[RPG Maker] Futa Quest


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Long awaited public release of the third part is finally here for us and you.

All the changes that await you in version 1.95
For the sake of clarity, let us compare everything that has been done now with the last version 1.85

1.95 Updated logo before the game starts and new animated menu (1.85 was not planned)
Especially for the third part we made three animations, one complicated with choices and two simpler. (1.85 only one animation)

1.95 redrawn absolutely all 14 + Rosa characters, three of them are new (1.85 no new character)

1.95 Only Roxy\Rosa has 28 emotions + 8 hand positions, besides all other characters (1.85 no new emotions were added)

1.95 15 scenes with two of them animated (1.85 12 scenes with one animated scene)

1.95 The right wing of the camp + another sublocation and all the rooms there are open.
The Princess Palace has also been expanded with two new locations (1.85 no new locations were planned)

1.95 Three separate backgrounds for important dialog scenes (1.85 had no such thing planned)

1.95 New better resolution 1440x900 and changes to locations that we managed to make (1.85 resolution remained 1024x768 )

And a whole bunch of other minor changes that aren't as important as all of the above.

Differences from the test version.

Fixed all the bugs we were able to find with the help of concerned players (there were even more of them than we initially thought).
Added actual memory room.
Added walkthrough.

P.S. Thanks for your support and enjoy the game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Express News

Greetings to all of you, dear friends, I will start with the most important thing - the release date of the test version. As promised, it will take place in October, a little later than we had originally planned, but still.
Save one of the evenings. It's happening on the 28th.

Since we are trying to be as open as possible with our audience, I will answer those who have reasonable questions about the extended release dates.

There are reasons for this, such as:

two full-fledged animations instead of one (we know, we wanted to do it for the beautiful number of version 2.05),
the addition of more complex scenes in which there are more characters at a time than before, the addition of innovations to the dialogue characters, now it takes much longer than before (it is very beautiful and even dialog scenes now almost turn into scenes, but unfortunately takes time to develop),
we have not yet fully adapted to all the realities of the development of the new part (I have to do additional editing and proofreading of the text for the Russian version of the game),
personal problems that arose for reasons independent of me (about a week).

We wanted to announce the release date earlier, but we came to the conclusion that it would be wrong to say it and then not be able to meet the deadline. We got burned on that before and we try to be even more careful now.

P.S. This is probably the biggest express news story ever.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Work, work, work

I made a similar post before with the exact same picture, but what can you do when our development is cyclical by nature and the same events happen.

The number of words in the future version reaches 44752.
People who understand these volumes will tell you that just reading and correcting that much text is not an easy task. It's a good thing that it's the coder who writes and adds all this and not me.

Meanwhile, everything is moving towards the deadline, and we will try even harder not to move the date by a day. If there is time left, there might be a time change in some backgrounds (if I have time).
If we don't have time, we will release this small detail with the public version.

The wait is not long!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Last post before the release

If there is not much time left, it is best to summarize the results of our work, what worked, and what may not have turned out quite as we had originally planned.

What unequivocally worked:
  • Two full animations instead of the standard one.
    We wanted to give a gift along with the 2.05 release, and we did, although it wasn't easy to tell the truth.
  • We have planned many more backgrounds than in the last version and even more than in previous versions.
    6 unique dialog backgrounds and two more copies with a different time of day (we will gradually introduce the system of changing the time of day in the backgrounds).
  • Improving the quality and filling of backgrounds. (I took separate time to learn how to do this, especially painting nature).
  • Version 2.05 has a unique dialog scene where two backgrounds will be used to enhance the effect.
  • New costumes, expansion of emotion set, hand positions. (For Roxy and other characters)
    Quite tedious and unnoticeable to the average player, but very important to the game as a whole.
  • Logical introduction of a new minor character into the story (this was especially important for a coder...)

What didn't work out:

  • Have time to get everything done a little faster.
    The ideal result would have been two weeks earlier, and then God himself couldn't say that we didn't go all out for 1000%, but so far it's only 999.

    That's the news so far.
    See you in the test version soon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Futa Quest test version 2.05 ( what's added)

I am very happy to present the test version to all of you, my dear friends.
Honestly, it wasn't easy because of the new mechanics, but we did it anyway.

Acting persons of the version are:
Kate, Rey, Lilith, the librarian, Meiko, a new character. A little bit of Connie, Rachel, Penny and Mei.

  • 12 new erotic scenes, two of which are full animations with speed options.
  • 6 different backgrounds for dialog scenes and two more variations with different time of day.
  • One new costume for Roxy and two for other characters.
  • The librarian finally got a full dialogue model with multiple emotions and hand positions.
  • New minor character.
  • Emotions and hand positions for other characters involved in the narrative were additionally added.
  • New sub-location of the librarian's cabin.
  • And a lot of little scattered things that I can't remember right now. But you will definitely come across them in the game.

What's important!
Saves from version 1.95 will NOT work! (Because of many choices in the beginning, I don't see the point of adding author saves yet).

There are two new scenes at the party, you may accidentally miss one.Be careful.

Thank you for all the warm words and support all this time.
Enjoy the game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Acting persons of the version are:
Kate, Rey, Lilith, the librarian, Meiko, a new character. A little bit of Connie, Rachel, Penny and Mei.

  • 12 new erotic scenes, two of which are full animations with speed options.
  • 6 different backgrounds for dialog scenes and two more variations with different time of day.
  • One new costume for Roxy and two for other characters.
  • The librarian finally got a full dialogue model with multiple emotions and hand positions.
  • New minor character.
  • Emotions and hand positions for other characters involved in the narrative were additionally added.
  • New sub-location of the librarian's cabin.
  • And a lot of little scattered things that I can't remember right now. But you will definitely come across them in the game.

What's important!

Saves from version 1.95 will NOT work! (Because of many choices in the beginning, I don't see the point of adding author saves yet).
There are two new scenes at the party, you may accidentally miss one. Be careful.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the test for catching bugs.
Room of Memories has been updated to the latest version as well as the walkthrough.

Enjoy the game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Express News

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know about two pretty exciting things we're doing right now.

The first piece of news is about the animation.

Usually we have one full animation with 3 speed choices, but now we are developing one with several different model angles and many small sub animations.
To make it clearer, I'll compare this to if we gave you 1 big candy with 3 strong flavors, and now we give you 2 big candies with 5 not so strong flavors.

I hope that makes it clearer and that we haven't confused you further. It's pretty hard to simply explain without creating unnecessary spoilers.

The second news is the next test scene we plan to release this month.

They usually go beyond a high subscription level, and we realize that not everyone can afford it. So, we want to make a little New Year's gift and divide it into two parts. It's just perfect for such an opportunity. The first part of the test scene will be available for Big patrons and the second part will be released as usual.

Although we are afraid that the first part will make people very eager to find out what happens next. But aren't trailers based on the same technology…?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
A complete test scene that we've been working on for a long time because of the incredible amount of details.
No, seriously, this scene is big/complex because of the abundance of details and it is also long in text (more than 5000 words).

We are happy to present it to you on our Patreon page.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2017
Futa Quest development news #67

We've been so busy that we haven't released a full-blown development update in a while.
We'll get it right.

Let's start by sharing the exact number of scenes in version 2.15

Usually in releases the default number of scenes is 12 (we always try to do this so as not to prolong the time between releases), but now we wanted to release more, so there will be 15 of them.
Honestly, we didn't plan on it at the beginning, and we were only going to stop at one more scene, but as always, something went wrong and we didn't realize that two more of them managed to sneak in for company.
Special pride in a future update will be for two full animations instead of one with 14 different variations (seven in each scene). Even though it took a long time and was very difficult to realize (we had to learn a lot of additional things and implement them in our work with animation), we do not regret anything.

Characters that will definitely be involved in the new version: Princess, Whore, Kate and Rey, Penny, Connie, Meiko, Rachel.
Of course, the past vote winners will get more scenes, and everyone else will get either episodes or just one scene each.

I also wanted to let everyone know that while it's not our policy to change what's already drawn in the next version, Sunny's face has been significantly redesigned.
Realizing the importance of this character to the coder personally, I spent every possible resource and knowledge to make it super good. Some people have already had a chance to see the result of the work, for everyone else I hope you enjoy it.

And of course, the most important thing of all, the release date of the 2.15 test version.
The second half of March!

I really wish we could give you an exact date right now, but while we still have a lot of work to do, we just can't risk missing the deadline like that. But don't worry, you'll know for sure early next month.

Thank you for your attention.

P.S. In fact, as always, we are putting our all into what we all enjoy so much, which is our wonderful game.
P.P.S. Well, and of course there will be a lot of small additions that we will write about before the release.