Second Accessory/"Drone" Slot


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
TamWolf, Siegewulf, Varmint, and who knows what else? I want 'em all! Trouble is, I can't use 'em all... I would like a second Accessory slot, or even a separate "Drone" slot, as a class-specific Perk or an Accessory all its own, whatever! I just want to have more than one of my cute little pets with me when I head into battle! I want to be a Beastmaster!


Aug 26, 2015
If a Drone slot were added then drones would only go in that slot, they would no longer be able to go in the Accessory slot.  I do think drones having their own slot isn't a bad idea, but you wouldn't be getting multiple drones out of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes. Any more than one dron slot mean devs must balance game for the fact PC can use at once few drones meaning harder one enemies to balance use at once few drones. Only first drone slot may happen if we find a way to convince Fen to allow it to be added.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Would a Varmint really count as a "Drone"? How would you define a "drone", really? Because, to me, its use in Sci-Fi settings usually refers to a sort of machine. Which a Varmint is not. So maybe I could at least equip TamWolf or Siegewulf and my Varmint?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Would a Varmint really count as a "Drone"? How would you define a "drone", really? Because, to me, its use in Sci-Fi settings usually refers to a sort of machine. Which a Varmint is not. So maybe I could at least equip TamWolf or Siegewulf and my Varmint?

The Varmint doesn't count as a Drone. I'm pretty sure all you have to do is equip his leash as an accessory to bring him along, so I don't think he'd use the 'Drone' slot compared to Siegwulf and Tam-Wolf


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
In all honesty, i feel like the varmint perfectly fits the drone slot.  It fills the same function, and is probably the only way for a non tech to make use of thus.  Well, aside from Siegwulfe.  


Hmm, maybe the drone perk that shall not be named could be reworked to unlock an additional drone slot instaid of doing...  whatever it is it currently does.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well instead of calling it "Drone" slot maybe more fitting would be use of word "Combat companion/Pet" slot. SInce so far the ones fitting there would be falling under or pet or combat companion type.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'd really like a high level perk for an additional non-drone accessory slot.

Most accessories DO increase your combat effectiveness but not by too much iirc. A high-ish level perk should be fine for that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd really like a high level perk for an additional non-drone accessory slot.

Most accessories DO increase your combat effectiveness but not by too much iirc. A high-ish level perk should be fine for that?

High-level perk, unique, hard-to-reach Accessory/Key Item, whatever, if it'll work, it'll work!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well instead of calling it "Drone" slot maybe more fitting would be use of word "Combat companion/Pet" slot. SInce so far the ones fitting there would be falling under or pet or combat companion type.

Companion would be better, so you can have the cargobot in that slot too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh so now we got slight more defined idea what to pest Fen about. Just would it need to be accesable right of the bat or after PC get some min lvl first? Techs no need it till lvl 2 anyway unless that idea of Savin meantioned in other thread would be actualy used.

As for second acc slot. I think since lvl 8 was such not so usual lvl with giving PC some more energy bar and 2nd atk maybe it could be also made as point when PC can get 2nd acc slot. So then all fights for lvl 8+ could be rebalanced to be slight tougher due to PC possible using two acc at once. That still less to change atm than almost whole game enemies due to 2nd acc perk been gained at much lower lvl like 2-3.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
Well instead of calling it "Drone" slot maybe more fitting would be use of word "Combat companion/Pet" slot. SInce so far the ones fitting there would be falling under or pet or combat companion type.

I think Techs should still have a Drone slot and every class gets a Minion/Pet slot. There's only Varmint and Siegwulfe that act as tiny damage boosts and they shouldn't even be considered drones as every class can use them. Anyway letting Tech's have the O.G. Drone/Tam-Wolf + Varmint/Seigwulfe would buff them up a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@MagusErebus I think atm no matter if it Drone, Tam-Wolf, Varmit or Siegwulf their all deal quite similar dmg so whatever will be sued feels like it's matter of preference for player. And with dividing for drone or pet/minion slot could only cause some future frustration in player base. I mean what if some cool looking item turns out to be drone so all non Tech PC can't use it? Poeple playing normaly other two classes will make wuss about it. Or if some cool designed pet and some tech player will want it. Again wuss about it been not type of things used by their most often played class.

Maybe making all of them usable by everyine but Tech Drone perk actualy giving visible boost to them so like their are now would be accesable by all but with Tech drone perk their noticable stronger than current versions of them. Thou with some minions like Varmit I could see trouble how Tech knowing how to make drone better can affect Varmit to make it stronger...


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
@Ormael Having the Drones and Minion/Pet slot would only make Mercs and Smugglers jelly of whatever new drones Techs will get in future updates as Techs would have both slots (if implemented)

And if Mercs/Smugglers whine on why Techs get sick exclusive robots people would just remind them that Smugglers in the future should be able to reach 90% evasion (at least according to smutosaurus) and Mercs get whatever. I haven't played a Merc yet so IDK wut they do but they seem to be higher on the pecking order over Techs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As ive said before smugglers should get perks that allow them to boost animal companions. It makes sense.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
As ive said before smugglers should get perks that allow them to boost animal companions. It makes sense.

How does it make sense? They are not rangers from dnd they are more akin to rogues if we were to use dnd references, they are supposed to be like Han Solo not Drizzt Do'Urden. Whilst having a separate slot for drones/animal companions would be handy it would be broken as fuck since the techies drone perk also boosts tam wolf and seigwulfe and then when you couple that with a bonus slot for whatever broken accessory that they can find is making any non techie completely useless asides from unique scenes locked to other classes.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As ive said before smugglers should get perks that allow them to boost animal companions. It makes sense.

Military trained pets for Mercs also do. Maybe have Natalie Irson as a potential pet-related perk(s) that will have different ones for Smugglers and Mercs?


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Military trained pets for Mercs also do. Maybe have Natalie Irson as a potential pet-related perk(s) that will have different ones for Smugglers and Mercs?

No they don't, I don't mean to be a dick but in no way would giving perks for animal companions from classes make sense. Maybe doing quests for Natalie to unlock bonus perks for animal companions as you suggested but they shouldn't vary from class to class. That would be like saying the three classes should get a different perk from completing Tanis' bow training.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
No they don't, I don't mean to be a dick but in no way would giving perks for animal companions from classes make sense. Maybe doing quests for Natalie to unlock bonus perks for animal companions as you suggested but they shouldn't vary from class to class. That would be like saying the three classes should get a different perk from completing Tanis' bow training.

In a hypothetical scenario of specialized Drone slot becoming a class trait for Techies, thus allowing them to have both a drone and a pet, boosting other people's pet performance more would make a lot of sense IMO.

And there are a lot more potentially varied and class specific things a pet can be taught than there are ways to use some basic bow training and an item based skill. Although I would see nothing wrong in having Tanis teach Steele how to make different blueprints based on their class.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
In a hypothetical scenario of specialized Drone slot becoming a class trait for Techies, thus allowing them to have both a drone and a pet, boosting other people's pet performance more would make a lot of sense IMO.

And there are a lot more potentially varied and class specific things a pet can be taught than there are ways to use some basic bow training and an item based skill. Although I would see nothing wrong in having Tanis teach Steele how to make different blueprints based on their class.

Remember TiTs isn't a party based game and this would get very close to it  with the basic layout of FFVII and then you get into an arms race in regards to what perks get for their companions. It makes no sense for any class to get companion perks since none of them are based around having pets.


Aug 26, 2015
To add some clarity to the conversation, as it functions in game so far, Steele can only have one drone-type aid in combat at a time. The combat is coded in such a way that does not allow multiple drones/companions to attack in a row. It is possible for friendlies and hostiles to also have there own drones, but again each will only have one that attacks. If multiple drones are a thing (not counting unique combat encounters as those are set up differently), the combat portion of the drone code will need to be revamped.

As for perks and advantages, tech specialists can have a perk for an automatic Attack Drone, this will enable Steele to always have a drone in combat as long as Steele's shields keep it active. However, equipping any drone or companion in the accessory slot, will replace that perk with a standalone drone. Whether or not that drone requires shields is dependent on if the drone item is an actual robot and if it is self-powered. Another advantage engineers have is when picking up a Tam-wolf during the Stellar Tether mission, the drone will be completely fixed, whereas other classes will get a damaged version. The advantage to which become more obvious as Kara's second quest allows the drone to be fixed or upgraded.

As it was noted in its original document, the varmint is supposed to function in combat like a drone, so I had made it as such. This means that yes, it also replaces the Attack Drone perk when the leash is equipped. Again, the limitation is that the combat code only handles one combat drone attack per turn, so it doesn't really account for both perk and accessory drones.

The siegwulfe is still a work-in-progress item, so it may be tweaked later down the line when more testing and input is given about it. So far, the bimbo variant may be the most over-powered variant against opponents that are not immune to lust. The original document mentioned that it could be a tech-spec-only item, though it did not really end up that way. Perhaps engineers and/or the Attack Drone perk will have an added bonus to it? That has yet to be discussed however.

As for my opinion on a secondary slot reserved just for drones/companions, I would say that it would only be a viable option if drone combat was a really big deal in the game--like if Steele had a huge cache of possible drones to obtain and NPCs use it regularly in combat. Otherwise, keeping them as just accessory slot items is fine with me as it encourages the player to do some item management if they really want to use one, allowing all drones to have a more novel aspect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How does it make sense? They are not rangers from dnd they are more akin to rogues if we were to use dnd references, they are supposed to be like Han Solo not Drizzt Do'Urden. Whilst having a separate slot for drones/animal companions would be handy it would be broken as fuck since the techies drone perk also boosts tam wolf and seigwulfe and then when you couple that with a bonus slot for whatever broken accessory that they can find is making any non techie completely useless asides from unique scenes locked to other classes.

They're smugglers, wildlife smuggling is a thing that smugglers do and they require atleast a bit of knowledge on how to handle animal to do that. It could be an Animal Handling perk that gives a small boost to pet dps or increases chances of success or even give it commands.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
They're smugglers, wildlife smuggling is a thing that smugglers do and they require atleast a bit of knowledge on how to handle animal to do that. It could be an Animal Handling perk that gives a small boost to pet dps or increases chances of success or even give it commands.

They smuggle contraband like drugs and stolen tech not living things again they are not rangers it makes no fucking sense to give them those types of perks what you want is to turn them into pokemon trainers that fuck their pets and shoot lasers. They are space rogues not space rangers with aliens as pokemon to use over simplified references to non FenCo material.

To add some clarity to the conversation, as it functions in game so far, Steele can only have one drone-type aid in combat at a time. The combat is coded in such a way that does not allow multiple drones/companions to attack in a row. It is possible for friendlies and hostiles to also have there own drones, but again each will only have one that attacks. If multiple drones are a thing (not counting unique combat encounters as those are set up differently), the combat portion of the drone code will need to be revamped.

As for perks and advantages, tech specialists can have a perk for an automatic Attack Drone, this will enable Steele to always have a drone in combat as long as Steele's shields keep it active. However, equipping any drone or companion in the accessory slot, will replace that perk with a standalone drone. Whether or not that drone requires shields is dependent on if the drone item is an actual robot and if it is self-powered. Another advantage engineers have is when picking up a Tam-wolf during the Stellar Tether mission, the drone will be completely fixed, whereas other classes will get a damaged version. The advantage to which become more obvious as Kara's second quest allows the drone to be fixed or upgraded.

As it was noted in its original document, the varmint is supposed to function in combat like a drone, so I had made it as such. This means that yes, it also replaces the Attack Drone perk when the leash is equipped. Again, the limitation is that the combat code only handles one combat drone attack per turn, so it doesn't really account for both perk and accessory drones.

The siegwulfe is still a work-in-progress item, so it may be tweaked later down the line when more testing and input is given about it. So far, the bimbo variant may be the most over-powered variant against opponents that are not immune to lust. The original document mentioned that it could be a tech-spec-only item, though it did not really end up that way. Perhaps engineers and/or the Attack Drone perk will have an added bonus to it? That has yet to be discussed however.

As for my opinion on a secondary slot reserved just for drones/companions, I would say that it would only be a viable option if drone combat was a really big deal in the game--like if Steele had a huge cache of possible drones to obtain and NPCs use it regularly in combat. Otherwise, keeping them as just accessory slot items is fine with me as it encourages the player to do some item management if they really want to use one, allowing all drones to have a more novel aspect.

I agree 100% with you Jacques00.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
They smuggle contraband like drugs and stolen tech not living things again they are not rangers it makes no fucking sense to give them those types of perks what you want is to turn them into pokemon trainers that fuck their pets and shoot lasers. They are space rogues not space rangers with aliens as pokemon to use over simplified references to non FenCo material.

Smugglers smuggling living things is a thing that exists, because pelts, medicinal materials and exotic pets are profitable. Why would they abandon a profitable venue of their profession?

Also your accusations of bestiality and pokemon fanboyism are unwarranted. I play a shield-specialized tech-specialist, because I hate losing control of the fight because of pet auto-attacks. I just want the game to be slightly less dull by having more options for a companion slot that makes sense. Rather than just be robots, drones and androids.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Smugglers smuggling living things is a thing that exists, because pelts, medicinal materials and exotic pets are profitable. Why would they abandon a profitable venue of their profession?

Also your accusations of bestiality and pokemon fanboyism are unwarranted. I play a shield-specialized tech-specialist, because I hate losing control of the fight because of pet auto-attacks. I just want the game to be slightly less dull by having more options for a companion slot that makes sense. Rather than just be robots, drones and androids.

I am not accusing you of fanboy-ism what I mean is that it has no place in this game as class features and everything like this you can fuck, the goo armour and now the seigwulf and odds are you will be able to fuck the varmint and Tamwolf. This games combat is not predicated around Steele having one to two companions potentially in every battle. Sure the Techies can choose to get the drone but they don't have to and the battles aren't built only for techies that do. Yes some cooler drones and animal companions would be awesome but to suddenly change the flow of combat to a minion heavy system would be a total head fuck and make every class become too similar due to butt hurt players whose class didn't get a particular perk or have one possibly two classes be completely useless because they lack certain perks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I am not accusing you of fanboy-ism what I mean is that it has no place in this game as class features and everything like this you can fuck, the goo armour and now the seigwulf and odds are you will be able to fuck the varmint and Tamwolf. This games combat is not predicated around Steele having one to two companions potentially in every battle. Sure the Techies can choose to get the drone but they don't have to and the battles are built only for techies that do. Yes some cooler drones and animal companions would be awesome but to suddenly change the flow of combat to a minion heavy system would be a total head fuck and make every class become to similar due to but hurt players whose class didn't get a particular perk or have one possibly two classes be completely useless because they lack certain perks.

I'm not saying that you should change the game to a minion heavy-system. All i'm suggesting is adding an "Animal Handling" perk as a talent choice for smugglers down the line that encourages usage of animal pets, together with the suggestion of adding a companion slot.

Pretty sure Fen won't accept any bestiality, except if it's some sort of sexual parasite.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
I'm not saying that you should change the game to a minion heavy-system. All i'm suggesting is adding an "Animal Handling" perk as a talent choice for smugglers down the line that encourages usage of animal pets, together with the suggestion of adding a companion slot.

Pretty sure Fen won't accept any bestiality, except if it's some sort of sexual parasite.

You can fuck the membranes and the cunt snakes on Mhenga so we already have beastiality since planet one if you count Tavros as planet 0. But back to smugglers of having animal handling perks as a class feature doesn't fit with their motif. They are sneaky stab/shot to the groin and evading attacks like a boss not beastmasters as OP wanted. Gaining perks from NPC's such as Natalie but having them be class features just doesn't fit with their established style.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You can fuck the membranes and the cunt snakes on Mhenga so we already have beastiality since planet one if you count Tavros as planet 0. But back to smugglers of having animal handling perks as a class feature doesn't fit with their motif. They are sneaky stab/shot to the groin and evading attacks like a boss not beastmasters as OP wanted. Gaining perks from NPC's such as Natalie but having them be class features just doesn't fit with their established style.

Mimbranes and Cuntsnakes are sexual parasites.

Again Wildlife Smuggling is a thing that's real, so it definitely fits with their motifs, which is Smuggling.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Mimbranes and Cuntsnakes are sexual parasites.

Again Wildlife Smuggling is a thing that's real, so it definitely fits with their motifs, which is Smuggling.

Mimbranes and Cuntsnakes are sexual parasites.

Again Wildlife Smuggling is a thing that's real, so it definitely fits with their motifs, which is Smuggling.

I know it is a real thing but that isn't a core part of the CLASS neither is perks revolving around standing guard for mercenaries nor perks in regards to managing sound equipment for techies. I don't mean to be a dick but just because a class with the name of a type of criminal that is broad in their methods, services and product such as smuggler mean that it has to have perks in regards to every facet of said criminals profession. And just because it has the ability to feed in a parasitic manor doesn't mean the cunt snake isn't an animal, it is a snake that can fuse to you in a similar way that male Angler Fishes fuse to the females.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I once again fell we tlak about least importnant thing about drones/pets. What point to have new slot for drones/pets if... their will be so useless in combat anyway? I still waiting for drone dealing not lust dmg that would be replacing tech default atk drone, which IS worth for me to waste acc or maybe in future drone slot. Yeah that's right. So far all of those so called replacements only add maybe 1 point of dmg or change type of dmg. Cool stuff with different type of dmg...if not issue of so low drone dmg killing whole idea at base. Savin knew for this stuff to work it needed NUMBERS like high enough numbers to be worth play with changing drone dmg it deal, disscusing about pesting Fen to allow existance of new slot for tis type of items, etc.

Only bimbo sieg drone atm makes it most worthy to get and use due to dealing lust dmg. And this to fact lust combat making difference even is small amount of dmg it dealt ^^