

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
So I just defeated Taivra, and, wow. I knew I was going to be able to kill Taivra, but I was not at all expecting all of the graphic violence between Dane and Queensguard! Not that I'm complaining, but what happened there? We go the whole game leaving defeated sentient enemies crawl back into the environment, and even pirates just go 'down' or 'knocked out' or 'tied up'. Now all of a sudden we have Dane getting carved up and stabbing people with a rusty hunk of metal, and you can just straight up murder Taivra with her own spear. I'm just curious as to why the sudden change in tone, this far into the game? Taivra doesn't even strike me as a particularly evil villain, at least not when compared to, say, the pirates on Tarkus or Lane or Beth Carver or that pirate boss I haven't gotten to yet. >_>


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
 We go the whole game leaving defeated sentient enemies crawl back into the environment, and even pirates just go 'down' or 'knocked out' or 'tied up'.

I have always been under the impression that you kill both the raiding party on Phoenix and pirate commandos on Deck 92.


Aug 27, 2015
Since this has become Trogdor's thread for "Stuff I've just found which makes no sense to me", I'd like to have a chat about this awful bullshit I've finally gotten around to testing that calls itself the Deconstruction Unit.

First rule of a surprise boss: Make it defeatable by anyone that could reasonably happen upon it. Make it tough, sure, but if you've decided to structure your event so that the player has to do it right then or can never activate it again and is made to feel like a complete arsehole for choosing not to, for God's sake don't then make your champion completely fucking resistant to everything except a particular type of attack on a particular type of weapon. No idea what you were thinking with any of this Gardeford, except "Let's fuck the player with trial and error gameplay, and not even have the common courtesy to make it a sexy Bad End to boot". At least the QotD doesn't straight up burn you alive if you lose to her.

So many ways this could be improved. There's no reason why this has to be a one shot, first and foremost. Have the player infer the aggressor is a robot, further have the Queen heavily hint it is resistant to kinetic/burning attacks. Let the player step away and prepare themselves for it, like they can Carlbot. It's still not a great encounter for a number of reasons, but like this it is no longer a giant middle finger to a player who isn't saving every step they take.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Pretty sure you can swap weapons equipped in combat, but I hold the right to be proven wrong


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Nonesuch It was possible for me to snatch the victory as a level 7 melee Smuggler and to roflstomp it on my second try with vamp blade equiped (and possibly level 8, can't remember). It by no means serve as a counter-point to your arguments, but it does provide some context. Even now, after the slow stat gain had been nerfed, an average PC that reaches Deep Caves should have enough power to stand their ground against the bot. Range Mercs can destroy that thing if they are built properly.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Since this has become Trogdor's thread for "Stuff I've just found which makes no sense to me", I'd like to have a chat about this awful bullshit I've finally gotten around to testing that calls itself the Deconstruction Unit.

First rule of a surprise boss: Make it defeatable by anyone that could reasonably happen upon it. Make it tough, sure, but if you've decided to structure your event so that the player has to do it right then or can never activate it again and is made to feel like a complete arsehole for choosing not to, for God's sake don't then make your champion completely fucking resistant to everything except a particular type of attack on a particular type of weapon. No idea what you were thinking with any of this Gardeford, except "Let's fuck the player with trial and error gameplay, and not even have the common courtesy to make it a sexy Bad End to boot". At least the QotD doesn't straight up burn you alive if you lose to her.

So many ways this could be improved. There's no reason why this has to be a one shot, first and foremost. Have the player infer the aggressor is a robot, further have the Queen heavily hint it is resistant to kinetic/burning attacks. Let the player step away and prepare themselves for it, like they can Carlbot. It's still not a great encounter for a number of reasons, but like this it is no longer a giant middle finger to a player who isn't saving every step they take.

Look, I'll be honest - this isn't a game you really want to be playing blind - there's so many choices to make that I can't imagine not looking up everything you're about to do on the wiki beforehand to see what conversation choices do what, which sex scenes will infect you with venom or impregnate you, the weird mechanics of Gene's submission, that kind of thing.

Assuming you know what you're getting into beforehand, that fight is as easy as lobbing a few EMP grenades at it, in which case you can kill it without it even getting a shot off. Frankly, I would suggest that it's a good idea to always carry some emp grenades around with you, if only your inventory space wasn't so limited. Frankly, there are a lot of things I'd like to carry around but can't justify the inventory space for - grav cuffs, mobile milker, ammo for the goozooka. I mean you could carry around 10 suits of armor or 10 pairs of panties and you'd be just as encumbered either way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Look, I'll be honest - this isn't a game you really want to be playing blind - there's so many choices to make that I can't imagine not looking up everything you're about to do on the wiki beforehand to see what conversation choices do what, which sex scenes will infect you with venom or impregnate you, the weird mechanics of Gene's submission, that kind of thing.

I don't think that making TiTS into one big pile of 'guide dang it' is developers' intent. So it's not unreasonable to think that every major threat should be telegraphed and every choice properly laid out.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I think they mean like, you can easily lock yourself out of certain scenes and end up having to reload a faraway save. Or even just make a "less right" choice and lose affection points or something.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I can name a lot more than three choices. How you handle the encounter with your cousin on Mhen'ga and Tarkus. How to handle the encounter with the sexbot AI and what to do with the AI core. How you handle Nova...

That said, while I can agree to some extent that some fights can be difficult if you walk into them unprepared... you can say that about the whole game. If you rush through and don't bother leveling up much and getting better equipment, you could pretty easily end up in a situation where you're screwed unless you have an earlier save to fall back on. A recent thread about someone stuck in Anno's mission comes to mind.

As long as someone is keeping the wiki reasonably up to date, I don't really think there's a problem here, difficulty-wise. Again, however, I would really like to have more inventory space - just take off the last slot of inventory and have it be a button that cycles between two pages of inventory slots.

A much more valid balance complaint: During the fight with the engineer in Karaquest 2, the number of drones she has can be 2, 3, or 4 - at random. That's kind of a big difference when you consider that any of them can blind you, and they all get an attack each turn. If I weren't already a wrecking ball with genitals at this point, I would be quite tempted to save-scum until I encountered her with only 2 drones.

Unrelated: What is the point of putting Kara in the radio tower during Karaquest 2? She says she can snipe people from up there, but she doesn't seem to actually do that, ever. I didn't see any combat damage from her in any of the fights I got into outside, or in the barracks.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Unrelated: What is the point of putting Kara in the radio tower during Karaquest 2? She says she can snipe people from up there, but she doesn't seem to actually do that, ever. I didn't see any combat damage from her in any of the fights I got into outside, or in the barracks.

Potentially a bug? Toss it in the reports and we'll take a look.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Unrelated: Does this seem, just the slightest, unrealistic...?

Your masculine endowment is concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Your bloated, animalistic cock is 126 inches long and 21 inches across. It’s pale in color and laced with thick veins. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. A full scrotum with a pair of balls swings heavily beneath your tool. You estimate each testicle to be about three inches around and 0.9 inches across.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Unrelated: Does this seem, just the slightest, unrealistic...?

Just imagine how wrinkly and uncomfortable it must be while it's inside you. Oh, and the smegma.

Edit: Also,

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Active Member
Apr 19, 2016
Talking about realism — my char's balls when full are ~4" in diameter, and weigh 170 lbs each when full. Thats a density about 125 times that of water.

I'm reasonably sure I didn't save edit that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Talking about realism — my char's balls when full are ~4" in diameter, and weigh 170 lbs each when full. Thats a density about 125 times that of water.

I'm reasonably sure I didn't save edit that.

Hammerspace! But seems like it can't alter mass...


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Why did you give yourself a 126 inches dick in the first place, if you are concerned about realism?

For the sweet-sweet hyper play scenes?

But yeah, the only way to justify it would be to imagine it folding up like a big, floppy a pouch that's probably pushed the organs in your gut out of the way (or completely reconfigured them)

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So quick question: Will we be able to go on the new starter planet even if you went on mhenga. Cause I have my main lvl 8 guy and I'd love to go on a mad max planet even if I may be extremely over-leveled. Just asking. 

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
So quick question: Will we be able to go on the new starter planet even if you went on mhenga. Cause I have my main lvl 8 guy and I'd love to go on a mad max planet even if I may be extremely over-leveled. Just asking. 

I believe the answer to this was "yes, but the probe will not be there."


Aug 26, 2015
Does that mean that every probe will give you two sets of coordinates, or will the Mad-Max planet's probe follow-up lead to a comepletely separate chain of probes and planets?

The former for the sake of sanity, I imagine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The former for the sake of sanity, I imagine.

So now that we're going to have a choice between worlds to progress to, are the worlds going to become more varied? Right now once we loot a probe, it tells us nothing about the next world, but it doesn't matter because that's the only choice. Are we now going to be seeing descriptions and warnings about the worlds the next probes are on? Are the worlds themselves going to end up being different enough where planning ahead is warranted? Or are they basically going to be about equivalent in terms of scope and difficulty, and we can basically flip a coin?


Aug 26, 2015
So now that we're going to have a choice between worlds to progress to, are the worlds going to become more varied? Right now once we loot a probe, it tells us nothing about the next world, but it doesn't matter because that's the only choice. Are we now going to be seeing descriptions and warnings about the worlds the next probes are on? Are the worlds themselves going to end up being different enough where planning ahead is warranted? Or are they basically going to be about equivalent in terms of scope and difficulty, and we can basically flip a coin?

Almost certainly the latter.  If anything the ones introduced second will probably be a bit less content-rich for a long while just because there's already a bunch of content for the existing ones.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Are we now going to be seeing descriptions and warnings about the worlds the next probes are on?


Are the worlds themselves going to end up being different enough where planning ahead is warranted? Or are they basically going to be about equivalent in terms of scope and difficulty, and we can basically flip a coin?

Each planet on each "leg" will be different, and while they'll pose different hazards, they'll cover the same level range.