[Ren'Py] AOB: Monster Rising - 18+ Breeding game

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
So most of you guys will be wanting to know, when is the next update? We gave our patrons the power to decide what they wanted from the next update and they voted in favour of waiting until animations were ready. This was almost unanimous (though one did decide they were a banana, I respect that) Because of this, the next update is scheduled for the end of February with the public release two weeks after. I cannot specify a date as bug testing can be unpredictable and the studio is unwilling to release a sub par update, but we are pushing hard to get it released around that time.

We thank you for your patience and continued support and we hope you will enjoy our next update.
I'm all for waiting until you have more complete and ready to offer, but remember to be cautious of falling into the trap of perfectionism. That can end up delaying things indefinitely, and has slayed many a project over the years.
A quick update on progress as we move into a new month. As it stands we've got most of the art assets for animation ready, just a matter of finishing off the shading and cutting. Animation itself shouldn't take too long, once Laird's finished fiddling with the custom animation software for the project.
Hello to you all,
It's been a while, but a new build has been released!

Whilst we haven't stuffed it full of animations yet (as a side note, we're looking to recruit an animator), we have been busy working on game mechanics. The combat engine has been overhauled to provide better functionality in terms of mission variations and gameplay, the breeding engine has undergone a few noticeable tweaks and fair bit of under the hood modification and there's several new scenarios for you to explore.

There has also been some changes to stuff outside of the game, of note is that our blog has moved to:


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
...it's a mess. The combat system is particularly frustrating because all attacks seem to do basically RANDOM damage. An enemy with only about 60 HP attacked my character and ripped about 90 HP off him in one shot. My wolf attacked him back but only knocked him down to 16 HP. No problem, I can finish him myself. Hit for 1 damage. He knocks me out in return. Brilliant.

Also the rest of the gameplay just seems pointlessly grindy. I start with 1 male and 1 female wolf, I have them fuck once per day (all the female can stand), 5-6 days later there's still no result as the pregnancy chance is only about 8% and I can't find any way to recruit more monsters. The interface is clunky and very hard to navigate and understand. And there's barely any porn in the game.
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Hmm, it sounds like the RNG threw you some enemies with high attack and defense. We'll have to adjust that to suit the player's level and difficulty setting.

As for the breeding, the monsters you start with can only reach about 10% pregnancy chance or so because they have fairly low stats. At that chance it statistically takes 10 breeding sessions to get a pregnancy, so it's advisable to obtain more monsters through explore events (from the mission screen in the tent, a small button top right of the mission board).

Regarding the interface, were there any particular areas that needed addressing (adding a loading screen for the pause during loading/ starting a game, or transitions between the scenes perhaps)?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Hmm, tried the new version yesterday, and it seems harder to fight now, due to the MC dealing really low damage at the beginning, not to mention breeding is hard with the limitations, Eg. Can only breed so many times a day, and pregnancy chance capping. (Also, finding new wolves is harder now too).
-- Might want to just out right state how much you can breed/explore btw.

As for the interface: Character creation seems pretty slow, like when I tried scrolling the bars, it doesn't change right away (though that's probably just my computer)
-- Btw, I'd prefer selecting between colors then the current set-up, since it's easier to see; not to mention how you can limit it to realistic colors.

Lastly, the game crashes sometimes, forget where, but I think it's when loading something, either battles and/or loading the game -- An error message pops up, so I close it and re-boot the game. (Not sure if it's cuz I didn't download Ren'py, my system, or just the game itself.)
Thanks for the feedback.
It seems there's a bit of balancing to be done with the breeding and combat system (we intend for it to be tricky, but not so much that it puts players off).

We'll probably also implement a palette system in the character creation menu, in addition to improving the aesthetics it should lessen any lag caused by the frequent redraws of the sliders.

If you run into that crash again, please send us the error report. It'll make tracking down the bug easier.
The latest build has been released for patrons, with the public release to follow soon.

In this build we've started to address balancing issues with combat and breeding, added an inventory system (with usable items still in progress) and several new animations.

Let us know what you think when you get a chance to play it, criticism provides us guideline for improvements and features.

EDIT (30/08/2017):
Public release of V0.4.1 is now available. You can find it here: http://monsterrising.blogspot.co.uk/p/download.html
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