Personal Statistics
* Name: Senna Steele
* Occupation: Tech Specialist
* Upbringing: Austere
* Affinity: Willpower
* Initial Race: Half-gryvain
* Current Race: Demon-morph
* Height: 6’
* Weight: 166.974 lbs
* Sex: Hermaphrodite
* Gender Preference: Female
* Gender Appearance Rating: 113.7, Feminine
* Femininity: 70 %
* Personality Score: 58, Mischievous, Ditz
* Alcohol Tolerance: 100/100
* Body Exposure Level: Clothed
* Exhibitionism: 100/100
* Carry Threshold: 5796.88 lbs
* Face: Muzzled, Vulpine
* Hair: Iridescent, Gooey
* Hair, Length: 9”
* Hair, Style: Bob Cut
* Ears: Vulpine
* Eyes: 2, Luminous Pink, Vulpine
* Lips: Luscious, Fluorescent Yellow
* Lip Accent: Pair of Piercings
* Tongue: Long, Prehensile, Tapered, Aphrodisiac, Demonic
* Horns: 2, 7”, Demonic
* Tone: 0/88/100
* Thickness: 0/14/100
* Skin: Smooth, Latex
* Skin Tone: Iridescent
* Accent Color: Glowing Gold Markings
* Fur Color: Iridescent
* Arms: 2, Furred, Demonic
* Legs: 2, Plantigrade, Heels, Succubus
* Back: 12, Cockvine Tentacles
* Tail: 1, Long, Prehensile, Aphrodisiac, Tailcunt, Tailcock, Gooey, Demonic
* Tail, Genital Type: Iridescent, Demonic, Cock, Vagina
* Tail, Genital Volume: 15.46 cubic inches
* Tail, Genital Capacity: 12239.067 cubic inches
* Genital Elasticity: 6.5
* Genital Location: Under-tail, Genital Slit
* Pheromone Level: 6
* Breasts: 2 Breasts
* Nipples: 2 Glowing Pink Nipples, 1 per breast, Lactation Active
* Nipple, Length Ratio: 2.6
* Areola, Width Ratio: 1.1
* Milk, Type: Vanae Huntress Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 100 %
* Milk, Current: 2000 mLs
* Milk, Max: 2000 mLs
* Milk, Production Training: 125 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 150 %
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: FF-cups (+12)
* Breast, Silicone Size Rating: 12
* Breast, Lactation Size Rating: 1.5
* Breast Row, Weight: 15.8 lbs
* Nipple, Type: Normal
* Nipple, Length: 1 9/16” each
* Areola, Size: 1 5/16” each
Male Organs
* Penis, Count: 3
* Prostate, Volume: 0 mLs
* Prostate, Weight: 2.175 lbs
* Penis, Virginity: Taken
* Penis, Weight: 13.435 lbs, total
* Cum, Type: Goo Cum
* Cum, Capacity: 29.2 %
* Cum, Quantity Modifier: 7025 %
* Cum, Current Internal: 875 mLs
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation: 2320 mLs
* Cum, Max: 3000 mLs
* Refractory Rate: 350 %
* Virility: 700 %
* Virility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
First Penis
* Type: Scaled, Nubby, Aphrodisiac, Gooey, Iridescent, Demonic
* Length, Flaccid: 3”
* Length, Current: 1’
* Length, Erect: 1’
* Thickness: 3”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 150 %
* Girth: 9 7/16”
* Volume, Physical: 81.29 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 60.97 cubic inches
* Capacity: 88.064 cubic inches
* Weight: 3.049 lbs
* Piercing: 1 Length 0 String?

Second Penis
* Type: Sheathed, Aphrodisiac, Ribbed, Nubby, Gooey, Lubricated, Prehensile, Glittering Silver, Synthetic
* Length, Flaccid: 3”
* Length, Current: 2’ 6”
* Length, Erect: 2’ 6”
* Thickness: 2”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 40 %
* Girth: 6 5/16”
* Volume, Physical: 93.2 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 69.9 cubic inches
* Capacity: 100.967 cubic inches
* Weight: 3.495 lbs
Third Penis
* Type: Knotted, Ribbed, Gooey, Iridescent, Gryvain
* Length, Flaccid: 3 3/4”
* Length, Current: 1’ 3”
* Length, Erect: 1’ 3”
* Thickness: 3 3/4”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 150 %
* Girth: 11 13/16”
* Knot Thickness: 3 3/4”
* Knot Girth: 11 13/16”
* Volume, Physical: 158.77 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 119.08 cubic inches
* Capacity: 172.001 cubic inches
* Weight: 6.892 lbs
Female Organs
* Vagina, Count: 3
* Clitoris, Count: 120
* Clitoris, Length: 1”, each
* Clitoris, Weight: 1.5 lbs, total
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Goo
* Girlcum, Quantity Modifier: 26000 %
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation: 175370 mLs
* Fertility: 500 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 10100 %
* Fertility, Quantity Modifier: 10050 %
First Vagina
* Type: Aphrodisiac, Gooey, Iridescent, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 1000 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 12239.067 cubic inches
* Looseness Level, Current: 0.5
* Looseness Level, Minimum: 0
* Wetness Level: 5.2, Squirter
* Clitoris: 100
* Clitoris, Weight: 1.25 lbs, total
Second Vagina
* Type: Gooey, Iridescent, Frostwyrm
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 1000 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 12239.067 cubic inches
* Looseness Level, Current: 0.5
* Looseness Level, Minimum: 0
* Wetness Level: 5.2, Squirter
* Clitoris: 10
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.125 lbs, total
Third Vagina
* Type: Nubby, Gooey, Iridescent, Gryvain
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 1000 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 12239.067 cubic inches
* Looseness Level, Current: 0.5
* Looseness Level, Minimum: 0
* Wetness Level: 5.2, Squirter
* Clitoris: 10
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.125 lbs, total
* Belly, Size Rating: 0 (0)
* Belly, Weight: 0 lbs
* Hip, Size Rating: 0
* Butt, Size Rating: 18
* Butt, Weight: 10.8 lbs
* Butt, Tone: 0/20/100
* Anus: 1, Slightly Pumped, Aphrodisiac, Gooey, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 1500 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 18018 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 5
* Orgasms, Total: 4201
* Orgasms, Time Since Last Orgasm: 2 hours 5 minutes
* Masturbation, Times Autofellatio: 18
* Masturbation, Times Used Upgraded Hardlight Strap-On: 4
Core Statistics
* Level: 10, Max
* Experience: 10664493/2250000
* Credits: 12695486
Active Stats
* Shields: 100 %, 0/350/350
* HP: 100 %, 0/110/110
* Lust: 55 %, 70/220/400
* Energy: 100 %, 0/133/133
Passive Stats
* Physique: 100 %, 0/50/50
* Reflexes: 100 %, 0/50/50
* Aim: 100 %, 0/50/50
* Intelligence: 100 %, 0/50/50
* Willpower: 100 %, 0/50/50
* Libido: 100 %, 100/200/200
* Taint: 100 %, 0/100/100, Corrupted
Melee Weapon: Custom Shock Gear
Ranged Weapon: FZR Fire Suppression System
Armor: Suit of Augment-weave Armor
Shield: Prototype Pirate Shield
Accessory: Shield Aug Bracers
Underwear Bottom: Hardlight Anti-grav Thong
Underwear Top: Hardlight Undershirt
Combat Statistics
Physical Combat
* Accuracy Bonus, Melee: 7 %
* Accuracy Bonus, Ranged: 27 %
* Critical Chance, Melee: 16 %
* Critical Chance, Ranged: 10 %
* Defense, Armor: 12
* Defense, Shields: 13
* Defense, Lust: 10
* Evasion Bonus: 1 %
* Fortification: 10
* Melee Damage, Kinetic: 30.5
* Melee Damage, Electric: 24.5
* Ranged Damage, Freezing: 49
* Attack Drone Damage, Electric: 23 - 28
* Resistance, Kinetic: 0 % HP, 30 % Shields
* Resistance, Electric: 24 % HP, -25 % Shields
* Resistance, Burning: 0 % HP, 15 % Shields
Sexual Combat
* Sexiness: 8
* Tease Skill, Ass: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Chest: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Crotch: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Hips: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Oral: 4/100
Combat Performance
* Combat, Losses: 42
* Combat, Victories: 735
* Tease, Times Used Ass: 213
* Tease, Times Used Chest: 128
* Tease, Times Used Crotch: 147
* Tease, Times Used Hips: 105
* Tease, Times Used Oral: 4
Location Information
Current Location
* Location: Tavros Station
* System: Kalas
* Area: Indoors, Public
* Rules: Nudity Illegal
Current Ship Details
* Name: Saber
* Manufacturer/Model: REAPER
* Base Value: 448749 Credits
* Shields: 100 %, 0/5000/5000
* Armor: 100 %, 0/4417/4417
* Energy: 100 %, 0/300/300
* Defense, Shield: 30
* Defense, Armor: 50
* Power Generation: 65
* Agility: 45
* Sensors: 20
* Systems: 45
* Thrust: 45
* Modules, Total Capacity: 7
* Modules, Installed: 7
* Modules, Crew: 6
* Weapons, Total: 4/4
* Gadgets, Total: 1
Ship Location
* Location: Tavros Station
* System: Kalas
General Statistics
* Total Recruited: 16
* Total Onboard: 10
* Time Spent Moving From Room to Room: 27 days 9 hours 27 minutes
* Time Spent Flying: 84 days 20 hours 12 minutes
* Sleeping With: Trinity
* Virginities Claimed: 9
* Panties Owned: 12
Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 709
* Total @ Daycare: 343
* Births, Total: 678
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Fertile: 13
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Infertile: 94
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Total: 35
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Infertile: 33
* Births, Butt Bug Eggs, Fertile, Hybrid: 2
* Births, Cockvines: 176
* Births, Cockvines, Captured: 5
* Births, Cunt Snake Eggs, Hatched: 7
* Births, Moon’s Eggs: 5
* Births, Korgonne Young: 1
* Births, Lapinara Eggs: 14
* Births, Milodan Young: 36
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 16
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 9
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 25
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts, Total: 4
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts @ Daycare: 4
* Births, Rahn Eggs, Total: 108
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ Daycare: 64
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ TamaniCorp: 44
* Births, Raskvel Eggs, Total: 135
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 19
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 2
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds @ Daycare: 10
* Births, Water Queen Young: 18
* Sired, Total: 31
* Sired, Moon’s Eggs: 6
* Sired, Ilaria’s Children: 6
* Sired, Stella’s Children: 10
* Sired, Ula’s Children: 4
* Sired, Zheniya Children: 3
* Sired, Zil Children: 2
* Total: 262
* Births, Ovalasting Eggs, Total: 526
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 255
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Unfertilized: 7
Genetic Makeup
Genotype Grades
* Goo: 66.67 %, 4/6
* Amazon: 75 %, 3/4
* Canine: 20 %, 1/5
* Demon: 100 %, 5/5
* Frostwyrm: 16.67 %, 1/6
* Red Myr: 50 %, 4/8
* Vanae: 33.33 %, 2/6
* Vulpine: 50 %, 2/4
Infection Statistics
* Status: Not infected, Immune to SSTDs
Parasite Statistics
Butt Bugs
* Attached: Female Butt Bug, Orange-Striped
* Attached Female Butt Bug, Offspring Produced: 35
* Captured: Male Butt Bug
* Captured Male Butt Bug, Masturbation, Anal, Total: 1
Cunt Snake
* Feeding, Total: 65 times
* Reproduction, Eggs in Hatchery: 7
* Reproduction, Eggs Laid Total: 7
* Reproduction, Total Noticed: 9 times