Since it is the spooky season: witch hats. The single best headddress IMO. Put it on a girl, put it on a boy; put it on a cat or put it on a grumpy dog - it never fails to look cute and sexy.
Here is Vivienne conducting some studies in dildomancy (art by futomomomoe )
And here is Berwyn who definitely doesn't enjoy spending his professional holiday getting pampered by two lovely ladies ( pretty old art by Ryo Agawa )
Lastly, I agree that a gorgon character would be a really lovely addition to the game. The hair snakes having a mind of their own cat push the cuteness of almost any interaction with such a character off the scale.
(Have another art by futomomomoe )
Here is Vivienne conducting some studies in dildomancy (art by futomomomoe )
And here is Berwyn who definitely doesn't enjoy spending his professional holiday getting pampered by two lovely ladies ( pretty old art by Ryo Agawa )
(Have another art by futomomomoe )