Restoring saves in chrome/firefox


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Since the server move, people have been complaining about their saves being wiped. This seems to be due to a change of domains ( to A helpful person in the blog comments posted this:

Quote said:
In depth guide for anyone using Chrome to restore your saves.

1. Go to (will give you 404 error), click F12

2. Go to in another tab and click F12

3. In both menus go to the Resources tab

4. Expand Local storage and click on in the sidebar

5. The new address should be empty of anything while the old one should have your saves. Double click on each value in the table for the old address, copy the value, and then paste into table for the new address. It will take four copy and pastes to get all the data for each save (two for the header and two for the data).

6. Refresh the new page so the game can start with the new data.

NeitherMeNorYou supplies similar instructions for Firefox.


Quote said:
Screenshot for easier explaining:

1. Navigate to
2. Press F12
3. Click the Storage Tab (if you don’t have it click the cog at ‘3a.’, then select Storage on the left, then click the Storage Tab)
4. Select Local Storage, click
5. Now click any of the “savedataX” entries
6. Select the “Data” thing, copy the content with Ctrl+C (you can’t right click that, for whatever reason)

7. Create empty .text file, paste contents.
8. At the start of the file delete savedata0:” (The ” needs to be deleted as well)
9. Go to the very end of the file and delete the very last ”
10. Save file wherever, under whatever name
11. Open normal FOE and Load File the file you just created.

Repeat that for all saves.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2015
i have tried that but for some reason every time i try and  play the refreshed one it dosent work and  just gives me this strange pop up... am i doing something wrong?

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FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
i have tried that but for some reason every time i try and  play the refreshed one it dosent work and  just gives me this strange pop up... am i doing something wrong?


Hard to say without actually showing what the popup is... Pro tip when making bug reports: don't assume that people know what you are talking about. Don't assume that you've understood the problem enough to decide what information is relevant or not. Provide information.


New Member
Dec 4, 2015
Hmm...The option doesn't appear to be here when I tried hitting F12...Not quite sure what to do from here.

Fall Of Eden.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@BadKitty: The Firefox instructions posted by Alder assume that you have the Firebug add-on installed. You're looking at the built-in dev tools, not Firebug.


New Member
Dec 4, 2015
Okay...I just installed Firebug and followed the instructions as listed above...well, up to the point where it said, "Now click any of the “savedataX” entries". Unfortunately, when I looked, there were no savedataX entries listed under localStorage or sessionStorage for me to copy.

FoE Firebug Screencap.jpg
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New Member
Dec 21, 2015
Hi! I think I did all the right things until the n°4 (I'm using Chrome), but I don't find anything aside this

Am I doing something wrong or are my saves lost for ever? 

Sorry if this is a dumb question and thanks for the attention



FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Hi! I think I did all the right things until the n°4 (I'm using Chrome), but I don't find anything aside this

Am I doing something wrong or are my saves lost for ever? 

Sorry if this is a dumb question and thanks for the attention

View attachment 2495

I preface this by saying DO THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK. I won't be responsible if you mess up your stuff by doing this.

Step 1, completely shutdown chrome (copy this text or use firefox or whatever). This will unlock the files you need to access.

Step 2, go to C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage

Step 3, check in the list of files. You should be able to find sets of files called http_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage and http_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage-journal. If you DONT find these, your old saves are gone.

Step 4, find the files called https_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage and https_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage-journal. These represent your current saves/cookies on the site. Move these files somewhere else for backup purposes, if you for some reason need to restore shit.

Step 5, rename the files http_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage to https_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage. Do the same with the one ending in -journal.

Step 6, open chrome again. If you did everything right, you should be able to access your old saves.

Step 7, for the love of god, SAVE TO FILE.


Nov 13, 2015
So how can I use this to restore my saves using the above method when I can't point FireFox to the http address as it auto redirects to the https address?


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
So how can I use this to restore my saves using the above method when I can't point FireFox to the http address as it auto redirects to the https address?

Worst case, you can edit the database file directly with an sqlite database viewer program.


New Member
Dec 21, 2015
I try to did what you say, but I didn't manage to do it

Today I tried for the last time the upper procedure and it worked instantly, so I recovered everything!

I'm so happy, thank you very much for the help and sorry again for the issue, I'm really bad at computers :S