[Ren'Py] AOB: Monster Rising - 18+ Breeding game

"I don’t remember much about my early childhood. Just a vague sense of fear and unfamiliarity. I think we moved a lot.

But I remember the wolves. They were big, and they were scary, and I thought they were going to kill me.

Then she came. I can’t describe her, except that she was beautiful, and they were afraid of her. Her hands were gentle, and her voice was soft, and she promised me I’d be safe.

The next thing I remember were the bellhorns. There were a lot of them at my family’s farm. I liked the bellhorns. They could look at me without judging me, and they never called me a freak.

It’s funny. I spent most of my life looking over my shoulder, afraid that the wolves would come back for me. Who knew, one day, it would be me who came back for them


Our blog and download link: http://monsterrising.blogspot.co.uk

Pateron: Here

To play this game, please ensure you have the most up to date version of ren'py installed: https://www.renpy.org/latest.html

Ashes of Bavan is an adult monster breeding and battling game inspired by Breeding Season and patterned after various tactical RPGs and strategy games. You begin as a monster trainer, displaced by war, who is given a farm and the singular task of breeding monster soldiers for battle. Explore an extensive kingdom, fight off bandits and imperial soldiers, and become involved in the story of Duke Fentler, the last high noble of the dying kingdom of Bavan. Breed strong warriors, unlock new upgrades and new monster types, and watch them fucking one another senseless! Join in the fun both at the farm and in the field, with fun explore events and powerful rape attacks! Meet quirky new NPCs, discover bizarre shops, study the budding field of alchemy, and take on a variety of challenges to hone your skills as a breeder! Perfect your art and you may become the king of monster breeding!

This is a demo version of the game
What you can expect from this demo is a solid breeding engine and a tactical combat engine especially geared for small-scale battles. We have just one monster type, with a few animations, and an almost fully animated battle engine featuring both monsters and bandits. In game dialog will be limited, and the story will only progress through its introduction. There may be bugs we have not yet worked out, so please report these to us and we will squash them as quickly as we can.

Please be aware that this is still in beta and will be limited in features. We are working to add more to improve the overall quality and enjoyment of the game!

About Us
Code Bunny Studios is an indie game studio that gathered around the Ashes of Bavan's original concept, as a remake of the popular but fractured Breeding Season. Both the game and the studio have grown into their own entities, and we intend to continue making hot monster breeding action even after Ashes of Bavan has been completed. We listen to your feedback and will be as transparent as we can be, in order to assure you that we are true to our word and can provide you with a game that satisfies you.

One of the focuses for our team is to be as open and transparent as possible, not only with the game itself but with our Patreon. We are well aware of what happened with Breeding Season and we are taking precautions to avoid the trap the BS team experienced. The goal here is to inform you all what is happening both in and out of the game, and prevent any possible fallout that could harm the production of the game. As part of that goal, we allow our strongest supporters to view part of the content during creation before it gets added to the public build.

We want this game to be free for everyone to enjoy. We are here to listen and provide you with the best experience, no matter what it takes to make that happen!

Current Sexual Content
Pairings: Male/Female
Partners: Human, Anthros

Current Monsters
- Claw Wolves

There is lots more to come, so stay tuned!
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The world has various creatures based loosely on fairies and demons, but only loosely. The majority of planned content is unusual and designed to be different, but could probably be described as furry. Having said that, there is quite a large variety in the planned content so depending on what you mean by "Standard fantasy races", you may find some things in there you are looking for.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
The world has various creatures based loosely on fairies and demons, but only loosely. The majority of planned content is unusual and designed to be different, but could probably be described as furry. Having said that, there is quite a large variety in the planned content so depending on what you mean by "Standard fantasy races", you may find some things in there you are looking for.
I mean things besides furries. I have no problem with'em just inquiring as to the probable variety. I assume scaled critters, but what about "variant humans" like elves or demons? I think I'd play it regardless, I'm just curious.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I mean things besides furries. I have no problem with'em just inquiring as to the probable variety. I assume scaled critters, but what about "variant humans" like elves or demons? I think I'd play it regardless, I'm just curious.
But aren't furries, scalies, elves and demons already considered "human variants" though? I mean, they all share a degree of similarity with humans, physical or otherwise...
This is a mini pet-peeve of mine actually - I kinda wish there were more alien-looking creatures and actual monsters rather than a bunch of over-sexualized anthros. I guess people resort to them because its the closest thing we have to looking "exotic" while possessing characteristics that we as a species consider attractive (boobs, human genitalia, body silhouette, etc), plus its a lot easier to draw a "sexy" human-dog than an exotic alien... but it kinda leaves me wanting for more.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I wish you the best of luck, but before you get too far ahead you should read up on Breeding Season.
It will help make sure your project does not have such a horrible end as well.
I look forward to the positive outcome of it.
This is a mini pet-peeve of mine actually - I kinda wish there were more alien-looking creatures and actual monsters rather than a bunch of over-sexualized anthros. I guess people resort to them because its the closest thing we have to looking "exotic" while possessing characteristics that we as a species consider attractive (boobs, human genitalia, body silhouette, etc), plus its a lot easier to draw a "sexy" human-dog than an exotic alien... but it kinda leaves me wanting for more.
So what exactly are you looking for in terms of "alien-looking?" From what is out there, there are aliens that do take on humanoid forms and have various skins and furs. If there's a chance that an alien looking creature to show up, you may want to be a little more clearer on us. Are you looking for like a humanoid design or a more bestial design? We have several unusual monsters and demons in the works, including a monkey / cat hybrid.

We aren't taking requests on specific monsters, but calls for certain features may find thier way into the designs

I wish you the best of luck, but before you get too far ahead you should read up on Breeding Season.
We are aware of what happened with Breeding Season and we made mentioned of it above. We are going to learn from the mistakes and are working to make sure we're clear about what we're doing with the game and any money that is donated through Patreon. It's to make sure that you're getting something out of us and we're working on making you all have a game worth playing!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
lol, yeah, technically anything can be classified as 'alien', as could mean "unlike one's own; strange" -- That idea is alien to us. -- Imo, it's just in how you view/classify it, so just consider the animals aliens, and they'll be aliens.

Anyways, onto the game; is there an in-game explanation on why the breeder also gets a boost in stats for breeding? Was just curious, since if he's not special, that means anyone could technically get stronger through breeding with the 'monsters', thus why wasn't it already implemented into the military?
lol, yeah, technically anything can be classified as 'alien', as could mean "unlike one's own; strange" -- That idea is alien to us. -- Imo, it's just in how you view/classify it, so just consider the animals aliens, and they'll be aliens.

Anyways, onto the game; is there an in-game explanation on why the breeder also gets a boost in stats for breeding? Was just curious, since if he's not special, that means anyone could technically get stronger through breeding with the 'monsters', thus why wasn't it already implemented into the military?

To this i say, you try having energetic sex with several monsters a day! It's a pretty thorough workout. if the military wanted to implement this they'd have alot of exhausted and satisfied soldiers on thier hands. Not exactly an effective fighting force :smuggo:


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
So what exactly are you looking for in terms of "alien-looking?" From what is out there, there are aliens that do take on humanoid forms and have various skins and furs. If there's a chance that an alien looking creature to show up, you may want to be a little more clearer on us. Are you looking for like a humanoid design or a more bestial design? We have several unusual monsters and demons in the works, including a monkey / cat hybrid.

When I say 'alien' I mean something that looks less like humans and more like its own species. The closest thing I can think of are the beings from Stellaris, which are alien both in concept and appearance. Basically anything that looks a bit more complex and unique than a human in a furry suit... or a monster girl. I also prefer when monsters look a bit "rougher" and in some cases "uglier" because they're... well... monsters, rather than beautifying them to appeal to our general standards... but that's just me. An example I can think of is your standard "sexy" orc vs the Tolkien type. I don't mind sexy things, I just wish they were a bit less the norm because, honestly, making everything into cookie cutter standard gets boring fast. Variety is important after all and just because it lacks boobs or pecks or even a human face doesn't mean it can't look good in its own way. But this is just my opinion.
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Sep 9, 2015
Luckily IvoryOwl doesn't speak for the rest of us. Don't get me wrong I get into some non conviental from time to time, like Centaur women, but most part look for crap more humanoid. Like harpy women with wings, and claws, but still those features as a male human we look for like hips, womanly curves. Novelty its a monster with a vagina gets borring just as fast, if not faster, "oh look it has scales, and doesn't look very human shap wise," yeah having my PC bang that gets old a little bit faster.

Anyways I like it so far, not sure if there is gonna be any way to capture in the future as is right now not a lot to do but bang my one wolf girl, and make babies, then go out in woods and fight others, that I can't capture or bang. So for now I know its early on I am gonna end up either with incest or a tiny tiny gene pool to work wit. I get its a concept and I like it, unlike IvoryOwl here see nothing wrong at all, in fact it reminds me of Breeding Season a game that is exactly what IvoryOwl doesn't want but has proven itself as what every one else wants, not by likes, but buy income that group was making good money on patreon with a basic tried and true concept.

I think there is too many decentised people on the net these days, I mean we get it you been going off the rails for years now with porn and now normal bores you, but damn it there is still a market for it. I mean Fen has caved into the herm crowd because that was the big taboo trend at the time, and the fad for a little while has been being a girl PC and getting pregant, and what have you, just like being a female slave. No idea why that is huge trend minus people who went in a little too deep into the deep end of the nets darkside and like ivoryowl here kind been decentisized. I am getting tired of seeing dickgirls, and slavery mods where you are the damn slave. There is still a market out there for dominate male or even female PC chars fucking charming or beutifull shit.

Keep in mind though not every thing has to be status qou. Like centaur, or insect race, can't lie in COC my fave was Amy, and the Harpies, the more petite femine figures. But I still fucked the shit out of the ant princess, the centaur from the bar, and the spider women. To me that is a bit more alien, a nice compromise, still have nice racks and what not, but instead of nice rump hips you got something non human, but with a human or better like sex organ waiting for you to use as your playstyle chooses. Something liek that wouldn't be bad though. But for love of god don't take out all he hot furies, just use a little moderation, like don't skimp out on a cliche cat/fox morph for us to fuck, but throw something more exotic in like a centuar in as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
@Zalzany -- There is an event in explore, where you're walking alone and happen upon a wolf, which you can try to 'tame', to increase your pool; though there is a bug with it, in that sometimes it'll say your stable is full, and continue saying that till you reboot the game (close it and open it again). -- Also read that you'll be able to in-battle 'rape' later on, so that might be another way to 'tame' more.

@CodeBunny -- lol, didn't think of it that way. Anyways, they could implement it as a way to train recruits; this would do pretty well, as it, most likely, will attract more recruits, as well as ensure the recruits would stick around and train.
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@Zalzany -- There is an event in explore, where you're walking alone and happen upon a wolf, which you can try to 'tame', to increase your pool; though there is a bug with it, in that sometimes it'll say your stable is full, and continue saying that till you reboot the game (close it and open it again). -- Also read that you'll be able to in-battle 'rape' later on, so that might be another way to 'tame' more.

@CodeBunny -- lol, didn't think of it that way. Anyways, they could implement it as a way to train recruits; this would do pretty well, as it, most likely, will attract more recruits, as well as ensure the recruits would stick around and train.

Not a bad idea, i'll throw it at the lore guys and see if it sticks. This is essentially a story of rebellion or fight back from a recently conquered country so recruitment will be an important factor.

For those wondering about art style and "Exotic" monsters, we'll be keeping the blog going with a trickle of art updates to keep you in the loop. For those that are really really interested, $10 patrons get to see finalised art as and when it is made.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Speaking of fighting -- Will we be able to butcher the monster for materials(Fur, bones, teeth, provisions, etc), to make equipment/sell/etc?
Speaking of fighting -- Will we be able to butcher the monster for materials(Fur, bones, teeth, provisions, etc), to make equipment/sell/etc?

No, if monsters dies they would have to die on both sides. That makes fighting a massive drain on monsters since you'd have casualties on your side as well. The combat system is based around morale, the will to fight. Sure a decapitating blow will knock the will to fight right out of you, but then so will cumming so many times all you can do is twitch, or simply fancying an enemy monster so much you just can't keep on fighting it. To prevent a major resource leak, it is assumed that all the casualties lose the will to fight before the deathblow arrives. It might require a small amount of suspension of belief, but it's a whole lot better than losing 3 monsters every time you have a fight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Hee, I actually meant butchering your own monsters -- The player may reach a point where even if they do the commissions, they'll have more supply then the demand, so I was suggesting a way to get rid of the unwanted monsters. You can technically release them, but realistically, that's a bad idea, since they'll go feral ( plus die or get tamed by someone else), thus end up causing more problems then good.
This would also go with the lore, since an army would need provisions and equipment, not just troops; not to mention bones and sinew can be used for building materials, as well as lower the need for wood to make equipment, thus would increase the speed at which you can rebuild from the devastation.
Edit: Hmm, the any commission could be used for that, where it doesn't go away

Also, I somehow ended up breaking the game, again, not sure how, but none of my monsters were getting pregnant, and when I saved, rebooted, then loaded, it gave the text for new game till the name part, didn't even transition out of the main screen.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I guess a seemingly unending army would be better overall then a well equipped one; not to mention how you can just salvage the bodies afterwards too.

[Warning tangent]
Short term
-- On one hand, a well-equipped army means a stronger army, as a whole [less casualties and inflicts more damage, but they can be stolen, and need to be prepared multiple times to equip everyone]
-- While on the other, the humans would be fighting a weakened army, tack on that the enemies would think that the monsters are never-ending, taking a hit to moral, but you'll need more provision to feed the number of monsters

Long term
-- Though, once the war is over, there may be problems such as:
1. If too much monsters survive they may go feral due to not enough food and such
2. Infrastructure damage & cost(supply, time, work force, etc) to repair/rebuild them,
3. Economy -- Depending on the education system in place, you may gain too much workforce that doesn't know how to do much besides fighting, lose people that had needed skills, and more
(IMO a good leader has the foresight to not focus on just one aspect (Military, Economy, Politics, Technology), but them as a whole; sure you would need to increase the military right now due to war, but you should also prepare for post-war)
All very good points, but it isn't so much a war as a rebellion against a very recent occupation. The Agatean Empire is more than ten times the size of Bavan and has been employing monsters (most notably demons) in it's armies for years. Bavan has always kept a strict control and suppression of it's monster population. It's only in desperation and defeat that only now is the last resisting Duke considering breeding monsters for use in combat. Forget Long term, right now there is no long term. Just a desperate struggle for survival against an overwhelming force. They are massively outnumbered, out gunned (figuratively) and backed into a corner from which there is no retreat. The last city fell weeks ago and the Duke's small army has been hiding in the mountains. The Duke is the one who gives you the farm. Your job is to:

A. supply him with fighting monsters, as many as possible.
B. Help fight when needed (this will always be optional but will have significant rewards).

Chapter one that we are working on is the part where the duke descends from the mountains to take back control of the nearest city.

edit: this point is not strictly accurate to the game. It was made while the lore man was unavailable to consult. The conquered kingdom, Bavan, is on its last legs, but has not given up yet. Its present leader, Duke Fentler, is holding onto his own city by a hair, but that will not last long under present conditions. The condition of hiding in the mountains will soon be a reality unless something changes. The first chapter will see him fighting to defend his castle and the last remnants of his kingdom...or something to that effect.

We will not be going into butchering monsters for lore reasons we can't reveal at this time. Suffice it to say that monsters are more than they appear, and more will be revealed as the story progresses. There are plenty of wild animals out there that can be harvested for these materials, and we will be looking into this in the future when an equipment system has been worked out.
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Hey, how goes things?

Well in the art department, the artists are working hard on getting things to look their best and since Christmas is coming up, it'll be neat to give a few little presents to everyone. Here's one in the form of the female claw wolf, looking fierce and sexy! She's certainly ready to head on out to the battlefield and slice people up and then come back to have some fun in bed!


Anyway this should be it for now. We're continuing to work on the game and improve on many things.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2016
Hm... sexy art... :cool:
Your project is promising... I believe it has a future, I wish you luck, I would not want to see a good project have an end like Breeding Season...


Dec 16, 2016
Quick question, as I didn't come across it in the faq's, info, and such-- is the 'player' slated to be male only, or will there be other options down the line?
Quick question, as I didn't come across it in the faq's, info, and such-- is the 'player' slated to be male only, or will there be other options down the line?
There is going to be some customization down the line, which will include other genders. For now we're working with male simply for workload as doing both male and female now is adding extra work to what we have currently. Once things ease up and other pieces click into place, we'll have options for you to pick! ;)

Another post, this one concerning something rather important about the game and the history of BS. It's something we need to address as people will ask about BS in some capacity and we laid everything you should know about our game and what we are doing to prevent another BS situation from happening.

Please read it here and hopefully that answers some questions!
So a small little post: Happy Holidays!

Really, when are you going to have Christmas and Hanukkah overlapping like this? So in all seriousness, from all of us at Code Bunny Studio, we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and any other winter based holiday that happens close to the end of December. Also have a safe New's Year, and here's to 2017 being a prosperous year for all of us!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Read there was going to be a Female MC, and was wondering:
1. Could the F-MC get pregnant from the monsters, like how the M-MC can impregnate them?
2. How would the lore for this work? -- IF I remember correctly, it just states monsters breed fast.
2a. I mean, wouldn't monsters and humans have different gestation time? -- Not to mention other biology factors.
2b. Or is everything going to have the same gestation time? (To save time/energy on programming)

PS. Personally, if you take realism into account, the job is only suitable for M-MCs due to how F-MCs would have to carry the monster, increasing the strain on their bodies.
PS2. There were others but I forgot them.
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With regards to the female player character:
1. Yes, she will be able to get pregnant.

2. In early builds she'll experience pregnancy like any other monster, but as more features are added to the game that could change.
In particular there are some unique features that we intend to add that'll improve the usefulness of both genders of the player character. If variable gestation periods are implemented (fairly easy to do, so fairly likely to happen) they're unlikely to be longer for the player character as they'd be determined by the child's species.

PS. I might code it so that getting pregnant as a female main character causes you to lose a few days if you don't have any farm hands. Of course, there's no real demand (at the moment) to use the player character for breeding.

LairdEnvy- coding


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
With regards to the female player character:
1. Yes, she will be able to get pregnant.

2. In early builds she'll experience pregnancy like any other monster, but as more features are added to the game that could change.
In particular there are some unique features that we intend to add that'll improve the usefulness of both genders of the player character. If variable gestation periods are implemented (fairly easy to do, so fairly likely to happen) they're unlikely to be longer for the player character as they'd be determined by the child's species.

PS. I might code it so that getting pregnant as a female main character causes you to lose a few days if you don't have any farm hands. Of course, there's no real demand (at the moment) to use the player character for breeding.

LairdEnvy- coding
Don't have much of repertoire on how breeding works (especially hybrid/mix breeding), so no further comment here.

As for the PS, in the test build, the players don't have a stat cap, like the monsters seem to, so that might not be the case, if you hadn't changed it.
Firstly of all, with regards to player stat cap:
Player stats should cap out at around 200 (the maximum for any monster). Other monsters have lower stat caps to encourage you to breed monsters with better caps, but as you can't breed player characters we decided to allow them to reach the max stat cap so they can stay relevant throughout the game.

Secondly, a team announcement:
So most of you guys will be wanting to know, when is the next update? We gave our patrons the power to decide what they wanted from the next update and they voted in favour of waiting until animations were ready. This was almost unanimous (though one did decide they were a banana, I respect that) Because of this, the next update is scheduled for the end of February with the public release two weeks after. I cannot specify a date as bug testing can be unpredictable and the studio is unwilling to release a sub par update, but we are pushing hard to get it released around that time.

We thank you for your patience and continued support and we hope you will enjoy our next update.