Show me your characters!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Tl:dr An 80% snake, 80% vanae, full plant herm who also happens to be a metal/rock elemental. Genital situation is still a current marvel of sex scientists all over the fucking multiverse.
You started your journey as a half-ausar, but you’ve become a naga over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 2 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.57 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, going commando down south, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop.

Your suit of armor is silvery-gray, with a simulated surface of folded cloth and has a Steele Tech logo emblazoned on each shoulder. Lines of shining silver trace the surface in a design very similar to a printed circuit board. Overall, it has a crystalline shine to it, adopted from an encounter with a ganrael.

Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in smooth, glittering platinum scales over smooth, steel skin. Freckles cutely adorn your cheeks. Overall, your visage has a tiny touch of femininity to it, with gentle curves and petite lips. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by an iridescent iris. The exquisitely long, steel gray tentacle-hair atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. Your mouth contains a long tongue that can extend a foot past past your glittering sapphire lips when fully extended. The tip has a tube inside it, capable of gathering sweet nectar from jungle flowers or lovers. Slightly curved ewe horns emerge from your head, giving you a graceful appearance. Your horns appear to be crafted from polished steel, and have a pleasant, reflective shine. You’re getting used to comments that they’re a little too on the nose. Nestled at one side of your head, there is a blue orchid. It looks like you stuck it there, but it’s very much a part of you, flourishing from your scalp merrily.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of smooth, glittering platinum scales, and a dozen oily, prehensile phalluses sprout from your shoulders and back. They are retractable at will and can move on their own volition. From afar, they may look like innocent vines, but up close, each tentacle contains a bulbous head with a leaking cum-slit, perfect for mass breeding. Swirls of luminous silver trace brighter accents across much of your form. Freckles dot various parts of your skin. You are soaked from top to bottom with thick layers of goopey spunk and girl-juice, making your messy sexcapades obvious to everyone around you. Parts of your body emit lust-scented pheromones, enticing potential mates. Ivy-like creepers crawl down the upper parts of your arms, festooning them in dark green leaves. They have additionally sprouted small white flowers, proclaiming to the world that you are in need of pollination. You have incredibly waspish, inhumanly-wide hips that swell disproportionately wide on your lithe frame, and your butt is obscenely large, bordering freakish, and makes it difficult to run. Below your thighs, your flesh is fused together into a very long, snake-like tail, leaving a narrow, connecting gap between your crotch and tight, immaculately lubricated ass. It is covered in glittering platinum-colored scales.

(You'll start to notice here that nearly everything about this character is metal or mineral based. It's more than a little on-the-nose, but I like it because I enjoy stupid puns.)

Your paunched, fecund belly would just barely push past the waistband of a pair of pants. It’s a little bit of a muffin-top. Your belly is larger than it used to be.

You have two milk-laden tits, capped with one nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are luminous silver. When you’re aroused enough, your 1-inch nipples pop out, ready for action. Your well-rounded udders are sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with violet milk. You should release the pressure soon. You could easily fill a B-cup bra.

Your masculine endowments are concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown a cluster of pre-dribbling, mutated cocks: ("Cluster" is certainly a word I've never seen generated for this, but considering the character... oddly fitting.)

Your first mothipositor is 12 inches long and two inches wide. It’s essentially a flexible, semi-hollow, sensitive tube that retracts inwards when not aroused. The head of your moth-cock is slightly pointed but soft, springy and a little moist. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your mothrine tool looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 8 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.

Your second cock is 12 inches long and six inches thick. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your turgid, knotty dog-cock, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 10 inches wide when at full size.

The third member is 18 inches long and three inches thick. The marine-like phallus has a tip capped with a cephalopod-shaped sucker, used to grasp and tug through sensitive depths for insemination or stimulation. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The head of your alien-looking cock consists of bulbous twin glans, ready to double the sensation of penetration. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your member looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 9 inches wide when at full size.

Your next reptile-dick is 24 inches long and six inches in diameter. The entirety of your glittering citrine shaft is smooth along its top and sides, with a number of faintly-visible, pulsing blue veins, and a number of smaller nubs lining the underside. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The length is glazed in a glossy sheen of saccharine oil that is sticky to the touch. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your draconic dick, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 10 inches wide when at full size.

Your next snake-cock is 36 inches long and six inches wide when fully erect. It’s a deep, iridescent glittering opal in color. Unlike a half-ausar penis, the shaft is patterned with multiple bulbous bumps to stimulate potential partners, and the whole of its length is glossy and smooth. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your glittering opal snake-shaft, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 9 inches wide when at full size.

Your sixth plant-cock is 60 inches long and three inches thick when fully erect. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your smooth vine-dick, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 6 inches wide when at full size.

(I really need to sort these out at some point. I'm fine with thinking that the slit in Cyndy's tail has some form of organ like a revolver cylinder in it but for penises, but the size is certainly a bit much. I'll admit it's mostly to see most of the scenes, but I might just nix 'em and just Save Edit them if I wanna see 'em.)

You have three cunnies, each a unique and beautiful flower. (Well haha ain't that a funny bit of foreshadowing.)

Your first entrance is a luminous silver, vanae pussy with two 0.2-inch clits, constantly drooling thick strands of juice, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers. The lips and insides are covered in numerous nub-like protrusions. Its womb is currently gestating an egg.

The second slit is a glittering ruby, orchid slit with two 0.2-inch clits, profusely seeping immense streams of juice, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. Like an orchid, the exterior opening is framed in beautifully-colored flower petals and has a cute freckle dotting every clit.

The third and final vagina is a glittering black, canine vagina with two 0.2-inch clits, constantly drooling thick strands of juice, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. The exterior lips are that of a bitch and have a tendency to swell when in heat, giving it a very animalistic bent.

(I'm... not sure on the logic of these. The rotary chamber at least works for the dicks, but trying to imagine it for the vagines is constantly making me giggle at the sheer stupidity of that image.)

You have one asshole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with thick streams of lubricant oozing constantly from the orifice quite liberally.

Also, as seen in these stats, Cyndy isn't quite planetoid weight, but she certainly has more liquid stored in her than you could fill her space with, and currently averages out to one child created every 10.5 hours - more math in possibly a later post, but here's a spoiler nest of Cyndy's Stat pages:
Genotype Grades
* Amazon: 75 %, 3/4
* Frostwyrm: 16.67 %, 1/6
* Naleen: 80 %, 4/5
* Plant: 100 %, 5/5
* Tentacle: 13.33 %, 2/15
* Vanae: 83.33 %, 5/6
* Total Recruited: 14
* Total Onboard: 15
* Time Spent Moving From Room to Room: 126 days 8 hours 23 minutes
* Time Spent Flying: 145 days 0 hours 37 minutes
* Sleeping With: Paige
* Virginities Claimed: 31
* Panties Owned: 16
* Total: 887
* Total @ Daycare: 642
* Births, Total: 796
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Fertile: 8
* Births, Bothrioc Eggs, Infertile: 24
* Births, Cockvines: 150
* Births, Cockvines, Captured: 48
* Births, Moroza’s Eggs: 2
* Births, Korgonne Young: 9
* Births, Milodan Young: 51
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 22
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Renvra: 16
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 13
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 51
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts, Total: 2
* Births, Psychic Tentacle Beasts @ Daycare: 2
* Births, Rahn Eggs, Total: 112
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ Daycare: 70
* Births, Rahn Eggs @ TamaniCorp: 42
* Births, Raskvel Eggs, Total: 120
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 24
* Births, Sera’s Children: 3
* Births, Shekka’s Children: 265
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 33
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 2
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds @ Daycare: 31
* Births, Water Queen Young: 18
* Births, Zil Young: 6
* Sired, Total: 91
* Sired, Briha’s Children: Aya, Brahn and three others
* Sired, Briha’s Sons: 3
* Sired, Briha’s Daughters: 2
* Sired, Ellie’s Children: 3
* Sired, Moroza’s Eggs: 2
* Sired, Ilaria’s Children: 11
* Sired, Khorgan’s Children: 8
* Sired, Quaelle’s Children: 1
* Sired, Sam’s Children: 18
* Sired, Sera’s Children: 2
* Sired, Stella’s Children: 20
* Sired, Tam’s Children: 6
* Sired, Ula’s Children: 12
* Sired, Zil Call Girl Children: 3
* Name: Cyndy Steele
* Occupation: Tech Specialist
* Upbringing: Bookworm
* Affinity: Intelligence
* Initial Race: Half-ausar
* Current Race: Naga
* Height: 5’ 2”
* Weight: 1898.075 lbs
* Sex: Hermaphrodite
* Gender Preference: Female
* Gender Appearance Rating: 164.54, Feminine
* Femininity: 14 %
* Personality Score: 0, Kind
* Alcohol Tolerance: 100/100
* Body Exposure Level: Clothed
* Exhibitionism: 100/100
* Carry Threshold: 6208.056 lbs
* Face: Freckled, Human
* Hair: Steel Gray, Tentacles
* Hair, Length: 4’
* Ears: Vanae
* Eyes: 2, Iridescent, Naga
* Lips: Supple, Glittering Sapphire
* Tongue: Long, Hollow, Aphrodisiac, Prehensile, Mothrine
* Horns: 2, 4” Sheep
* Tone: 0/100/100
* Thickness: 0/11/100
* Skin: Smooth, Freckled, Scales
* Skin Tone: Steel
* Accent Color: Luminous Silver Markings
* Scale Color: Glittering Platinum
* Arms: 2, Scaled, Flower
* Lower Body: Prehensile, Smooth, Tendril, Scaled, Naga
* Back: 12, Cockvine Tentacles
* Genital Elasticity: 3
* Genital Location: Under-tail, Genital Slit
* Pheromone Level: 4
* Belly, Size Rating, Total: 14 (+13)
* Belly, Weight: 10.3 lbs
* Active Pregnancies, Total: 1
* Orgasms, Total: 6149
* Orgasms, Time Since Last Orgasm: 6 days 17 hours 20 minutes
* Breasts: 2 Breasts
* Nipples: 2 Luminous Silver Nipples, 1 per breast, Lactation Active
* Nipple, Length Ratio: 3.5
* Areola, Width Ratio: 2.25
* Milk, Type: Vanae Huntress Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 100 %
* Milk, Current: 400800 mLs
* Milk, Max: 400800 mLs
* Milk, Production Training: 145.1 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 1160 %
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: B-cups (+1)
* Breast, Lactation Size Rating: 1.5
* Breast Row, Weight: 1004 lbs (16 %)
* Nipple, Type: Inverted
* Areola, Size: 1 7/16” each
Female Organs
* Vagina, Count: 3
* Clitoris, Count: 6
* Clitoris, Length: 0.25 in, each
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.019 lbs, total
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Fruit Girl Cum
* Girlcum, Quantity Modifier: 63400 %
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation: 145190 mLs
* Fertility: 5260 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 50200 %
* Fertility, Quantity Modifier: 100 %
First Vagina
* Type: Aphrodisiac, Nubby, Luminous Silver, Vanae
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 480 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 2932.8 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 1
* Wetness Level: 5.4, Squirter
* Clitoris: 2
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs, total
Second Vagina
* Type: Aphrodisiac, Lubricated, Glittering Ruby, Flower
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 580 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 4240.8 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 1
* Wetness Level: 7.4, Squirter
* Clitoris: 2
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs, total
Third Vagina
* Type: Glittering Black, Canine
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 580 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 3496.8 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 1
* Wetness Level: 5.4, Squirter
* Clitoris: 2
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs, total
Ovipositor Organs
* Total Count: 1
First Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 13
* Pregnancy, Type: Moroza, Eggs
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 44 days 15 hours 40 minutes
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 1
Male Organs
* Penis, Count: 6
* Prostate, Volume: 1898.064 mLs
* Prostate, Weight: 599.923 lbs (10 %)
* Penis, Virginity: Taken
* Penis, Weight: 128.43 lbs, total (2 %)
* Cum, Type: Peppermint Cum
* Cum, Capacity: 100 %
* Cum, Quantity Modifier: 654500 %
* Cum, Current Internal: 957560 mLs
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation: 957560 mLs
* Cum, Max: 957560 mLs
* Refractory Rate: 1050 %
* Virility: 5410 %
* Virility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
First Penis
* Type: Tapered, Prehensile, Smooth, Ovipositor, Knotted, Aphrodisiac, Flared, Glittering Citrine, Mothrine
* Length, Flaccid: 1’
* Length, Current: 1’
* Length, Erect: 1’
* Thickness: 2”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 100 %
* Girth: 6 5/16”
* Knot Thickness: 8”
* Knot Girth: 2’ 1 3/16”
* Volume: 27.96 cubic inches
* Capacity: 13.98 cubic inches
* Weight: 3.398 lbs
Second Penis
* Type: Knotted, Flared, Smooth, Blunt, Lubricated, Aphrodisiac, Glittering Ruby, Canine
* Length, Flaccid: 1’
* Length, Current: 1’
* Length, Erect: 1’
* Thickness: 6”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 300 %
* Girth: 1’ 6 7/8”
* Knot Thickness: 10”
* Knot Girth: 2’ 7 5/16”
* Volume, Physical: 364.74 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 273.56 cubic inches
* Capacity: 182.37 cubic inches
* Weight: 16.168 lbs
* Piercing: 1 Length 0 String? :(
Third Penis
* Type: Lubricated, Smooth, Prehensile, Stinger Base, Stinger Tip, Knotted, Double Headed, Aphrodisiac, Luminous Silver, Vanae
* Length, Flaccid: 1’ 6”
* Length, Current: 1’ 6”
* Length, Erect: 1’ 6”
* Thickness: 3”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 100 %
* Girth: 9 7/16”
* Knot Thickness: 9”
* Knot Girth: 2’ 4 5/16”
* Volume, Physical: 123.7 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 92.78 cubic inches
* Capacity: 61.85 cubic inches
* Weight: 6.889 lbs
Fourth Penis
* Type: Aphrodisiac, Tapered, Knotted, Ribbed, Nubby, Sticky, Glittering Aquamarine, Frostwyrm
* Length, Flaccid: 2’
* Length, Current: 2’
* Length, Erect: 2’
* Thickness: 6”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 150 %
* Girth: 1’ 6 7/8”
* Knot Thickness: 10”
* Knot Girth: 2’ 7 5/16”
* Volume, Physical: 487.73 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 609.66 cubic inches
* Capacity: 243.865 cubic inches
* Weight: 32.973 lbs (1 %)
Fifth Penis
* Type: Smooth, Knotted, Flared, Aphrodisiac, Nubby, Ribbed, Double Headed, Glittering Opal, Naga
* Length, Flaccid: 1’ 6”
* Length, Current: 2’ 7 11/16”
* Length, Erect: 3’
* Thickness: 6”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 100 %
* Girth: 1’ 6 7/8”
* Knot Thickness: 9”
* Knot Girth: 2’ 4 5/16”
* Volume: 989.6 cubic inches
* Capacity: 494.8 cubic inches
* Weight: 51.73 lbs (1 %)
Sixth Penis
* Type: Knotted, Nubby, Aphrodisiac, Prehensile, Lubricated, Smooth, Viridescent, Venus Pitcher
* Length, Flaccid: 1’ 3”
* Length, Current: 4’ 1 1/4”
* Length, Erect: 5’
* Thickness: 3”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 30 %
* Girth: 9 7/16”
* Knot Thickness: 6”
* Knot Girth: 1’ 6 7/8”
* Volume, Physical: 420.58 cubic inches
* Volume, Effective: 315.44 cubic inches
* Capacity: 210.29 cubic inches
* Weight: 17.272 lbs
* Hip, Size Rating: 27.8
* Butt, Size Rating: 30.8
* Butt, Weight: 15.913 lbs
* Butt, Tone: 0/20/100
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 680 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 3888 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 5

If your steele and my steele were to collide, what do you think would happen?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
As i look at my Littlefoot steele, Ive decided to make my steele a planet

Ive decided my steele is to small to be named "planet sized" and hereby give my steele a new title, a title ive coveted since the dawn of time...

The Black Hole of infinite multi-supernova goocumclastic flow

or the
The End Times

The final version of my new steele will be up soon :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
As i look at my Littlefoot steele, Ive decided to make my steele a planet

Ive decided my steele is to small to be named "planet sized" and hereby give my steele a new title, a title ive coveted since the dawn of time...

The Black Hole of infinite multi-supernova goocumclastic flow

or the
The End Times

The final version of my new steele will be up soon :)
With a name like "Littlefoot", I was expecting you to ruin the Land Before Time for me. Thank you for not doing so.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018

let the ruination begin.
Challenge accepted!
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New Member
Feb 14, 2019
If your steele and my steele were to collide, what do you think would happen?
An anomaly.
An anomaly of which can only be named The Whorizon 2.

Oh and I guess an extreme excess of fluids, of which scientists can only wonder at the origins of, since conventional science would believe them to have been conceived from nothing, thus completely violating one of the fundamental axioms that physics is based on.

I'd have to assume the extreme amount of fluid that some Steeles contain can only be explained by multidimensional theory. There's likely some dimension out there which houses all manner of fluids that any possible Captain Steele could produce, and some benefactor has assisted a numerous amount of Victor Steeles to program their progenies' microsurgeons to somehow warp excess fluids to this dimension. Imagine using Create Greater Demiplane and anchoring that demiplane to all known versions of you, but only using it to store egregious amounts of bodily fluids, but using the Warp Gate tech known in the Tainted Space lore.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Why stop there, Not only will I create the land before time characters(as best that I can), I'll even do..
The lion king
James and the giant peach
Oliver and company
Robin hood
101 Dalmatians
Courage the cowardly dog
Ben 10
Scooby doo
Duck tales
An American tale...
All are partly or mostly in my capable fingers to have.Even though there might be some made up portions... I think I can do it.

Land before time roster:
Littlefoot( to an extent)
Ducky(to an extent)
Spike(to an extent)
Petre (difficult)
Cera (to an extent)
Ruby (to an extent)
And chomper.(to an extent)

One of the many problems I have ran across is what type of genitals a dinosaur would have, are they like birds or like reptiles, is it a cloaca or slit? What does it look like, what length, what texture?

Now bolt,balto, 101 dalmations, courage the cowardly dog and Scooby doo will be pretty straight forward just different color schemes and heights, maybe some creative bits but not bad.
Robin hood: fox with a bow,zootopia fox and bunny.
Lion king and oliver&company feline characters so...(with oliver having a few dog friends)
Ferdinand and new Texas
Khumba( horse with black and white stripes)
An American tale...that mouse tf
Duck tales...bird tf?

Ben 10, can probably do four arms and wildmutt but that's it, never really watched a lot of the show
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
That clearly starts playing now every time TheForgotten enters the therad.
Mandatory reminder of yor themesong.

Ben 10, can probably do four arms and wildmutt but that's it, never really watched a lot of the show
Reminder that you can, in fact, not have more then two arms.
Also, you might as well extend from movies to games, because there are sure some classics out there for you to overtake that maybe are not covered yet...

For all I know, your username refers to Dwarf Fortress going:
The Forgotten Beast XXX XXX has come!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Why stop there, Not only will I create the land before time characters(as best that I can), I'll even do..
The lion king
James and the giant peach
Oliver and company
Robin hood
101 Dalmatians
Courage the cowardly dog
Ben 10
Scooby doo
Duck tales
An American tale...
All are partly or mostly in my capable fingers to have.Even though there might be some made up portions... I think I can do it.

Land before time roster:
Littlefoot( to an extent)
Ducky(to an extent)
Spike(to an extent)
Petre (difficult)
Cera (to an extent)
Ruby (to an extent)
And chomper.(to an extent)

One of the many problems I have ran across is what type of genitals a dinosaur would have, are they like birds or like reptiles, is it a cloaca or slit? What does it look like, what length, what texture?

Now bolt,balto, 101 dalmations, courage the cowardly dog and Scooby doo will be pretty straight forward just different color schemes and heights, maybe some creative bits but not bad.
Robin hood: fox with a bow,zootopia fox and bunny.
Lion king and oliver&company feline characters so...(with oliver having a few dog friends)
Ferdinand and new Texas
Khumba( horse with black and white stripes)
An American tale...that mouse tf
Duck tales...bird tf?

Ben 10, can probably do four arms and wildmutt but that's it, never really watched a lot of the show
While it goes against the joke to help you with this, there is a dick type called "saurian" that you can get from the upgraded Dong Designer on Zheng Shi which is specifically designed for dinosaurs. As for the vagina, that's a little harder, but I would assume it's a cloaca, or at least an early version of a cloaca, considering the relationship between dinosaurs and birds. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly an expert on dinosaur genitalia throughout time, regardless of how weirdly awesome that title would be.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Mandatory reminder of yor themesong.

Reminder that you can, in fact, not have more then two arms.
Also, you might as well extend from movies to games, because there are sure some classics out there for you to overtake that maybe are not covered yet...

For all I know, your username refers to Dwarf Fortress going:

Don't gold myr have 4 arms though? Even then a little extra wording in the discription can make it possible

While it goes against the joke to help you with this, there is a dick type called "saurian" that you can get from the upgraded Dong Designer on Zheng Shi which is specifically designed for dinosaurs. As for the vagina, that's a little harder, but I would assume it's a cloaca, or at least an early version of a cloaca, considering the relationship between dinosaurs and birds. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly an expert on dinosaur genitalia throughout time, regardless of how weirdly awesome that title would be.

I know the saurian penis type is the dinosaur penis type but I just Google searched and no one knew so I'll use it.
The vagina will be an interesting one.
It's just alot of appearance editing that is to be done as the tits editor doesn't have the input here function in a lot of the body parts.

Prepare to see some inputs on the morrow...or Thursday.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Don't gold myr have 4 arms though? Even then a little extra wording in the discription can make it possible
Needs to be a post-playing edit, because more (and less) then two arms are one of the few things outlawed for PC-transformatives, because Taurs are already more then most writers are willing to handle.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 10 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.78 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using a pair of boyshorts for underwear, and girding your upper body with a sports bra.

Your suit of armor is silvery-gray. It has a crystalline shine to it, adopted from an encounter with a ganrael.

Your face is mostly human in shape, decorated with smooth, black chitin over smooth, gray skin. A set of spider-like fangs protrude over your bottom lip. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and pouty lips. In addition to your primary two eyes, you have a second, smaller pair on your forehead, all of which are red. The cascading, black side-parted hair on your head can’t hide a pair of triangular, elven ears. They stick out a full three inches from the sides of your head. Small extra muscles let them twitch or droop expressively. Your mouth contains a lengthy tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of smooth, black chitin. Shining black exoskeleton covers your arms from the biceps down, resembling a pair of long black gloves from a distance. You have slender hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your ass molds closely against your form. A large, spherical spider-abdomen has grown out from your backside, covered in shiny black chitin. Though it’s heavy and bobs with every motion, it doesn’t seem to slow you down. Your legs are covered in a reflective black, insectile carapace up to your mid-thigh, looking more like a pair of ‘fuck-me-boots’ than exoskeleton. Your midriff is fairly well-toned.

You have two tits, capped with one 0.3-inch eye-catching nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink. You could easily fill a DD-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a pink, alien vagina, with one 0.5-inch clit. Moisture gleams in your slit.

You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

was initially going for a simple trap looking human with a parasite cunttail but since no cunstnake decided to help and Poe was an avaliable destination i decided to put on one of those costumes. i wonder what would happen if i combine this with Orange Myr Pills. will have to do some testing :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Heres how im thinking for the characters of the land before time:
This might contains spoilers....
LOLOLLOLLOLOLLOLOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL its an old movie, there is no lube, we are going in dry!

Littlefoot: the brains and leader so decent stats all round but an extra boost in int so he is gonna be a tech.big and bulky, you know what they say about longnecks? Brown with tan trim and brown-red or red-brown eyes. four footer and decent physique but not as strong as spike.

Cera: the muscle and the cranky one so hard personality, dom, melee merc or ranged but most if not all episodes suggest melee, she even has a part of a song with the lyrics to " bump it with your horn" , Horns like crazy, strength stat extra, general stats. orange and cream colored with green eyes and big and bulky and strong physique

Spike:the quiet one, big and bulky doesnt talk unless you count the one time he says "momma" when he fell into some cold water with Tippy from the Big Freeze movie(which i wont do Tippy as he is a one shoot character but more on that in a minute)green coloration with purple? eye color (even though the art for the movies suggest that either they have never seen the color purple(not the movie but thats good too, or purple was a hard color to do cause his eye color looks between the spectrum of brownish mixed with something else) also melee merc but ill see he gets the same stats with cera but gets dinged in the int department as he is always hungry and easily strays from the group to eat and reflex shall be nerfed to the floor.But he is more defensive than cera so buff those shields and hp as fighting isnt really his style so maybe not as strong as cera but dangle some food or put ducky in danger and he is there.

I have to correct myself as i do remember one of the episodes from the land before time tv show that he actually is smart and from the wiki"
Spike is generally very laid-back and relaxed. Despite never talking, he is generally connected with what his friends are doing. Along with explaining his silence, Spike reveals in his thoughts that he is just as intelligent as his friends, and that he is quite observant; noticing the traits of everyone and everything around him almost immediately. He is also very confident and brave, although he admits to preferring a sedentary lifestyle; staying home and eating, over adventuring with the others, as he views most of their adventures as being too dangerous, but out of loyalty he follows his friends nonetheless. He also cares deeply for them, pushing himself to go into dangerous situations to save their lives. Don Bluth has described him as "a pure soul, simple, accommodating, and eager to please".
so maybe tech specialist or melee merc, four feet

Ducky: she is pretty fast but due to her size,her brother spike or someone else has to pick her up just to get her butt out of danger so avoiding danger is usually her game and throwing stuff so smuggler, she does use her size to her advantage escaping in narrow or small places which can cause bigger enemies to get stuck or using misdirection to confuse them.reflex and aim are her friends but she isnt strong so nerf that strength and height and shield probably by with blue eyes. can swim

Petrie: has wings, also short, nerf height, nerf physique and willpower if you can to eyes and brown with orange beak and trim, i would say smuggler being his best bet with reflex as his savior

Chomper: medium size, 4 different colors depending on movie but staying tv shows purple skin and red eyes, he is offensive like cera, and predatory so dom but kind, i would reduce his health by 25% and give him luststick perk for his "bite"

Ruby: pink with magenta accent, blue eyes, reflex good but 50% shield, high intel, reduce physique, maybe either tech or smuggler build

moe, guido , littlefoots brother, ali, tippy and any other one shot characters probably wont be done by me as they arent that amazing tbh

when im done with these characters would anyone want me to post their save files to use?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Heres how im thinking for the characters of the land before time:
This might contains spoilers....
LOLOLLOLLOLOLLOLOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL its an old movie, there is no lube, we are going in dry!

Littlefoot: the brains and leader so decent stats all round but an extra boost in int so he is gonna be a tech.big and bulky, you know what they say about longnecks? Brown with tan trim and brown-red or red-brown eyes. four footer and decent physique but not as strong as spike.

Cera: the muscle and the cranky one so hard personality, dom, melee merc or ranged but most if not all episodes suggest melee, she even has a part of a song with the lyrics to " bump it with your horn" , Horns like crazy, strength stat extra, general stats. orange and cream colored with green eyes and big and bulky and strong physique

Spike:the quiet one, big and bulky doesnt talk unless you count the one time he says "momma" when he fell into some cold water with Tippy from the Big Freeze movie(which i wont do Tippy as he is a one shoot character but more on that in a minute)green coloration with purple? eye color (even though the art for the movies suggest that either they have never seen the color purple(not the movie but thats good too, or purple was a hard color to do cause his eye color looks between the spectrum of brownish mixed with something else) also melee merc but ill see he gets the same stats with cera but gets dinged in the int department as he is always hungry and easily strays from the group to eat and reflex shall be nerfed to the floor.But he is more defensive than cera so buff those shields and hp as fighting isnt really his style so maybe not as strong as cera but dangle some food or put ducky in danger and he is there.

I have to correct myself as i do remember one of the episodes from the land before time tv show that he actually is smart and from the wiki"
Spike is generally very laid-back and relaxed. Despite never talking, he is generally connected with what his friends are doing. Along with explaining his silence, Spike reveals in his thoughts that he is just as intelligent as his friends, and that he is quite observant; noticing the traits of everyone and everything around him almost immediately. He is also very confident and brave, although he admits to preferring a sedentary lifestyle; staying home and eating, over adventuring with the others, as he views most of their adventures as being too dangerous, but out of loyalty he follows his friends nonetheless. He also cares deeply for them, pushing himself to go into dangerous situations to save their lives. Don Bluth has described him as "a pure soul, simple, accommodating, and eager to please".
so maybe tech specialist or melee merc, four feet

Ducky: she is pretty fast but due to her size,her brother spike or someone else has to pick her up just to get her butt out of danger so avoiding danger is usually her game and throwing stuff so smuggler, she does use her size to her advantage escaping in narrow or small places which can cause bigger enemies to get stuck or using misdirection to confuse them.reflex and aim are her friends but she isnt strong so nerf that strength and height and shield probably by with blue eyes. can swim

Petrie: has wings, also short, nerf height, nerf physique and willpower if you can to eyes and brown with orange beak and trim, i would say smuggler being his best bet with reflex as his savior

Chomper: medium size, 4 different colors depending on movie but staying tv shows purple skin and red eyes, he is offensive like cera, and predatory so dom but kind, i would reduce his health by 25% and give him luststick perk for his "bite"

Ruby: pink with magenta accent, blue eyes, reflex good but 50% shield, high intel, reduce physique, maybe either tech or smuggler build

moe, guido , littlefoots brother, ali, tippy and any other one shot characters probably wont be done by me as they arent that amazing tbh

when im done with these characters would anyone want me to post their save files to use?
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
I just thought of rajah from Aladdin, trigger and piglet from Winnie the pooh to do also, maybe even toothless/spyro, balto, blues clues, ice age, spirit....
Prepare for some posts


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I just thought of rajah from Aladdin, trigger and piglet from Winnie the pooh to do also, maybe even toothless/spyro, balto, blues clues, ice age, spirit....
Prepare for some posts
While you're doing Aladdin you might as well make Will Smith.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Littlefoot steele:
Many eons ago, the world was very different as many a strange and new creatures first appeared on the terran surface. Among these creatures were the mightiest creatures of all...the dinosaurs......

In a land before time, you were a longneck playing with your group of friends and going out on adventures with life lessons--until a mysterious force showed itself in The Great Valley, telling about the eventual doom of all unless 7 heroes were chosen to save the world. You were one of the seven chosen as judged by your exploits and leadership. You’re a good 7 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 2.13 meters in the more accepted metric system due to your longnecked race. Right now, you’re wearing a set of dress clothes, using a set of plain briefs for underwear, and girding your upper body with an undershirt.

You have the face of a saurmorian, with brown metal scales that encase your jaw, and run along the top of your reptilian snout and down the back of your neck. The sides of your muzzle aren’t as densely covered, and show hints of a brown hide beneath. Your smile, meanwhile, contains a mouthful of flat teeth. Overall, your visage has a somewhat masculine, angular jawline and slender lips. Your eyes are red-brown orbs, each with a rounded pupil set in a very circular iris that almost blends with the surrounding sclera. You have have no hair, showing only shiny scales where your hair should be. A pair of small openings on the sides of your head, each partially obscured by a protective scale, serve as your ears. Your mouth contains a flat tongue that constantly drips with slobber.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of thick, brown scales. The scales on your hands act as fingers, as they extend into ounded points beyond your fingertips, and your arms are covered in scales up to the shoulders. You have well-formed hips, and your nicely-rounded, heart-shaped ass has the barest amount of sexy jiggle. A tail sits just above your nicely-rounded, heart-shaped bottom, covered from base to tip in brown metal scales. It sways in time with your steps, helping you maintain balance. The soft underside reveals a brown hide.Two human-like legs grow down from your pleasant hips, encased in brown scales - though your inner thighs are bare, revealing brown hide. Your feet are tipped with four toes, each with scales growing further into rounded points in place of fingertips. A small, vestigial round-claw sits at your heel, as if to assist with balance. Your belly is fairly well-toned.

You have a fuck-off six pack, bulging with heavy muscle. Above it, you have a broad chest, capped with one 0.2-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist.Your long neck has shrunk but something else has grown. Your member is 50 inches long and 16.7 inches across when fully erect. The saurmorian phallus is ringed with thick, fattened ridge-like protrusions along its length, starting from the base and up the shaft until just below the blunted tip. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. A scaly well-drained sack filled with a pair of grapefruit-sized gonads swings low under your dark blue tool. You estimate each testicle to be about 13 inches around and 4.1 inches across.

You have one virgin backdoor, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

* Name: littlefoot Steele
* Occupation: Tech Specialist
* Upbringing: Balanced
* Affinity: Intelligence
* Initial Race: Human
* Current Race: Saurmorian
* Height: 7’
* Weight: 624.367 lbs
* Sex: Male
* Gender Alignment: Male
* Gender Appearance Rating: -4.4, Masculine
* Masculinity: 40 %
* Personality Score: 17, Kind
* Alcohol Tolerance: 0/100
* Body Exposure Level: Clothed
* Exhibitionism: 0/100
* Carry Threshold: 997.698 lbs
* Face: Muzzled, Saurmorian
* Hair: None
* Ears: Saurmorian
* Eyes: 2, Red-brown, Saurmorian
* Lips: Pencil-thin, Tan
* Tongue: Squishy, Canine
* Tone: 0/72/100
* Thickness: 0/69/100
* Skin: Thick, Scales
* Skin Tone: Brown
* Scale Color: Brown
* Arms: 2, Scaled, Saurmorian
* Legs: 2, Scaled, Plantigrade, Saurmorian
* Tail: 1, Thick, Long, Scaled, Tapered, Saurmorian
* Genital Elasticity: 50
* Genital Location: Waist
* Nipples: 2 Pink Nipples, 1 per breast
* Nipple, Length Ratio: 1
* Areola, Width Ratio: 1
* Breast, Count: 2
* Nipple, Type: Normal
* Nipple, Length: 0.25 in each
* Areola, Size: 0.5 in each
Male Organs
* Penis, Count: 1
* Testicle, Count: 2
* Testicle, Size: 4 3/16” across, 1’ 1” around, each
* Testicle, Volume: 607.967 mLs, each
* Testicle, Weight: 1.049 lbs, total
* Penis, Virginity: Virgin
* Cum, Type: Cum
* Cum, Capacity: 1.4 %
* Cum, Quantity Modifier: 100 %
* Cum, Current Internal: 85 mLs
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation: 90 mLs
* Cum, Max: 6084 mLs
* Refractory Rate: 300 %
* Virility: 180 %
* Virility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Type: Blunt, Ribbed, Sheathed, Dark Blue, Saurmorian
* Length, Flaccid: 83’ 4”
* Length, Current: 83’ 4”
* Length, Erect: 4’ 2”
* Thickness: 1’ 4 11/16”
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 200 %
* Girth: 4’ 4 3/8”
* Volume: 10908.31 cubic inches
* Capacity: 90902.583 cubic inches
* Weight: 409.062 lbs (41 %)
* Belly, Size Rating: 0
* Belly, Weight: 0 lbs
* Incubation, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Incubation, Quantity Modifier: 100 %
* Hip, Size Rating: 4
* Butt, Size Rating: 4
* Butt, Weight: 2.8 lbs
* Butt, Tone: 0/20/100
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Virgin
* Anus, Capacity: 1600 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 0
* Orgasms, Total: 2
* Orgasms, Time Since Last Orgasm: 14 minutes
Core Statistics
* Level: 1, Min
* Experience: 0/100, 100 XP to next Level
* Credits: 500
Active Stats
* Shields: 100 %, 0/18/18
* HP: 100 %, 0/10/10
* Lust: 0 %, 0/0/100
* Energy: 90 %, 0/90/100
Passive Stats
* Physique: 100 %, 0/5/5
* Reflexes: 100 %, 0/5/5
* Aim: 100 %, 0/5/5
* Intelligence: 100 %, 0/5/5 (+2)
* Willpower: 100 %, 0/5/5
* Libido: 3 %, 0/3/100
* Taint: 0 %, 0/0/100

Ill call this a 3 for one deal as this would be the layout for Ali(littlefoot's distant cousin and fanfictions littlefoot x ali love couple) just swap the eye color to azure and make the scale color pink with a lighter cream accent.
and Shorty(littlefoot's adopted brother due to littlefoot's dad who survived the earthquake splitting the area survived and doesnt appear until the great longneck migration--the tenth movie--)
replace littlefoots entire body color to dark green with cream accent and give him blue eyes and a hard personality as he was a jerk, he like to get into arguments and prefers to fight so possibly change his class.

All have the same stats.

*the appearance description does not actually have said added content as TiTS is limited in its customizations andTiTSED cannot actually input edit a lot of things due to these limitations, thus outside of the usual appearance mumbo jumbo, the rest is extra addlib and not actually in game*

* I am not responsible for ruining beloved characters from childhood to recent movies and/or games-nor can i be held responsible for ruining characters that you have grown up to watch or may be attached to. Looking through said characters info or downloading files holds you accountable under these legal terms and thus I cannot be blamed for the horrible images of burnt childhoods that make arise from such views or usages. Viewer discretion is advised.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Viewer discretion is advised.
Just for note, that kind of thing should be the leader, not the last line.
Otherwise, well, work as expected from you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
Just for note, that kind of thing should be the leader, not the last line.
Otherwise, well, work as expected from you.
You still saw it so it counts......:p

Also what is your opinion about littlefoots thickness?I gave him bubble butt to fill him out.
Should I think of the children as well?


Feb 23, 2019
My character, Elliot Steele is kind of a 'self-insert'. While I don't self-insert appearance wise, I'll still do it personality wise; that being, Kind, Mischievous, Rude (I choose Kind with a hint of mischief).

Enough babbling.
You started your journey as a half-ausar, but you’ve become an ovine-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.68 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a frilly french maid outfit, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with an underbust corset.

You have a short, cute muzzle much like a sheep’s. A coat of white fur decorates it. Overall, your visage has a tiny touch of femininity to it, with gentle curves and dazzling lips. Your hazel eyes are sheep-like, sporting horizontal pupils. The long, white hair on your head is parted by a pair of sheep-like ears that flop cutely down the sides of your head. Impressive curved ram horns sprout from your head, showing off to all who can see that you are more than capable of defending yourself and your territory.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of thick, white woolfur. Your chest and back are covered in a thick, bushy layer of wool. You have ample hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your ass fills out your clothing nicely. A small lamb-like tail sprouts from your backside. Your slender, nimble legs end in hooves, allowing you to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Your tight middle is nice and smooth.

You have a girly, soft, undefined flat chest, capped with one 0.2-inch bud each. The average-sized areolae are black.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your dick is 6.4 inches long and 1 inch thick when fully erect. Your fuzzy fluffy, nearly empty pouch hugs your two large balls tightly against your body. You estimate each of them to be about four inches around and 1.3 inches across.

You have one tailhole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2019
I was going for a squid like character but I guess she is more or less a Jelly Fish with shark characteristics.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a goo-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 4 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.37 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a bright yellow jacket and pants (obviously not wearing the pants since I have 8 tentacle legs) enhanced with microcircuitry, using a hardlight anti-gravity thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with a hardlight anti-gravity bra.
Your face has a curious lack of a visible nose. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and supple lips. Your alien eyes are dark as the void, with irises that are completely black and indistinguishible from the pupils themselves, making you appear disconcerting from afar. The neck-length, white pigtailed hair on your head can’t hide a pair of triangular, elven ears. They stick out a full four inches from the sides of your head. Small extra muscles let them twitch or droop expressively. Your mouth contains a long, prehensile tentacle-like tongue. Because it constantly produces a steady stream of wet lube, the inside of your mouth stays well lubricated.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, all of them glittering, semi-transparent goo, and a large shark-like fin has sprouted between your shoulder blades. With it you have far more control over swimming underwater. Your white skin is secreting a constant layer of lubrication, giving it a slick oiled shine. From the elbows of your gooey arms there are small, piscine fins that are constantly drip with ooze. Your fingers are tipped with sharp black claws and are connected by webbing, perfect for giving you extra momentum while swimming. You have flared hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your butt contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. You have eight semi-solid, gel-like limbs, shaped into prehensile masses that bend and twist as you move. They are capable of shifting and morphing when you will them to. Your middle is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
A pair of gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have tiny, cute mosquito bites for breasts, pert and sensitive, capped with one 0.2-inch prominent, slippery bud each. The average-sized areolae are white. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a white, gabilani pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit and an intact hymen. No moisture presently escapes your virginal, gooey quim. The special muscles around your vagina are strong and powerful, making it possible to swallow any insertion without the need to push it in.
You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
Since some parts of you are made of goo, you can adjust them if need be.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2015
I was going for a squid like character but I guess she is more or less a Jelly Fish with shark characteristics.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a goo-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 4 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.37 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a bright yellow jacket and pants (obviously not wearing the pants since I have 8 tentacle legs) enhanced with microcircuitry, using a hardlight anti-gravity thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with a hardlight anti-gravity bra.
Your face has a curious lack of a visible nose. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and supple lips. Your alien eyes are dark as the void, with irises that are completely black and indistinguishible from the pupils themselves, making you appear disconcerting from afar. The neck-length, white pigtailed hair on your head can’t hide a pair of triangular, elven ears. They stick out a full four inches from the sides of your head. Small extra muscles let them twitch or droop expressively. Your mouth contains a long, prehensile tentacle-like tongue. Because it constantly produces a steady stream of wet lube, the inside of your mouth stays well lubricated.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, all of them glittering, semi-transparent goo, and a large shark-like fin has sprouted between your shoulder blades. With it you have far more control over swimming underwater. Your white skin is secreting a constant layer of lubrication, giving it a slick oiled shine. From the elbows of your gooey arms there are small, piscine fins that are constantly drip with ooze. Your fingers are tipped with sharp black claws and are connected by webbing, perfect for giving you extra momentum while swimming. You have flared hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your butt contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. You have eight semi-solid, gel-like limbs, shaped into prehensile masses that bend and twist as you move. They are capable of shifting and morphing when you will them to. Your middle is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
A pair of gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have tiny, cute mosquito bites for breasts, pert and sensitive, capped with one 0.2-inch prominent, slippery bud each. The average-sized areolae are white. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a white, gabilani pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit and an intact hymen. No moisture presently escapes your virginal, gooey quim. The special muscles around your vagina are strong and powerful, making it possible to swallow any insertion without the need to push it in.
You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
Since some parts of you are made of goo, you can adjust them if need be.
you probably needed tentatool and the tf for birds to get the beak to get a octopus character.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2019
Where she is at currently is enough. She has 8 goo tentacle legs and still looks relatively human like so it's fine. I had the idea for the beak but when I imagine it I kinda prefer her the normalish face way.

Plus she has gotten a few updates since then. I took inspiration from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia and sorta combined a Sea Slime and Mindflayer look into one. Now I am a more intimidating Jellyfish.
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Dec 15, 2018
I hope this isn't thread necromancy but I started a new male character and really enjoy him. As I enjoy Final Fantasy, I made a Behemoth... Behemoth Steele.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a megalodon-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 10 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.05 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re not wearing a single scrap of armor, going commando down south, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop. Maybe you’re some kind of nudist, but it’s not like you mind being naked anyway.

You have the face of a mythical worg, similar to a wolf but wider, with stronger jaws and sharper canines poking out from your lips. Thick, blue fur perfectly conceals your thick, sky blue skin. Overall, your visage has a rugged looking muzzle and beard that are surely handsome. Your canine eyes have large a glowing ember irises occupying most of their surface when the pupils are not dilated, each surrounded by a menacingly glowing sclera. The gray mohawk on your head is overlapped by a pair of triple-parted, sail-like ears. The topmost sail points straight up while the other more smaller ones curve down. Your mouth contains a flat tongue that constantly drips with slobber. Roughly half a foot of powerful, bovine horn protrudes from your skull. All you have to do is lower your head, and suddenly, you look quite dangerous. Your horns are not their typical color, instead being black.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of thick, blue fur, and a large shark-like fin has sprouted between your shoulder blades. With it you have far more control over swimming underwater. You have speckles of hot white covering your body. Parts of your body emit musky pheromones, enticing potential mates. From the elbows of your blue scaled arms there are small, piscine fins. Your fingers are tipped with sharp black claws and are connected by webbing, perfect for giving you extra momentum while swimming. You have narrow hips that blend into your pillar-like waist, and your bottom molds closely against your form. A long, shark-tail trails down from your backside, swaying to and fro while giving you a dangerous air. Halfway across it grows a smaller dorsal fin. Your plantigrade legs are powerful, with small fins protruding from your ankles and webbed toes, perfect for swimming. Your middle is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

A pair of gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have five rows of breasts, all immense with extremely pronounced pectoral muscles. Your uppermost row houses one 0.2-inch bud on each side. The second group holds one 0.2-inch nipple on each side. Your third batch contains one 0.2-inch nipple on each side. Your fourth set cradles one 0.2-inch erect nipple on each side. Your fifth has one 0.2-inch prominent nipple on each side.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your beast-dick is 12.7 inches long and four inches across when fully erect. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your knotty dog-cock, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 7.1 inches wide when at full size. A fuzzy fuzzy, scrotum filled with a quartet of cantaloupe-sized testicles swings low under your mastiff-sized, bestial shaft. You estimate each testicle to be about 20 inches around and 6.2 inches across.

You have one unspoiled asshole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
You are a half-kaithrit. You’re a good 6 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.83 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of ramshackle power armor, using a pair of black panties with shimmering markings for underwear, and girding your upper body with a lacy bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with fair skin. Freckles cutely adorn your cheeks. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with juicy lips, an adorable nose and long, beautiful eyelashes. Fairly unremarkable blue eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The lengthy, gray hair on your head is parted by a pair of cute, fuzzy feline ears, sprouting from atop your head and pivoting towards any sudden noises.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Parts of your body emit musky pheromones, enticing potential mates. You have flared hips that make you move with a sexy, swinging gait, and your butt wobbles like a bowl full of jello as you walk. Two soft, gray cat-tails sprout just above your rear end, curling and twisting with every step to maintain perfect balance. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your midriff is fairly well-toned.

You have two wobbling milk-jugs, capped with one 1.7-inch nipple each. The rather huge areolae are pink. Your milk-stuffed udders are so full that they feel about to burst! Spending time like this is going to slow your milk production. Unfortunately, a bit of milk leaks out onto your a lacy bra... Maybe you should invest in a maternity bra? You could easily fill a big GG-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your stallion-prick is 16 inches long and 2.9 inches across when fully erect. It’s mottled pink and black in a very animalistic pattern. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your knotted, musky member looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size. A sack with two cantaloupe-sized gonads swings heavily beneath your pierced, flared cock. You estimate each testicle to be about 20 inches around and 6.5 inches across.

You have a pink, human slit, with one 0.5-inch clit. Thick streams of girl-cum drool constantly from your pussy, its lips slightly parted.

You have one ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

* Name: Lana Steele
* Occupation: Mercenary
* Upbringing: Athletic
* Affinity: Aim
* Race: Half-kaithrit
* Height: 6’ (1.829 m)
* Weight: 971.725 lbs (440.767 kg)
* Sex: Hermaphrodite
* Gender Preference: Female
* Gender Appearance Rating: 187.5, Feminine
* Femininity: 100 %
* Personality Score: 0, Kind
* Alcohol Tolerance: 100/100
* Body Exposure Level: Clothed
* Exhibitionism: 100/100
* Carry Threshold: 2085.2 lbs (945.83 kg)
* Face: Freckled, Human
* Hair: Gray, Hair
* Hair, Length: 1’ 2” (35.56 cm)
* Hair, Style: Ruffled Layers
* Ears: Feline
* Eyes: 2, Blue, Human
* Lips: Luscious, Peach
* Tongue: Human
* Tone: 0/50/100
* Thickness: 0/50/100
* Skin: Skin
* Skin Tone: Fair
* Fur Color: Gray
* Arms: 2, Human
* Legs: 2, Plantigrade, Human
* Tails: 2, Long, Furred, Prehensile, Feline
* Genital Elasticity: 1
* Genital Location: Waist
* Pheromone Level: 6
* Breasts: 2 Breasts
* Nipples: 2 Pink Nipples, 1 per breast, Lactation Active
* Nipple, Length Ratio: 2.5
* Areola, Width Ratio: 1.25
* Milk, Type: Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 200 %
* Milk, Current: 5.868 gal (22212 mLs)
* Milk, Max: 2.934 gal (11106 mLs)
* Milk, Production Training: 125.7 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 180 %
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Big GG-cups
* Breast, Lactation Size Rating: 4.5
* Breast Row, Weight: 70.5 lbs (31.978 kg) (3 %)
* Nipple, Type: Normal
* Nipple, Length: 1 13/16” (4.558 cm) each
* Areola, Size: 1 13/16” (4.558 cm) each
Male Organs
* Penis, Count: 1
* Testicle, Count: 2
* Testicle, Size: 6 1/2” (16.494 cm) across, 1’ 8 7/16” (51.816 cm) around, each
* Testicle, Volume: 143.364 cubic inches (2349.312 mLs), each
* Testicle, Weight: 740.05 lbs (335.681 kg), total (35 %)
* Penis, Virginity: Taken
* Cum, Type: Cum
* Cum, Capacity: 18 %
* Cum, Quantity Modifier: 15762.5 %
* Cum, Current Internal: 95.901 gal (363024 mLs)
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation: 144.114 gal (545530 mLs)
* Cum, Max: 532.781 gal (2016798 mLs)
* Refractory Rate: 3600 %
* Virility: 10000 %
* Virility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Type: Blunt, Flared, Sheathed, Knotted, Mottled Pink and Black, Equine
* Length, Flaccid: 4” (10.16 cm)
* Length, Current: 5” (12.598 cm)
* Length, Erect: 1’ 4” (40.64 cm)
* Thickness: 2 15/16” (7.451 cm)
* Thickness, Ratio Modifier: 110 %
* Girth: 9 1/4” (23.407 cm)
* Knot Thickness: 1’ 3” (37.998 cm)
* Knot Girth: 3’ 11” (1.194 m)
* Volume: 111.1 cubic inches (1820.603 mLs)
* Capacity: 18.517 cubic inches (303.434 mLs)
* Weight: 6.971 lbs (3.162 kg)
Female Organs
* Vagina, Count: 1
* Clitoris, Count: 1
* Clitoris, Length: 0.5 in (1.27 cm)
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Girl Cum
* Girlcum, Quantity Modifier: 1300 %
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation: 26.375 fl oz (780 mLs)
* Fertility: 10000 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 200 %
* Fertility, Quantity Modifier: 100 %
* Type: Pink, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 60 cubic inches (983.224 mLs)
* Capacity, Effective: 240 cubic inches (3932.895 mLs)
* Looseness Level: 2
* Wetness Level: 5, Squirter
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.005 lbs (2.126 g)
* Belly, Size Rating: 0
* Belly, Weight: 0 lbs (0 g)
* Hip, Size Rating: 10
* Butt, Size Rating: 15
* Butt, Weight: 9 lbs (4.082 kg)
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 40 cubic inches (655.483 mLs)
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 176 cubic inches (2884.123 mLs)
* Anus, Looseness Level: 3
* Anus, Wetness Level: 2
* Orgasms, Total: 2452
* Orgasms, Time Since Last Orgasm: 15 minutes

hope i did it right
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