[Rejected] Tasin Weapons Systems Freezing Arsenal


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Perhaps the shop can be moved to New Canada? Tarvos already has a ton of submissions lined up for it's vary limited space, Myrellion has Emmy.

I don't know what damage/other properties (accuracy etc) I would give the weapons at that point to balance them with the rest of the game. When exactly do you unlock Canadia? I can't remember how and when, and if it is after Myrellion/just before Uveto then the weapons would be useless. I would be better off waiting for the next planet entirely to try and fit the weapons in.

I am still hoping that @Fenoxo will respond back to this or the PM, about making changes to the weapons and adding their edited versions in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
When exactly do you unlock Canadia?
The earliest it can be unlocked after you get to Tarkus, after buttfucking Del into being a slut. Kiro's unlock path can also be completed at that time, but due to the amount of actions it takes to get her affection to 100% most people don't get there until later, unless they specifically grind it out.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
So would I leave the weapon stats as they are? Or would I change them to fit the other weapons on Tarkus? Besides, even if they do go on Canadia there is no one there who will sell them. Fenoxo even said that it would be better to slip some weapons into Emmy's shop.

Anyways I will wait on his reply. He said he didn't like TWS and the amount of detail I go into the science of each weapon, so hopefully with that stuff modified I can still slip these in somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh thise truly sound like "...that details are too deep for porn game." For Emmy shop weapon you could look at wiki to see stts of the wepaons she sells or can give as rewards to have some better idea how much they would be need to change to not feel too over the top in her armory.

For NC it can be considered if PC not rushing to get access as place around myrellion/uveto exploration period. Next after Myr would be with 90-99% certaintly not whole planet but small dungeon to get probe so next plot planet may be for lvl range around 10.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think they're fine with planet 3 values. You can access NC during planet 2, but you wouldn't have the cash to buy the weapons anyways. Unless you sold Han So to a half mad goblin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Ehh thise truly sound like "...that details are too deep for porn game." For Emmy shop weapon you could look at wiki to see stts of the wepaons she sells or can give as rewards to have some better idea how much they would be need to change to not feel too over the top in her armory.

For NC it can be considered if PC not rushing to get access as place around myrellion/uveto exploration period. Next after Myr would be with 90-99% certaintly not whole planet but small dungeon to get probe so next plot planet may be for lvl range around 10.

If you want technobabble look at the Tachyon Beam Laser. At least my weapons have to do with basic highschool science, not things that theoretically can't exist (tachyons) and particles you would need to be an actual physicist to understand (photons). But I can understand why they wouldn't want things that are explained too technically in the game, which is why I wrote up those regular tooltips which mention almost nothing about anything, just a basic description of the weapon and that they are cold.
I have already looked through Emmy's shop and balanced my weapons accordingly, quite a long time ago.

I think they're fine with planet 3 values. You can access NC during planet 2, but you wouldn't have the cash to buy the weapons anyways. Unless you sold Han So to a half mad goblin.

The problem with moving the weapons to Canadia is the fact that there is no shopkeeper there to sell them. I would need to make a shop keeper, but they would have nothing else to sell other than these weapons, so in the doc I made it a Tasin Weapons Systems store, and TWS got rejected. So what do I do? How can they be sold on the station? I can't see a representative from Reaper setting up shop there, and why would Pyrite be selling mining equipment turned weapons on the station? Also, I went through the game and looked at a whole bunch of different items to see just how many corporations/companies/producers of items there are in the game, and it isn't being kept small.

ABO Corp - TFs
Aegis - Ships
Akkadi R&D - Adv Tech such as Warp Gates
Arbetz Travel Agency - Food, vending machines, other
Armstrong Corporation - TFS, equipment, clothing
Bell-Sle/Grunnman (gone) - Ships, colonization technology, weapons
Blue Crab - TFs
The Camarilla (government) - Food and lube
Carver Catering Company - Run brothels and has slaves
Gryvian Heartland Republic (government) - TFs
Humphard Incorporated - Sex toys (gear, lube, outfits)
Ice Teats Confectionary Company - Ice Cream
Joy Co - TFs, robots, clothing, vending machines, shield generators, weapons
J'ejune Pharmaceutical - TFs
Kiha Corp - AIs, ships, robots, sex toys, weapons, shield generators, clothing, equipment, machinery
Lapinara Sanctuary - Not for profit
Pyrite Industries - Industrial machinery
Reaper Armaments - Weapons, shields
Rhenworld - Mining & resource extraction
Snuggle - Agricultural sciences, food/beverage production, possible slavery
Steel Tech - Computing devices, TFs, equipment, mining & resource extraction
Stellar Furnace - TFs
Tamani Corp - TFs, sex toys/devices
Vespertech - TFs
Xenogen Biotech - TFs & TF devices

And I am sure there are more.
So what is the harm in adding in:

Tasin Weapons Systems - Weapons

  • I don't like introducing a new company specifically for these items. As it is, I would prefer the player character be exposed to the same few companies repeatedly to allow players to form strong opinions and potential relationships with the existing mega-corporations as the game plays out.
Couldn't TWS then be not added to the Codex, and instead only be mentioned as a subsidiary company of Reaper or Pyrite/Steele Tech? Or some other company that wants a weapons division? For Reaper they could be a prototype weapons lab (cause I wasn't just planning on doing cold weapons), the same goes for Steel Tech, or the weapons could be made from industrial mining technologies that have been re-purposed, for Pyrite or Steele Tech. They don't need to be a mega-corporation or an entry into the codex, but being a sub-company that makes weapons solves a ton of other problems.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@RanmaChan There is already much things like...clothes that adjust their size nad volume to fit to any npc/pc configuration that in our reality is not yet possible and who know if it would be possible at all without use of huge amount of energy for each "adjsutment" that here happens on fly without any energy emited or absorbed...and I mean probably quite a noticable amount of said energy.

For game if tooltip would say: hey look it's that fnacy energy powered cannon that freeze all hit. May be as well good enough (well some would still put more poetic tooltips but even with such I think it would be quite much ok as long it would make Fen approve of this item).

As for adding new one corp...I think your list in a way partialy hinted why it may be hard. At start there was I think maybe only half of this companies but with time new people started add new company for 1-5 items so it may cause Fen to start slowly harden his reslve before adding more corps to the game. And some of listed above doing similar thing (many of those I seen have as core products listed TF's all that when Xenogen lookes like the one corp that could already absorb all smaller corps that exist in TF segment of the market).


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
@Ormael , have you read the document? I have had alternate tooltips in there for ages that just say: 'This thing looks like this, it shoots icicles and is cold.'

I wasn't suggesting to add the new corporation to the Codex list, I have scrapped that idea. I can see why Fen wants to keep that bit small. What I don't understand is not allowing it to be a subsidiary corporation of one of the larger corporations. Tons of them already are, or are just barely mentioned. I mean this is supposed to be a galaxy spanning game, with a galaxy spanning central government, and galaxy spanning corporate entities. There are bound to be more than a few companies out here, and that list shows that.

Adding in a new small company as a division of one of the larger companies to make weapons for them solves more problems than it creates, at least in my opinion. It gives that mega corporation more reasons to be called 'mega', allows more weapons to be added into a game half about using weapons, and continues to help build the world.

Without allowing TWS to become a small division or subsidiary corporation, I don't see how I would get the weapons into the game, and the game needs energy weapons that do freezing weapons. At least, people who play Tech do.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I readed it and I got a little bit of feeling that those longer tooltips may put to sleep all fap fans xD

Sadly as it would be cool to have them thou who would read it...I mean in text porn game and reading ^^

As for been part of other (mega)corp all I an think about is Kiha Weapons Systems (Division).


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
But there are still other options too:
Reaper makes weapons, TWS could be a company Reaper bought out and made into an experimental weapons division.
Steele Tech dabbles into a lot of things, they could have TWS as a weapons division sub contracted to them just like they own 50% of Rhenworld.
Pyrite sounded good, taking industrial technologies normally used for mining and other tasks, and re purposing failed tech from those things and giving it to TWS, a new division of the company, in order to still make/save some money.

The longer bits are either to be removed or only be the shop tooltips.
But silly me, I thought people liked to read in reading based games?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I thought so too...till I seen enough threads showing ppl are suprised why thing A or B happened but it all was due to them not reading scenes.

Pyrite...hmm using freezing during mining. Could be a link to connect how this company ends up buy whole TWS to make it subdivision.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Yeah you are right, a lot of people skip stuff, which is kinda dumb in a game where you need to actually read.

TWS doesn't just do freezing weapons, I keep trying to say that too. They make all kinds of weapons that aren't thought of as 'conventional' (bullets, lasers, etc).

But yes, exactly: Say for example that Pyrite invests in some new technology that will allow them to make more advanced industrial machines that can mine deeper on volcanic planets, that are rich in mineral wealth but are incredibly hot and dangerous. However, this technology doesn't end up helping them with their original goal of making these new machines to sell to companies like Rhenworld. It is now useless to them, and they spent a lot of money on it; unless they can re-purpose that technology for some other means. So they either create or buy different companies that can use these technologies and still try to make money off of the original technology they bought. In this case it would be TWS and it would be used to make weapons. You see?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes that very valid line of thoughts. And those machines to drill in hot outer shell or near planet cores would need some cooling that used in not such extreme hot enviorment would turn into freezing weapon xD