Return to Mareth. (OOC comments and discussion)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
I have played the CoC Revamp is really cool! To have that many perks you must have been playing that file forever! ...or used the save editor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Believe it or not, I had not planned on making the group predominantly women, they were just the characters that I thought fit best in the story I'm planning to tell.

Now for a few moves specifically made for games like this one. At least one of these will likely come up quite often, so if you ever find yourselves on the bad end of one be sure to thank Aphroditus Dionysus, he/she was the one who cooked them up for the game I'm currently playing in.

Down the hatch: When you ingest or apply a transformative roll+con: On a 10+ choose two physical features this transformative is capable of bestowing. On a 7-9 You choose one and the GM chooses one. On a 6- either nothing happens or the GM narrates the outcome.

Do Your Worst: When an aroused opponent defeats you, roll+nothing (You already screwed the pooch on this one) On a 10+ You can choose to turn the tables and narrate the following scene. On a 7-9 choose 1:

  • It's actually more enjoyable than you expected
  • You don't wince, cry out, or show weakness during
  • You don't receive any permanent damage from the encounter
  • You don't have to worry about being inseminated
  • On a 6- you are ravaged and submit, the GM narrates the outcome (possible bad-end)

Mad Science: When you attempt to create some concoction of alchemical elixirs roll+int. On a 10+ choose 3 of the following, on a 7-9 choose two, on a 6- the brew is made but could be dangerously unstable.

  • The full potential of both elixirs is perfectly distilled into one
  • The concoction is more potent than before and you take +1 when it goes Down The Hatch
  • The elixir is perfectly safe and your sure there will be no complications
  • The elixir is somehow more than the sum of its parts and becomes something different all-together

Bun in the oven: When you suspect an encounter may have resulted in insemination roll+con: On a 10+ choose any of the following. On a 7-9 Choose one of the following:

  • You/they are with child, you can just feel it
  • You don't think it will come to bear
  • The offspring will take after you
  • The offspring will take after them
  • On a 6- the GM chooses any of the above.

Oh, and Woider, instead of an animal companion how about this. Friend of beasts: Creatures with animal-like intellects are naturally well disposed toward you, and will not attack you unless provoked. If some form of communication can be established, you can even parley with them for aid.

If any of you have any other thoughts or ideas, please let me know. With that, I believe most of the prep work for the game is done, so I'll try and have the first post of the official game up by tomorrow. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That could be useful, but would they still attack the other party-members?

And what would this entail? Animal-like intellect would include alot of things, like Hellhounds and Anemone.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whether or not they attack the rest of the party would depend on how good you are at parleying, whether or not they're hungry, and whether or not they're being controlled by someone else. Yes, it would apply to a lot of things; hellhounds, worms, even vine beasts could all be potential candidates, not to mention new monsters that you'll discover on your travels. All told, it would be a very case by case ability, as far as how useful it ends up being.

This is just a suggestion though. If you would prefer something else, I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
im back from the dead! oh and for down the hatch, if we get +10 is it manditory, or are we allowed to shorten it down to one? since its in our favor


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Am i reading this wrong but wouldnt someone with at least 9 con get the right tf every time they used a tf? Since it is the dice roll + con. Never done anything like this so idk how it works.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Am i reading this wrong but wouldnt someone with at least 9 con get the right tf every time they used a tf? Since it is the dice roll + con. Never done anything like this so idk how it works.


shhhh delete that message...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whenever you roll above a ten, pretty much everything is in your favor, so yes if you only want one thing to change about your character then so be it.

And roll+stat means roll 2d6 plus that stat's modifier, not the stat score.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Ability score modifiers aren't the same as in D&D. In Dungeon World these are the modifiers: 1-3 are -3, 4-5 are -2, 6-8 are -1, 9-12 are 0, 13-15 are +1, 16-17 are +2, and 18 is +3. 18 is considered the pinnacle of human ability, so no stat can go higher than that without some sort of magical enhancement.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Righto. It's gonna be good once everything gets rolling.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
can TFs improve our limits?

oh shout out to Fruddle in YT he makes pretty good music for stuff like reading forums or other mindless activities, you guys might like listening to his stuff while playing the RP or something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unlike the actual Corruption of Champions game, your stats will only increase by leveling up. At least until you get a stat up to eighteen, then maybe transformatives will take it to nineteen.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Real Talk, think its best we talk about timezones XP its UTC-04:00 for me


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Right, so assume it's 6 AM for Ecnalab, it would be me and Floozer being at 10 AM and then Penguinmafia at 3 PM. and finally Woider at 4 PM.

(Google screwed me over)
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