Psychic Class Ideas


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Hey I am fairly certain this has been posted before but I figured since I have suggested ideas before in some other forums I figured I should post my own psychic class ideas here. I didn't see a sticky thread saying not to post class ideas so if this is a faux pas sorry for any anger and/or annoyance this thread may cause.

Class 01: Psychic Warrior (Name WIP)

Basic info: A class that specialises in making weapons out of psychic energy to do battle. Main stats are Willpower for weapon damage, Reflexes and Physique or Aim depending on the build. Mostly passive perks.

Level 01 Form Psi Blade and Psi Bow: Easy implementation idea maybe to add an extra tab to the personal info section next to preferred gender to generate either of them into your inventory. Base damage of either weapon equal to Willpower divided by two round up.


Level 02 Psychic Feedback: Your Psi blades and Psi Bows restore 5 energy per hit

Level 03 Psychic Resistance: Resistance to Psychic Damage 10%

Level 04: Foresight: Gain +5 to hit and dodge as your psychic abilities allow you to partially see into the future

Level 05: Psychic Flight: Gain the ability to fly a few feet off of the ground at will, half travel time and negates ground based traps like land mines or tripwires. If flight mechanics from stuff like wings become a thing then maybe remove the height limit of psychic flight

Level 06 Psychic Resistance 2: Resistance to Psychic damage now 15%

Level 07 Psychic Focus: Gain +20% damage to all Psi Blades and Psi Bows

Level 08 Heroic Reserves

Psychic Swordsman

Level 02a Stunning Blade: Stun chance added to your psi blades based on your Willpower.

Level 03a Life Leech: Heal yourself whenever you damage a foe with an attack from your psi blade equal to 1/10(maybe more or less depending on game balance) of the damage you dealt

Level 04a Refined Psi Blade: Allows you to make a short sword (-3 damage but no penalties to aim for extra attacks), long sword (new default psi blade +5 damage) or a great sword (+10 damage but gain a penalty to accuracy)

Level 05a Sword Blast: Expend 25 energy to swing your psi blade in a 180 degree arc in front of you shooting out a blast of psychic energy dealing high damage to all foes in front of you

Level 06a Penetrating Blade: Your psi blades now ignore half of your opponents armour.

Level 07a Blink Strike: Quickly teleport behind your foe and strike them unaware for a guaranteed critical hit and then return to your starting position. Costs 25 energy

Level 08a Second Attack

Psychic Archer

Level 02b Blinding shot: Blind chance added to your psi bow based on Willpower (maybe twice as likely as Stunning Blade)

Level 03b Barbed Arrows: Adds bleeding DoT to your psi bow based on Willpower (only works on living organic targets)

Level 04b Refined Psi Bow: Allows you to make a short bow (-3 damage but no penalties to aim for extra attacks), long bow (new default psi bow +5 damage) and crossbow (+5 damage and ignores armour but has to spend an action to reload or if you get second shot you only shoot once)

Level 05b Concentrated Arrow: Expend 25 energy to fire a single massive arrow/bolt that deals very high damage to a single target

Level 06 Disruptive Arrows: Your psi bow now deals extra damage to shields and robotic enemies with the extra damage being determined by Willpower

Level 07b Confusing Arrows: Your psi bow now has a chance of confusing your foes as well

Level 08b Second Shot

Psychomancer (Name WIP)

Basic info: A class that makes constructs out of psychic energy as well as blasting them with their psychic powers. Willpower is the most important stat and none of their abilities are dependent on weaponry. Lots of Crowd Control

Level 01 Psi Beam: Expend 15 Energy to blast a single foe with a beam of pure psychic damage


Level 02 Mind Over Matter: Gain a bonus to resist all status effects based on Willpower

Level 03 Mental Fortress: Gain 10% Psychic damage resistance

Level 04 Psychic Mastery: Reduce the energy cost of all psychic abilities by 5

Level 05 Energy Within: Once per battle you may recover all of your energy

Level 06 Mental Fortress 2: Gain 15% psychic damage reduction

Level 07 Psychic Mastery 2: Reduce the energy cost of all psychic abilities by 10

Level 08 Heroic Reserves


Level 02a Summon Minions: You summon 3 minions that attack your foes that have HP equal to your Willpower and they deal damage based on your Willpower. This ability costs 25 energy and the minions last for four turns or until they are slain.

Level 03a Summon Barrier: You summon a barrier made of psychic energy that absorbs all damage from all enemy attacks until it is destroyed or four turns have passed. This ability costs 30 energy and has hp equal to 2.5x your Willpower.

Level 04a Summon Tentacles: You cover the field in tentacles made of psychic energy that attack, grapple and crush your foes. The tentacles can't be attacked but once someone breaks free from their grapple they are destroyed. Their is one tentacle for each enemy, their damage and accuracy is based off of your Willpower and once they hit their target they then make a grapple check. Should they succeed on grappling their foe they just automatically hit until the target breaks free or their timer runs out. They last for four turns. This ability costs 30 energy.

Level 05a Summon Guardian: You summon a large hulking giant suit of armour that blocks attacks for you and attacks your foes. The guardians stats are based off of Willpower and he lasts for four turns. This ability costs 35 energy.

Level 06a Summoning Potency: Your Summons now last  20% longer as well as being able to deal and take 20% more damage.

Level 07a Wild Summon: For 85 energy you will summon a random number of the summons you know with Willpower influencing the odds of the number of summons that you summon.

Level 08a Second Attack:


Level 02b Lightning Storm: Blast all enemies in front of you with electricity for 20 energy with damage based on Willpower.

Level 03b Flame Blast: Blast all enemies in front of you with fire for 30 energy with a chance to apply a burning DoT and damage is based on Willpower.

Level 04b Psychic Storm: You create a raging storm of pure psychic energy that lasts for 3 rounds and deals damage based on Willpower. This ability costs 40 energy.

Level 05b Multi Blast: You can now fire up to X number of psi beams where X is equal to half your Willpower round down. You can choose to focus fire on a single target to hit them Y amount of times where Y is equal to one fifth of your Willpower or have it start at the top of the enemy list and work its way down and starting again until it runs out of psi beams.

Level 06b Blasting Potency: Your Blaster abilities now do 20% more damage

Level 07b Hyper Beam: You unleash a massive beam of psychic energy onto a single target that deals very high energy damage. Costs 45 energy

Level 08b Second Shot
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Sorry to say, but the psionic class or any class for that matter will only be decided by Fenco.

Psionics especially is a no no subject when it comes to suggestions. The limitations on what they can and can´t do haven´t been decided yet. 

I assume psionics and a psychic based class won´t see the light for years.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
a psychic based class won´t see the light for years.

If it ever does see the light. Honestly I am unsure where the idea even originates, to pop up so frequently. AFAIK developers rarely or never talked about adding a whole new class just for psionics, in seriousness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.

No problem :)  

If it ever does see the light. Honestly I am unsure where the idea even originates, to pop up so frequently. AFAIK developers rarely or never talked about adding a whole new class just for psionics, in seriousness.

Words carry fast around here. Only a brief mention of something possibly happening seems to be enough.

And then there´s the guys who thinks a sci fi rpg needs it´s own variation of the wizard class, which would logically be the psychic class.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Honestly I am unsure where the idea even originates, to pop up so frequently.

I think it has to do with the developers themselves. During character creation, there is a small blurb when choosing the stat you want to specialize in. It talks about how willpower would be something that would be useful for people who have psionic abilities or something like that. In addition, selecting intellect will give a blurb about how it is useful for tech specialists, an already established class. Since intellect is linked so closely to one kind of class, it would make some sense that willpower, which references psionics, is linked to another class. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That willpower will be useful or mandatory for psionics use does not mean that there should or would be a psionics class. I get what you are saying and how your argumentation makes sense, but I do not agree. Developers have stated over and over again that psionics for the pc will be late game. So unless we get the mechanic to change classes or some sort of multi-class system, a psionic class makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wel some weeks ago Fenoxo itself DO said that he wil add in future 4th class revolving around Psionics. But he not stated how soon it will be and I think it wasn't clear stated (or I jsut forgot) if he said about it been either addon to 3 existing classes accesable after some point in game or as 4th starting class. I 'think' it supposed to be 4th starting class but please not quote this on me ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Alright, this is interesting and I have missed it. Sorry for talking potential bullcrap (or not, since none of this is confirmed, affirmed or negated).

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hooooboy this thread again... lol Really... I'd wait until later to do this since fenfen has plans already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alright, this is interesting and I have missed it. Sorry for talking potential bullcrap (or not, since none of this is confirmed, affirmed or negated).

No harm done. It was I tink meantioned in some thread by ZFenoxo seemly jsut casualy...or was it in one of older threads about psionics. But threads about how psionics could be is bound to happen until...Fenoxo finaly in one or other way add psionic related class to the game.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Fenco will add psionic classes when they feel like its time.  Until then, attempting to prod them will not end well. 

For the love of cthuhlu, lets not dissolve into a flamefest about why Fen isn't doing this yet (like the last physic class idea thread)

Here are the answers to all your questions.  Please don't poke the dragon any further. 

How crazy and completely new and unheard of.

Psionic content is a "late game" addition for the player. Uveto is a mild taste of it. It will be done up at a later date.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
If Psionics is a mid-late game thing it wouldn't make sense for there to be a fresh level 1 Psionic Steele in future patches. I don't know if it's already been said on other threads but I see Psionics as something that would augment your base class instead of being a whole seperate class.

Like Smugglers would turn into something like Psylocke, sneaky ninja's with psionic blades. And Tech Specialists would be like Newtypes with PSYCOMMU Systems in Gundam, controlling numerous bits/fangs (drones).

Making 3 psuedo-classes would be a bigger headache than just making one new class, just throwing the idea out there if it hasn't already been done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
We seen this topic showing up under new poster periodicaly so nothing much to work up over. Well but seems this time we reached point of drying it up earlier so hopefully till next few weeks or so we wouldn't get next one thread (or till this one will not move to second subpage on tits section topics list).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm getting the feeling there should be a sticky devoted to what FenCo plans for psionics, and what NOT to suggest over and over again. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It was nice back when I wasn't so into internet smut. I'd forget about CoC for 6 months and come back to twice the content.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
I'm getting the feeling there should be a sticky devoted to what FenCo plans for psionics, and what NOT to suggest over and over again. 

If this is an issue then perhaps it would be best to post a sticky covering all of the faux pas that newbies like myself evidently make on a somewhat regular occurrence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@redpenguin You not need to feel bad or smth like that. Even if there would be such sticky posts some people would still ignore this and post things that would ends up with been commented as asking the same bloody question again. Just take this situation her as something that happening to forum over and over. I seen already many threads when people was talking about psionic class from many diff angles.

Point is that you not need to tkae to heart some harsh words said here. That what people that accidentaly steps on those mines getting. When you get used to this and know what topics was already been asked many times with the same reply you will be fine and enjoy been part of this forum ;)


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
@redpenguin You not need to feel bad or smth like that. Even if there would be such sticky posts some people would still ignore this and post things that would ends up with been commented as asking the same bloody question again. Just take this situation her as something that happening to forum over and over. I seen already many threads when people was talking about psionic class from many diff angles.

Point is that you not need to tkae to heart some harsh words said here. That what people that accidentaly steps on those mines getting. When you get used to this and know what topics was already been asked many times with the same reply you will be fine and enjoy been part of this forum ;)

Thanks but I wasn't offended it just seemed like a good idea for someone to write up some basic guidelines of what not to bring up since it has been done to death, beyond the "your idea is bad" thread.