the slack... you ready?"
"Pft... you wish Konni would ride you, big-ass..."​


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
she gets on the egde of the well and nods "Yup! Just take it nice and easy... this is a narrow path." She ditches her armor onto the floor "There, much lighter I bet!"