Kajinn chuckles. "Music, huh? I like music too. Even tried producing some once. But still, I think I got the worst story here, since it involves a major cockblock. So I met this girl at the bar, and we start chatting. She's suuuuuper hot. Killer body, curves and all. We hit it off, since we seemed to have a lot in common. In hindsight, she probably had a file on me or something. So anyway, we go back to her apartment. One thing leads to another, and next thing I know, I'm lying down naked on her bed while she, also naked, is straddling me. So then she says, "lemme just get this one thing" and leans over me to get something from the drawer. She comes back with some metal cylinder and without even a warning, boom. Out like a light. And then I woke up here." He says. "And yeah, Victoria. You're right. No use arguing." He calls out over his shoulder, glaring at Cedric.