Offbeatr Backer


New Member
Feb 4, 2016
Soooo, I backed on Offbeatr, well, some time ago, and haven't really followed up since. I recently found out Offbeatr is being shut down (tomorrow, I believe. Thank you for that notification Fenoxo, none of the other content creators sent out an alert), so, is there anything I should be doing to make sure I don't lose out on my Offbeatr backer rewards? I tried searching the site for Offbeatr, in case that turned something up, but my search-fu is weak. Anywho, if some kind soul could let me know, I'd appreciate it. :)

btw, great progress since way back when. I look forward to finally giving it a go soon. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Realistically, even with offbeatr still going there's nothing you can do to be certain you get the backer rewards.  All you can really do is contact the person making whatever it is you funded and ask them what they're going to do to make sure backers get what they paid for.  Offbeatr is an investment site, all you're doing is throwing money at things you like and hoping to get something good out of it.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Make sure you have a account that's linked up to Offbeatr. If you have that, everything should be groovy.


New Member
Feb 4, 2016
Realistically, even with offbeatr still going there's nothing you can do to be certain you get the backer rewards.  All you can really do is contact the person making whatever it is you funded and ask them what they're going to do to make sure backers get what they paid for.  Offbeatr is an investment site, all you're doing is throwing money at things you like and hoping to get something good out of it.

While very true, seeing as Fen sent out an update to alert Offbeatr users, I'm pretty sure they're intending to deliver. :p  

Make sure you have a account that's linked up to Offbeatr. If you have that, everything should be groovy.

Thank you, exactly what I was looking for. :D  I have a account, how do I know if it's linked up? I couldn't see an option for it. And thanks for the help. :)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If you're able to download TiTS backer builds from it, then you should be hooked up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Patreon is probably the major reason for this, as it seems to be what most creators are using these days.


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
As someone who rarely checks their email (and actually forgot that I backed this), I'm guessing I'm S.O.L. with the offbeater backer rewards. Any good news for a dummy like me?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wow, Offbeatr's shutting down? I seem to remember thinking their cut of pledges was too high to make them a worthwhile option, but with both them and Kimochi going we'd really better hope nothing happens to Patreon.Are there even any other options left to make a living from adult games?

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow, Offbeatr's shutting down? I seem to remember thinking their cut of pledges was too high to make them a worthwhile option, but with both them and Kimochi going we'd really better hope nothing happens to Patreon.Are there even any other options left to make a living from adult games?

Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have become less paranoid about adult content. While their rules are fairly vague (basically everything is judged case by case) they have allowed several adult projects so long as the content on the crowdfunding site itself was kept pretty non-explicit. There is the option of advertising but I think you would have a very hard time competing with traditional porn as that tends to have much broader appeal and less cost. You could ask for donations via Dwolla or some other system like Fen used to do with backer days. Finally you could probably set up your own system using Stripe. Kimochi was using it (and Patreon still is) as their payment system so presumably it must allow adult games

Patreon seems to be healthy though. It has actual revenue unlike many startups and it also has investors. The problem with purely adult ventures like Kimochi or Offbeatr is they have a limited audience and mainstream investors tend to shy away from them. They simply are not that good of investments and being involved with them is potentially damaging to your reputation.

Of course making a living from adult games is still very hard. Only a small fraction of creators are able to accomplish it. Most do it as a hobby while holding a day job or going through school and make little if any money off of it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oops, thought I'd answered this ages ago. Thanks Void Director. It's good news that places like KS are becoming more open about that sort of thing - I'd been worried that the trend was in the other direction. In fact, if KS is becoming an option for adult content then I can see why Offbeatr is closing down - IIRC they took a much bigger cut of pledges than Patreon or Kickstarter.