

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tarkus is an unusual case because it's a planet made of two other planets welded together by a fairly tenuous cord.  It takes a relatively small bomb to break the cord and destroy the planet.

This actually raises a question... Gravity?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tarkus is also a particularly lawless world. The lack of government influence in the system is why Dr.Lash chose it as his hide out. He's currently wanted by the government for unleashing plague on a planet that completely sterilized the native population. If he had half a mind to he could easily create truly horrific bioweapons and the government seems to lack the power and resources to track him down and contain him. 

(I wonder if Shekka would be willing to make a faustian bargain with him to help her people become more focused...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This actually raises a question... Gravity?

Gravity is mass attraction. Tarkus is two halves, aka one whole. Gravity still exists. Hell, your computer is exacting gravity on you, it's just REALLY SMALL. Spin, internal thermodynamics, geomagnetism, and whatever don't contribute to gravity at all. Only the amount of mass of a body determines gravitational effects. Thus Tarkus still has gravity as if nothing had happened.

If you mean gravity at the center of the "planet"? That's already explained, weightlessness. In game you need grav/mag-boots to walk, otherwise you'd need to propel yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gravity is mass attraction. It's two halves, aka one whole. Gravity still exists. Hell, your computer is exacting gravity on you, it's just REALLY SMALL. Spin, internal thermodynamics, geomagnetism, and whatever don't contribute to gravity at all. Only the amount of mass of a body determines gravitational effects.

If you mean gravity at the center of the "planet"? That's already explained, weightlessness. In game you need grav/mag-boots to walk, otherwise you'd need to propel yourself.

Em... The gravity in the planetary core is absent, because you are in gravity center, it's all working as it should. But why do you need a cord to hold planet together? What force is pulling it's apart strong enough to overcome gravity?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Em... The gravity in the planetary core is absent, because you are in gravity center, it's all working as it should. But why do you need a cord to hold planet together? What force is pulling it's apart strong enough to overcome gravity?

Spin and orbital divergence. Have you played or seen anything of Kerbal Space Program? While a basic simulation of orbital mechanics it still represents it well, when two objects separate and there's some force that propels them apart (spinning your craft can work) will set both objects on different orbits, albeit minor. They will only converge on two points of their respective orbits, where they separated and the opposite side of the star. Add in N-body physics and then you have other bodies pulling the two halves differently at different times, thus their orbits then won't coincide ever again. The tether is there to counter the N-body pulls because two halves of a planet means more gravity to keep atmosphere around the planet. Atmosphere is good for breathing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I would assume something like the gravitational pull of the system's sun. Since the two halves wouldn't be connected otherwise, I don't think they'd orbit properly. They'd slam into each other and wobble and probably just eventually drift apart.

Spin and orbital divergence. Have you played or seen anything of Kerbal Space Program? While a basic simulation of orbital mechanics it still represents it well, when two objects separate and there's some force that propels them apart (spinning your craft can work) will set both objects on different orbits, albeit minor. They will only converge on two points of their respective orbits, where they separated and the opposite side of the star. Add in N-body physics and then you have other bodies pulling the two halves differently at different times, thus their orbits then won't coincide ever again. The tether is there to counter the N-body pulls because two halves of a planet means more gravity to keep atmosphere around the planet. Atmosphere is good for breathing.

There are just one problem. Mass. They are massive enough to hold atmosphere, they are together long enough for any possible differences in kinetic energy to be equalized. No force strong enough to pull them apart would be held by something like cord, doesn't matter how strong is it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are just one problem. Mass. They are massive enough to hold atmosphere, they are together long enough for any possible differences in kinetic energy to be equalized. No force strong enough to pull them apart would be held by something like cord, doesn't matter how strong is it.

No, as I and the Princess said, there's other bodies in the system that pull on the planet halves. If they aren't tethered they will shift. Shifting is bad, and unlike two bodies colliding at orbital speeds (like a moon falling on a planet) there wouldn't be any fusing of the bodies since there's not enough energy to melt the bodies, just smacking each other and breaking more chunks off. Then they'll push each other away, lose half their mass and most of their atmospheric pressure. Pressure is just as important as the air that's being breathed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
unlike two bodies colliding at orbital speeds (like a moon falling on a planet) there wouldn't be any fusing of the bodies since there's not enough energy to melt the bodies

I did mention gravity, right? It means immense pressure of upper layers of planet to lower ones.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did mention gravity, right? It means immense pressure of upper layers of planet to lower ones.

And gravity of OTHER BODIES could pull them apart, not opposite themselves, but slipping. Add in the spin of the planet, that's kinetic energy pulling the two apart as well. There's other things than the two bodies pulling themselves together than are contributing. And while this is just an educated guess two equal masses pulling themselves together would be quite easy to pull apart compared to unequal bodies. The reason the Moon doesn't pull humans off the Earth is because the earth pulls more on us than we on it. Water, however, changes shape and makes tides because, as a whole, it's a MUCH larger body than any living or loose thing on Earth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And gravity of OTHER BODIES could pull them apart, not opposite themselves, but slipping. Add in the spin of the planet, that's kinetic energy pulling the two apart as well. There's other things than the two bodies pulling themselves together than are contributing. And while this is just an educated guess two equal masses pulling themselves together would be quite easy to pull apart compared to unequal bodies. The reason the Moon doesn't pull humans off the Earth is because the earth pulls more on us than we on it. Water, however, changes shape and makes tides because, as a whole, it's a MUCH larger body than any living or loose thing on Earth.

It cant. How would they slip? It's not two greased plates. They should be melted together long ego strong enough to be considered one object. You are referring them as "two parts", but they aren't. To actually tear them apart other body should be masive and close, since the force of gravity is in reverse proportion to distance. Also, tidal forces and gravity are in very interesting... Relations. The sun/earth gravitation effect is 200 times stronger than moon/earth, but tidal forces of moon/earth is 2 times stronger than sun/earth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They ARE two parts tied together into one planet. Assuming the two-in-one planet still has a spin for day-night cycles (unless the gabilani screwed up that big) equates to centripetal force on the two halves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
They can slip because the two halves aren't actually in direct contact, there is a divide between the two halves and thus the cord/ tether is needed. As for the strength of the tether this is a  smutty scifi game. It mostly runs on porn logic and is most definitely on the softer end on the scale of scientific hardness. There is a strong enough material for such a tether because the writters say there is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They ARE two parts tied together into one planet. Assuming the two-in-one planet still has a spin for day-night cycles (unless the gabilani screwed up that big) equates to centripetal force on the two halves.

It's not, again. Once their relative movement is equalized (and it is), they are essentially one object. And centrifugal force strong enough would already throw away anything on the surface.

They can slip because the two halves aren't actually in direct contact, there is a divide between the two halves and thus the cord/ tether is needed. As for the strength of the tether this is a  smutty scifi game. It mostly runs on porn logic and is most definitely on the softer end on the scale of scientific hardness. There is a strong enough material for such a tether because the writters say there is.

Well, can't argue with "it's fucking magic".


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Trogdor If you blew all the money you've got from retrieving M'hengan probe and getting a prospector's fee on space drugs and alien hookers, it's your problem. Steele Jr. doesn't really need extra money for anything besides vanity items. So if they aren't generous right now, they'll never be.

And as was mentioned above,  you spend too little time with Shekka for her to be willing to sacrifice even a small part of her giant race saving project for your benefit. 

@Milkman I sure hope that neither Shekka nor raskvel elders will ever become so desperate to find a quick solution that they even consider dealing with Lash. In any other case, they are intelligent enough to see his crazy bullshit for what it is.

Crazy bastard will probably shoot little buggers on sight anyway.

P.S. Does this number of posts count as a proper 'get'? :$
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
If you blew all the money you've got from retrieving M'hengan probe on space drugs and alien hookers, it's your problem. Steele Jr. doesn't really need extra money for anything besides vanity items. So if they aren't generous right now, they'll never be.

By the time you're done on Tarkus you'll have faced off against giant robots, a giant goo, rocket turrets, someone wielding a gun the size of her body one-handed, and a bloody mech suit. Meanwhile, the best you possibly have is some junk armor or smart clothes, and some kind of standard rifle. Steele Jr. will be back with her generosity once momma finds herself some decent toys.

Also, a question: I just found the pregnancy page on the wiki. It makes it sound like you can only get pregnant from a handful of characters which it lists, most of which are encountered hostiles. Is this true?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
By the time you're done on Tarkus you'll have faced off against giant robots, a giant goo, rocket turrets, someone wielding a gun the size of her body one-handed, and a bloody mech suit. Meanwhile, the best you possibly have is some junk armor or smart clothes, and some kind of standard rifle. Steele Jr. will be back with her generosity once momma finds herself some decent toys.

By the time you get into Stellar Tether, you can have Goo Armour, Premium Joyco Shield generator, Nova Rifle and Pistol,  ZK Rifle, Energy Blade. All purely from quests.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
By the time you get into Stellar Tether, you can have Goo Armour, Premium Joyco Shield generator, Nova Rifle and Pistol,  ZK Rifle, Energy Blade. All purely from quests.

Yes I'm aware of all of those things, but you seem to have missed the part where Steele is fighting ROCKET TURRETS AND GIANT MECHSUITS WITH DEATH LASERS. I don't know about you, but against foes like that, rifles and catsuits seem.. inadequate.

And before you reply with "yeah, well, it worked so it must be good enough, right?" let me remind you that you survive the mech suit by lying down on the floor and being incredibly fortunate that the pirate captain is too dumb to aim just a few inches lower. :p

To be fair, there isn't any gravity down there.

I guess there's no recoil down there, either, then. :p


Aug 27, 2015
I very much doubt Fen gave any scientific thought to how or if Tarkus would work. Certainly I didn't give much to the whole Daerinoys thing.

Someone should ask the XKCD guy if he'd do one of his "What Ifs" on what would happen if you smashed Mars into Earth and then tied the two together


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Venus would be a better option, size-wise. Minus the acidic atmosphere, that is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I very much doubt Fen gave any scientific thought to how or if Tarkus would work. Certainly I didn't give much to the whole Daerinoys thing.

Someone should ask the XKCD guy if he'd do one of his "What Ifs" on what would happen if you smashed Mars into Earth and then tied the two together

Destruction of the both planet's crusts for sure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Ooh, armchair physics. At first I thought the two halves were orbiting each other, constantly falling towards each other but always missing. But, that really can't be right because the two halves share an atmosphere, and that would slow the two halves down such that they would eventually not miss each other. And there would be no point to a tether because the two halves are trying to collide, not fly apart.

Then I thought, well, maybe it's a very small planet and the gravity pulling them together is less than the momentum pulling them apart, and the tether is keeping them rotating in a circle instead of flying apart. That would make the 'tether' make more sense, but such a planet probably wouldn't be able to retain an atmosphere, or it would have to be spinning very, very, very quickly..

It also seems unlikely that such a planet would have liquid seas, unless the split just happened to break off along a perfect contineintal divide going all the way around the planet; it seems like the water would run off the edge and flow down towards the "core" and it would just kind of float there in 0 gravity.

Also, Syri has a weird romance. "I'm big tough military shemale, but I missed you so I'mma put on girly fishnets. Oh and I got you a present, it's vibrating anal beads in my ass." When I first read the scene I thought the present was that she feels close enough to you to bwoink vaginally without a condom and the present was a giant creampie. But, nope, she uses a condom in that scene, too, so I'm not sure what the present was supposed to be. Being able to play with the anal beads in her butt? That's not a present for you, that's a present for her -.-'

Still want dat hinted steele-syri-anno 3-some, tho.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Not a "split" but a smashing of two planets that obliterated half of each, so you've got ridges around the rift

I know what happened. I was using split as a noun in that sentence, and as nouns, rift and split mean pretty much the same thing. :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
* Oxonium Deposits Found, Total: 1
Suspicious Items
* TamaniCorp, Dong Designer: Taken, Installed, Unused
* Xenogen Biotech, GaloMax Pill: Acquired
* ???, Equine Phallus Found, Total: 1
Illegal Items
* Throbb: Known

Is it possible to find multiple oxonium deposits on Mhen'ga, or multiple horse cocks?