QB's Concept Pile

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Okay, first of all, the legalese. This is not an intended list of future projects, I am not trying to solicit people to help me write these things, and this is all on my head. Although I appreciate and welcome discussions and commentary, I cannot promise that anything talked about here will make it into the game.

Now, on to the actual explanation. I have a lot of ideas for characters. This is not entirely a bad thing, as, after all, where would Fall of Eden be without its NPCs? It'd be pretty damn boring. Problem is, A: LD and I have a huge workload as it is, so we can't go haring after every concept I have or we'll never get anything done, and B: frankly, I'm not all that good at designing characters. What we strive to do is to make our characters feel "life-like", to try and get them engaging. My characters... well, let's be honest, they tend to be kind of empty of anything except fetish fuel. Not helping is that I have a tendency to cling to stuff that doesn't matter in the grand scheme, I'm miserly when it comes to character making - for example, before LD had some success in hammering "don't fix what ain't broke!" into my head, I actually suggested using one character we're working as a hotbed for my monstergirl cravings and my desire for a dog-dicked catgirl on seperate occasions - and I generally have a problem with seeing & trimming metaphorical fat from my ideas.

I'm tired of harassing LD the way I have, and yet, I need a way to vent my ideas or my head's going to burst. So, this topic, with LD's official permission, where I can toss out things that have been bugging me and either lay them to rest or, just maybe, come back to them in the future and see if I can make something workable from the shards of potential amongst the chaff.

Idea #1: The Cursed Cuntboi/Hydra-girl

This is something I got an idea for after finding some pics on a /tg/ board that were based on one of the board's stories; a former knight cursed by a dragon into a cuntboi and compelled to get knocked up with half-dragon eggs, a process that was slowly turning him into a girl. Since dragons are a no-go in Eden, I went with the idea of a hydra monstergirl "end game" instead. I actually talked this one a little with LD, but my failures to develop it properly made me shelve her, until I thought to start this process here.

The basic idea of this character is that they're a gladiator who made a deal with a hydra's spirit in order to become the greatest champion ever. The spirit agreed, but as a side-effect of the pact, swapped the guy's junk for her own, cursing him that if he ever was defeated, he would become the mate of whoever defeated them. And then you come along and take him down, of course. The character's sexual themes would be MtF TGing, Human to Monstergirl Corruption, Cum-Drinking, Breeding and possibly Forced Feminization.

The original idea I had was that her personality is dynamic, allowing you to tailor just how feminine she acts vs. how masculine, but that might be too much work. Likewise, I had originally figured he would go through three distinct forms, but I think LD advocated that it'd be too much work and I should just make him go straight to MG-form once you win him. Forms outlined below.

Beginner form; human cuntboi (effeminate face but otherwise masculine) with clearly inhuman pussy.

Intermediate form; partially scaled, dragon-horned, reverse trap with draconic tail and limb, hydra heads from shoulders.

Final appearance: tall (6-7ft?) and voluptuous hydra-girl. Human face, but scales all over in lieu of skin. Snake-like eyes, elongated and prehensile snake tongue, draconic horns. Sprouts at least two snakes that end in anthro "hydra" (snake with dragon-horns) heads from her shoulders; tendency to talk to these heads. Prehensile serpentine tail - maybe it ends in a "hydra head" as well? Draconic arms and limbs.

I have no idea for the character beyond this; he needs a believable backstory, a compelling history, a plausible reason for the player to get involved, and an understandable motivation for joining the player. I got zip on any of these. The above is actually his second iteration; he started out as something rather different:

A former male adventurer who tried to fight off an evil sorceress with a distaste for men. He succeeded, but when she fled, she cursed him with a spell that traded his male genitalia for those of a hydra-girl. Now he is fighting a losing battle to hold onto his sanity as his new junk compels him to make use of it. The more feminine sex he has, the more he transforms, until what's eventually left is a man-eating breeder, a scaly fuck-machine with a ravenous womb that hungers to make more hydra-girls and just fuck, fuck, FUCK everyone around her.

If your character chooses to get involved, you can plunge him into damnation by shamelessly using him, resulting in her transformation into a ravening beast who will run off into the wilderness 

Or, you can be nice to him; try to help him and encourage him, even as you sate his urges. In this scenario, although she still transforms into a hydra, she manages to form a loving bond with you, allowing her to keep her sanity by fixating on you as her mate/prize and throwing off the remnants of her tormentor's enslavement spells. This way, she becomes a follower - ideally, a combat one, but she needs a proper role to play in the party.

Idea #2: The Pirate Queens (Sharktopus vs. Akhlut)

Intended for the second act, these are a pair of NPCs for one of the worlds beyond Eden. I have't decided if they're morphs or MGs, or even what sex they are - I know they're both cocked girls, but I haven't decided if they're both herms, both dickgirls, or one of each. So yeah, I don't blame you for being skeptical of these two right away.

The basic idea is that each of these girls is a proud and skilled local figure - a pirate queen, a mob boss, some less-than-legal authority figure - and they're bitter rivals with each other. Ideally, each would have her own subquests and missions associated with her, allowing you to choose to help out, assist one in driving the other off, just become a slutty toy they fight over, or even power-bottom your way into a threesome with the two queenly figures. Not initially considered as followers; I'd like the idea, but pure fuckbuddies is what I'm happy to settle for. Both girls are full-fledged dominant lovers; they're not going to submit to you. Beyond that, though, they each have their quirks...

One of the two is a sharktopus - which is what it sounds like, a shark-octopus hybrid. A voluptuous statuesque stunner, she's got a "loving dom" sort of thing going on. She's a tender, gentle lover, but she's also unabashedly in charge; tentacle play & sex, teasing, paizuri, motorboating, orgasm denial, things like this are her tools for making it clear that even as she loves you in her bed, you're still going to do what she wants, and you're going to love it. She likes a subbier PC, someone who gives in to her ministrations and who enjoys her teasing, her head games, even her public molestations - it's not that she's a bitch when she secretly slips a tentacle cock up your butt in the middle of the restaurant, she's just in love with her ability to mess around with you and have you enjoy it. She's clever, cunning, thoughtful and patient, with a mischievous sense of humor. The thought has struck me that she might have something of a breeder's lust, that she's particularly looking to have heirs to her proverbial throne, but that's probably just me piling shit on again. 

The other... I'm not sure if I should make her an akhlut (an Inuit monster, essentially an orca/wolf hybrid) or just a pure orca. The former option feels like a nice balance, but on the other hand, in where I'd desired to place these two, I don't know if there's wolf-morphs. Anyway, this one is the "young buck" of the duo, the challenger, all full of fire and guts and not a lot in the way of brains. Your classic hotheaded amazon type. She's a rough lover who's big on cumplay, cumflation, cum-marking, lovebiting and generally rough, messy sex. Ironically, the key to impressing her is to have a higher Slut rating and a higher Dom score rather than a Sub score. See, she doesn't want a fucktoy; she can pick those up whenever and wherever she wants. She wants a mate. Someone who can get into it as much as she does, who makes her work for her release - someone she can catch from without feeling like a weakling, and who can give her the thrill of being legitimately challenged, even beaten, in an arena she's never lost in before.

Idea #3: The Unicorn Love-Rat

I literally just thought this one up this morning. It's a weird idea, even by my standards, because I'm not normally interested in male characters. In essence, this unicorn-morph used to be a normal stallion-morph wizard; a bit of a perv, but a decent guy... just cripplingly shy around women. He took an experimental spell/potion to fix himself, and he wound up as a unicorn, with much stronger magical powers... and a huge dose of ego and perversion. As you might have guessed from the placeholder title, this guy is all about wooing and seducing women - and, more importantly, knocking them up. He's got a bit of a god complex, and he wants to spread his "gift of seed" as far and as wide as possible. Thing is, if  you're not so girly that you trigger his lust, he's actually kind of bro. He's got all sorts of magical tricks he's whipped up to make sex more effective, and happy to share, so he's a good source for stuff that boosts potency or virility.

This is probably me piling shit on again, but my thoughts beyond that amounted to something simple: "what happens if he learns of a way to knock up guys?"

My answer? If he does learn of that, he becomes more... hostile. He's not a fighter, but he'll try and trick a guy into letting him use his magic on them, which A: drastically raises femininity, and B: gives them the mpreg trait so that C: he can try and seduce them into letting him put a baby in their belly now he can get it up for them.

Of course, such a character, especially if he tries to make you into his breeder no matter you're starting gender, needs an option for payback. Not exactly sure what, beyond vague ideas of turning the tables somehow, maybe with him winding up as a perpetually knocked up shemale broodmare or something...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For idea # 1 

* For the backstory-  he was a major weakling as a child/early days and something happened that forced/inspired him to become stronger, so he could defend himself and those he cared about. ( not the most original of back stories but serviceable)

* A reason the player might get involved is because in addition to making the knight want use his vag, the gift/curse also compels him/her to seek and fight strong opponents so he can defeat them and use their sperm to make strong cum-hungry offspring that would grow up to do the same. The player can't let someone so troublesome roam around unchecked and decides to help, or in the case of an evil PC decides to take the knight as a pet/slave as punishment for daring to challenge them.

* The reason he/she would join the player in their quest is because of his/her knight's code and pledges himself/herself to the person that "saved" them until death or until they've done something to repay their debt. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm really conflicted on the cboy character. He sounds like someone I'd feel sorry for and wanna help out. On the other hand, I'm not really into cboys, especially if all I end up doing is making them turn anyway. I am interested in the rat unicorn character though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who is very much into cboys, I can't help but be intrigued by the gladiator. The hydra-heads thing seems interesting too; would the two extra heads be distinct personalities?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Totally love #'s one and three. Feminization, breeding, and corruption are totally my most favorite of things.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
I think the first one might be treading a little close to Terry's niche, in terms of gender-identity themes. If you want to go down that road, it would have to be pretty well-thought out and distincive. I don't mind the kink, I just think that conservation of detail applies.

The second has potential, I'd recommend bumping up the contrast between them as much as you can. Land base vs. sea base, gender difference, morph vs. monster, basically anywhere you can make them relatably similar but markedly different, go for it.

I'm getting something of a Kelt-vibe off the third. He needs development, and I'd recommend changing his species to avoid the comparison.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Re: Idea 1

In all honesty, I have wondered if maybe losing the cboi to female angle for the hydra-girl mightn't be a good idea... but then, I ask myself; if she's this bad as she is, how much worse would she be if you stripped away even that modicum of origins/conflict?

One of the big problems with her that hasn't been touched upon is, really, a combat character should have a unique and distinctive niche to justify their place on the field. But, there's not exactly a lot of niches left. We've got Terry the Rogue, Kiai the Healer, and Layla the Brute in-game already, act 2 will add Cveta the Bard and Miranda the Bruiser (which kind of absorbs the "Barbarian" niche), and LD and I are working on Zina the Defender (stone wall type), and a further trio of a Mage, Monk and Arcane Trickster, whom I can't go into more detail about for reasons of development. And of course that presents the problem of "why is this character, who was originally a warrior before you recruited them, not a warrior afterwards?" So, yeah...

I hadn't really thought on the extra heads having distinct personalities, Bravanger. Don't you think that'd be a bit silly? Maybe if it's something more like they're aspects of the hydra-girl's own personality - say, one is her bloodlust, the other her sluttiness, for example - then maybe that'd work.

Also, Tristan, Terry's "niche" in terms of fetish is The Pet. You can tweak his gender, yes, but that's strictly optional, not a core focus of his character; it's there because he's your Pet and so you can mold him the way you want.

Re: Idea 2

The gender difference and morph vs. monster thing is something I had contemplated before. Anyone have any thoughts on who'd be better to apply to which? Or would it be better if I presented my current ideas of what the two queens would look like in either format, for that kind of thing?

I really like this duo myself, I'm just not sure where to start out from now that I have this basic idea...

Such a pity only one person seems to like them, though.

Re: Idea 3

My, such different attitudes on the character.

I agree I don't want him to be too Kelt-like, but, really, is he actually that Kelt-like? Kelt's a douchebag who puts down everyone as either a worthless wimp or a brainless slut, depending on gender. This unicorn is perfectly affable and friendly towards people he thinks are guys, and the same but also seductive towards people he thinks are women. Unicorn-sleaze never denigrates or abuses people; he's a sleazebag in that all of his gestures of courtly love and romance are fundamentally insincere - he's cheating on you, even as he swears you're the only girl he's interested in, and his ultimate interest is to get you pregnant, without changing his "Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am!" attitude. Once he's knocked you up, he doesn't take any responsibility; he'll keep putting babies in you if you keep approaching him, but he's not going to help you raise them, and you can forget about marriage.

Seems different to me. Kelt's an arrogant asshole who demands women jump on his cock. This guy will charm his way into your bed and then leave you without so much as cooking you breakfast


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think making the heads each represent an unfiltered portion of the character's personality could be very interesting! And potentially quite funny too; even someone who's been transformed into a fuck-hungry demihuman might be embarrassed by their inner thoughts being casually shouted out.

As for the third option, I think it could be solid. It's good to have characters that the player can dislike, even quite strongly, who aren't out and out evil. Especially if some form of turnabout is on the table.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The gender difference and morph vs. monster thing is something I had contemplated before. Anyone have any thoughts on who'd be better to apply to which? Or would it be better if I presented my current ideas of what the two queens would look like in either format, for that kind of thing?

I really like this duo myself, I'm just not sure where to start out from now that I have this basic idea...

Such a pity only one person seems to like them, though.

1. I loved idea 2, i was just too tired to comment on it.

2. i think it would be better to present your ideas for them first and then let people help decide what to keep or change.
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Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016

Maybe it's just my perspective. I don't really write smut (kinda bending my rules just participating here), so I'm looking at these ideas from a narrative perspective. 1 and 3 are defined by their kinks, so I can't really see them standing on their own. But that's what this thread is for, so I'll just focus on the one I can see the potential of.

If I were starting on idea #2, I'd start by fleshing out the personalities, setting, and questline, in that order. Beyond having an established champion vs. a rising star challenger, what are the motivations behind their conflict? Are there some influences driving their competition to be a little nastier than it should be? Are they holding grudges, and if so, what would come to light if they started comparing notes?

I actually have a few ideas there, but I'd need more to work on. Also, I'd suggest staying clear of relatively obscure mythologies if you don't want to spend Exposition Points explaining them. I'm thinking the challenger would work well as a wolf-morph, maybe an immigrant to the dimension as opposed to a native champion. Again, playing up the contrast. A sea-wolf pirate controlling a trading hub, dealing with a "monster" pirate in control of a formidable fleet operation.

Hmm... I need some names. Gimme a sec, I'll look up a few. Might double-post to pitch some ideas.

EDIT: Nevermind that. I'm thinking Darya/Derya for the wolf challenger and Moana for the sharktopus. Both can be either masculine or feminine, and have oceanic meanings. Maybe Kaimana (meaning "ocean power", or "diamond") for the world they live on?
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok I know i'm going to make each character concept/feedback/idea slinging long so i'll just deal with the first one unless you want to hear more.

#1: For backstory ideas: He was very small and weak as a boy. Teased by girls and boys alike. Siblings were the worst of the teasing (genders to be determined). Instead of becoming the "Weak willed and shy" type, he snapped (sort of). Started working out and training like crazy. Even still, the teasing from his siblings continued. Eventually hes old enough and had enough money to go out on his own and get away from his mocking siblings. Started in underground fights, but went "legit" over time. Became undefeated in one arena for several years (maybe fights were rigged and he didn't know?). Was beaten one day. Thats when he went looking for new training methods, or barring that, something to increase his strength past what would be considered "normal" even for stronger beings like horse-morphs. Then he finds the resting place/seal site of the hydra. (quick question here. How are hydras handled in the lore of Eden? Are they yet?). Hydras are legendary even in a world full of legends for their strength and healing abilities. Thinking it would make him near invincible, and in practical desperation at this point, he agrees to the pact (not knowing about the AHEM "side effects"). Upon discovering the full extent of what he has gotten in to, he goes in to exile. Whether is was the curse or his own hubris, he was eventually drawn back to the arena scene.

Reason for the player to get involved: A returning arena champion, stronger than ever before, takes on all comers. "Huge prize" from the champion himself to anyone able to defeat him (maybe some other NPCs are fans and mention the reward?)! Safe to say its been a LONG time since that offer was made, but it still stands, as does he as the champ. The prize ends up being the champion himself, as the "curse" demands. He thought it impossible that anyone could outlast him, who healed nearly instantly from any wound and was strong enough to smash a boulder without breaking a sweat ... or hand. The champion created his own manifest destiny by thinking he could avoid it. Begin the stages of grief. Denying "his" impulses, it starts with him thinking the PC is just stronger and more skilled and thus he wants to train as their apprentice/disciple. The impulses build up the more you train together until ... well you can guess. From there its more or less a downward spiral of training getting more and more sexual until complete acceptance of "his" lot in life now being what it is.

Her extra heads showing inner turmoil and/or emotions could be amusing. Maybe since one head on each side ... Her conscience?

Battle concept: have a few ideas for this. But basically a reverse glass-cannon. Hydras essentially get stronger the longer they fight. Could apply the same here. The lower her health the harder she hits. Balance would be she is targeted less often than other party members and hits like a limp noodle at high HP. Maybe load her up with debuffs? Double-edged skills. Strongest at mid HP ranges, but damage her. Thus Increasing regular attack damage but also reducing the damage her skills do. So in order for her to do big damage she needs to be close to dying. (Yes I know this would be a pain to code, its just a concept).

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Hm. It occurs to me that we've got a lot of canid-morphs already. Obviously I'm just throwing out ideas, but at least one of them is going to need some adjustment.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Okay, counting up from  the bottom-most, for reasons of simplicity/applying relevant topics together...

Some very good ideas there, Spikes. I'm sadly too brainfried - it's been a long day - to give you anything more than that, I will try and give better feedback later, when my thoughts are clearer.

A nifty idea for the class basis, there, but we can't make it too complex; don't want to be frying poor Alder's brain. A reverse glass cannon, or at least a mighty glacier, might be workable. Zina does have a Tank motif, but I'd need to double-check with LD on how that's going to work.

I'm still not sure whether she should have two hydra-heads or three; I rather like the idea her tail is also an extra head, myself.

Big thing is, really, how to handle the transition. Perhaps, as per my initial idea, he goes through distinct stages, but it's not until things are finalized that she's recruited, which makes the content a little less expansive and thusly frustrating to write/handle?

Hydras have no presence in Eden, yet, so I'd be able to set the lore for them, much as LD is doing for Lizans and Kobolds.

Looking forward to your posts on the other concepts, Spikes.

First up, Tristan, the water-world is LD's creation, not mine. I think he already has a name for it, but I'll ask him about that. I like the suggestions of Dreya and Moana for the Queens' names, though.

Really, what's the big problem with making Dreya an akhlut? All that stands for is a genius bonus alternative to "orcawolf", it's not like it needs explaining, any more than Moana being a sharktopus needs explaining. Plus, if Dreya's a single species at all, it's gotta be orca; we've got lupine morphs in the game already (I think? I know there's Cale), they don't fit so well in a world that's mostly water, and after seeing some sexy orca-morph stuff on Madam Squiggles' website, I'd really like to do an orca-lady.

With that out of the way, definitely appreciate the pointers on where to start. Sadly, as I said for Spikes, still feeling pretty brain-fried, but that gives me somewhere to start contemplating from when my head is clearer.

Alright, courtesy of NightOwl and Tristan, draft form-outlines for Dreya and Moana.

- Significantly larger than average; 7-8 feet tall, for a size-play aspect and because, well, Orcas are big animals
- Strong but feminine frame; muscled limbs and midriff contrasting wide hips and average (for her height) but round and perky breast & butt; cf. the picture of She-Hulk on TVTrope's Amazon Chaser page (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmazonChaser) or Caitlyn Fairchild on Amazonian Beauty (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AmazonianBeauty)
- Sizable, but not stupidly hyper, male organ; if Miranda's 11 inches (Off the top of my head), then she's closer to 14 or 15, and about the same thickness as Miranda's
- Penis looks like a dolphin's cock (a semi-prehensile, vaguely tongue-shaped organ) with a knot? 
- Visible sheathe on her lower belly that seals shut, to keep nasties away from her junk
- No actual external testes, for the same reason, but maybe a pseudo-scrotal "bulge" at the base of her sheath, hinting at just how massive her balls are and thusly the mess she'll make when she cums?
- If she has a pussy, it seals shut for protection against barnacles, etc, but is otherwise fairly normal, if very elastic
- Both versions have black & white patterned, very smooth, slick skin
- Both versions have a long mane of black & white-mottled or striped hair that flows down their back
- Both versions have an "orca-morph's tail"; a long, thick, rounded appendage that ends in a pair of horizontal flukes (take a look at Orcadam here for an example: http://madamsquiggles.tumblr.com/tagged/orcadam - see the bottom-most pic, specifically)
- Monstergirl version has a human-like face with "fox features" (narrow and slender, basically) and a pair of wolf-like ears atop her head, and clawed, webbed but otherwise human hands and feet
- Anthro version has a wolf-morph's face, a bipedal structure, and with slightly oversized hands & feet that look like clawed flukes at first glance due to pronounced webbing
- Not sure if either version should have a blowhole; might be too far into creepy, or might make for an interesting capacity for deepthroating if you seduce her enough she's willing to suck you off

- Larger than average, but distinctly smaller than her rival Dreya, so about 6 to 6'6"
- Very feminine frame; soft-looking limbs and midriff, large breasts, fertile hips, round butt; she's generally a lot curvier than Dreya, something the akhlut finds annoying
- Twin tentacle style cocks; very long, but thin, so she can easily worm her way into either hole, or either stuff both if you're a little stretchier than normal
-- Not sure what they look like beyond being tentacles, though
- Tentacle-cocks retract into an almost pussy-like slit when not in use, to keep things out of her junk
- If she has a pussy, it likewise can seal itself up, and is filled with wriggling cilia that rub a penetrating cock like mini-tentacles when it intrudes
- Both versions have tough, but smooth, skin, color undecided
- Both versions sport clawed, webbed hands & feet, four octopus tentacles emerging from the back, a shark-like fin on her spine, and possibly a "tenta-tail"; an appendage that looks like a shark's tail at first, but is actually prehensile and can be used to grip things, maybe with suckers underneath - LD chided me for wanting to follow in the footsteps of the first sharktopus pic I saw, due to it having so many suckers (maybe I should post that for comparison?)
- Both versions have a long, almost tentacle-like, prehensile tongue with a very keen sense of taste
- Both versions have shark-like teeth
- Really, the main difference between versions is about the face at this moment in time; contrast, say, Alder's early depiction of Izma to the artwork done for... what was her name, the shark/harpy with an anemone dick in CoC?

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
First up, Tristan, the water-world is LD's creation, not mine. I think he already has a name for it, but I'll ask him about that. I like the suggestions of Dreya and Moana for the Queens' names, though.

Really, what's the big problem with making Dreya an akhlut? All that stands for is a genius bonus alternative to "orcawolf", it's not like it needs explaining, any more than Moana being a sharktopus needs explaining. Plus, if Dreya's a single species at all, it's gotta be orca; we've got lupine morphs in the game already (I think? I know there's Cale), they don't fit so well in a world that's mostly water, and after seeing some sexy orca-morph stuff on Madam Squiggles' website, I'd really like to do an orca-lady.

With that out of the way, definitely appreciate the pointers on where to start. Sadly, as I said for Spikes, still feeling pretty brain-fried, but that gives me somewhere to start contemplating from when my head is clearer.

I'm still getting up to speed on what's been done and how, and reminding myself that not all of my ideas are gold. I'm glad some of them are worth working with, though. It's been a while since I've had something to be enthusiastic about working on, even if all I'm doing is brainstorming.

I'm thinking Dreya would be a morph, probably descended from some land-based immigrants. Moana would have the monster-girl attributes, and a more native background. Basically continuing the established power vs. upstart newcomer theme. Also, considering the non-bipedal nature of Moana's lower body, I think she might actually scale a little larger than Dreya would, even if she's technically shorter. Sorry, I'm just at my most active right now, even if it's still the middle of the night, and I'm wanting to work on something.

As to the world's name, I was just throwing it out since I didn't see a name attached to it yet.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
First of all, since you're apparently caching up on the lore, I'll just remind you that the portals have been shut down for a couple of generations. Even with some minor allowance for time hokery, does it really make sense that Dreya would be from an immigrant family?

Plus, I'll remind you, I'm not really wanting her to be a pure wolf-morph, unless you're thinking that "immigrant bloodline" is why she's part wolf?

Also, why do you think Moana isn't bipedal? I explicitly called her out in my last post as a bipedal creature - essentially a shark-girl with octopus tentacles on her back.

Incidentally, although the water world isn't actually named yet, let's just say that we both want there to be a deeper meaning behind its name, we're not just going to slap a word on it because it's foreign-sounding.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Easy, easy! I was thinking there might have been some... mutation across generations (Two or three, at least. I know the portals have been down for a while). I was thinking some of it might have been voluntary at first (mess with a few alchemy potions to adapt to a new biosphere), and some of those traits were passed on. Feel free to reject it, my ideas are just thoughts. If I had the ability to do more than come up with a few wild thoughts, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

The non-bipedal thing was an honest mistake (though I think it might be interesting, see above for the value of my input). As for the name, it was just an idea. The meaning is there, but I'm not trying to push it. I just came across it when looking for the other two. And honestly, you'd be surprised at how uncreative most place names are, especially once you translate the meanings.


Aug 27, 2015
First of all QB, portals have been dead for around 10 years, give or take. That doesn't really constitute "generations" in my books.

No comments on the second point.

I don't really have any interest in the third point, but what you say sounds more boring than her not being bipedal.

When I asked for "deeper meaning behind it" I wanted this:  "Maybe Kaimana (meaning "ocean power", or "diamond") for the world they live on?"

Instead you got into an argument with me about not understanding what I mean. To elaborate on the name, the name doesn't fit the water plane I'm brainstorming, but I appreciate the suggestion. I might use it for something within the world, but not as the name of the world itself.

I think this addresses most everything that I see wrong here. Don't lash out on people like that QB. If you didn't want help, why ask for it? And if you did want help, be gracious to people willing to pitch in.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
...I'm guessing my last post here came across as more aggressive than I thought. I'd been trying for just a casual, questioning/explanatory tone; I do appreciate the suggestions, Tristan, I just wanted to point out the lore. And even, I was wrong there, as LD reminded me.

I'm sorry if you thought I was getting angry, because that really wasn't my intention. I thought it was just friendly querying.

I don't know what LD's talking about when he makes that line about the "third point". I was basically being hypothetical, referring to the appearance outline drafting I did above. I'm still drafting and mulling things over here, so I'm not necessarily set against the idea of being an "octomaid" style body... although I could have sworn that LD wasn't  a fan of octomaids. It is how sharktopi are generally depicted; octopus tentacles from the rear, shark at front...

Sorry, just reeling myself back on track there. I've been given flak before in the past for my tendency to "fix what ain't broken", and justifiably so; I've no intention of letting Moana end up becoming a lusca somehow. Which would basically be "sharktopus with lipples (see: CoC's Scylla)", before anyone asks.

Anyway, trying to get back on topic... damn it all, I'm lashing out at you guys again? Anyway, what do you think of the draft appearance for the two?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Er, for the record it didn't strike me as lashing out at all. Specific points were raised and specific points were addressed. But I shouldn't make the thread about meta-drama.As to orca and sharkatpus, they both seem like interesting character concepts you have a passion for, which is every pissible good reason to be excited for them getting worked on. I don't personally feel like I have a lot to add, since they are a bit out of my particular purview. Still, thumbs up all arond though.

If you decided to roll wtith the Hydra getting another or some number of extra heads, and also decided to keep the character as having  few stages of per-recruitment transformation, maybe the head would form with the utterly ravenous and uninhibited personality the hydragirl will supposedly develop fully realized. You could have him/her be embarrassed by/dreadful of/secretly titillated by it before the final transformation, and depending on whether you decide to go with her fully giving into her lusts or with her maintaining more personal control the head could either be gloating or grudgingly impressed. Almost like a physical, sex-crazed manifestation of the curse itself.

Plus, if there is any tsundere to Hydragirl at all, I can't help but imagine a scene where she insists she isn't interested in sex only to eventually realize her second head has already started to give you a blowjob. I guess that only works with a tail-mounted head, but still.Hot.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
To be honest, I'm also pretty passionate about hydra-girl; even if I can't spin the gladiator thing for her in the end, I dearly would love to work on her. I'm mostly talking about the "water monsters"/"pirate queens"/whatever you want to shorthand Dreya and Moana as because that's what the most  recent posts have been focusing on. :p

The unicorn I'm not so fussed on, but that's only in comparison. I'd still like to see if I can pull him off, but on a personal level he doesn't "hook" me as much as the hydra-girl or these two water monsters.

Also, the idea of getting a blowjob from a tsundere/mischievous hydra-girl's tail-head is pretty hot, or at least that's what I think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's something about the idea of a proud-yet-steadily-feminizing warrior realizing that their super slutty twin sister has grown out of their luscious ass overnight, and that she has no problem announcing whenever they are aroused. My personal tastes run much closer to the monstergirl as opposed to the anthro side of the spectrum? But either way this character's entire concept has really snagged me.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
I agree. I'm always saying FoE could use more sexy xenogals that aren't furries in it. But then, I guess it depends on where you draw the limit to MGness. Does it end at "scaled limbs, so like a human cosplaying a monster"? Or does it end at "scaly skinned girl with draconic limbs, horns, and some extra anthro-faced serpents coming out of her body"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The heart wants what it wants, as they same. And sometimes the heart wants a scaly skinned girl with draconic limbs, horns, and some extra anthro-faced serpents coming out of her body.

As to the class niche Hydragirl (needs a better codename, for the record) would fill....hrm. Well, you've got tank and bruiser covered. Duelist? Fightery with their skills becoming more powerful if you keep choosing the same target?
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, I take it you're okay with my current plan for her ultimate form, Bravanger? I ask because it looks like it, but I've learned never to assume anything.

Hmm... so many things to think about, so many thoughts in my head. Going to try and actually do something here with some brainstorming. Refining ideas is always my worst skill...

Not helping, of course, is my own damn rusty memory. Something I'd forgotten about is that the water world is going to have huge storms that frequently spring up all over. Even traveling from place to place is tricky; fighting out on the open seas is an idiot's gamble.

There is hope, LD actually admitted to me that he thinks Moana and Dreya have potential, but even so, my own limited knowledge of the world I want to put them in hinders me from applying it productively... I got to figure out some way to make them shine...


For a name, what about "Ashley"? It is feminine leaning, but it is also a masculine name; see the Evil Dead franchise - the titular hero's full name is Ashley J. Williams.

Class concept is something that needs work, hindered by the fact I'm not actually that caught up on the actual combat jobs currently in the game. I think that these are the jobs as they stand, but take anything I say here with a grain of salt.
* Fighter: Vanilla combat role, jack of all traits type melee combatant with no particular strengths or weaknesses.
* Bruiser: Pure brute strength combat, with powerful but inaccurate melee strikes and the ability to sacrifice health for strength. This is, I think, the "Burst" combat role, possibly with some glass cannon overlap.
* Ranger: Described as "precision strikes and CC", its current game abilities focus on debillitation mostly - inflicting slowness or bleeding, setting up a trap, or piercing defenses. I think that puts it into a "Debuffer" combat role, possibly with an overlap with "DPS" when/if it gets expanded/revised.
* Rogue: Is a tricky fighter, focused on a mixture of dirty tactics (inflicting blindness, heightened damage on debuffed foes) and self-buff. By its abilities as they stand, it looks like a "Debuffer/DPS" combined combat role.
* Defender: Not yet in the game, planned for Zina. This is a Tank type class, relying on a mixture of buffs and drawing aggro to work as part of the team. I think that means it counts as a "Buffer" combat role?
* Monk: Not yet in the game, LD has plans for such a character. This is a "Combo Specialist" combat role, using special techniques that are more effective when chained together in sequence, and will be unique to that character.

Not helping, I admit, is that most of the combat roles are pretty much filled, either by existing characters or planned ones. We have a combo specialist (LD's monk), a melee burst damager (Miranda), a melee DPS (Terry), kind of have a melee debuffer (Zina) and, well, healing and buffer don't really connect so well with melee.

I had more ideas when I started this... it's hard to feel all that enthusiastic when someone points out that this character has all the signs of a cheesy, goofball boss monster... 

Maybe I should just keep the idea of the hydra-girl's species and start this concept over from scratch.


The "Queen of the Underworld" in (insert name here) makes no secret of her humble beginnings. In fact, she rather boasts of it. Born the daughter of fisherfolk, she lost her father to poisoning from a bad batch of moonshine and her mother died in one of the legendary storms that wrack the oceans of this world, dashed to death along with the family's fishing boat and their hopes of fending off debtors for the year against a spur of rock. Turned out on the street by an uncaring landlord, Moana fended for herself as one of the countless urchins, living hand-to-mouth on the street by picking pockets, scavenging for valuables and still half-edible food, con games and fighting tooth and nail (sometimes literally) for everything she could get.

But Moana didn't just survive, she thrived. With strength of will to match her growing strength of body, and a keen mind to match her steely grip, she started to make a name for herself. She started a street gang, enticing others to follow her through a cocktail of people skills, success and intimidation faction. When a rival gangboss challenged her, she beat him senseless and took over his gang. Soon, she had herself a veritable army of followers, and she didn't have to keep scrabbling for every mouthful of food and coin - but her ambitions wouldn't let her stop there.

She started going after bigger challenges. She started running protection rackets, managing her own bands of muggers and thieves. She took on skilled moonshiners and started protecting them in exchange for exclusive rights to sell their liquor - so long as they made good booze and didn't try to cut it. Illegal she may be, but she's always had her own peculiar code of right and wrong, and among the things, she's very fussy about customer satisfaction. Nobody ever brings it up these days, but, when the story of her eating a moonshiner who made a batch so tainted it fatally poisoned a dozen clients ever gets brought up, she always just gets this toothy grin and stares at the one who asked until they drop it. When a pimp tried to coax her into a life of drug-addled servitude as one of his abused whores, she killed him and took over his stable as her own. And so it went.

Eventually, Moana owned the underworld of (insert name here). She took the money she was using and she invested it back into the community. She took on legitimate business, as cover and as further financing opportunities. There's not an inn, tavern, gambling hall or brothel that isn't either owned by her or paying her a cut of the percentage. She's living the high life now. Ironically, she's even become a rather popular local figure, as she turns a lot of her funding into improving the city she lives in. Charities for orphans and widows, free hospitals for the sick, things like that. She just waves it off as good for business, but the truth is, she's got a huge soft spot for those who're in trouble and she genuinely likes helping them, deep down.

Moana has been "queen" for quite some time, and although only an idiot underestimates her, she acts surprisingly playfully for someone in her position. In essence, Moana's philosophy is that she's "paid her dues" with all the struggle and hard work, so now it's time to Party! Although she's far too street smart to waste everything, she considers it only right and proper that she can indulge in as much of what she considers luxurious hedonism as is possible. She owns her own fancy house, she eats all the delicious food she wants, and she can otherwise mess around as she sees fit.

Incidentally, yes, this has taken its toll on her figure; hence the note about her having such a soft-looking body and huge curves above. She wears it with pride; after all, she's been skinny as a reed before, back in the days when she'd be lucky to get a decent meal once a week. This is much nicer.

Her personality is a complex affair. She can be sweetness and light to those she's friends with, warm and understanding to those who want something from her, hard as steel when she's driving a bargain, and ruthless to her enemies. She is a wise and thoughtful figure, practical and intelligent, and not easy to outwit or outcharm. But at the same time, she has a strong playful streak and a love of mischief; to those rare souls trusted with the greatest intimacy of her heart, she's a flippant, flirty minx who just loves to play games.

Especially lewd ones. Moana is, to put it bluntly, an unabashed pervert. She's had to guard herself sexually, to avoid becoming just someone else's arm-candy during her youth, so now that she's in power, she's got a lot of catching up to do.

Sexually, the most important thing to understand about Moana is this: she's in charge. She's never demeaning or violent, and would be offended at the suggestion. But she makes it clear that her partner is enjoying her body on her terms. Her mischievousness mingles with her dominant streak to give her a huge love of teasing. Verbal and physical teasing is her way of expressing affection to a lover, and she loves sexual experiences that build on from that. Edging and orgasm denial, public molestation, bondage with her tentacles - truth be told, at her darkest, Moana has a something of a humiliation fetish, though this usually only comes out when she's upset with her partner.

For this reason, Moana's ideal partner would be someone lower on the Dom meter. She wants a partner who enjoys surrendering to her tender ministrations and being controlled. Initially, Moana would probably like a low-Slut lover best, because that makes for much funnier reactions when she does things like molest them with her tentacles in public or surreptitiously feed them one of her cocks. As her relationship deepens, though, she'd want a higher Slut value; she still wants to play her games, but she yearns for her lover to actually enjoy them as much as she does. Stupid guilty conscience.

Needless to say, Moana isn't interested in packing up. She's sunk her tentacles deeply into (insert name here); this is her life, comfortable and made to fit, and she's not intending to give it up. Having children with the player would be fine, at a higher relationship - more challenging to unlock her as the mother, but not impossible - but she's not going to leave. She welcomes them back with all her limbs spread wide, but she won't try to keep them with her.

Secretly, Moana enjoys a challenge; part of the reason for her playful streak is that, frankly, it's kind of boring at the top of the hill. She misses the excitement of clawing her way up to the top. So, when would-be usurpers show up, she actually rather enjoys it, treating their efforts to topple her as a game she can enjoy to amuse herself. Thusly, she lets them get away with a lot, relishing the challenge of pitting wits against someone again. Unless they cross one of her lines in the sand. She expects a certain level of... restraint... in one's efforts. Getting too bloodthirsty will snap her out of "gamesmistress" mode and make her get serious. You won't like her when she's serious.

Thusly, Dreya's gambits are the highlight of Moana's recent days, and she finds great amusement in the hybrid's efforts. Dreya knows this and it incenses her.

Moana is most likely to be the highlight of quests needing the player to get things done around (insert name here), especially those of a rather dodgy nature. She may have sidequests for them challenging them to assist her via "problem solving". If all else fails, as she's always looking for a way to quench the boredom, the player can befriend her by being entertaining - just the stories they can tell of their adventurers are enough to get her interested, as she's never been offworld or even left her settlement (then again, few do). 


It can be said that money can't buy you happiness, and unfortunately for Dreya, that's the case for her.

Dreya is the eldest (only?) daughter of a wealthy wolf-morph merchant and his orca-morph wife. Her father was originally from Eden, a trader who came through back during the waning years of the portals, some 20+ years ago, only to be stranded in this world when the portal unexpectedly closed forever. A driven and hardy soul, he moved on and soon found his niche. His wife was originally a bodyguard he hired one trading mission, which saw them taking a sailing craft... naturally, a storm chose that moment to blow up. She saved his life when he was knocked overboard, but they were stranded together on a small, deserted island for a couple of months. Nature took its course and, well, eventually her belly was rounding with what would turn out to be Dreya. The courtship was rather... turbulent, to the point that Dreya narrowly avoided being born before they got married, but they've turned out to be quite happy together.

Dreya herself, though, has never really felt like she's fit in. A rebel without a cause, she's young and restless, striving to find herself a place in the world in hopes that'll make her feel satisfied with herself.

Hence, her rivalry with Moana. She wants the sharktopus' throne, just to prove she's the toughest and the strongest, the baddest and the best; she wants to make a name for herself, and she hopes that taking down the legendary underworld figure will achieve that. In fairness to her, she's not wrong.

So tired... ran out of steam on Dreya, I'm afraid, but hopefully I can come back to her in time.

LD will hate me forever for saying this, but, from the dim recollections of my thoughts on Dreya, she'd actually have some potential as a follower. Unlike Moana, she's not tied down to this world - as a matter of fact, she actively wants to get out there and explore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you aren't digging the gladiator aspect of it so much, you could make it where this predicament Ashley is in (good name choice) is less of an explicit curse and more of desperation reproduction strategy the race has. Basically hydras will choose to breed the normal way given their choice, but if a hydra is unable to mate for whatever reason and is mortally wounded or gravely ill, they can "regenerate" by implanting part of themselves into someone nearby (whoever killed or was trying to help or just happened by). The original hydra would then transform its host from the inside, emerging herself as one of the new hydra's tail heads along with some other heads made up of the host's more primal instincts (slut and brute heads all around, in short).

In essence it's a take on the core hydra concept, where if you cut off a head two more grow back. If a hydra dies, she can grow herself back onto an unlucky (or lucky, depending) new sister.

As for appearance, it's maybe pushing a touch too far into the xenomorph-y scale for me? Horns, scales, snakey eyes and tongues; that's all fine and dandy. Again, my tastes run closer to what you called the "cosplaying a monster" side of things, but it's still good. Actual shoulder-mounted heads might take it over the edge to a degree. I personally quite like the idea of the extra hydra heads being mounted on multiple tails. All just one man's opinion.
Feb 24, 2016
Hi, I'm new here and I saw QB's issue with Combat Roles and just wanted to give my own idea on this. You consider the Swashbuckler role for this character, they fill kinda the same premise of the Tank but in a different way. The Swashbuckler draws aggro through taunting their foes, and survive attacks not by tanking but rather being dexterous and dodging incoming attacks. Swashbucklers tend to make a show out of a fight being highly charismatic and tend to get quite an ego from it too. I bring up this idea because Gladiators are people who fight for others entertainment and Swashbucklers make for excellent showmen.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
I hope this doesn't come off as aggressive... when I say "shoulder mounted heads", Bravanger, I basically mean she has two "tentacles" coming out of her back, roughly where wings would be. Each tentacle is a serpentine neck and body, tipped with an appropriately sized snake-morph's head that also sports draconic horns. Does that make things clearer?

Hmm... that implant/regeneration-possession thing sounds interesting, but there needs to be a way to spin it so that it's less darker. Let's be honest, you can see how this can be written off as a total death of personality, right? Hmm... I'm torn between the "the host body was originally dying/dead, so the 'orginal' personality you meet is actually only a confused approximation based on the host's dying memories" approach, or the "this is karmic, but it's still not a total persona-death, because this character actually was trans/gay but in denial to begin with" approach... any one have any comments on the matter?

Well now, I don't think we have a character who does anything like that so far, Cosmic. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll take it into account.

I've got to try and work on Dreya more, I know, but what do people think of my current thoughts about Moana?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It doesn't come off as aggressive at all! And yeah, that makes it a lot clearer; I was picturing heads lined up like coconuts; the way you've explained it seems totally cool.

You could always spin it so that, while their body is drastically changed, the regeneration host's personality and mind are mostly unaffected. In essence the original hydra is being reborn as the sibling of the new hydra. Going even further, you could make it so hydras aren't a mono-gendered race. Going off of the "in denial" aspect you mentioned, the regeneration host turns into a hydra girl because the process is powered by primal, deep urges and that's what he at his core wanted to be. The original hydra could have even been male himself and is now bemused/extra inclined to slut it up now that he's found he was reborn as part of a sexy lady instead of a sexy dude.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Actually... I don't find that as a bad idea. It'd also make me feel less bad about him changing into such a different creature.