*RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

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Oct 3, 2019
Eh, speaking as someone raised in an Asian household, I wouldn’t say Hime isn’t sincere because you can genuinely feel what you say, even if it isn’t the whole truth (I know I am completely incapable of saying something I don’t at least feel in the moment). Obviously she’s not outspoken like Inari (who is pretty tactless a lot, tbh), but at the same time, she does know how to implicitly get a point across. Also, there is a dialogue where she actually gets very fired up over Nakano when PC points out his tragedy is at least partly of his own making. I have my days where I’m Hime and others where I’m Inari, so I relate heavily to both of them. But I’m no less sincere about my feelings on a Hime day than an Inari day.

I also wouldn’t say she’s miserable like someone else said earlier. Just because Inari is openly resentful doesn’t mean Hime feels the same way. In fact, considering how opposite the two of them are, it makes sense. Hime is super empathetic so she’s open-minded to people for better or worse. Inari is very willful so she’d stick to her guns for better or worse as well.

For that same reason, I wouldn’t say Inari is happy either; self-imposed isolation doesn’t seem much better than overt abnegation. Inari lives true to herself alright, but at the cost of being painfully lonely because almost no one can stand to be around her and she can’t stand talking to most people.

This is what I appreciate about how Tobs wrote the two Kinus; they’re complete opposite extremes with opposite flaws and opposite issues. But they both have their strengths as well, with plenty of overlap.

I don’t understand why there’s an implication that Hime isn’t hard-working because Komari’s dialogue about her also paint her as very diligent; just more focused on administration as opposed to fieldwork.

In any case, I’m pretty sure both Kinus suffer from kitsune society regardless, one from the burdens and the other from isolation. Maybe from a purely Western perspective, Inari route seems like the “right” route. But to an Asian American with more Asian leanings in terms of how I was brought up (my Inari tendencies were more recent additions to my adult life after experiencing a few mental and emotional collapses), I draw a lot of comfort from Hime. I’m probably still hardwired to abnegate for the sake of harmony, but I don’t really see the problem with that as long as you understand your own limits.

Call me fucked up, but I find it disheartening when people think Hime is somehow the worse route. I mean, to be fair, I initially thought so as well because of the old phrasings (and the old art made her look like an obnoxious prat, which ironically is more an Inari thing in the final product). But Tobs himself has stated there isn’t a right or wrong route; it really comes down to which extreme you’re more inclined to. Is it better for Kinu to be a people-pleaser to a fault or stubborn to a fault?

Personally, I’d say neither and I think most people here think so too. But that’s unfortunately not an option because Tobs wants to torture us with a tough decision, and that would be the obvious right answer. So when it really comes down to it, I feel like Hime at least has a safety net to fall back on because she’s more willing to seek help when she needs it (eventually anyway because she doesn’t want to be a burden to others). Inari ironically has the worse of Not-Asian culture in that she won’t seek help even if she needs it and will stubbornly try to power through and/or deny there’s a problem. Which is actually why I compare her and Nakano a lot. They are both victims of tragedies partly of their own making and they refuse to acknowledge any other view but what they believe is right.

Actually, any way you spin it, the Kinus are products of their own home culture. Hime is just the more obvious one because she embraced her heritage as opposed to outright rejecting it. But Inari is definitely messed up as well, both from taking the “selfish” path and from unwittingly adopting the “fix your own problems, don’t dump them on someone else” attitude. Ironically, Inari is more like Kiyoko than Hime; just in reverse. It even gets remarked on in one of her dialogues, much to her chagrin.

I am going to end my half-jumbled ramble by saying that I understand the feeling of thinking you have to be everyone’s rock all the time and meet/exceed all expectations. It’s bitten me in the ass too many times, and I only finally learned to say “no” when I was hit by a very painful betrayal. But I still wouldn’t ever say it’s “wrong” or that I was “miserable” to be that person. I wasn’t always happy for sure, but I still take joy in bringing others joy or even just easing their burdens. In the same vein, I believe Hime is genuinely happy to look after everyone and sincere in her words.

Neither Hime nor Inari regret their paths, so I am of the firm opinion that while they may have hardships, they’ll both find balance and happiness in the end.

Also, Tobs, you’re really trying to make us sweat on Kinu being the People’s Princess thing, aren’t you? :p
I thought about your reply and have read some Hime interactions more closely since I spent way more time with Inari and I do agree with what you said here. Hime is indeed very affectioned towards the player, I hadn't see the kiss on the cheek scene or the part when she gets fired over Nakano then ends the conversation with her father just like that. It was a very hasty and hipocritical judgement on my part because I now realise I can relate to both paths to some extend.
I'm very reserved with my feelings, I'm not good at all at showing them if I'm not confortable with the setting but I can't quite say something I'm not feeling so I make for a awful liar. I don't like to admit it but I'm kind of a people pleaser, I tend to avoid conflicts or other things that can disrupt the harmony and since I tend to empathize with people I find it difficult to take actions to protect myself even if they are out to use me, it happened recently with a close family member but it is an issue I have been working on. So while I may be biased towards Inari's outspokenness, my behavior most days is more like Hime, though not exactly in a asian way I suppose.
The reasons why I think I judged Hime that way are that where I grew up, being too polite and formal with close family is very odd. Growing up I developed a deep bond with my mother, who despite having a japanese father ended up with a very western mindset. We are very frank and open with each other so seeing Hime acting that from the player's view threw me off pretty hard so my first and most powerful impression of her was that of insincerity.
The second reason was that as you said, there is an overlap of both paths but Hime is very empathetic and has a good relationship with her mother. The issue I'm talking here is abandoment issues. Inari is very lonely in her own home, now I had a hunch about this especially her reasons to like Hitoshi and this thing only drove me further down this conclusion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XflG83K-SPlgtdoBcHhmdwJdlpNpvq41WBGLY3jlhKE/edit . Now, I don't know if Tobs wrote or if it even is relevant since it mentions Taoth( I'm not sure if he was cancelled or not) so taking this story in consideration is probaly a bad idea, but I think it fits well with Inari's theme. Her dad is still coming home occasionally except now he's taking Kiyoko along leaving Kinu to take careof the house and her siblings alone, not that it makes that much of a diference, Inari and Kiyoko don't get along anyway, in-game Inari mentions to the player that she wants to get married soon so she can get away from home, and her asking Hitoshi to impregnate her in the story so Kiyoko can't object their marriage is just a logical development. I can see why a guy like Hitoshi, who is big and doesn't have dreams of being a hero and dieying for a cause is so desirable to her, he makes her feel safe and protected and is very unlikely to leave her alone.
My mistake here was that I assumed that Hime felt a similar pain to Inari and that I ignored my own life experiences. My father went abroad when I was 2, we met again for a few months when I was 6 and he took my brother with him, only when i was 13 that we reunited for good but that's because mother and I left our country to join them. I don't hate him, we are both reserved with our emotions so we never talked about this. I could've been hurting like Inari does but mother gave me plenty of love and taught me to empathetic to people, never once she spoke ill of him to me so now I act and think like Hime. What happened cannot be changed, we can only move foward and do things differently. I see now his issues, he had plenty of shitty things happening to him, I can see somewhat why he did things the way he did, bringing up our past will only cause unnecessary pain which is something I don't want to. And that is why I think I was hypocritical in my judgment, I actually feel a bit ashamed so my apologizes.
To end my rant, I'm confused just like you there, I don't see why people would say Hime is miserable or not-hardworking. At first I also thought she was going to be the worse route but then I read some of Tobs's post on the matter. Also it is not like people in the west have a constant ''fuck you and your social hamony I do what I want idgf'' mentality. There's conformity for the sake of social harmony besides, Inari's issues with Kiyoko and her self-inflicted loneliness are pretty glaring issues, so far she is the more messed up of the two, though I heard that Tobs stated that Hime will hurt just as bad down the line.
Oh and by the way where can you find the dialog where it states that Inari is very similar to Kiyoko? I was already aware of this little irony but maybe I missed it in-game?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I thought about your reply and have read some Hime interactions more closely since I spent way more time with Inari and I do agree with what you said here. Hime is indeed very affectioned towards the player, I hadn't see the kiss on the cheek scene or the part when she gets fired over Nakano then ends the conversation with her father just like that. It was a very hasty and hipocritical judgement on my part because I now realise I can relate to both paths to some extend.
I'm very reserved with my feelings, I'm not good at all at showing them if I'm not confortable with the setting but I can't quite say something I'm not feeling so I make for a awful liar. I don't like to admit it but I'm kind of a people pleaser, I tend to avoid conflicts or other things that can disrupt the harmony and since I tend to empathize with people I find it difficult to take actions to protect myself even if they are out to use me, it happened recently with a close family member but it is an issue I have been working on. So while I may be biased towards Inari's outspokenness, my behavior most days is more like Hime, though not exactly in a asian way I suppose.
The reasons why I think I judged Hime that way are that where I grew up, being too polite and formal with close family is very odd. Growing up I developed a deep bond with my mother, who despite having a japanese father ended up with a very western mindset. We are very frank and open with each other so seeing Hime acting that from the player's view threw me off pretty hard so my first and most powerful impression of her was that of insincerity.
The second reason was that as you said, there is an overlap of both paths but Hime is very empathetic and has a good relationship with her mother. The issue I'm talking here is abandoment issues. Inari is very lonely in her own home, now I had a hunch about this especially her reasons to like Hitoshi and this thing only drove me further down this conclusion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XflG83K-SPlgtdoBcHhmdwJdlpNpvq41WBGLY3jlhKE/edit . Now, I don't know if Tobs wrote or if it even is relevant since it mentions Taoth( I'm not sure if he was cancelled or not) so taking this story in consideration is probaly a bad idea, but I think it fits well with Inari's theme. Her dad is still coming home occasionally except now he's taking Kiyoko along leaving Kinu to take careof the house and her siblings alone, not that it makes that much of a diference, Inari and Kiyoko don't get along anyway, in-game Inari mentions to the player that she wants to get married soon so she can get away from home, and her asking Hitoshi to impregnate her in the story so Kiyoko can't object their marriage is just a logical development. I can see why a guy like Hitoshi, who is big and doesn't have dreams of being a hero and dieying for a cause is so desirable to her, he makes her feel safe and protected and is very unlikely to leave her alone.
My mistake here was that I assumed that Hime felt a similar pain to Inari and that I ignored my own life experiences. My father went abroad when I was 2, we met again for a few months when I was 6 and he took my brother with him, only when i was 13 that we reunited for good but that's because mother and I left our country to join them. I don't hate him, we are both reserved with our emotions so we never talked about this. I could've been hurting like Inari does but mother gave me plenty of love and taught me to empathetic to people, never once she spoke ill of him to me so now I act and think like Hime. What happened cannot be changed, we can only move foward and do things differently. I see now his issues, he had plenty of shitty things happening to him, I can see somewhat why he did things the way he did, bringing up our past will only cause unnecessary pain which is something I don't want to. And that is why I think I was hypocritical in my judgment, I actually feel a bit ashamed so my apologizes.
To end my rant, I'm confused just like you there, I don't see why people would say Hime is miserable or not-hardworking. At first I also thought she was going to be the worse route but then I read some of Tobs's post on the matter. Also it is not like people in the west have a constant ''fuck you and your social hamony I do what I want idgf'' mentality. There's conformity for the sake of social harmony besides, Inari's issues with Kiyoko and her self-inflicted loneliness are pretty glaring issues, so far she is the more messed up of the two, though I heard that Tobs stated that Hime will hurt just as bad down the line.
Oh and by the way where can you find the dialog where it states that Inari is very similar to Kiyoko? I was already aware of this little irony but maybe I missed it in-game?

I can’t really type up a good coherent response right now and I’m not sure when I’d be able to fully gather my thoughts. But your input is very nice and I always enjoy reading how everyone’s life experience can affect perception of fictional characters.

That said, the dialogue I was mentioning happens at random if you talk to Inari about her mom. I will quote and link the doc:



<i>"I'm going to ask a question, okay? And I want you to be completely honest with me, no matter what you think I might do next."</i>


<i>"Am I starting to turn into Mother?"</i>

%"Starting" is a bit of a tough word there; she's always taken after her mother in several aspects. But yes, if she's asking you, she <i>is</i> starting to behave more and more like Kiyoko does.

The response that comes is a little startling. Grabbing her ears by the tips, Kinu pulls them down towards her brow, stretching them as far as they'll go even as tears gather in the corners of her eyes. Your fox-daughter makes an anguished sound that's more vulpine than human, the hairs on her tails standing on end.

<i>"Aaaah! Even <b>you're</b> starting to say it, Dad!"</i>

Well, who else is saying it?

<i>"Tatsumi and Asagiri, to begin with. Several others, too! They all say — "</i> she sniffles — <i>"they all say I'm handling matters like Mother would have. But that doesn't make sense at all! I don't <b>hate</b> Mother, but I've tried all my life to to do things better than she has, and now —

<i>"I'm not <b>that</b> much older than eighteen, Dad! I refuse to believe there's the mind of a centuries-old has-been rattling about up here! C'mon, Dad, you were kidding, weren't you? Please tell me you're kidding!"</i>

Well, to begin with, she's just as obstinate as her mother, just in exactly the opposite direction. And strangely enough, the means has a way of changing where the ends turn up.

<i>"I… I… "</i> As the last vestiges of emotional continence break down, your fox-daughter plops down most unceremoniously on the ground, hugging her knees close to herself. She doesn't have the wherewithal to crumple into a self-pitying, sobbing mess, but it's still not a pretty sight and is probably going to attract attention in short order. <i>"If I'm still going to become like Mother in the end, what have I been doing all this while?"</i>

It's best that you go now. You need her to work this out for herself.

//end encounter.


Oh yeah, the doc I linked contains all possible talk options and interactions for both Kinus at the moment. Komari’s doc has at least some of the special Kinu events that can trigger, but Tobs had removed the link to that so only dumb nerds like me who have all google docs autosaved on viewing so out of respect, I’m gonna hold onto it for now. :p

There’s another one for all the Adult events aside from Komari-related ones so far, but I can’t remember if it’s still up, so I’d suggest checking somewhere in December for it to be sure. ;) *can’t check right now*


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2019
Yeah, I really shouldn't have used some of the terminology I did (insinuating that Hime was miserable or not hardworking), but in my defense I'm uhhh an idiot.

My issue is partly that I don't understand Hime but also partly that I understand her way too well, cultural differences aside: I didn't grow up in the same kinds of households y'all did, and I don't understand that specific struggle, but I can sort of project onto her the struggles I have had with regards to prioritizing other people's needs in front of my own. I was happy to help others, and it made me feel fulfilled, but it came at the cost of my own mental health, because I wasn't taking care of myself at all. It was unbalanced. A huge part of that was because of the traumatic upbringing I had, which kind of drilled home the idea that If Only I'd Worked Harder And Been A Better Person, Bad Things Wouldn't Have Happened.

And, again, I don't come from a background with the same compounding factors that Hime has. I can see how happy she is, how hardworking she is, how much she cares and how fulfilled she feels, but at the same time it's painful for me to watch, because I know how bad it gets when one doesn't set aside any time or energy to nurture oneself.

On the other hand, Inari has gone too far in the other direction: she's putting herself first, and doesn't like expending energy taking care of others. Yes, she works the fields and puts time and energy into growing food for everyone, but at the same time, she Does It Her Way and doesn't tend to take other people's needs into account. Still, like Hime, she's doing what makes her feel happy and fulfilled.

I think at the core of it all, both of them are happy with where they're at, but they're both painfully lonely. Inari refuses to meet people halfway, and Hime goes the full way herself so that the other person doesn't need to meet her halfway at all (this isn't exactly right, but I think I got the general idea across). They both know they're surrounded by people who are desperate for what they think she can do for them, even if they also like her for other reasons.

For me, becoming more like Inari was what helped me. It comes with its own kind of pain, but it helped bring me closer to a sort of equilibrium of taking care of myself and taking care of others. Hime might be happier if she seriously attended to her own mental health and didn't force herself to carry such a large emotional burden. Inari might be happier if she gave other people more credit and seriously tried to connect with them. They'd still have other issues to deal with, particularly their own Den politics and those of The Old Country, but it'd probably be a step in the right direction for personal growth.

I know I'm not getting a lot of the nuance here, and there's a lot of things I still don't really know or understand about either of them; not to mention, I'm probably being influenced by my own experiences. But, this is essentially what I'm gleaning from all of this, and what my opinion is so far.


Oct 3, 2019
I can’t really type up a good coherent response right now and I’m not sure when I’d be able to fully gather my thoughts. But your input is very nice and I always enjoy reading how everyone’s life experience can affect perception of fictional characters.

That said, the dialogue I was mentioning happens at random if you talk to Inari about her mom. I will quote and link the doc:



<i>"I'm going to ask a question, okay? And I want you to be completely honest with me, no matter what you think I might do next."</i>


<i>"Am I starting to turn into Mother?"</i>

%"Starting" is a bit of a tough word there; she's always taken after her mother in several aspects. But yes, if she's asking you, she <i>is</i> starting to behave more and more like Kiyoko does.

The response that comes is a little startling. Grabbing her ears by the tips, Kinu pulls them down towards her brow, stretching them as far as they'll go even as tears gather in the corners of her eyes. Your fox-daughter makes an anguished sound that's more vulpine than human, the hairs on her tails standing on end.

<i>"Aaaah! Even <b>you're</b> starting to say it, Dad!"</i>

Well, who else is saying it?

<i>"Tatsumi and Asagiri, to begin with. Several others, too! They all say — "</i> she sniffles — <i>"they all say I'm handling matters like Mother would have. But that doesn't make sense at all! I don't <b>hate</b> Mother, but I've tried all my life to to do things better than she has, and now —

<i>"I'm not <b>that</b> much older than eighteen, Dad! I refuse to believe there's the mind of a centuries-old has-been rattling about up here! C'mon, Dad, you were kidding, weren't you? Please tell me you're kidding!"</i>

Well, to begin with, she's just as obstinate as her mother, just in exactly the opposite direction. And strangely enough, the means has a way of changing where the ends turn up.

<i>"I… I… "</i> As the last vestiges of emotional continence break down, your fox-daughter plops down most unceremoniously on the ground, hugging her knees close to herself. She doesn't have the wherewithal to crumple into a self-pitying, sobbing mess, but it's still not a pretty sight and is probably going to attract attention in short order. <i>"If I'm still going to become like Mother in the end, what have I been doing all this while?"</i>

It's best that you go now. You need her to work this out for herself.

//end encounter.


Oh yeah, the doc I linked contains all possible talk options and interactions for both Kinus at the moment. Komari’s doc has at least some of the special Kinu events that can trigger, but Tobs had removed the link to that so only dumb nerds like me who have all google docs autosaved on viewing so out of respect, I’m gonna hold onto it for now. :p

There’s another one for all the Adult events aside from Komari-related ones so far, but I can’t remember if it’s still up, so I’d suggest checking somewhere in December for it to be sure. ;) *can’t check right now*
Yeah no worries. Took me a few days to gather my thoughts and I'm still not sure if what I wrote was half as cohisive as hoped it would be lol.
For the dialogue, thanks a lot, I was spamming Inari's dialogue but I never got this one even once, I wonder if there's requirements to get it, thanks for the link too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Yeah no worries. Took me a few days to gather my thoughts and I'm still not sure if what I wrote was half as cohisive as hoped it would be lol.
For the dialogue, thanks a lot, I was spamming Inari's dialogue but I never got this one even once, I wonder if there's requirements to get it, thanks for the link too. ;)

How many kits did you have with Kiyoko? Because just from the dialogue, you need at least 4 (?) for Aya and Tatsumi to show up since they are the next eldest after Kinu.


Oct 3, 2019
How many kits did you have with Kiyoko? Because just from the dialogue, you need at least 4 (?) for Aya and Tatsumi to show up since they are the next eldest after Kinu.
Huh so...I don't know, my Kiyoko has 5 tails so I went and had some more kids with her then I got this dialogue but her bust didn't change at all. I'm pretty sure she should have gotten 6 tails at this point so I dunno. But I got it at least.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Huh so...I don't know, my Kiyoko has 5 tails so I went and had some more kids with her then I got this dialogue but her bust didn't change at all. I'm pretty sure she should have gotten 6 tails at this point so I dunno. But I got it at least.

5 Tails = 2-3 kits

So unfortunately, you probably are under the minimum required to trigger that scene.

You need at least 4 for her to have 6 tails. If you want to check how many kits you have with Kiyoko, Check your save file under KIYOKO_NUM_KITS


Have a screenie of my file for reference. :p Yes, I made sure to have exactly 50 kits with Kiyoko before doing floofhouse. And yes, I initially had to manually keep track in my head for a few weeks.Thank you Apple for making downloading files a thing so I could finally stop having to manually track my kids. XD

Alternately, you can download your save file and load it to the Save Editor to check your number of kids. ;)

Also, if you want to see all possible Kinu scenes, you need to at least get Kiyoko to 8 tails (which is 16 kits minimum). 9 tails and 32 kits is the only guarantee friendo. XP

EDIT: btw, when you said you had more kids with Kiyoko, did you mean before or after setting her free?


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Oct 3, 2019
5 Tails = 2-3 kits

So unfortunately, you probably are under the minimum required to trigger that scene.

You need at least 4 for her to have 6 tails. If you want to check how many kits you have with Kiyoko, Check your save file under KIYOKO_NUM_KITS

View attachment 11765

Have a screenie of my file for reference. :p Yes, I made sure to have exactly 50 kits with Kiyoko before doing floofhouse. And yes, I initially had to manually keep track in my head for a few weeks.Thank you Apple for making downloading files a thing so I could finally stop having to manually track my kids. XD

Alternately, you can download your save file and load it to the Save Editor to check your number of kids. ;)

Also, if you want to see all possible Kinu scenes, you need to at least get Kiyoko to 8 tails (which is 16 kits minimum). 9 tails and 32 kits is the only guarantee friendo. XP

EDIT: btw, when you said you had more kids with Kiyoko, did you mean before or after setting her free?
Well that's some mighty baby grind you did there lol. I made some more kids after freeing her since I have two local saves for hime and inari. Her sprite didn't change at all, even more oddly was that I did check the file for my save and the number of kits didn't change but I still got that scene with inari so ah...okay I guess? Maybe I did something wrong but I do intent on beginning a new game since I used an old save and just rushed a lot of content to free Kiyoko so that doesn't concern me much.
Oh and btw 194 visits, did you chainsleep just to get those impressive numbers?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Well that's some mighty baby grind you did there lol. I made some more kids after freeing her since I have two local saves for hime and inari. Her sprite didn't change at all, even more oddly was that I did check the file for my save and the number of kits didn't change but I still got that scene with inari so ah...okay I guess? Maybe I did something wrong but I do intent on beginning a new game since I used an old save and just rushed a lot of content to free Kiyoko so that doesn't concern me much.
Oh and btw 194 visits, did you chainsleep just to get those impressive numbers?
We'll have that fixed next patch.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Oh and btw 194 visits, did you chainsleep just to get those impressive numbers?

I totally did. I was looking for dreams so whenever I slept, I do so about 4-8 times.
I wanted her to be a full 9 tailed floof before her freedom. And the scene that played out with keros was soooooo worth it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Oh and btw 194 visits, did you chainsleep just to get those impressive numbers?

Yes, yes I did. It was worth it. -w-

I was also periodically grinding them out while waiting for new content since most of them came way before free Kiyoko was released at all.

I totally did. I was looking for dreams so whenever I slept, I do so about 4-8 times.
I wanted her to be a full 9 tailed floof before her freedom. And the scene that played out with keros was soooooo worth it.

Big. SAME. Keros’ reaction at the never-ending pile of kits alone made it worth it. XDDDD


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Keros: "Hey look, you two got a little busy in the Astral Pl--what the Hells? How many kids did you have? Its never ending! WHAT THE HELLS! Screw this, I'm inventing television or prophylactics!"


Oct 3, 2019
I totally did. I was looking for dreams so whenever I slept, I do so about 4-8 times.
I wanted her to be a full 9 tailed floof before her freedom. And the scene that played out with keros was soooooo worth it.

Yes, yes I did. It was worth it. -w-

I was also periodically grinding them out while waiting for new content since most of them came way before free Kiyoko was released at all.

Big. SAME. Keros’ reaction at the never-ending pile of kits alone made it worth it. XDDDD
Well now I feel like I just need to get going with my plans just to see this one for myself lol.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2020
Well if the Kitsune culture causes you so much rage, you can create an Orc barbarian as a character accept to be the champion of Keros and fuck Kiyoko in front of the main heads of the nation that would be equivalent to his god descending from the hick and choosing a hick to fuck with royalty and more if it were at the wedding Although The Observer will never allow it.

although I like to think that the future wedding with Kiyoko raises a lot of envy among the kitsunes:D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
To others, yes, the Champion has done them a great service, but at the end of the day, the Champion is still an outsider and never one of them.
Somehow I doubted that their resentment (which, I assume, stem from their memory of the Champion being "outsider" atleast used to according to Kinu's short story canon) towards Champion is going to last as long as you expected, if 2 years isn't enough. What about a century or two? They had to move on, one way or another. Not to mention the lifespan differences. Would the next generation gave as much shit as the boomer did? Maybe. Etiquette shouldn't be a problem for Champion to catch up once the quest is actually finished. (Shame that it means that Taoth won't be dealt with ingame given the game happened within a span of 2-3 months, which also means no more endless river of kits scene canonically, Sadge)

Although I can't helped but wonder, speaking of lifespan, if the entire family of the divinity descendant of kitsune is going to be around like 3 centuries more and less and matured around 18-20 or sort, wouldn't sheer productivity of the den mother can easily flood the land especially inside the Old Country, or they just restrained themselves very hardo, given what we've seen from Kiyoko it seems like a uphill battle or sort, does that mean Savarra is going to be made of 15% floof or more eventually?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Hey, if it can actually make you feel stuff, it's not because it is bad writing: It is good writing.
Not every character is morally good or morally bad. Some are morally grey and you can't wonder but just say "this dude is an asshole, how does everybody actually like this!"

That's me with Cait, lol.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Y'all noticed this topic was dead for six months, right? :p That said, since it's come up again anyways...
(Shame that it means that Taoth won't be dealt with ingame given the game happened within a span of 2-3 months, which also means no more endless river of kits scene canonically, Sadge)
From what I've heard, the plan is for it to be a resolved plot thread within the game. Integrating kitsune society with the rest of the Frost Marches is a different matter entirely.

wouldn't sheer productivity of the den mother can easily flood the land especially inside the Old Country, or they just restrained themselves very hardo, given what we've seen from Kiyoko it seems like a uphill battle or sort, does that mean Savarra is going to be made of 30% floof or more eventually?
Check the Old Country codex entry; they/Tobs have thought about this problem.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Check the Old Country codex entry; they/Tobs have thought about this problem.
I did red it through twice I think, maybe I did missed something.

Edit: Just skim it through, though it doesn't seems to mention how they solve it, only briefly mentioned that they disallowed rabid breeding unless I'm just that stupid and missed some sort of blatant message that my dumbass brain simply failed to perceive which I wouldn't be surprised.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Hey, if it can actually make you feel stuff, it's not because it is bad writing: It is good writing.
Reminded me of Joseph Anderson saying if a horror game uses audio and visual element to make you feel scared, it isn't real horror or something stupid like that LUL.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I did red it through twice I think, maybe I did missed something.

Edit: Just skim it through, though it doesn't seems to mention how they solve it, only briefly mentioned that they disallowed rabid breeding unless I'm just that stupid and missed some sort of blatant message that my dumbass brain simply failed to perceive which I wouldn't be surprised.
Here's the important bit:
Due to their need to periodically drain life-force from other sapient peoples, they have never allowed themselves to grow past a comfortable proportion of the population.
You're right that it doesn't say how they do this but the exact mechanics don't really matter. If they didn't keep their numbers low, they'd either eventually become too numerous to sustain themselves or they'd prompt a mob uprising with torches and pitchforks and then it would suck for everyone. And the former would feed into the latter since the more kitsune there are that need to feed, the more everyone else is going to fear them and eventually be pushed to do something about it. The Old Country in its population spread and kitsune culture specifically is in one sense a finely tuned machine to give the kitsune the food supply they need while also keeping their urges to feed tightly regulated and preventing the remaining ninety percent of the population from ever being put in a position where they feel the need to revolt.

Well, mostly, we know there are revolts every so often but they're less against 'those vampiric kitsune' and more against 'our overlords the kitsune and the tanuki', so less torches and pitchforks against the monsters and more a general peasant grievance deal.

Point being, whether it's in the Old Country or the Frost Marches, the kitsune are aware that they can't grow too numerous or it will cause Problems.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
I made a fat kitsune champion just to spite something kiyoko said in passing :V
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Here's the important bit:You're right that it doesn't say how they do this but the exact mechanics don't really matter.
Obviously that you are right about how the mechanic doesn't really matter though you can't exactly argue that more world building means lesser objective quality inherently. Not to be overdemanding ofc since this is a open collab project by nature, just some details that I personally like to speculate on and question whether would or wouldn't there be any concrete answer, whether it is from author himself or in-game text or supplementary material. Since this is a magical world with mahou shenanigans, pretty sure there are more than one way to deal with the heat, just that Kiyoko didn't used any of those ingame otherwise there wouldn't be those heat sex scenes.

From what I've heard, the plan is for it to be a resolved plot thread within the game. Integrating kitsune society with the rest of the Frost Marches is a different matter entirely.
Post-main game content? For the latter obviously I don't expect it to be happening anytime soon, just something that hinted in the ending text for the future or something would be nice, though my original comment on that my scope only covered about how the kitsunes at large view the Champion specifically, related? Sure but not exactly. It is obvious that the den is on its progress to cope with/move on if not only a small fraction. With Kinu and Champion of Keros around, the progress is likely to be sped up as if Keros had this planned when he decided to have an outsider as the Champion instead of their own.

PS: Also yeah thanks to this thread for pointing me to the Kinu's novella, I always wonder where did that bred Kinu art in the wiki inspired from. Aside that artist can just draw whatever smut if they wanted to because why not.
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king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
Burn the tree, enslave the kitsune, no diplomacy, no negotiation, only debauched degeneracy!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Burn the tree, enslave the kitsune, no diplomacy, no negotiation, only debauched degeneracy!

The Champion and the companions are bad ass, but that idea just won't fly. Nakano with his detachment, Azami and her underlings, Takahiro, Miko and Mai, Komari and EVERY Kitsune that likes their home NOT be a pile of ashes would just swarm you. And even IF the Champion managed to do all that, Keros would probably turn the Champion into a frog or something and stick them in a pond in the Astral Plane.

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
Nakano with his detachment, Azami and her underlings, Takahiro, Miko and Mai, Komari and EVERY Kitsune that likes their home NOT be a pile of ashes would just swarm you
and this is why i keep the witchers on speed dial also the eco-villians

Keros would probably turn the Champion into a frog
then i just get ryn to kiss me and break the spell
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