Riya Possibilities


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is the second of these threads within only days of Riya being implemented. Also, go look at the blog comments when Riya was released. There's quite a few people complaining about her, expressing a desire to bimbofy her, brutalize her, or just outright kill her.

There's certainly not droves of people, but to say that the reaction isn't there is dishonest.
So far I've only seen the two OPs and a maybe one other person express such a desire and they were chastised by the first replies.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well some people want see world burn...and even more if Riya is in that world ^^

Asdie few small things to not make her so noticable (well partialy to been on starting hub location so any bored PC can run into her easy) would keep her as...umm nessesary evil to exist in this setting. As how come we only meet angels/broken angels npc? That really boring knowing all npc we gonna meet are all cute, nice, needing help, jsut hostile for sake of been hostile npcs?

But I think nothing gonna change fact Riya growing up to pick the mantle of TiTS Kelt ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And we've had these two threads, and I expect more in the future. I mean, perhaps your threshold for determining this kind of thing is higher than mine, that's totally valid, but to me, it seems like a pretty big reaction on the part of multiple different people that has been going since the moment she was implemented.
That may be due to me now reading comments to blogposts anymore.

But still I found way more people complaining about those who want to punish/deal with Riya here on the forums and in the Discord derver, than those cases you mentioned.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I just realized, you never mention your fetishes on the forum. Can you send me a PM of everything you're into? Will help for commission purposes.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I have literally never seen that list in my life and am impressed you found it.

Anyway, I was imagining something completely different but then I remembered how much Tsunderjill doesn't exist and now I am sad and it is all your fault and you should feel bad.

Also just imagine it's a very realistic strapon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One of those cummy ones, that throb and feel warm... and makes your partner moan when you stroke it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Glass. Nothing but glass, noobie.
You are now imagining glass shattering into your vagina.

Unless some new face shows up with a passion for Jill and subby tsun content. *shrug*
I have the passion, what I lack is the competency.

Riya burying that yucky bio-dick in Jill while yanking on her ponytail and telling her how useless and/or pathetic she is?
This is your Jill's fantasy. The real Jill would never let anyone dominate her. And most definitely not her cousin, nope.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Pickle-pee gonna's pull out her knife!

No no no, see Pickle-pee is gonna pump your rump.


...With arrows obviously, geez what did you think I was alluding to?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Pickle-pee gonna's pull out her knife!

This is your Jill's fantasy. The real Jill would never let anyone dominate her. And most definitely not her cousin, nope.
In my headcanon tsunjill is real. She secretly hoped to make Steele jealous enough to confess first by showing us that zil pic.
...I can dream...

I honestly don't have anything meaningful to add to the thread.
I just hope people will accept Riya at some point and peacefully let Frank expand on her.
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I honestly don't have anything meaningful to add to the thread.
I just hope people will accept Riya at some point and peacefully let Frank expand on her.

Most people have/are. I haven't checked build comments today, but I stopped seeing mentions of Riya right after Fen stopped mentioning her in builds.

In other news, here's a link to her new sex scenes I'm working on. Not submitted uet because it's nowhere near done, but feel free to comment.



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Most people have/are. I haven't checked build comments today, but I stopped seeing mentions of Riya right after Fen stopped mentioning her in builds.

In other news, here's a link to her new sex scenes I'm working on. Not submitted uet because it's nowhere near done, but feel free to comment.


Yeeesss, this is what I expected at the first time going in, a real marked improvement.
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I have a rather laze faire attitude when it comes to racists. I blame their own shortsightedness and and hope that they eventually will come around. *
I'm going to take the flak for this, likely, but I am a big vixen:

Leave Franks to this as he sees fit. He's already garnered the approval of the editing/writing/admin staff (proof is in the inclusion in this latest build, duh) and is obviously working on more scenes and content.

And well - to state the obvious: We are free individuals. As such, we have the right to turn the dial, to listen or watch any other thing that does not meet with our approval. Exercise the right - move on peacefully.

Yeah, I found her abrasive and speciesist. I found her to be lacking in overall taste in the current socio-political environment we share. But that environment is not a vacuum filled by this one character/persona. Be an adult. Look the other way and carry on with what flips your biscuits.

Playing vixen's advocate of course, the flipside is - despite as utopian as the TiTS Universe is? Like everywhere else in the known worlds, there is going to be that ONE person that will stand on your toes and make you feel like shit. Big deal, little Miss Grumpy Britches can and often will find her bliss with someone other than you and until they behave in an egregious way that demands intervention? Leave them alone. LOL - Ok, someone else play with the soapbox now. I am done. :> I've had too much Sake to make any real point or sense at this moment and need to quit posting totally shitfaced. :D

*Before someone other than me puts a 10mm slug through their skull when they cannot see reason and get supremo-violent and strike me first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ughh lovely dovey of Birb+Cpt. Oh well still less exciting than angel+yandere manticore lovebirds chitting :allears:

Good scenes Frank. Counting for more following in near weeks:smuggo:

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Lasso fair?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
So, I got curious what the buzz was all about and got around to playing Riyas content today. A lot of people seem to get angry but for me, I was bewildered.

As far as her content right now goes, let me see if I got this straight:

My Steele walks up to this officier thats insulting. Okay.
  • Talking just leads to more insults. Dead end right there.
  • Sex is gated for females only, but uses the PCs backdoor? I dont mind it, but kinda weird. (As someone who likes Sub/Dom-scenes I appreciate the setting though.)
  • Her racism-option leads to either
  • *Do nothing
  • *A confrontation with her taunting Steele that nobody can touch her and an option to punch her (which seems ridiculously stupid to do) -> more or less again nothing
  • *and reporting her, which tells the player again, that nobody can touch her -> again nothing

*scratches head* What am I supposed to feel? Steele is repeatedly described as angry but Im just confused. Why is someone like that untouchable?

I dont get it.

I have seen people DEMANDING options to remove her or, oh god, bimbofy/outright kill her but I cant say I want any of that. Right now shes just "untouchable, racist officer". I dont even know why shes racist. Or untouchable. You could say 100% of her is a mystery to me XD

Id rather know more about how this came to be.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But Franks soon(er or later) will put something in place of those *nothing* or less likely *untouchable* places. Still she been enough complete to make her been added.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015

Yoooo let's uh, chill on this off-topic nonsense in a humble idea thread.


Getting back on topic as requested - I do have an idea of how I want to bring about Riya's departure from Tavros, but without getting into that, does anyone else have any ideas in that vein that they'd like to put forth?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I do like the idea of tricking her into a situation where her actions get publicly broadcast. Basically turn her into such a toxic PR asset that her friend in higher places can't afford to cover for her anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Depends on where you plan to send her. Being an out-and-out xenophobe means she'd probably be better off on a mostly-human planet or station.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Franks You mentioned potential amazon treatment for her. Are you planning on sending her to New Texas? Would the treated cows and bulls be alien enough to trigger her racism or are they just barely human enough? But yeah New texas or another resort world could be the powerful friend's last ditch attempt at setting Riya up in a nice place without putting their own career advancement at risk for being associated with Riya and her views.