

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmm.. it seems that the Sydian Females have some scenes that can only be accessed if you manage to remove her armor. But from what I've seen so far, her armor usually takes very little damage - she always loses her health bar way before she'd be losing her armor bar. So when the above happened and I managed to take off such a huge chunk of her armor with my second shot perk, it got me wondering 1) why that happened ( I guess the stars aligned and all my damage perks must have procced? ) and 2) even with that happening, she still had 60 armor left  when she fell over, so I wonder how anyone would manage to trigger these scenes? Unless perhaps other classes have armor-stripping perks, or there are weapons that specifically strip armor?

The wiki says her armor is "ablative" which I suppose could mean that you could do it by poking her with a stick a hundred times until her armor gets sufficiently weakened that it drops faster than her health bar. >_>

It was in another thread, hammer/smashing/blunt or whatever type weapons are for armor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
What is the pink hoverboard for? The wiki says it's for 'speed traveling', but it doesn't realy explain what that is. I had assumed it meant that you could use the scout transport points for free, but apparently that's not right. Does it make your movement between squares take less clock time? Or does it only become useful later in the game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What is the pink hoverboard for? The wiki says it's for 'speed traveling', but it doesn't realy explain what that is. I had assumed it meant that you could use the scout transport points for free, but apparently that's not right. Does it make your movement between squares take less clock time? Or does it only become useful later in the game?

It halves travel time between rooms, which is basically useless. Also, it prevents "immobilized" bad ends for hyperinflated bodyparts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Hmm.. That's actually good to know, and handy for a lactating character who doesn't have much capacity. Probably also useful for this Tether thing I'm about to do..
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Aug 26, 2015
Not really.  The only way to fail the Tether mission's time limit is to go back up after going down or try to Rest.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The choice at the end of Tarkus seems a bit odd. 'Sell to Steele' 'Sell to Shekka' 'Give to Shekka'. Honestly, after how much time I spent with Shekka, going through and unlocking all of her talk options and boinking her a few times, I kind of expected her to treat me more favorably than the obvious-arrogant-stereotype rival, offering to accept a lowball offer or just giving it to me outright or offering to boink for it.

Given that that doesn't happen, it seems silly that you would then turn around and express an outpouring of generosity and either give or sell her the probe back for less than what your company will pay.

It seems like I should want to give it to her, what with her whole 'I need money to fix my species' goal, but between having to buy it with the piece of platinum (which you can't use for anything other than bartering for the probe), her lack of appreciation for our relationship in the Rival confrontation,  and being kind of broke, I opted to sell it to the company.


Aug 26, 2015
You have been blessed with friends, influence, and good fortune which allows you to quickly become independently wealthy as you fly around on a spaceship looking for treasure and sex.

Shekka lives in a pile of junk inside a bigger pile of junk on the surface of the galaxy's biggest pile of junk.

One of you can afford to be generous here, the other can't.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
If it actually unlocked another interaction or subplot, I might've, but it doesn't seem to open up anything that I couldn't do before. Plus she got the Plat-190, which is worth plenty, and was the only significant reward I got from literally saving the planet she lives on from apocalyptic devastation. I didn't even get to loot what's-her-dick's giant gun. :/

In the grand scheme of things, I can come back and be generous once I'm actually rich.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I got from literally saving the planet she lives on from apocalyptic devastation

You are not. As much as I got about this event, they have not planned to actually use that bomb, it was just to scare off possible intervention. And it's your screw ap is what can make apocalypse actually happen.

All you and the damn Peacekeepers had to do was was stay back a few hours... nobody had to get hurt. But you... now you've ruined everything.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
You are not. As much as I got about this event, they have not planned to actually use that bomb, it was just to scare off possible intervention. And it's your screw ap is what can make apocalypse actually happen.

Baloney, they totally intended to set off that bomb, otherwise whats-her-dick wouldn't have been so urgently messaging Tam that the bomb is set to go off in 4 hours.


Aug 27, 2015
And this makes no sense at all. They doesn't look like suicide bombers for me.

They retrieve the platinum, leave the bomb active and fly off. Maybe they don't even intend to blow the planet up or are simply fuckheads - they might have left it on in order to keep the U.G.C. taskforce occupied whilst they make their escape. However they're waiting for you to do something, so...


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The whole thing is a bit weird. For such an important facility, guarded with rocket turrets and soldiers and who knows what else, the idea that a handful of pirates managed to get in, presumably on foot (since, y'know, the rocket turrets are meant to shoot down approaching ships). That's the stuff of black ops state agents, not comically inept sex pirates. But y'know...suspension of disbelief and all that.

Plus such a planet-rending event would undoubtedly expose difficult-to-obtain minerals, which the pirates could either mine themselves from planetary ejecta, or raid transports from mining concerns that come in once the dust settles.

Really, it's a win-win for the pirates assuming they can use the threat of the bomb to escape. The things they say to you are just to throw you off; they obviously don't give a damn about the planet or anyone on it, which made me a bit upset that my only options were to fuck them or leave them - brutal execution would have seemed more appropriate, to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A lot of people would probably agree with you, even myself in certain circumstances (that damnable badger...), but TiTS isn't about that homicide, no matter how justified it might seem. I'm honestly surprised Steele can kill cunt snakes. Poor things...

It's not about getting hands dirty. You already can blow up two whole worlds on your way. Though, you can kill Tavira.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Speaking of not really getting much out of being charitable and peaceful, is there any fucking point to taking those options? I mean using the plat on Tavros just saves you some credits, but that's irrelevant as the next planet has sweet loot and you've just unlocked the two best merchants in the game on that planet, and using it on Myrellion skips a couple boss fights that give out even more sweet loot and an upgrade to the goo suit. Same goes for subjugation vs diplomacy, as I don't really see much point in not beating Taivra's ass to get her spear AND the pod.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
To memory, the Tether doesn't get blown up unless you commit to doing the dungeon and then fail it. You commit to it by bunking Tam and taking one of the two detonators, and they need both to disarm the bomb. It's basically a deadmans switch set up to avoid getting rushed down and being, well, suicidal. And evidently it works! Yay!

Also, Shekka is someone you chatted up for like, maybe five hours in total in the span of a few days. And then you ditch her after. She isn't gonna give you a stellar deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
So, I started looking at the wiki a bit more, trying to figure out if I could get my character to start being referred to as a regular kathrit, rather than a half-. I wanted to keep the fur and claws, and eye color from my naleen nip, so I looked at what else was holding me back. I was able to change my eyes from 'snake eyes' to 'cat eyes' (despite them being the same thing) with Nepeta, without losing the metallic gold color. But oddly, even though the Naleen face is described as a 'human face', it doesn't count, so I had to ditch the fangs. Okay, fine. Then I noticed that the face table listed 'feline' as a valid face type. Lo and behold,

You have a cat-like face, complete with moist nose and whiskers. Your black fur hides ebony skin underneath. Overall, your visage has a gorgeous profile with shapely lips and noticeable eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a metallically glistening gold iris. The long, black hair on your head is parted by a pair of cute, fuzzy feline ears, sprouting from atop your head and pivoting towards any sudden noises. Your mouth contains a feline tongue.

Not only does she now have a feline face, her face is furred! Sadly, this means I'm still referred to as a halfbreed, but whatever, this is way better.

I wonder if this will screw anything up because there's no dialogue written for certain scenes if you have a feline face.

It also seems that if you rename a save file to try and move it to a different 'slot', it fucks it up and won't load. Must store the slot number in the file and the game compares the file name to the stored value. Weird.

Side note - is it verboten to discuss save editing on the forum here?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, I started looking at the wiki a bit more, trying to figure out if I could get my character to start being referred to as a regular kathrit, rather than a half-. I wanted to keep the fur and claws, and eye color from my naleen nip, so I looked at what else was holding me back. I was able to change my eyes from 'snake eyes' to 'cat eyes' (despite them being the same thing) with Nepeta, without losing the metallic gold color. But oddly, even though the Naleen face is described as a 'human face', it doesn't count, so I had to ditch the fangs. Okay, fine. Then I noticed that the face table listed 'feline' as a valid face type. Lo and behold,

Not only does she now have a feline face, her face is furred!

I wonder if this will screw anything up because there's no dialogue written for certain scenes if you have a feline face.

It also seems that if you rename a save file to try and move it to a different 'slot', it fucks it up and won't load. Must store the slot number in the file and the game compares the file name to the stored value. Weird.

Side note - is it verboten to discuss save editing on the forum here?

Yes, you can save edit to fully furry cat-morph. And it's not really considered as something bad here. But using ingame methods usually feels much better, for me at least :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Save editing is totally fine to talk about. 

As for being considered a full-breed kaithrit, I think that's something you can save edit. Might be able to make yourself anything you want, even. I'm not that well-versed in editing.

I've understood that he wants to be detected as kaithrit  while being cat-morph. It's not actually possible to save edit, since race is detected by function rather than stored. You can only edit your original race.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
But using ingame methods usually feels much better, for me at least :)

Sure, but these feline parts (face, legs) aren't available from ingame items anyway. Also, nepeta isn't even available until you get to bloody Myrellion... and with Transformatives being so bloody random (which is odd considering no randomness is described when other characters talk about getting genetic mods) you'd have to save scrub a bunch of times to get the exact combination of features you want, anyway, unless you want to spend a literal fortune on modding yourself back and forth until you finally get it right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh God. Is this like an Inception thing where it just keeps getting deeper?

It feels like an Inception thing.

No, it's Matrix thing.

Sure, but these feline parts (face, legs) aren't available from ingame items anyway. Also, nepeta isn't even available until you get to bloody Myrellion... and with Transformatives being so bloody random (which is odd considering no randomness is described when other characters talk about getting genetic mods) you'd have to save scrub a bunch of times to get the exact combination of features you want, anyway, unless you want to spend a literal fortune on modding yourself back and forth until you finally get it right.

Hm... Would it be indecent to promote my mod here?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Sure, but these feline parts (face, legs) aren't available from ingame items anyway. Also, nepeta isn't even available until you get to bloody Myrellion... and with Transformatives being so bloody random (which is odd considering no randomness is described when other characters talk about getting genetic mods) you'd have to save scrub a bunch of times to get the exact combination of features you want, anyway, unless you want to spend a literal fortune on modding yourself back and forth until you finally get it right.

One of the main reason some people prefer save editing.

I personally prefer save scumming. It´s so satisfying when I finally get it right :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sure, but these feline parts (face, legs) aren't available from ingame items anyway. Also, nepeta isn't even available until you get to bloody Myrellion... and with Transformatives being so bloody random (which is odd considering no randomness is described when other characters talk about getting genetic mods) you'd have to save scrub a bunch of times to get the exact combination of features you want, anyway, unless you want to spend a literal fortune on modding yourself back and forth until you finally get it right.

Actually that randomness sort of is factored in by other characters in that some of the modded characters in game are in massive debt because they splurged on high quality mods without the risk of random results. The less random a mod is the more expensive it is. This can be seen with a mod like "knot a problem" that gives you a single guaranteed result as such it's cost is highly inflated compared to Aursaur treats. Custom tailoring your body into a specific desired shape is a challenge that is meant to be expensive. So expensive that it has driven at least one NPC into so much debt that she's now a slave (Raeha) and a second NPC is at risk of being enslaved because of her gene mod debt if her shop doesn't do well. (Sera).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The whole thing is a bit weird. For such an important facility, guarded with rocket turrets and soldiers and who knows what else, the idea that a handful of pirates managed to get in, presumably on foot (since, y'know, the rocket turrets are meant to shoot down approaching ships). That's the stuff of black ops state agents, not comically inept sex pirates. But y'know...suspension of disbelief and all that.

Plus such a planet-rending event would undoubtedly expose difficult-to-obtain minerals, which the pirates could either mine themselves from planetary ejecta, or raid transports from mining concerns that come in once the dust settles.

Really, it's a win-win for the pirates assuming they can use the threat of the bomb to escape. The things they say to you are just to throw you off; they obviously don't give a damn about the planet or anyone on it, which made me a bit upset that my only options were to fuck them or leave them - brutal execution would have seemed more appropriate, to me.

I wonder what kinda of incompetent future government let's a bomb of that magnitude fall in the hands of some pirates. And planet-rending bombs, even if it isn't exterminatus level, seems to dangerous to have it being marketable without everyone near it going completely batshit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I wonder what kinda of incompetent future government let's a bomb of that magnitude fall in the hands of some pirates. And planet-rending bombs, even if it isn't exterminatus level, seems to dangerous to have it being marketable without everyone near it going completely batshit.

There are no central goverment in a universe. There are lots of worlds where presence of a UGC is small. Like, for instance, Myrellion - they would happily sell some nukes for some high tech things, and it's not like there are actual customs there.


Aug 26, 2015
I wonder what kinda of incompetent future government let's a bomb of that magnitude fall in the hands of some pirates. And planet-rending bombs, even if it isn't exterminatus level, seems to dangerous to have it being marketable without everyone near it going completely batshit.

Tarkus is an unusual case because it's a planet made of two other planets welded together by a fairly tenuous cord.  It takes a relatively small bomb to break the cord and destroy the planet.